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amazing how much her face changed. she looks like a completely different person.

It’s obviously the same person. Both yanks personalities obsess over the same person daily for years. His ‘emmayank’ side gets deeply offended when you link the two because he’s separated them in his head
I didnt put /brit/ in the subject of that thread on purpose
It wouldve got deleted anyways because its le political and not some digital cartoon made a japanese tranny
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Nth for Emma Watson’s pooey bumhole.
if you have a gimmick instead of just shitposting, you are a horrible wastoid who should be embarrassed
don't care if eating pussy is seen as a sign of submissiveness, I just like doing it and hack maybe even get off on being submissive to a woman
only spaedo is mentally ill enough to act like that
didnt know yanks still had fax machines
I guess you’re too new to remember the time Thailad and I nearly doxxed gingernonce.
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clocked in for streamertoil
think i might become an ironic mouseposter
sucking my morning cofe’
Haven't even been to bed yet me
you should do like we do, stack chips like hebrews
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So you didn’t dox him then
Spaedo is just annoying but he’s not part of this anyway. ‘Emmayank’ and ‘gingernonce’ have been posting the same exact girl daily for many years. Ones obviously paedophilic but being obsessed with a woman famous for child acting is as close you get to being a paedophile without legally being one (but you’re obviously dodgy especially when you add scat on top)
It’s the same exact traits engaged in same exact style of obsession from the same flag over the same period of time. He’s Jekyll and Hyde but one’s a mega nonce and the other a light nonce
I will start treating posts ending with the number 17 with a healthy amount of suspicion
german luger for your ass, bitch, deepthroat it
Oh i get it, it's 190 with another shit early morning gimmick. Warming up before the EW/Belgium spam
This one is cooler
>not february 17, 2017
>not january 7, 2017
alri x
Obviously he’s stopped replying now, deffo the same nonce
OJ Simpson has died
fuck off spaedo
>17, 2017


disenfranchising a poo
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If you follow the /brit/ lore you’d know that gingerpedo lives in Texas and that I live in Kentucky.
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we need more posts like this, for some reason y'all are all so grim right now
Thinking about my ex girlfriends getting railed by other men
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel described Cruz's online profiles and accounts as "very, very disturbing".[8] They contained pictures and posts of him with a variety of weapons, including long knives, a shotgun, a pistol, and a BB gun. Police said that he held "extremist" views; social media accounts that were thought to be linked to him contained anti-black and anti-Muslim slurs.[8] YouTube comments linked to him include "I wanna die Fighting killing shit ton of people", and threats against police officers.[8] One of Cruz's Instagram accounts had a profile photo of a person wearing a "Make America Great Again" baseball cap
Cruz also idolized many different infamous mass murderers, such as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho, James Eagan Holmes, and Elliot Rodger, as well as regularly read and studied Wikipedia articles and documentaries about infamous mass shootings
the cheese has been discovered
wasted in the old
i will die in my sleep tonight
whjy do you think this//??
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>Humanized Rainbow Dash
End your life

nigga you gon cop a life fo dat
btw i'm doing an extremely gay little dance while listening to this
Just woke up from my booze nap. That's my sleep schedule fucked then. Boozeberg always takes more than he gives innit
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more of a twi or pinkie guy myself
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Getting my breakfast in early.
Grim. 'Rito looks good at least
that's a picture of your shoes mate
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some would say being eaten early is a core characteristic of breakfasts
where is my mind
where is my mind
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Benny and the jets
i can tell it tastes good despite looking bad
Ah yes
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why repost my thumbnail?
pitch black outside
this is life for the next few months
dark when i wake up
dark when i get home from work at least from when the clocks change
D C and B
D's head obviously gets smashed depending on how far out he is
C will get destroyed after B gets mauled by the stone ball that comes off the lever
why post it in the first place weebtrannynonce
>Internet replaces TV as UK’s most popular news source for first time
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Plenty bright in Pakistan this time of year. You could go back y'know.
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Act II: The Hero's Journey
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first of all, im not a weeb, nothing i post has been drawn by a japanese person
secondly, im not a tranny, or a childfucker, youre just projecting
e puts his back out and dies from complications many years later
okay mong
>Kirachi: Sunrise - 06:16, Sunset - 18:40
>Leeds: Sunrise - 06:32, Sunset - 19:33
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Anime is allowed
The sun is off to Pakistan. You should follow it home
im thirsty

but tired
maybe i drink then sleep
>im not a weebtrannynonce
>posts a pic of an anime child
inb4 it's manga/it's ai/it's a 400 year old witch/some other weebtrannynonce cope
it's morning mate
morning is the time to wake up
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who shit in your cereal?????
not shaving this morning
can't be arsed
yeh just in time for the shit gimmicks when toilmongs instantly wake up and have one thing on their mind "post gimmick, go to toil, go home, post gimmick, eat shit sleep"
what's your gimmick; being a miserable bastard?
Is this a female?
it seems as such!
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Shall I have muesli or corn flakes?
jeff killing threads with boring posts and boring webms
yeah aging will do that
sent that slave back to the plantation
Sent that dolefreak back to his smelly bedroom
the height of australian humor. snake is funny doe
i am back hydrated


this webm is quite interesting, no?
chili relleno?
Think I might go to Turkey. Anyone ever heard of that place? Named a country after a bird. That's avian. You're an avian cocksucker.
Crocodile rock
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secret scran for later
>You're an avian cocksucker.
well that's uncalled for
Most men get their flowers at their funeral
Looks like Elton John farted on it.
there are thing svery wrong with me and it makes me sad but i keep on going and hope it all turns out fine (i know it wont )
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don't test me
turkey is a meat food
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simply retarded weather today
hours of rain
then gale force winds for a couple of hours
then sunshine
there's no way to prep properly
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Utterly mental that pretty girls poo.
I love when they pat the dirt down with their little handfeet
fucking hell
why did you post this
I see a disproportionate number of Irish girls on dating apps
they don't, you're hallucinating again
alright johnny foreigner
GP just replied to me.
odd post
Impossible to suffer in Bruceyland
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score some fackin goals ngubu
balls are tired but I think I can get one last go for the day before beddy bye, I'm going for a quick wank so I'm gonna use one of the ol' classics
Struggling to poo lads
i could probably do with a poo but it ain't happening this morning
i think i'll just end up being farty all day at toil
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Time to find the most brutal murder mystery podcast to fall asleep to
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how would you do this without getting jumped? hard mode, they have to see your face and know you done it
Umm, no she doesn't. She looks like the same person but older. This post just makes me think that pedos must have some form of brain damage.
i would wear medieval battle armour
Is it a sign of coffee addiction if it actually slows your heart rate, or is it possible that my body synthesises it differently?
why wouldnt he run away asap???
what did he throw
where my cutie patooties at
One thing that I enjoy about reading older literature is that you realise the rules were much looser back then, before the rules became more formalised in the 17th and 18th century. One thing you can see is a question mark in the middle of a sentence, something like this:
Are you okay? because I am okay.
Really takes away from the comfiness of this thread to imagine blokes are posting here with grotesque uncircumcised willys
Its not even light yet

nearly 7 am

Mental how an entire population has been mindraped to the point they think that chopping off a piece of your willy skin is normal. Reckon they could get you to cut your children's ears off if they told you it's easier to clean them.
That’s not in the middle of a sentence, that’s two different sentences.
Have never once flossed in my entire life.
It's almost autumn
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>Wikipedia: PlayStation 5
>Ctrl f: "George Floyd"
>Results: 1/1
a cup of piss
My face when the bull is HIV positive
Only according to the standards after the Augustan period.
leftypol ROCK HARD right now
>4channel: /brit/
>Ctrl f: "Faggot"
>Results: (You)
uncircumcised willies are the nice ones tho
some would argue we're already 10 days into autumn
mutilated penises are the grotesque ones
all exposed and dried up
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>Mental how an entire population has been mindraped to the point they think that chopping off a piece of your willy skin is normal. Reckon they could get you to cut your children's ears off if they told you it's easier to clean them.
Has there ever been a bigger singular increase in the circulation of BBC? This could be bad news for rorke
Leaving the old country (Sheffield) for the promised land (Pine Bluff, Arkansas)
don't do this
>James Earl Jones dead
Mad, I was literally watching Patriot Games yesterday.
Well I'd like to see them try!
The wikipedia page for George Floyd is almost as long as the page for William Shakespeare.
feels autumnal out
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Naughty thoughts toil.
>going outside
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>but you shouldnt stop with yourself and trying to do your job properly, and, if you cant explain how him posting the game show character over and over again isnt spam/flooding, then ban it
feels fallic out
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It lush
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>James Earl Jones dead
this is sad
Everyone, be nice to mousey.
That so fucking spooky i was just watching some random clips from that Kenobi show from 2022 and the duel with Vader last night

did i cause him to die?
poo for brekky
poo for tea
poo for you
and poo for me
>Rachel Reeves is being urged by a left-of-centre thinktank to announce changes to capital gains tax, inheritance tax and national insurance in next month’s budget that would raise more than £20bn a year for the Treasury.

>With the chancellor looking for ways to plug a £22bn hole that she has identified in the public finances, the Resolution Foundation said it was a time-honoured tradition that taxes were raised in the first budget after an election.

>These include a scheduled rise in fuel duty – on track to exceed 6p a litre in 2025 - that the foundation said should remain in place.

The Resolution Foundation are Judeo Bolshevik scum.
i love commjnuism!!!
No, you watching youtube videos did not cause an elderly man to die.
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you could have saved her
ok post enlightenment thinker
says you nonce
My heart just stopped for a good ten seconds and my chest felt like a baloon inflated in it. My heart is normal now, but I'm shaking and feel light headed and sick.
Genuinely a bit scared lads.
stay chipper
thanks :)
trying to calm down a bit
watched elephant (2003). was pretty fuckin dogshit imo. i get that they were deliberately not glamorising school shootings but the whole thing was a boring slog to watch and then the actual rampage had 0 energy and the kids seemed to barely even react. was just weird. maybe it worked as a "hey school shootings are bad" thing but as a movie it was boring and I HATED IT
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She would have found peace in a trailer park with her humble yank husband (me)
if the ol' smartwatch doesn't flag it then it's probably a nowtbutty
gonna watch more school shooting films?
a part of me always feels jealous of suicides
taking granblatt to the airport later

sent that maternal grandmother flying
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you all evry luck this gif is over 4mb
dunno if there are any but i watched this cos i was reading about columbine. no idea what got me onto that though
are there any more? other than we need to talk about whatever his name is
My shins are quite painful
yeah a few. This one has more action and drama and a bit silly but you might enjoy it
we need to talk about mousenonce
Catberg being utterly disrespectful. Will have to give him a stern talking to
Convinced cats are incapable of respect
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based morbhau moment
get pensioners housed

doubly housed I mean since they all already own houses
thanks, might give it a watch
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prefer dogs
have needed to burp for about an hour now ffs
Need podcast recommendations
>strong independent woman
>a GOOD black person!!
>evil white boy with GUN

glow in the dark nigger
Lions Led by Donkeys
Always wanted a Basset Hound
Casefile true crime, listening now
its funny because a lot of people called it 'right wing propaganda' because its about stopping a shooting with more guns
Glory of Kingz by Cal Crucis
off to bed

have fun at toil
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got gout in my elbow
rorke wondering why games stopped supporting community servers
He's awake.
leftypol scared of letters on a screen
supermassive, space boffins
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The Puritans were unironically based.
impossible to find a gf at toil
all the fit ones are off pregnant
Lad in shorts and a raincoat taking his very old dog for a very slow walk every day
I wish them well
facking FREEZING today
Maybe your expectations are too high
Going to China today. Work wants me there.
EVERYONE will try to scam you in some way
Zero exceptions
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Just shagged the mrs ahahahah
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what if it catches too much speed? it might get to the ramp too fast and cause a skip bounce
I might move there if Krazy Kommunist Kamala wins
Not a fedora tipper but I do find it sad that the baseball cap is the only hat that’s socially acceptable (ie not cringe) to wear nowadays.
Yeh the lads at /brit/ are raising a fund to buy some land and a mansion and make our own little gay village there.
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my train is cancelled and when I phoned toilberg to let him know I was going to be late all he said was "well you better find a way to get in for your start of shift".

sure mate, I'll just start walking around the tracks now shall I? incomprehensible wanker.
this looks American, the fries look good
It’s not his fault you’re a mong without a car
what line of work
Move to a part of the country where you can wear a cowboy hat.
my ancient samsung has just about packed in and I dunno whether to try the new flip phone or get a few years old iphone
a knower please decide for me
Literally what did America mean by this?
>America = Freedom
>except when you want to wear something that everyone else isnt wearing
checkmate chuds
Don't let them talk to you like that.
The only benefit to a flip phone is that it's smaller in your pocket
If you're really bothered about that then crack on but if you're bothered more about features and good hardware and value for money and longevity then do something else
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*cough cough*
Don't think I'll make it in for today's /brit/, lads.
Do you find this unusual?
why wouldn't I?
Aww, feel better lad
*farts on your face*
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Greenhorns every time
good night lads x
I certainly do not see how that will help my ill health.
coming up on a year now since the last gta 6 trailer and apparently it’s being delayed
don’t know what the answer is to it he problem new technologies? more staff? new ways of working?
but decade + long waits for new instalments in the most popular video game series is unacceptable
I got a s23 refurbished for cheap and im very happy with it. Battery lasts 2 days and camera is good
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Miss these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe.
Looks like a former general is the main suspect now
It’s not been delayed it’s coming out fall next year
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bought a suit and the sleeves are too long. job interview today is ruined
4chan posters the kinda guys to post shit like "I'm a handsome and a little 'tistic, but I seem to have difficulty attracting girls. Any tips bros?"
And then when someone asks for their pic they post a closeup of their eye
so it was a random murder or something?
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Why is EVERYTHING coming and goign so fast?
yankoid freak
domp eet haha
yes yes very astute
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open the fucking pubs
all the GTA games are the exact fucking same since 3, how can anyone be excited
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close the fucking pubs
I loved GTA 5
local pub has switched over to a vegan menu after an older woman bought it
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>no longer eligible for 300 quid winter fuel allowance
>pension increases by 460 quid per year

alrighty then
Because you’re not doing anything in your life
metaphysics is pseudoscientific nonsense
just not true at all though is it edgy tryhard
Runt post.
>nothing changes because i said so everything is the same since 19XX/20XX because ... IT JUST IS OKAY
not edgy though is it?
Absoltuely sick and tired of jaded oldfags going "ohhh errrh ehhhh ummm" whenever someone brings up something that was around when they werent old.
look forward to when games go back to every protagonist being a 35 year old white man with short light brown hair and stubble
literally no one wants to play as anything else
alright calm down Rockstar Games, people are still going to buy it I just don't see the fuss
Not true I play as a woman and dress her like a slut
>that thing that was widely accepted as great and was a success and really popular?
>actually it was kinda mid and only zoomies think it was good
What do you think the similarities between GTA 4 and 5 are other than they're the same genre of game made by the same studio
Like they're sequels people don't want and entirely different experience from one game to the next
maybe you should stop playing games instead
Did Sir Keir Starmer KILL James Earl Jones by cutting his winter fuel payment?
Off now ive had my vent
you just gave me the ick
Wild guess would be that she snapped and went black lady mode around the general who was stressed because he was in Iraq, the general hit her and she went deeper into the black lady mode and said she was going to make a ruckus about his professionalism and so he killed her. Based on what I've read on wikipedia in 15 seconds and her being black. Or they were sleeping together and she went black lady mode and then he snapped and hit her and killed her to cover it up.
it's the same game polished up a bit and with a new story, at least it's more than FIFA does
trans moment
The Tories will unironically get blamed for this.
Maybe men should just stop killing women
It's the same game with a new map and new characters and a new story and new cars and weapons and music and gamplay
exactly, minus the new gameplay bit
One of the most thrilling experience of my life seeing an Elephant poo and piss at the same time. It was such an exciting site and has made me obsessed with the process of shitting and pissing ever since.
Thing is, it honestly isn't a fetish. I get no sexual thrill from it, I'm just vicariously obsessed with the relief of it.
Budget: 2 trillion dollars
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>all game sequels are the same as the previous game
Just not true is it
now do it in the shower while brushing your teeth and you'll be the most efficient man on earth
just putting words in my mouth now
need about 40 tower blocks full of immigrants put up there ASAP
dont know how to feel about zoomers being so into y2k and early internet stuff
one one hand i am a zoomer and the aesthetic is good
on the other hand it seems disingenuous that our main style trend is about being nostalgic for a time we were barely conscious during
acid on her genitals?
killing myself and hoping this post encourages others to follow me
ok zoomer
zoomers this zoomers that shut the fuck up cringe case
bet you’re like 26 or something at most lol
bragging about being closer to old age or something?
having immense regret at having posted this
30 is still young....right?
incel rage
Yeah never mind she was raped. Or maybe it was consensual but she snapped and said she was going to make a ruckus about a probably married general sleeping with her and so he had her killed or killed her. Or maybe he told her something she wasn't supposed to hear.
im not unc 30 isn’t unc
What sequels would you say are valid?
I’m 25 but it makes me cringe when people around my age talk about ‘zoomers’ as if they aren’t zoomers themselves
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fr tho GTA6 looks fucking exactly like GTA5 in almost every way, like it's just a continuation of the same game
why couldn't they have picked a different fucking era of time again, or a more interesting location than "Florida"
me? 22 and feel like it's actually over
missed out on the carefree sex having partying times to post here and now the toil mine beckons
Movie idea: two nonce hunters meet up each thinking the other person is a nonce and they spend the film hunting each other down.
Would not be surprised if they reuse assets from RDR2 for the Everglades.
Because I'm lazy I stuck with Chrome despite its many flaws. But if ublock is no longer going to work I'm done. What's my lazy alternative that works on both a laptop and phone
third day in a row this has happened ey?
damn unc
and you’re basing this off a two minute cgi trailer yeah?
wow a new iphone
They don't want to play games

they just want to endlessly critique games
I'll buy GTA6 and enjoy it, but I'll pretend I don't to appear cool for my 4chin frens.
Or maybe it was an outsider and there was an obvious and embarrassing security breach, or maybe she was in love with a local acid maker and the army thought it would be bad press and killed her and tried to frame him but thought twice about how it would look that any simple Iraqi acid maker could sneak into a US army base and so tried to make it look like a suicide.
uninstalled gta5 after an hour that shit is boring as hell
this, you're young until you're 60
i'll buy it but just to drive around aimlessly obeying traffic laws like i do now
oh dear
im not even *that* gay to be fair
what information in my post could not be gleaned straight from the trailer?
blud got a degree in yapology
eamonn holmes and his new bird
wonder if she wipes his bum
wait when did he become a cripple
how did he get disabled
what a chad
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theres actually a character called ngoubou in this year of genshin impact
and its unironically from a subhuman animal race
from too much GOSSIPING
sick to bloody death of woke
there was no need for this was there
*gestures toward the post count*

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