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Grove Street, home... edition

Fucked everythang up: >>202012333
>”med” people
No such thing. Never has been never will be
Northerner coping mechanism.
Lmao all these barbarians were colonized by Italians under Rome yet consider themselves Roman. Well buddy, Romans considered you barbarians. You weren't Roman and you'll never be. Not a trace of Roman DNA in all of France or Iberia. Romans traced identically to Italians and no one else. All these Italian anons see you as unfuckable colonized subhuman barbarians. You will never be Roman.
Good morning /med/, today I'll arrive to the cagie on time and probably get to know the kids I'll have to teach.
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We've got winners today
Based, it's finally starting huh?
I hope it's gonna go well and they'll be nice.
I wanted to get extra early to the cagie but my bus was cancelled so it's not starting well.
Catnigga forming a gang to pacify loud party goers.
You're right, Mediterranean people do not exist. Nobody is from there.
good morning med
If only we knew about it earlier, we wouldn't have lost so much time sticking with /med/. What a waste...
Günaydın friend, what's up?
Today I had a dream that I was doing a long voyage in train with a friend, and that friend had (female) friends in Turkey and I convinced him to stop in Ankara so I could hit on the Turkish girls, who were very cute.
We also had kebab in the dream.
I forgot about it at first but reading your dream-posting made me remember mine.

There is a dad and a kid that owns some medieval looking house for free, but it's because there is some kind of witch, that constently expects you to be thankful for it.
Dude is living in fear but can't really flee the town or something, if he goes away for too long it's le bad
and then at some point he fuck up in making the witch (wich he never saw) happy, so he just starts liquefying in the bed, and the sheet just move to clean itself

man that was strange
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I am trying to be ok, what about you?
I wsih i dreamed that
Ikea rejected me.
Fine. One day left of wageing and I'm off to Scotland for holidays so good stuff.
Did you apply online? I found that going directly there to show your CV is often more productive because they remember you more easily.
I was applying for a software engineer position not to work at the stores.
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*destroy the industrial society*
There's a group of 5[five(V)] zoomers taking turns with the same equipment.
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do your war face at them
I already mogged them enough by training close to them, no need to go further.
Tomorrow i start studying again, i'm a little scared desu
high inhib nigga
oh yeah that makes sense. I thought you'd given up and were gonna use your strength to lift furniture boxes kek. Will you try other stores?
Back to uni, huh? It's gonna be fine fren.
Die ficki ficki über alles in der welt
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I've ascended, lads. Also personal trainer guy told me that zerchers will probably fuck my arms up so I shouldn't do them. Shit.
3x12 cable bench press
3x12 cable chest flies
3x12 cable shoulder press
2x12 + 1x11 chest press machine
3x12 cable upright row
3x12 + 1x8 assisted dips
3x12 lateral raises
3x12 dumbbell pullover
Oh and
1x12 machine shoulder press
Don't hate 'em, just don't like 'em, simple as that.
>french flag
Checks out
Both the parrot and the dog are afraid of the loud noises :(
I'm a negro doe
Based and honestypilled
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Wave goodbye as summer slowly departs.
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>postgym mood already tanked and now I'm back to the so fucking over phase
I don't know how to cope anymore /med/.
Make some mint tea with honey. I'm having a cup right now and I'm enjoying every sip.
Today's training.
Pin squat 1x1 with 205 kg, 1x1 with 220 kg, 3x3 with 180 kg.
Smith machine long length partial squat 3x8 with 100 kg.
Seated leg curl 3x8 with 73 kg.

I increased the height of the pins for the squat to overload it more, I'm happy I moved 220 kg.
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Autumn doesn't technically end for another week + change. We're still officially in Med Boy Summer until then. Now that you have a hot new body, all lithe and sensuous and hairless, perhaps you could use it to attract some womanly company to cure your glumness.

Take advantage while the stars are in alignment. You won't get another chance at love until next summer after all.
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Minced beef slop, semolina, chili pepper, simple as

are femcels aware of the svmmer of love doe?
maybe they believe in winter of love and that's why we don't meet them
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I don't think I have mint tea at home, but I'll definitely find some kind (probably watermelon, idk) and make some. Thanks for the advice.

>Now that you have a hot new body, all lithe and sensuous and hairless
Lately I've been thinking about that I'm probably not even fit to have a relationship so guess accepting that sooner than later is for the better.
Günaydın (I know that's it's no longer morning).
With a cool wind blowing from the northwest, today does feel a bit Autumnal.
I used some dried leaves from our storage.
Also I forgot to tell you guys today I saw a girl I crushed on in high school in the gym.
I was so fucking cringe back the holy shit.
I need to leave my home town to avoid meeting people from high school.
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>I was so fucking cringe back the
You stll are, sister. <3
>avoid meeting people from high school.
Understandable, but perhaps meeting those people would make you feel better? (Just a schizo theory) Meeting that girl who molested me was unironically a not so bad experience. She likes studying what she studies at uni, so that's really good, I'm happy for her.
>Meeting that girl who molested me
Doesn't happen in my country.
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The only thing I have in common with Romans is my papa's ancestors (Armenians) had sex with Berbers and Sards, which's why I have this weird phenotype of mine. Crazy.
Being molested wasn't fun though tbf and I somewhat even liked her before she pulled that shit.
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Found some military archive about someone who might be the brother of an ancestor, but I can't prove it due to lack of data fr fr

He was for over a decade in the regiment of cuirassiers (heavy cavalry)
sounds pretty cool fr
got a bullet in his leg in italy
I know we already established this but nigga u gay.
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>are femcels aware of the svmmer of love doe?
Femcel mating season is Spring Break when, like crabs, they scuttle to the beach for ritual insemination from the big chad crabs.
>Lately I've been thinking about that I'm probably not even fit to have a relationship so guess accepting that sooner than later is for the better.
You are physically fit enough to have a relationship - the only kind of fit that matters.
>With a cool wind blowing from the northwest, today does feel a bit Autumnal.
Going down to 5C at night in a couple of days. Autumn has well and truly come to the UK.

May those cool winds plunge Malta into a pleasant gelidity, finally freeing you from the burden of summer.
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>the only kind of fit that matters.
Hard disagree there, mr catnigga.

I'm not doe.
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Sometimes I wonder how small groups of attractive women who are all friends with each other can exist without just like, taking off their clothes and having sex with each other when they're in private. How do they resist the temptation?
>ginger gypsies
I've seen 'nuff for today.
Yes, but I don't teach anything until next week because I haven't been assigned as a tutor of a class, but as someone who teaches English in differences classes. Kids were alright and I hope things were better after the bus thing!
>teaches English in differences classes
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We're going to have plenty of wind in the upcoming week. I suppose it depends on where they'll blow from.
I'm looking at some registry of some village and they are people who family names are "dragon" and "ghost"
Spoopy village
There's a family from Valletta with the surname "Drago".
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The Brazilian intern is leaving today…
>shitalian stock (all great grandpas were shitalian except one moortuguese)
>extremely pale
>light brunette hair
>wide hips and tight large butt, small waist, small chest (basically a pear)
>spends all day on the computer with her back curved but inverted (ass sticking up)
I will miss her (butt)…
Too much volume
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>let me guess, a work badly done and no salary, you must be a janny
Why don't they hire her? Is your company poor?
stop lusting over our women, Manoel
KEK one of them is known for the use of a (much larger) wand.
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She was basically a shitty worker. Basically just eye candy.

I WILL lust over Brazilian butt and you WILL like it.
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You should take a trip to that village and see what's going on there. Sounds like you could come back with some cool stories and maybe some spooky photos with blurry, translucent figures in the background that you don't notice at the time.

Worst case scenario is that you make for an interesting missing persons case, and some youtubers make videos about you.
worst, town name sounds like "abuse"
let's send g-man
Catnigga, what is Anglo affinity for murder and serial killing? Seems like 90% of documented cases are from Anglo countries.
Expert help needed.
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>Catnigga, what is Anglo affinity for murder and serial killing? Seems like 90% of documented cases are from Anglo countries.
What kind of anglophobic nonsense is this? There are more murders in a single year in Brazil than there have been over the past 150 years in the UK.

Your spurious claims are likely based on a false perception that comes from murders being horrific and noteworthy events in anglophone countries, leading to a wider publication of such events, thus making them seem far more common than they are actually are. It may also be partly due to the fact that anglo lives are valuable and precious things, which amplifies the tragedy when they're cut short.
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It's a "gonna kill myself" kind of day.
I'm moving north to catch autumn early and end this farce one and for all.
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>Basically just eye candy
better than useless retards that on top of that are ugly and annoying
>you WILL like it.
he said serial killings, not widspread violence
also, the amount of people that perished because of wars fomented by alb*ons put our numbers to shame
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>Kids were alright and I hope things were better after the bus thing!
Nice fren, all the better!
It only got worse for me sadly.
Count me in boss, I'll leave tomorrow.
I'm in, already visited a weird village literally called "evil town"
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>It's a "gonna kill myself" kind of day.
Did your boss yell at you for something beyond your control? Perhaps we can help you plot some kind of revenge against him.
>also, the amount of people that perished because of wars fomented by alb*ons put our numbers to shame
Sometimes you save more lives in the long run by starting a war than by letting things spiral out of control.

As much as you may want to point at the history books and babble on about anglophobic conspiracy theories, I invite you to consider that we are currently living in the most peaceful time in recorded history. The ends justify the means.
Here is a place to visit in scotland
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No such things. (self-)hatred fuels me.
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Didn't do shit today either
sorry bossman
for how long will you stay in scotland?
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>Did your boss yell at you for something beyond your control?
Nah, I would have just told him so.
No, it's just that I can't sanction my own buffonery. I am stuck as a pathetic jester, a Jung archetype caricature, a sad clown doomed to fuck up for the good of the community. Liked but not respected.
Clever enough to grasp what I lack but not enough to break free of it.
sounds like a kino place. I'll check the wiki out later in the bus.
Based Joji enjoyer.
Different*, consequences of relying on the keyboard prediction.
Life is suffering.
Hopefully you'll make it tomorrow fren.
And lack of gains too
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>have to search for places to sleep for aforementioned hike because stuff on internet is shit
>see "mountain hut"
>good grades
>read the comments
>real hikers seething
>touristoids happy
gonna pass boss
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Just one week, a little break away from things. I will explore all the spooky places there.
Catacombs, witch hunting museums...
I hope the weather will be foggy and downcast.
>conspiracy theories
yeah, right..
>The ends justify the means.
full display of why they have so many serial killers, is in their DNA
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I literally just increased bench, shoulder press, and triceps extension weight by 2,5 kgs in the last 7 days.
The only exercises where I literally can't increase weight are low row (stuck on the same weight for 3 weeks) and lateral raises (took me like a month to increase it by 2 kgs and still be able to do 10 reps).
Ps5 pro 800€

Snoybros wtf?
actually never listened to his stuff. But I like George and I'm glad he went legit.
Yeah, tomorrow's gonna be fine. Gonna have to wake up at 2am for my plane albeitever.
Wise, touristoids always have to shit it up.
I had to postpone my plan to do the via podencid in september because there are too many boomer tourists crowding accomodations.
I also don't feel great today
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I'm the biggest sonygger around and even I can't justify buying a PS5
>price of PS5 in USA: $700
>price of PS5 in UK: £700
>£700 = $914
Justify it to me.
Just another victim of the consciousness curse.
A shame we don't know each other in real life, we could have gone down to the sea and clubned some tiktaaliks to death.
Taxes are set by state in america, so more like around 780$ or so
Had a little nap.

the path i took in april/may passed by this area and it was not crowded but a lot of rain (was not on st jacques doe)
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3rd date with girl is set for friday. I hope to get deep kiss this time (no homo).
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No, I'm good, thanks.
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Good day med am back
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Consciousness is a cursed gift but a gift nonetheless.
It won't change what has been done. The only thing we can do is limit suffering and bring the most good we can in our short time on Earth.
Choosing the path of virtue, love and kindness is the best way to fight against an uncaring universe.

3 Fs: Frenship, Family, Fun. (optional 4th F with Food)
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The Bloodlines threads tend to be entertaining enough whenever I encounter them.
Cheaper than a GPU
Untrue, false even
Well cheaper than most of them at the time I bought mine
You bought in the worst moment
You're just jealous because you don't have any land on the Med (we have Gibraltar so there)
Oops, i'm a little outdated, wasn't aware that's not the current generation
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Being an idort is true freedom.
>Switch for bing bing wahoos and playing with irl frens
>PS4/PS3 for relaxed couch gaming
>PC for everything and the above
Well I didn't have a choice back then
A lot of PC games support controllers these days right? So you could just hook up some controllers to your PC, hook it up to a TV, and play it from your couch
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I beat the mafia and now they gave me sunglasses and I'm allowed to hang in the hotel
Yeah exactly! There's no situation a PC can't handle.
In my situation, it's impractical though since tv and PC are quite far apart and literally sit opposite in the same room.
You didn't beat the mafia. You became the mafia.
hmmmm, organized crime...
>In my situation, it's impractical though since tv and PC are quite far apart and literally sit opposite in the same room.
Fair enough but for some people I guess they could just use a long HDMI cable
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>support controllers
Even if they don't, you can just download a program that lets you bind the keys you'd press on the keyboard to a controller.

>tv and PC are quite far apart
Just use a long cable? If you don't use it, you can just put it into one of the drawers, at least that's what I do.
>Even if they don't, you can just download a program that lets you bind the keys you'd press on the keyboard to a controller.
True. That might be a bit shit for some games though, if they're designed for a mouse. I guess that's why the Steam controller exists but I've never tried it.
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Great, another console I won’t be buying because I’m a chinkshit handheld and PC mustard (à l’ancienne) race.
guys how much would you rate this song 9 to 10?
Minus infinity out of 10
song is 3:30. posts his half assed opinion after 63 seconds. shame on you
They oughta do some metal remix/cover then it'd be fiya.
Not even good weeb garbage -1/10
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Borger of the month at my local place is pastrami borger
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I have a small amount of ginger hairs in my beard. I discovered for the first time today that most of them have gone snow white. Not even grey, just pure Santa white. Spent like 15 minutes in the bathroom frantically scouring my head looking for other signs of grey hair, but thankfully didn't find any. Guess my days of shaving every two weeks are over.
>Choosing the path of virtue, love and kindness is the best way to fight against an uncaring universe.
Gironde going for the good ending, I see.
Me, I'll take the path of least resistance.
When we perfect genome editing, I'm going to petition the government to have all women give themselves permanent fangs.
curious combination, if possible post pics for science
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Poor old man. Soon you’ll be visited by Christmas spirits not unlike Scrooge, because you so devilishly keep the neetings from the other suffering /med/s.
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One day, you're going to be as old as me.
The white hairs will come for you too.

The ghosts can visit me all they want, I'll never change my ways.
They say it has cream cheese, marinated peppers, lettuce, tomato, onions, sweet and sour pickles.

Dunno if it's good, I'm gonna try it friday.
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>One day, you're going to be as old as me.
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Two more weeks.

Literally, unironically.
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looks ok, but I don't particularly like cream chesse very much
or worse, as old as me
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what was it like
HR mailed us today and said we have to choose our days off before November 15th for the end of the year VGH.
I have 13 days left, dunno what to do with them.

Tick tock, the big 35 is coming.
Take them and use them to specialize on baguette baking
La Serenissima SHOCKED

Answer with "Sneed"
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I never bake baguettes, we have good bread in France
I hate enforced vacations
next month I'll be 36
God, I'm old
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>I have 13 days left, dunno what to do with them.
2 days for Halloween to make a 4 day weekend (It's on a Thursday this year)
2 days on the 1-2nd of December to do all your Christmas shopping during wagie hours (also another four day weekend)
9 days off over the Christmas period, so you don't have to come in between the 26th and the 31st, and also a few days before the 24th.
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>tfw someone tells me "you're only as old as you feel :)"
>instantly crumble into dust
Yeah it wasn't like that last year but both HRs got impregnated so we have to schedule for the newcoming HR.
26th is a holiday so I don't work this day, plus 27 is a friday so wagie cagie will probably force us to take it to get 4 days of rest.
t. fire lady
she didn't write me today. i guess i wiill send her something funy
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Did she realize that you want sex?
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Send her a dick pick and tell her it's like squidward's nose, she'll laugh i promise
idk probably yes she is trying to make me suFFer
i am circumcised ;(
Jewish in Turkey, that's rough.
I thought you were reaching 35 and not already there, booma.

>4chan 18 years
Almost there vgh.
i am not>>202074320
jewish, my family is muslim so they amputated me and now i cant send dick picks
SNIIIIIFFFFFFF *brap* Aaahhhhhh…
>Jewish in Turkey, that's rough.
Akshually they are on the contrary to the others the most privileged ones... mofos ain't even got cut open back in the day.
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I'm only 8 years younger than Booma
A series of visits to the dentist with thousands in your pocket and a willing participant could make it a reality already.
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>God, I'm old
You're old enough to be called daddy by early 20s latinas as you take them to pound town. Idk how that's a bad thing.

Thought you were 26 desu.
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There is probably at least a decade gap between the youngest and the oldest ones here.
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Well, if Veneto is the youngest and Booma is the oldest, there are 13,5 years between the two of them.
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Booma - Twinko : nearly 15 years
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feeling good today bros
saved a funnymal
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I don't know who is the oldest and the youngest.
I didn't listen to it, I just hovered over the link and saw the anime picture
Are those the extremes?
Unsure, but I guess, not sure about >>202075616

tell us more
Nice. What species?

Bassato britishoid
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plz don't mention any twink thing tho
have too much presence on this website
isn't the magyar younger than me?
i don't know anymore fr fr
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I'm geriatric (will turn 23 in december, just kill me already)
saw the first read but didn't bother to read it yesterday lmao
it's obvious that would be you doe
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Big beautiful British boobs in my face.
Henlo there maghyar warrior, when will you ride the horse and conquer the world like your Genghis Khan ancestor?
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I'm soon to be a 35yo zoomer.
Sex with redhead woman
No idea, but a girl let me pet her horses if you know what I mean. They are cute and I love their big eyes.
tuna pasta broccoli
simple as
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How many cat pictures do you have, out of interest?
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not enough
2 millions of cat PNGs I imagine.
Don't get tricked by her eyes, my Judaic friend, they may deceive... and frustrate also.
Horses are not for petting, you keep doing that they end up like ponies, same happened with wolves and now look at this
Portuwife is older than more than half this thread kek.

Skibidi toilet fr no cap
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160 pictures in my Gusic folder
381 pictures in my generic cats folder
157 pictures in my cats & dogs folder (my own pets)
207 files in my cats gifs & webms folder
18 folders in my sniffs folder (gifs and webms of cats sniffing the camera)
137 pictures in my sad cats folder (cats looking sad and/or crying)
That's why I said she is the oldest. I KNOW your dirty secrets. She's a cougar and you are her twink (I know you're not 32 but 23).

>Don't get tricked by her eyes
I talked about the horse's eyes, my brother in monke.
Clearly not enough
Good answer to be honest

2 million is a healthy number

Thank you for this level of detail, I appreciate it
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I am 16 (in my mind).
>It's over one THOUSAND
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It feels like I barely ever save anything. My entire reaction folder has 14,237 files in it and I don't know where they all came from. Must have saved 80% of it within the first 2 years of browsing 4chan or something.
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Talking of age, at what age did you come to this dumpster of a site? 15/16 for me.
Shut the fuck up boomer.
>Must have saved 80% of it within the first 2 years of browsing 4chan or something.
Classic, same
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Think around 23 or so, some germ/turk posted a link in a game chat and it was all downhill after that.
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18 years old. I was a good boy and never browsed when I was underaged.
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Fucking hell, that's relatable. I feel like I'm both 14 and 80.

19/20 I think.

That's why you should name your files. There are 802 sorted files in my folder and I'm yet to name like 350 and sort them.
Around 22-23
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Should have known better.
17 on med...
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At around 18 I started browsing 4chan on a regular basis
At 19 I found /med/
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My magyar over looking at cat videos like it's 2008.

We had a famous dog here in the UK back in the 70s who appeared on TV because he could say "sausages". This little nibba stole the hearts of an entire nation.
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I suffer in my country, internationally speaking.

What's wrong with 2008? It was a nice year apart from the banking crisis.
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>>What's wrong with 2008?
Nothing. Nothing at all. What was wrong with 1929? I'm sure it was a great year for a lot of people. 1953? I'm sure somebody was having a blast back then.
A theme to a gargantuan effort on the porcelain throne.
Just saw one of my cats with a mouse in his mouth.
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Worse thing is that the motherfucker keeps the mice alive until he either gets bored and eats them and some time he lets them go after making them suffer for a few minutes (he's well fed so he hunts for sport).
Are you the Gibraltar anon that posted some time ago that went to Austria or something like that for vacation?
My dad was born in 1953
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>not already there
yep, is as grim as it sounds
you're still only a child
I'm sure that someone here is 25 or younger, so it is pretty mut guaranteed
I don't know, 23 maybe.. all I know is that I'll curse this day until the end
also checked
i mean, i waste time on here but it would be wasted on something else desu
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>My dad was born in 1953
Your dad is 6 years older than my dad.
This, and at least thanks to 4chan I have a place to talk with like minded people and vent about stuff.
The problem might be the demoralization fr
Because reality is very encouraging indeed
You know what I mean, I'm not followed around by a dozen trannies spamming their trash.
I'm like minded with people on 4chan about some things but not on others. But I do think it's easier to have conversations on here than on Reddit. On Reddit it feels like everyone just wants upvotes.
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>conversations on Reddit
Hey we can't have men thinking someone else but them has it rough, shut it down immediately!!
Reminds me of the dog that we lost on February. Poor boy may he rest.
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Do other languages have confusing ambiguity surrounding their direct translations of "biweekly", "bimonthly", and "biyearly"?

Are there separate words for "twice a week/month/year" and "every two weeks/months/years", or do they just use the same word for both of these concepts like in English?
Is this real?
they're usually separated, we have like:
"quinzenal" (every 15 days) and "bissemanal" (twice a week)
"bimestral" (every 2 months) and "bimensal" (same as quinzenal)
"semestral" (every semester/6 months), "bianual" (twice a year) and "bienal" (every 2 years)
"quinquenal" (every 5 years) doesn't have a pair afaik
If we do have such specific words, I am not aware of them nor they are used. As such, we use simple terms like "darba fil-ġimgħa" (once a week) and "darbtejn fis-sena" (twice a year).
nope, never went outside the peninsula in my life
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Portuguese language scientists seem to have solved the problem.
Maltese linguomancers appear not to have attempted it.

Perhaps our mistake was half-assing it.

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