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The fabled femcel edition
done me tbf not giving you a (you) though
The torah - mad max 1
The bible - mad max 2 road warrior
The qur'an - mad max 3 thunderdome

Think about it.
any of you lads Livin' in the Seventies?
Another day on misery island
thought 1 was ok but didn't like 2 and never watched 3. thanks for asking
thinking about those weird faces in the Black Hole Sun music video
Work chat is getting dangerously unfunny and cringe
No im only 38 years old
isn't the torah basically just the old testament? forgive me if that's a retarded question, i honestly have no idea about judaism
good lad
name one bad person who killed themselves
imagine if sex was real
my gf cheated on me 2 years ago and I forgave her
I apologised to her for not being good enough
say nigger in the work chat
>Work chat
/brit/ is a middle-class only general mate please see yourself out
Hope you guys know im copping feeling like shit due to motion sickness from hopping on my phone on the bus to speak with you today
38 years old aye
what wisdom can you impart on a humble 29 year old
liven it up by posting a pic of your arse
That love island woman
doubtful as to the veracity of this post
>thinking middle class roles don't have work chats on Teams

fuck off LARPer
I'm WFH on £43k, is that working class
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been posting in the old for the past 10 minutes not realising there was a new
Lie about your age on /brit/ for attention
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very yeah the boys of you
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Really need feedback on my game but 4chuds would steal it. Need someone to play my game...maybe I'll be able to ask chatGPT soon...I'm fundamentally changing a very popular game...
I also offered to slurp his cum out of her fanny
The 1812 Overture but instead of cannon fire, it’s a fart
cor what do you do? are you hiring?

i thought the torah was only considered to be a certain collection of old testament books
>changing a very popular game...
enjoy your lawsuit
happens to the best of us
good, way ahead of you there (I also fibbed)
Met a briton and there was a lul in conversation so he went 'so uh.. what class are you?'
Wild that you do that
morning lads
is she that /lit/ girl who did a nude photoshoot for (((art)))?
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coming up to the six month mark since /brit/'s greatest post of the year
how come no one's translated the torah into klingon?
£1800 a month take home
30 years old
can't drive/no car
1 bedroom rented flat
£10,000 in savings

they call me the most pathetic man in /brit/ it simply cannot be more over for anyone than it is for me
You telling little porky pies again aha
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>Simpsons Season 36 Premiere in just under 3 weeks (Episode 769)

Reckon it'll outlive you?
More savings than many
surely not lmao
hey lad
could be worse, you could be unemployed and/or live with your mum
Please link thats my fetish
Keir is hardly a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day is he? Incredible that people opted to vote for this harbinger of doom because Rishi was too rich and too brown.
He reminds me of nothing so much as his fellow-Stalinist Enver Hoxha, the former dictator of Albania, who is reported to have once said to his people in a speech on the topic of Albania’s agricultural production statistics: “Next year will be worse than this year. It will not, however, be as bad as the year after that.”
My conscience is clear: I did not vote for this bunch of illegitimate, dishonest, dictatorial and morally bankrupt third raters
The show’s been zombified three times longer than it was actually good.
This is rubbish, we know exactly what class someone is as soon as we smell them
I know we probably all want to avoid "/brit/ discusses salaries for the 10,000th time" but bloody hell don't know how anyone survives on 1800 pounds a month
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makes you think
i'm unemployed at 27 but i have a car and a ton in savings
already back on the job hunt but it feels fruitless
honestly just feel like i've hit a brick wall in life
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Buying a house soon. Debating whether to use the spare bedrooms for lodgers or becoming a foster carer
suicide is meant to be enjoyed
A man receives his first flowers at his funeral
mental how I have an encyclopedic knowledge and memory of the first 10 seasons but that doesn't even cover a third of the show
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This game is Fall kino, what's your favorite Fall game?
take home
should be easy if single no kids
we are not starting this fall shit again
fred west
check your privilege you wasteman
It's because Max Verstappen is sooooo sexy
i unironically voted labour in july and i feel profound regret
i was suffering from anti-tory derangement syndrome. i was intending to vote reform but changed my mind last minute
to my fellow britons: i sincerely apologise for voting for this literal marxist demon
it's really not a mystery - it's because of that netflix show drive to survive which dramatises it and sort of makes it like a mix of reality show / soap opera
exact reason my missus and my mates missuses like it
soon it won't even cover a quarter
don't think you'll be able to call yourself a fan at that point
>average salary for 25-34 is £37,000
don't think I know a single person in that age group earning that much
i'm quitting weed for good, lads
just don't enjoy the place it takes me anymore
>sub-50k in savings
What's the point of building a wealthy nation if you're going to be this poor
fuck that's low
and yes I did the 'cy conversion
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It's about 50% different which should qualify as not being copyright...maybe I should ask the owners first?
Maybe they can help me make the gameu?
see you tomorrow
that's probably the mean average salary which is propped up by londoners

here in the north east you're hard pressed to find anyone earning more than 35k
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good lad
nothing to be gained from weedering
well thats the tattoo appointment booked in to get a better one to cover up the terrible one I got when I was 18 which cost £30
i find it baffling how average height statistics are calculated using the mean average instead of the median. mean averages are extremely flawed and the result is disingenuous
i reckon the median height for young white british males is about 6'1
So far: taxes private schools (just horrible class warfare) and talks about stopping smoking in pub gardens. That’s it. Pathetic. We really do bizarrely overestimate the value of lawyers in this country
gettingdressedtoil looms
and also demonising the working class and booting out violent brown criminals to make space for thought criminals in the prisons
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haircuttoil booked for friday morning, lads
it's getting a bit difficult to manage
Looking forward to the reports in a months time about an unexplainable increase in crime that just happens to coincide with all the crims being let out of prison
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I forgot the thread but I have found a pic. the collective meltdown /pol/ and /lit/ over the woman they deemed pure was palpable on that thread. it was golden thread.

Zoomers are very tall, I'm 6 foot and feel like a dwarf at the gym
He makes a good point, they do not want you to know this....
I know no idea what I was thinking paying £30 back then
good lad
get it trimmed
meant for
can just imagine some busybody normie seeing this and saying it's animal cruelty
I always thought that nothing would change under Labour but it turns out I was wrong, it's going to get much worse.
so far i've been called a good lad twice by the australian
good start to the morning
Spending is better for the economy than saving
>booting out violent brown criminals
Only good thing he did, free the cronem!
Diego needs this treatment
shuffled the furniture in my room around and am enjoying it, i feel like a new man
It's true, and the reason is because of all the drama. People don't watch F1 for the racing because it's terrible, they watch it for driver drama which attracts women.
enjoy your haircut mate hope it goes well
suicide is based and i am not
white folks are weird vro
maybe this government will finally cause a happening maybe? or maybe nothing ever happens... who knows anymore... think about it.
Do women discuss with each other what to put on their dating profiles? There must be a reason why they're all the same.
/brit/ is healing now that diego has stopped the religion spam, commiemong has all but disappeared, and spainnonce is a shrivelled cock of his former self
yeah nice one lad, love the satisfaction of the occasional room reshuffle
Haven't seen the commie greek retard with the irish flag recently either
hope the barber accidentally chops your head off
might go for an incelwalk soon
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she'll have hundreds of blokes DMing her, if a man made this video he'd have none, thats the difference
Brat summer is officially over. Sad.
there are so many beautiful things in this world that i can observe, and even acknowledge are beautiful, but i cannot enjoy them
mad going around town on the bus phoneposting and seeing all the expired bans people have had from posting here. more people use 4chan here than I realised
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Perma >2% inflation is good for the economy in the sense that it's good for government and other debt-issuers who supposedly drive 'growth', but it fucks everyone else up
Said I’d quit the fags today, but something in the back of my head is telling me I should buy some more and just quit tomorrow
Nah all women are just the same
zoomer talk utterly baffles me, just yesterday I found out "its giving" and "demure" are zoomer gimmicks, though the only time I conciously heard its giving is "its giving millenial core"
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currently listening to A Grand Don't Come For Free by The Streets
Can they sack me for not being able to drive
They want to move me on to the next phase of my apprenticeship but the office is 25 miles away on the motorway and I can’t drive

Test is booked for a months time
Keep it on reddit next time
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i love women so much
Police more concerned about the language used by woman assaulted by immigrant
did they say you need to drive to get the job? if yes than yeah if no then no
Depends what is in your contract but it seems reasonable to ask for some kind of temporary adjustment or travel stipend
is she offering to shag him?
poo egg
can't do that as i have a narrow room
shan't be opening your twitter link you vile little toad now on you go scramble to find some image to greentext this post to cover up your embarassment
i once had a job that was a 26 mile drive one way. was pretty grim desu
last job was only a 9 miles drive
Where the fuck do they hire these white woke liberals who also want to join the police
Shouldn't it be mostly young rorkes that want to do that
i want others to feel as miserable as me
Rorke is actually a very complex character with a lot of depth and personal growth
no thanks
Is car mandatory in britain if you intend to work
>First Class Honours (1:1)
This is just like the brit meme
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Sheit you ain't even a TI nigga
Shut up bitch ass up
thats a man man
villain: suffered so wants others to suffer
hero: suffered so wants to prevent others from suffering
if you live in a city with good public transport links, no
if you don't then yeah
Not necessarily but we thankfully do not all live in a single megapolis (yet) so sometimes it is very useful
Not in London.
not really no
I bought these so called very popular skinny jeans and now my willy and balls hurts when i sit down.
Zoomers are based. I like their music.
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>shut up
Shut yo bitch ass up
my life is going absolutely nowhere, got too much of my loser father's DNA in me
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your post reminded me it's time to rewatch the 8 mile yo
Arabs don't get to use the term "based", you're not part of our crew
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if society has caused me to suffer then i have no obligation to try and contribute to or improve it
simple as
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I made a game and a website
Just haven't finished them yet
Best shape of my life
zoomers have no subcultures, the interconnectedness of social media has made them completely homogenous
two cups of coffee so far this morning pooberg must be gasping to get out at this point
What about "witchtok" and "the buttplug side of tiktok" and so on
i can't make you suffer but i can make the people who have to inhabit the immediate physical space around me suffer
not sure what either of those are and just assuming you either made them up or its not worth engaging with in the first place
zoomer culture is entirely dictated by youtube and tiktok algorithms
they are the most pliable and easily manipulated generation to date
long way of saying you just farted
what crew are you on m8?
regardless of whatever weird shit they're into they still talk the same way and act the same way
Dancing in a light bulb
Shitting in a bin bag
it's a better way
must be better being a fan of English football where theres a chance some other team might actually win the league
Scottish football is such boring shite, oh look Celtic won again and then won again and then won again
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i have a sexual attraction to the character Scaramouche from Genshin Impact but i must make it clear that i am not actually a homosexual.
> oh look Celtic won again and then won again and then won again
never get sick of it personally x
Zoomlets are finished
wtf why are young people talking different than me someone fucking fix it now
>draw character like a girl
listening to Radiohead and having a little cry again x
might get on the
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thom yorke deepfake wank
huh? whats giving what?
train autist loves his trains
orange juice?
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thoughts on the only funny comedian left in britain?
Pic unrelated I assume?
wage labour is a form of slavery
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listening to Oasis and having a little sense of hope and joy again x
went for a piss just then am about to open the winder now. all kicking off
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alri tory boy
the military draft is a form of slavery
brit windy out
listening to nothing and feeling nothing and waiting to return to nothing
Fuck me lads had two absolutely explosive poos this morning
He's desperate to fuck
He's all outta luck
Desperate To Fuck
Incel Canadian
good thing we don't have one then
the nurses. get them paid. wages the size of footballs
so what's going to happen when one of these released offenders kills someone?
you'll pretend to care for a few minutes and then get back to wanking
just send all the released offenders here
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> western w*man
> 26
> virgin
Kek, yeah, and I'm a spaceman from the planet Sedna.
was really struggling to enjoy the trainposts due to the lack of diversity but then started pretending the trains are full of migrants being safely transported from Dover to all over the country. Really started enjoying them after that
you get paid a proper salary for it though
you would if a big war kicked off
not sure
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mad how we're all just dying
>yeah but if thing happened then thing would happen
cheers for that insight
think it's funny how it's always the literal who countries that have compulsory military service (plus russia and china)
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class 43
if they tried a draft in a western country no one would turn up for it lol
might poo in the washing machine for a laugh
i'm just saying it could happen to you you pedantic clown
there is compulsory military service in sweden and finland, off the top of my head
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ive actually got the washing machine on right now. how mental is that
>I'm just saying that thing could happen
really on a roll here mate
Russia and China literally don't have compulsory military service
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nevermind diego i think you might be too old to be drafted
late 30s, maybe 40s aren't you? and still a virgin is it?
honestly goes without saying that if you find trains interesting you are a nonce
thats compulsory service for a year or two after high school i mean an actual wartime draft
shut it
What was your captcha verification code to reply to this post?
Sir Kenneth Grange
great posts
train mong loves his trains
i think finns have more patriotism than most of us, swedes too maybe but they've imported a lot of migrants so idk
Sent that freak to Alcatraz
shutting the prison bars down on you as you get thrown in prison for dodging the draft
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well then lads?
massive wank on the cards
Not doing national service I got mental health
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Why would I want to fight and die for paedophile communist jews who run our country? Are you mad
i should have specified anglo countries
maybe in the us it might work but in canada uk and aus i doubt anyone would care enough
people will just cop the jail time no one cares enough to go die
have paid precisely zero attention to the recent conflicts between russia and ukraine and israel and palestine, don't see why we should give a toss, but people just love to drum up opinions on things that they know little about and don't concern them
im going out now, need a poo and a shower

it would hit D's head
was about to impress you with my railway geography knowledge by letting you know that was at Stow but then I saw the filename. alas.
worcestershire sauce wank
paedophile communist jew sex arse
worcestershire sauce sex arse
Society says I’m ill for not going outside but I go outside and all I see are brown people. I say society is ill
history has shown the opposite but i wouldn't expect an aussie to know much about history considering your country was born yesterday
words that are literally impossible to spell:

This time last week I was literally doing fuck all too
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>Step 1: At home psychological, technical and critical thinking tests
>Step 2: Meeting with Head of Industry at Company, hour long discussion
>Step 3: Live Advanced Technical Test with Camera on
>Step 4: In office meeting with the team, even more technical questions

why are jobs like this
off to the buffet tonight lads, they apparently have a new chicken pakora recipe wayhey
what part of history says that contrarian worm just shut up stop disagreeing with everything for no reason go wank to your vtubers you gremlin
>paedophile communist jew sex arse
they're making a kier starmer sex arse? get in
considering the meek reaction we had to the government's covid restrictions i think there's a good chance many aussies would walk willingly into the meat grinder
Sexy petite women with flat chests and no pubes. Mmmm
many things about our current reality are unprecedented
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eating faeces
just can't keep up with the work groupchat banter. Have a hard time distinguishing /brit/ humour from normies humour. It's a minefield
throwing sticks on my neighbours roof
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Just say you’re a wog, kike, disabled leftist jewish tranny
I know a 37 year old single woman like this with a lovely arse. She's very shallow though so won't even settle for me
Think it's hilarious that the Jews imported millions of Muslim wogs here, and now the wogs want to kill all the Jews lol. What goes around comes around
i think it will be different if theyre sending us to go die off in asia somewhere
Fragging is the deliberate or attempted killing of a soldier, usually a superior, by a fellow soldier. U.S. military personnel coined the word during the Vietnam War, when such killings were most often committed or attempted with a fragmentation grenade,[2] to make it appear that the killing was accidental or during combat with the enemy. The term fragging now encompasses any deliberate killing of military colleagues.[3][4]
The high number of fragging incidents in the latter years of the Vietnam War was symptomatic of the unpopularity of the war with the American public and the breakdown of discipline in the U.S. Armed Forces. Documented and suspected fragging incidents using explosives totaled 904 from 1969 to 1972,[5] while hundreds of fragging incidents using firearms took place, but were hard to quantify as they were indistinguishable from combat deaths and poorly documented.
just needs a night with me hen my sperm will see you through.
Should not have been promoting safe and effective vaccines then. God punished her
mad how greasy my hair is
Washing is done. Time to take out the laundry to dry
mad how prevalent tanning culture is
it's the cult of damaging your skin
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would definitely do this to my CO if i were drafted into some bullshit war
The Golem! Oy gevalt
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rorkes steam profile
They're not tanned, they're wogs. They've been smearing shit on their skin for centuries
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Lauren Chen fingerblasted in prison!!
you know what i'm talking about
young white women are desperate to get tans
saw a chinky woman with her chinky daughter today and they were quite literally indistinguishable, only reason i could tell them apart was because the daughter was in a school uniform
>you're not part of our crew
Pakistani child groomer gang is it?
>Russian money: bad
>Jew money: good
I hate this world
right thats it
starvetoil continues, the first cardio day of the week begins, weight loss slowing at 13st7lbs, abs will be fully in pretty soon
Buy guns online
Describe the school uniform in as much detail as possible
it's a dark blue polo shirt the school's logo on it with a yellow stripe up the side and matching shorts, it's a pretty slick uniform tbf, i went to the same school and the uniforms we had back then looked much gayer
Stop serving them McDonalds you mexican bint
>Fat at 13sst7
Alri Warwick
think that was just because it was on you x
shut up x
Describe the shorts in as much detail as possible
the opposite, losing weight from a bulk and trying to get as lean as possible, I think 5 or so more lbs and I’ll be there
might jizz down the toilet again
well they're dark blue, yellow stripe up the side, made of the same lightweight fabrics that athletic apparel is generally made of, polyester or nylon, i'm not sure
get the nurses waged
Corr spaff
Always worry about dropping the phone down the bog while jorking
i want to live in the 1950s and buy a big house for 2 months' wages and smoke wherever i want and be racist with impunity
poo or 2nd coffee to buff poo power? yeah im thinking the latter.
2nd morning poo down the gullet
I want to live in the 2050s and rent a pod for 2 months' wages and vape within designated areas and have people be racist against me with impunity
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i'm hoping we will be in the cyberpunk age by then and the cool technology will make up for all the bullshit
The technology will just be used by Jews to brainwash the meak masses
the new as it were
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Greedfall unironically

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