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Help unemployable people from here get jobs
Just give me the money I don’t want your gay ass job
Buy a massive mansion and fuck bitches everyday
They might not be de jure trillionaires like Musk but surely Putin, the Salman of Saudi Arabia and other leaders of rich dictatorships are de facto trillionaires
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burn them all in streaming like joker
he's literally me btw
buy defense companies,bonds, hire clowns
If it's so simple, why haven't you done it?
>rich dictatorships
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>Buy a massive mansion and fuck bitches everyday
>buy defense companies
it runs in your genes
Pay politicians to do whatever I want
Make people I like rich
Make the lives of people I hate hell
Have sex with thousands of women
I would fund African immigration to Europe so the chuds can't say their tax money is being used for it anymore
the net worth meme is misleading because it's not like he could currently withdraw $251bn from his bank account. I would like to know how much "cash on hand" so to speak, that he has
Buy a diamond fishing rod and fish
Just fish
All day
what do you mean? I didn't say it's easy
are you high on vagemite?
Reduce the comfort of living for white people
Increase the comfort of living for poc
bro thinks he's in minecraft
make a fake asteroid and convince the world it’s going to hit earth
there isn't diamond fishing road in minecraft retard
Buy a lot of land by the sea to be isolated and keep people out, and build a cat sanctuary, a yurt for myself, and preserve the rest as forest.
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build castles and fund movies and games i like without the faggotry
It's a quote from the film you posted
I wouldn't say anything I would listen to what they money had to say
because no one else would
Donate all of it money to the Kamala Harris campaign
my bad
In 2010 the richest man had like 50 bil net worth
Why is this allowed?
live an easy and carefree life with no work or other responsibilities
did you not get enough (You)s when you made this the other day
Fund political stuff I believe in and explore anywhere in the world.
And these
Why not? Communist piglet
How old?
Based Pajeet.

With $1,000,000,000,000, you can send 1 billion Africans to Europe. That's nearly the entire continent's worth of people.
Blow it all on cocaine
That's a bit of a cope though.
The equities he's holding are obviously not cash-equivalents, but he can slowly cash out large chunks of them whenever he feels like, without even impacting the stock price that much (that's why block houses and dark pools exist)
Bezos unloaded $4B worth of AMZN shares in just four trading sessions back in February and $13B in total in 2024, and the stock kept climbing up.
Obviously no one can cash out $250 billion worth of shares in an instant, but if they felt like they wanted to liquidate their shares and rotate to cash equivalents instead, they could definitely do it over the span of a couple of years.
Build my own city, would be fun to play cities skylines irl
buy a fuckton of forest for me so i can be a big deal forester
Isn't the majority of his valuation based on his large ownership in SpaceX? Can't really cash out from a unlisted company that he most likely will never allow to be publically traded.
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Buy thermonuclear weapons
Make the west great again by removing regulations and expanding the private sector
Lobby the Indian government so that they stop sending saars.
Sit in my room shitposting on /int/
Sadly Moscow is protected by anti-ICBM missiles so you'd need a few
It's far less transparent with private companies because he's not filing publicly available regulatory filings like with Tesla. It's closely held and owned through a trust.
But SpaceX being private doesn't mean it doesn't issue shares or the stake in the company can't be sold off.
In fact most companies go into an IPO *after* private investors have made all their money's worth, especially small cap shitcos who only go public after a company's growth potential has completely plateaued.
what's the going rate for (thermo)nuclear weapons these days?
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>butthurt belt
invest money into R&D of things that will further accelerate downfall of humanity
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>draft dodger
Too many things. More things than I can imagine, but perhaps less than I might expect. Also, that just shows how valueless the dollar is becoming.
You're going to give each Indian $1000 each to travel to western countries?

(That's 1,000,000,000 Indians in USA + Europe)
that would be slow poison
i would invest in even slower poison
Do a Bill Gates and invest it all into African/Indian bith control and sterilization
I would buy gazillion third worlders for cheap labour
Never work again, give 10 millions to each of my family members and friends, buy land to turn into nature reserves, fund various projects I'm interested in, explore the world as I see fit, get the best possibly medecine and healthcare, and try to keep a low profile. No speeches no interviews no tw*tter just let me be
Also probably luxury escorts ngl
Invest a portion of it in stocks and bonds so I can make even more money off it, use the rest to buy out American towns or East Asian villages, maybe both, to establish my own little fiefdom. And then I'd whisk women back to one of my holdings to do awful things to them
probably crash the world economy with my spending on charity before killing myself
Take over bosnia and herzegovina and kill off 2000000 people aproximately leaving only loyalists and start eugenics programs after cutting a deal with the chinese and americans to leave the country so i can build my own army, legalise cocaine and weed, have drug tourism and create 4000 artificial lakes.
Then i would buy as much uranium as possible and bobbytrap the country to become an irradiated hellhole for 9000 years in case of an invasion.
Id change the schools to teach kids self defense, gun safety and responsibility, have girls ve taught cooking and sewing, boys be taught to fix things, both genders be taught how to grow vegetables and fruit and send the useless ones to camps where they are given tasks for the rest of their lives or retirement depending on how well they perform.
Id also put ideology class in schools so kids can choose which they like most.
Id keep voting, but only a family of 3 or more kids can vote, one family, one vote, if a kid is above 18, they are no longer viable to vote.
Id also try to buy a spot in Kazakhstan and try to build a moon base to dig up geavy metals like in arthur clark books
Hold up... Libtards told be X was going bankrupt what appended?
Spend it all on TZD
start my own city
One owns goycattle through green paper and debt the other own goycattle through threat of force. Not the same but also not entirely different.
Least genocidal balkan
Fund the development of regenerative medicine and rejuvenation treatments, and also VTose of course, and arrange large scale human trials in countries where medicine is not regulated to death
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