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VOTE for the edish!
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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sort it out
you aussies are wronguns
why would i vote for an edish in the past?
yeah I saw that
*surreptitiously googles volauvent*
>From 1 October, Ofgem's price cap is going up. You can see the impact on your yearly energy costs below
aaaaahhhhhh yes
thinking this romanian is a larper
every romanian i met hates communists and ceausescu
i see the reasons for linux are thus:

1) computing is fun and it's fun to try out new and different things and linux gives you lots of choices and freedom to experiment; and
2) microsoft doing data collection isn't nice and if you have the option to do other then why not do; and
3) windows isn't as good as it used to be so why not look for alternatives; and
4) in some fields of computing linux is better than windows just like how in some fields of computing windows is better or mac is better

for me, at least for my personal laptop, i just use use my computer for web browsing and making memes and things and it makes precisely zero difference what OS i do that on in current year, so i might as well do it on linux that respects my privacy and let me have fun and do shenanigans
obviously still use windows for work and on my gaming pc
quite enjoying this gimmique
cos i can't guarantee i will win the fated race to be the next OP as well
the edish OP is posted at the end of this thread but it means that this thread's edish was that
so the record will show that the thread at quarter past 9ish on 10th sept 2024 was a ______ edish!
no one ever votes kia sportage
is it a bad car?
A bunch of liberal emigres in England
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just noticed someone used a noncey cartoon image for one of the news
I had a testicle removed due to cancer several years ago. Feel free to ask me any questions about testicles.
just saw a post violating US law
What's your monthly rent/mortgage amount?

I pay 825 rent and idk if that's reasonable or not
Katie Rushworth's soil-stained bumcheeks
did your other testicle grow (non cancerously) to compensate
Not true.
In romania, us the descendants of secret services rule the country.
In russia the KGB-GRU run the country.
In china, MSS has a heavyhanded presence at the leadership of companies & governance.

National socialists & liberals are controlled opposition to have an artificial strawman to pick fights, but the true power lies in securocracy.
Depends where you are.
You gonna hawk TUAH and spit on that thang
£625/month rent in the north for a 1 bed flat
they loved him so much they executed him lol
mortgage is 2k almost exactly, split it down half with the missus
i pay 695 for a one bed flat in leeds but obviously it depends where you live and what you live in as to what's reasonable
Isn't 4chan japanese these days? Hiroshimoot is just too lazy to remove that option.
linux is way less bloated
imagine using a brand new windows install and feeling how crisp it is but have it actually stay that way
takes way faster to boot up and login and all of that
No one on 4chan has a mortgage
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Britain thunders out for the proletarian dictatorship.

Yes actually. It didn't double in size or anything weird but it is bigger than the implant now which was originally the same size
ever sucked on a pair of testicles?
Thick Lyme Regis pythons battering young pink silts
diego has about 30
did you have chemo?
alri one ball
Pay £850 for a smeggy bedroom in east London
do you ever wish you'd died and paul hunter had lived?
I do but it's with my mum
£850. Two bed flat with a private garage in a middle class suburb
I pay 600 for a two-bed in a pretty boring town.
Looking to move closer to a city (I have no social life out here; my friends/hobbies are all in the city) but it's like 1k for a 1 bed :(
Is Leeds that cheap, whereabouts in Leeds?
pay £80 board to mumberg for a bedroom I've always had. it not right
1200 for a studio in london
soon to be about 600 in a flatshare with the siblings (got no mates or gf you see)
oh didnt know they did implants. must be weird being able to squeeze your 'testicle' hard and not feel pain
is the idea that the remaining one is making enough spermatozoa and testosterone for the both of them now
might annoy everyone with peep show quotes which no one genuinely finds funny
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bedwetting edish
it got one vote before
one day it will win and have its day in the sun
the London renting scene will never not be hilarious

£718 mortgage, £637 rent
Shared ownership
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about £450 in condo fees
I earn £645,000 a year so I don't need a mortgage or rent
>Shared ownership
oh my daaaaaaaaaaays
my phones touchscreen is dying but I can't afford a new one
Sucking on a bollock
how does that compare to your area/canada as a whole?
need the aussie unabummer out of business
loving my gay porn at the moment
remember seeing a video about a luton hotel (probably bald and bankrupt) and it was the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. like something out of africa
she's from oz
it's a tan
Prefer not to say
No I just had surgery but had to have follow up scans for about 6 months because they were concerned it had spread to my lymph nodes
No my life is shit (not testicle related)
Don't know who that is but yes
The implant isn't "squishy" but is fun to flick it really hard and not have it hurt. Also you can put a torch on it and it glows up like a pumpkin. Testosterone levels are the same, the brain just says "hey we need more testosterone" so the one that's left just makes more. Never had my sperm tested but apparently you are perfectly fine making enough with just one. That's why you have two to start with
i'll send you £200 if you want
enough for a sammy a24 or whatever
and heeeeerrreee coooommee the salaryposteeerrrss
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What would you do if your Mum looked like this?
I pay £800 a month to my mate and say "You're my mortgage"
spaced out for a few minutes there
sorry lads what were you saying?
Just like I said all the communist shitholes were taken over by fascists
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I'm not going to post the gimmicks I'm expected to post anymore.
Only way I could live in a 2 bed flat and have something to show for it when I eventually sell.
insist on breastfeeding for as long as possible
i doubt you'd do that
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On September 11, 1877, the iron knight of the revolution was born - Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky

He is the heat in the fire,
he is courage in metal,
he is the enemy of everything,
that kills the living days,
brave and straightforward.
Comrade Stalin called him
"The Thunderstorm of the Bourgeoisie".

"Felix Dzerzhinsky"
- Pavlo Tychyna
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she just couldn't hold it >~<
sounds fun minus the cancer bit maybe ill have one of mine out for a laugh
on the high side, but our budget is reasonable and well balanced
still vastly cheaper than renting
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Alright team? Sorry for not updating much. Developed a headache at toil so went to bed when I got in. Feeling a bit better now.
fucking hell i love tall stacked milfs like this
Think I saw a video of bald and banckrupt in Blackpool but spotty memory
Now he's been cleared we need Jeremy Kyle back on our screens.
First episode, get these released prisoners on and get them into detox
>Ruby did a dance for the Prince of Wales

BBC being weird again
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these are so hot right now
Would you move back home at the age of 27?
I can, but I hate the idea of going back to the childhood home and town. But I'd save so much money...
You are so fucking gay lmfao
Do you really sit there waxing poetically about black penis all day?
Fucks sake man get a grip
what's HBD?
rip Paul Hunter
Who's "they"? A gang of paid mercenaries.
i want a Australian tomboy
used to watch this every day when I was at uni. proper trash tv kino
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hes fucking fuming
Anyone buying the punkt phone needs their head checked.
havent done penis wanking for two days and dont even feel the urge to
Not even going to attempt to read and decipher that utter nonsense
Just seen a very low quality post
looks like that fella in jurassic park
Turnstile might be the best band of the last 5-10 years
Thought it was the mars rover
no Romanians are from the Black Sea
So is this mongo trying to get Aussies filtered then?
Which damo sent him on a meltdown?
>280 quid for a phone that does nothing
mental stuff
if the battery wasn't so dogshit i'd just use an old motorola razr
Had a wank today. I watched porn during a work Teams meeting so once the meeting was over I cracked one out. Haven't done it in a couple of weeks, jizzed further than I planned and had to change t-shirts afterwards
for me its early 2010’s backroom casting couch
what other wanking is there
oh you're a woke
Okay, then get one
think ill smoke some weed teehee
Remember one direction?
your sim card won't work on it
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Waiting a bit b4 I smoke
Suicide Girls was my original lay up
why not? i know they have little ones now but did they change since then?
>you don't know you're beautiful
>that's what makes you beautiful
One Direction: Women with self confidence are gross
Yeah one of them crashed a yugioh event recently and all the dweebs were mad about it
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i can be your australian tomboy~
Once had a stepsister who looked like a metart model so used to wank off quite a bit to that
cracked open a second beer but i'm not sure i want it
Respect to Jon Trickett, the only whipped Labour MP to vote against the cut in winter fuel benefits. And to John McDonnell, Apsana Begum, Richard Burgon, Ian Byrne & Zarah Sultana, elected as Labour but no longer with the whip.

Shame on all other Labour MPs.
We're not fascist.
Those that control the countries use pseudo fascism as political theater, but nobody is fascist.
We're still internationalists or "global citizens".
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lotta money in this shit
currently catsitting at the parentals gaff while they're away, haven't really been here in years. might smoke a spliff
Moving out was the best thing for my relationship with the parents. We dont argue anymore a?d now enjoy our time together. Was 26
how has he still got the whip if he voted against the government?
let the bodies hit the corr
let the bodies hit the corr
let the bodies hit the

Fuck tory pensioners, unemployed millenials like me deserve all of their bennies
Crack that whip. Licorice whip
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you and tony egg again
have to buy custom condoms from a website because of my affliction
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$700 ain't shit to Chad Warden! Chad Warden wipes his ass with $700! $700 ain't shit! Shit, I'll give you $700 just to shut the hell up nigga!
for me it was sheehan
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Why isn't this lad in charge of Labour instead of poo barmer? Seems to what actual Labour voters want
The background is a porta potty. Also that yellow hat always looked added in post.
>what did I think was going to happen
this is why I haven't shaved my pubes since I was 14 myself
Millionaire donor class wouldn't allow it
Yeah, they are turning off 2g and 3g
>added in post
unlike that garbage pile in season 2
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I cannot dignify this let alone justify it
You had got it so together
You found your perfect subject
Completed composition
What am I meant to learn from this

You always gave your four-leaf clover
It's over
You always gave your four-leaf clover
It's over
He was killed so the rest of us from the pack can blame him for the failures.

Why do you think, after the revolution, "former" communists & securocrats were elected in power?
And since nobody, no anerican, no british, nobody, would come and hunt us, we regrouped.
what so it wont even work for calls?
Is rape legal in the Purge movies?
might buy a macintosh from Marks and Spencers lads


No chance they’d ever let a member of the Socialist Campaign Group actually try and influence Labour party politics
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Don't know what the "G" in 2G,3G,4G, etc. stands for or means and at this point I'm too embarrassed to ask
Ce faci frate? Bine ați venit firul nostru.
is putting a willy in a vagina supposed to hurt a lot? my willy is red raw and it took forever to get it in, like i was pushing against a lock door.
is putting a willy in a vagina supposed to hurt a lot? my willy is red raw and it took forever to get it in, like i was pushing against a lock door.
got home at 5:30 and slept for 4 hours until now

that's my sleep rhythm utterly fucked then
"Goons", so you can do 5 goons on 5G before you run out of bandwidth
not telling
I've got one and like it. feels like a grown up coat
The hat obviously is real but I always wondered how they managed the added in post effect or if it was accidental. They managed the same effect at some other point too.
idk but in soho on monday i saw 2 fucking baller macintoshes should have aslked the people where they got em but looked spenny
idk but in soho on monday i saw 2 fucking baller macintoshes should have aslked the people where they got em but looked spenny
great laptop
golf balls
If the moon landing was real then who filmed it
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80 years ago, the Bulgarian workers and peasants overthrew the fascist government as the Red Army approached Sofia.

If they hate communists so much:

>don't ask them which party their parents vote
>why didn't they killed communists, instead of saying they hate communism, communists
>do they identify as a "global citizen"

If they answer yes to even one question, you've got yourself the average romanian taught to lie.
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the best road trip possible
>one direction broke up 9 years ago
mad. used to like getting some of their tunes on during steamingtoil. where does the time go
How the fuck do you get raped by a river, and why did some man get arrested if the river did the raping
Hate it when your foot does that cramping thing
Extremely painful (for you)
related posts
I wanna visit birmingham
Hate it when your foot does that cramping thing
Extremely painful (for you)
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Apparently is does just stand for "generation" but I'm not smart enough to understand how they determine generations.
Anything this sciencey probably causes cancer I reckon
Open the article & screenshot its contents.
Why the fuck
Mad that their pea brains can't comprehend pain so you could torture them without any regret
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you reckon? personally i wouldnt be so sure and wouldnt really want to torture any animals without good reason because i think theres always a good chance they can suffer
got to admire the lad trying his best to scare off something like 10 times his size
I’m 18F also never been in a relationship and you’ve made me realise I’m cooked
>torture animals for good reason
Name a few
sometimes get this when I spaff particularly hard
>The casting call also says it is "committed to inclusive, diverse casting".
we finna get a black harry potter
fuck off wile e. coyote
say some foul ape has just eaten your child id want to torture him i think
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holy shit lads, my heart sunk for a second pheew

dunno what I'd do if e-girl depression beat arr soogs
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Pöay it at 0.25 for maximum fade in effect
you're a man
the closest thing to a lord of the rings styled journey in the world is the appalachian trail and the trail in southern new Zealand
That's just survival of the fittest. No point raging. Just let nature run it's course.
If you want an older man
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currently heating up a bowl of rice pud, gonna put a big dollop of jam in it
Fair game. Reckon the chimp understands what he'd done wrong.
thanks but no yanks
>Just let nature run it's course
You have a cock and balls
Only ring you've ever destroyed is an onion ring fat boy
you're a proper spacker to even remotely care about such a thing
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forgot to post some images
Gonna watch Columbo in bed
We wuz wizards and shieeet
gorr wuldnt mind some honest burger onion rings right now
all massive flakey and greasy
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luv em x
yeah and if hes done that then no one actually cares what the ape thinks hes just going to get hurt and thats just how it is unfortunately
Living proof you are what you eat
>attention seeking whore pretends to be her mum for attention
Might volunteer at the local primary school for the Christmas play.
Maybe I’ll do the casting.
I don't remember eating an autistic virgin
Wish I'd studied IT at A Level and just got a career in it
Studied computing at A Level and didn't really enjoy it, so I didn't want to be a programmer

Columbo was popular here. He embodied the secret service officer, always finding the bad reactionaries.
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>cock in the signature
absolute madman
>Studied computing at A Level
>and didn't really enjoy it
Any bulking man in?
177cm and 81kg now. Increasing reps every week with my adjustable dumbbell set at home, and I'm thinking of joining a gym.
Yeah, you had a bunch of weird soviet animations.
upvoted, retweeted, and yes, shared
I got a C, what about you?
Did my A Levels in 2012-2014. Back then, I fell for the STEM meme and thought it was the future.
I start again middle of October
Proper programme, proper measurements, no fannying around
Mad that as an adult you could learn entire GCSE or A-level stuff over the course of a weekend or two but because you didn't choose it as a subject when you were a child you are no longer allowed to work in anything related to those subjects.
goonna become a surgeon x
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ah... hello all
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Is this true?
B, went on to do comp sci, got a first
Failed my other a levels though so not of a mad one really
Holy shit this made me horny how
My A-levels
>French (grade B)
>English language and literature (grade B)
>Media studies (grade B)

And I did an AS level in Law (grade D).

If I could go back I would not choose media studies or law and likely do something science based. My brother used to refer to media studies as "lame duck studies".
you aren't allowed to post the furry porn
Give me some whitepills
why'd you post that
184cm and only 135kg NEED to get to 150
well thats peculiar because ice types are supposed to be super effective against grass types
*bungs you a box of paracetamol*
It's honestly bullshit how your life is decided at 16-18.
I'm 28 now and my interests are so much more varied than back then.

I have a great deal of interest in investing and economics and wonder how I'd get a job in that field.

I like the idea of learning a trade such as electrician or carpentry but I'd have no idea how to get into it.

Or also engineering, or CAD.

But no, because I picked the wrong subjects at A Level and ended up studying history at university, my life is aimless.
Half of it is marketing the other half is how they timed and organised the working groups for all those specifications in your diagram, and it's started to come together so that basically 4G = LTE, 5G = 5G
Might get sacked lad here

3 essays down
2 to go and one powerpoint

Should I get it all done tonight it’s likely i’m safe but i’m stuck and knackered. Drinking another energy drink and vaping like fuck. Heart rates going mental. Think i’ll stop at 2am.
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So why did you study it at university?
>ended up studying history at university, my life is aimless.
Ah well, that's all ancient history now
When I chose my A-levels I planned on moving to Japan to be a manga artist as well so they aren't representative of my current aims in life.
good lad, you can finish it. you just gotta stay in the zone
Its pasta retard
I don't know anyone who dossed about in GCSEs and is successful now
love peep show me
imagine being an incel named chad
i did A-level computing in my own time
its a doss subject
you dont learn anything in it which you couldnt learn spending a few minutes a day reading a book
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what sort of a job requires essays
look, all I'm saying is, maybe hitler was on to something
I didn't doss about, I just never knew what to do for a career.
Boring normie talk. Fuck off
european cousinberg told me about this
weird european custom
get are rishi back x

No the russians had the animations.

You reckon Hitler ever had a skinful and woke up thundering in the morning?
One question mark felton refuses to answer
Or better: Chad Doerman, god given name, and then fuck it up completely and sit in prison. Imagine starting a 'carpenter firm Chad Doerman'
salam aleykum habibi
shlepped up my schlife
Yeah. I looked into it once and you can contact a college and go sit an a-level exam when they're taking them.
Didn't want to be the weird nonce in the exam room though that all the kids laugh at
Has anyone here learnt a trade in their 20s-30s?
what do you mean
bought an old audi rs6 today
v10 one
250 quid on ebay
Does joining the civil service count?
Does dealing drugs count?
I think for adults generally they encourage HNC/HND courses as I understand it.
basically what you choose to study when you're like a teenager dictates your whole educational life and im assuming that is what that poster is referring to
one of my good mates started a highly specialised trade apprenticeship in his mid 20s, just finished it and he's on big bucks now
aus always needs new tradies 2bh
I reckon you yanks have got the right idea that you do a fairly broad 2 year associates and then specialise, if only it weren't so fucking expensive
this bicep tendonitis is going to do me in
can barely move
chest hurts as well
in some ways i feel superhuman from day 3 of taking mirtazapine and it not being potent enough of a sedative to knock me down
Just made things even weirder with the Discord-fu lads
My underwear really fucking stinks
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edish for 9:15ish PM 10/09/24?
by a guest · 51 minutes ago
testicular cancer awareness edish
31.82% (7 votes)
heather from eastenders edish
18.18% (4 votes)
rowntrees fruit pastilles edish
13.64% (3 votes)
narrowboat edish
13.64% (3 votes)
kia sportage
9.09% (2 votes)
volauvents edish
9.09% (2 votes)
strawberry jam
4.55% (1 votes)
Total votes: 22

thanks lads for all your votes. and here it is... your testicular cancer awareness edish OP image!
at the end of secondary school I just did subjects I was interested in, did well enough to get into uni and just went from there
How did he do it? Work or college?

I've found this training company which looks OK, but I don't want to get scammed out of my money.

Now? I'm prime minister
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Got fucked on a used car. Needs a complete rebuild which would cost 3x what I paid for it. Nothing good in my life
I was "young and gifted" so I did my maths gcse at 14, a-level at 16 and got an unconditional offer to study maths at uni before I turned 17.
Don't know what idiots decided to let that happen. Choosing my entire life before I even had armpit hair because I could copy and remember some maths formulas.
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1 like = 1 respect
Which uni
Used cars can be amazing value or disasters.
Gizza sniff
wow, what a radical you are
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I asked if redoing your a levels was the only option and chatgpt said nah
We've got a thing called "TAFE" here which is government funded higher education just for trades. Some people go through that, my mate got a new job as an apprentice which trained him up and also sponsored his TAFE course
Caveat emptor
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aat level 3 is an a-level qualification and you can do that at any age
Put 2 and 2 together mate
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Prefer not to say. Not a good one, top 50. Had conditional offers for better ones but just took the guaranteed place on advice of my parents, neither of which did anything past high school and were convinced I should take the guaranteed place.
watched the football, it was ok
dont know a thing about cars. never had a dad or lads.
thAT gif got Me a bit randy, might need to breed my hands with my BZC
I've no idea how you'd get into CAD.
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market for lemons because of asymmetric information innit
you can counteract the this by buying from reputable dealerships who (hopefully) do their due diligence but of course this is costlier than dealing with private sellers directly
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seems there options, I think speaking irl to someone or doing more research into it would be best
the great thing here is that as long as you're willing to learn there's options
tell me whats wrong with it exactly
got painful spots all over my scalp don't know what to do about them
have you had a wash this month x

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