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Yellow fever edition
renewing a poo
updating a poo
Might have an early night guys if that's alright.
compiling a poo
Car broke down. Won't be able to start my new job. It's raining ash outside. The air is hard to breathe. Haitians roam the streets eating cats. Aztec fruit nigs in my grocery store. No mates. No skills. No degree. No gf. Shit genes. Absolute poorfag status. It's over.
uploading a poo
Blog on you boring bastard
Your mums house
Prior to Covid I used to finish peoples drinks at the bar when they left
was your nickname fred the fish
Is there any service I can text if I'm in a crisis hahaha? Don't feel like chatting hahaha xx
why is her bunghole so far below the crack?
and after covid?
that anons mum who’s currently farting like mad in the bathroom
you're in one
Samaritans have an online chat function x
teachers writing in the comments section of my report cards be like
supping some tea i made out of the mushrooms growing at the base of the toilet
waste not want not
penny saved is a penny earnt
best things in life are free
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let me in please i will clean toilets
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I got pulled over by the police a few minutes ago while driving home. Apparently I went out of my lane twice and drove too slowly. They asked questions like if I had been drinking which I hadn't.
Now I feel nervous.
Where's mousey? :O
Yeah this is how I looked
few cans and a night drive should loosen you up
You were probably picked up on the virgin detector
based cop ticketing slow drivers
What the FUCK was that loud bang outside my window???
Is that wales
nonce eradicator 4000
possibly your mum shagging a homeless person (again)
>britishers getting 4 hours sleep tonight so they can watch orange man and caramel woman say imcomprehensible nonsense to each other
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You must now make a comment on the state of British housing
what is this and why do you keep posting it
alright lads, calling it a night, it's a night, haha, anyway off to bed x
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what religion were you raised as?
if protestant which sect specifically?
were any of you literally raised atheist?

My family's Catholic but in a "get the sacraments over and done with and never go to church" kind of way.
Orange Hitler vs. Pajeeta
nigger poo
big drugs man, me
some nonce in doncaster/brixton
mogs my shithole
was about to post my bank account details but alright
The 2 undercooked hamburgers have defiled my intestines. Are you amused?
wtf are even those green cabinets in the bottom right corner
Soul, now with stabbings
raised protestant, attended baptist and evangelical churches

we haven't been to church in years but we're still believers, mum reads her bible daily
>were any of you literally raised atheist?
yeah? thats just being raised without religion
are those two white boxes on the houses aircon units?
we have aircon now?

very unpatriotic
channel migrant cash boxes
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you're the clown mate
Those are two completely different places
Recently found out that my dad forced my mum to get an abortion shortly after I was born and I really can't look at him the same way again
half an essay and a powerpoint to go
head pounding
this is brutal think i’m pushing through tho
2 hours till bed time
moved from one to the other didne
They could still find money for ooga boogas couldn't they.
I'd join the navy if i wasnt covered in scars from cutting myself
Communal spirit sovl vs goystate soullessness
her body her coerced choice
Alcohol has a shaming system built into it via hangovers. Can't remember the next step in my argument but that's connected to civilization building somehow.
Why would you want to come here? It's a cold rainy expensive disgusting concrete shithole filled with people who want to be American. Want to come here and rise House prices even more? Want to make this shithole even more of a characterless Americanised shithole is already is? Fuck you
Should have had a second
cutting down on processed stuff
i've gone organic
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That is the primary function of our society
He waits on his knees in the bathroom with his mouth open
Considered joining the navy about 10 years ago but quickly realised I wouldn't stand a chance of passing the training. Trying would have been a better option than 9 years of doing fuck all but ah well.
not showered in 4 days/nights
i fucking stink
Flyovers think Europe isn't poor and sick
get them moused
M 'OUSED you say?
One of my dads mates is an overweight 5 foot 6 fella who works on the ships 6 months on 6 months off
And I’m sure the barrier entry was a lot higher in his day
Donating sperm seems like the ultimate life hack
Procreate without needing to do anything
Just work on an oil rig, 30 days on, 30 days off.
and that right then was when rorke said,
"baby it's over for me,
as i sit here on my death bed,
i am finished,
pic related"
Give me a funny one-liner
But seriously, what’s the purpose behind importing planeloads of people, almost exclusively brown too for some reason, who by and large don’t contribute to society, put a strain on public services and dramatically increase the rates of violent crime?
it it it's over,
you know what i mean?
as i post, my little post on the chat board
I will live in a rock hut in western Ireland and not bother anyone. I don't need a house or electricity. Just bread and milk which I would work for.
should have just said "do my little post" sorry everyone, i've blown it
They can now sue you for child support
Is sharing this Wikipedia article a bannable offence I wonder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labia
doing nopoo are you
Lowers wages and explodes house prices - which is great for the political classes whom are almostly entirely composed of business owners and wealthy tarqs - or are at least funded by business owners and wealthy tarqs.
just got immersed so deep into media that i forgot i existed
Smoking a blunt
was watching combat footage then clicked to another tab as most combat footage is actually boring
im about to poo right now
a lot of people enter war with the bizarre notion that they'll be shooting at people but nobody will be shooting at them
that's nice grandad, now get back in bed
Great posts everyone, really funny stuff going around the website today.
Got loads of spots on my shoulder for some reason
Had to pop 4
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I've come to the realisation that it's just pure malice recently, I don't buy the 'cheap labour' argument anymore, they must know these people are drains and must be able to see the long term impact of them being here. They just want white people gone and are using these people as bioweapons.
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>Shooting with guns, man to man
lol what year is this? retard
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I like big boats. Big, big BIG boats
Me on the right, rubbing my man-minge to the schoolchildren outside
i was a chronic masturbator back then
New word for the filter list
Think i’m going into some psycho episode man
Hearing words and voices differently when i listen to them it all sounds sinister

Still got two hours on this shite man. It can be done. Just submit this last essay then call the tutor first thing tomorrow to see if there’s any amendments. Then she sets the last essay and I do it, hopefully my employer extends it to Friday. The full reason they were going to sack me in the first place was because there was no way I could complete all that by Friday but i’ve stayed up all night and done 8 out of 9 activities I had to do. There’s no reason why she wouldn’t but she just could.

Fear man. Paranoia. Life’s ruined if this falls through and i actually mean it. Would be the shame and disgrace of the entire family. My mum wouldn’t look at me the same again.
*To the tune of On The Road Again*
Slob my knob again
I can't wait to get my knob slobbed again
I'm looking to get my knob slobbed agaaainn
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you look lonely

I can fix that
i am literally blade runner from the movie blade runner
Just a super painful wee
fucking hate that do you ever get it where you can feel it in your cock or organs somewhere around your bum for a while after
Not sure bruv but I think it was because I held my wee in longer than usual
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whys the thread so fucking dead
So /Brit/ if you were teleported to medieval England would you thrive or suffer?

No meming and saying stuff like "I show them how to create guns etc" if you don't have the skills to do this without internet access or books etc
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New life hack
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madge the milf
I reckon I could be a semi-decent doctor since germ-theory, vaccines, and the cure for scurvey are all stuff the average 14 year old knows how to prove/cure. If I was smart and lucky I could probably weasle my way into some kind of court - or at the very least earn a living.
Of course you spastic. I'd go and dig up the Staffordshire Hoard for one and become the richest man in my town overnight
looking on google maps for a nice thick forest to hang myself in, not many about though
Youd become a local legend as a lunatic who spent all day digging holes around Staffordshire raving about buried gold
But I know exactly where it is. I like the question but the obvious answers ruin it 2bh. Only a retard wouldn't become the most powerful man in England.
I wish I had a girlfriend :(
give me an example of a time you had to be the bad guy
this took me 5 mins and 16 seconds to generate a 2560x1440 image
it's actually over for artists
You should do it in a public place with a funny sign/ banner attached to you
they will regardless, dont worry
when you have about 3 chocolate bars in the fridge and your nephew is about to visit and you have to eat them all because you dont want him to end up a fatty bastard like you
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need a gf soon lads

time is ticking
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Yeah but imagine walking into London looking like this, you could call yourself Lord of Keks. Who's going to argue?
Genuinely doubt you'd be able to even find Staffordshire without Google maps in medieval England you fat spastic
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good luck bro, I hope you make it
What's that weird crease that runs through the pic?
my psychiatrist probably takes pills herself, she seems a little loony
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faxing a poo
i want to live in Belfast
I want to be British and Irish and American and live in a comfy city with comfy weather. I'm so tired of warm temperatures. I'd like to work in the maritime industry
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sounds like you suffer from lack of an identity
My friend told me he stopped respecting white fellas when he was trying to get his money back from a crackhead and she offered up her kid as collateral

He left out of disgust and said he hasn’t been the same since
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Just seen the date
first british post in a quarter of an hour and its a silly cat dancing video (maybe real?)
Look at catberg go
not really
oh no, all the respect i desired from people who go around extorting crackheads....gone, like tears in the wind
is this real?
hate my fucking life
hate my fucking wife
I hate fucking your wife
turn that frown upside down
ever have a normal dream where nothing weird happened
I'm moving to fucking Fife
everybodys gotta hustle mate, not everybody sells their kids tho, that shits fucked up
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A trans woman is now the Democratic nominee for congress in Delaware, and will almost certainly win.
First trans US congress member.
Now the yanks can stop mocking us for Jamie Wallis.
Wonder how big his knob is
What's your biggest personality flaw?
Should I buy a PlayStation 5?
I'm allowing the bad thoughts to take over
"We the People" what people tho? they never tell you that part
grandpastein must be seething rn. surprised he hasnt sent me any memes about this
Chronic liar. Right boring cunt me, so I lie about myself and my past to seem a bit more interesting. As a result I often force myself into avoiding meaningful bonds and connections because I know that if they do any digging I'll be found out.
Debate starts at the top of the hour. Livestream
all of it
Fuck off we're full
creepy weirdo
Business idea: rebrand /brit/ as /brat/ to attract more female posters
my lack of personality
too smart
>Comfy Belfast


The ONLY redeeming qualities Belfast has is that foreigner's and blacks (especially Muslims) are scared of doing anything wrong as they'll be brutally beaten by the IRA or USA

Besides that Belfast is arguably the most depressing place on earth with the worst population on earth
redpill me on derry
just noticed leftypol slunk into the thread, must have happened a few minutes ago
Genuinely don't consider drug addicts as humans
Wait, you're a girl AND you post on /brit/? Wow, you are one interesting chica...
same there's a lot more on the streets now and they are utterly vile
too autistic to intuit what's appropriate vs inappropriate behaviour, gotten me into a lot of trouble over the years
martin mcguiness ruled Derry with an iron fist

fast forward and that iron fist is shaking hands with the queen and ian paisley

mad this the first time they will be in the same room

Derry is basically one of the conquered counties by the Brits yet they have steadfast held onto the belief they are "Irish" and badly want to become part of Ireland again and not a county in Northern Ireland.

The problem is us big dick northern Irish chads have absolutely fucked them in every pitched battle in the past and in modern times they can't do nothing but protest like the pussies they are as they basically belong to us.

Also it's Londonderry not Derry
rorke's regular repeating risperdal refill routine
excited for a blimpf melty
I'll be here with the lads, don't worry.
>We will be back afterwards for our postgame show
LOL yank news is something else
hoping for a harris hoedown myself
Can I watch the debate on YouTube or do I have to fuck around and find some yank channel stream?
alright lads let's keep the running commentary about the presidential debate to a minimum, some of us don't care

God Trump is so fucked
Got to love when you make a joke and an Amerimutt (most smug retarads on planet earth) calls you out like "heh im not gonna link your post also i called your bait or whatevber hhahahehehaasdadsaaweaw im so clever"
not opening don't care
*God EMPEROR Trump
what the fuck is wrong with Trump's eye
>some of us don't care
you care more than I do, guaranteed
he's chinese, is that a problem with you?

Shit sounds scary
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i would have sex with Kamaler
i tend to stare at people sometimes. not sure if that counts as a personality flaw though
chainsmoking i feel awful
Al Gore sighed during his debate with Bush and the media hung him over the coals
Kamala can do a smug smirk and tut already and the media will praise her
Trump going into immigration immediately lol
zion don you SUCK nigga damn i'm moving to the UK
God America is so tucked (either way)
And that's a good thing
Is it really possible to give every single american startup a free $50,000 to start a business?
Watched 30 seconds of the US debate and couldn't bear it
It's AOC for me brother, I think she's gorgeous.
might move to China
I turn my swag on
might move to Chinese Turkestan
Those big ass teef chomping on yo cock, mmmm yes
i don't think he understands what a tariff is
Let's send Israel more bombs and more money
Let's give them ALL the bonbsand ALL the money
Let's send them our young to die for Israel
Why doesn't Trump remind people he got shot by one of her supporters
I like his plan
China will give us billions of dollars
What's the problem
Would vote for Kamalör if I were American
gore wasn't brat
They're already in 39 trillion dollars or debt and fighting 2 wars
They can't even service their debt
Oh she wants to go to war for sure
Didn't realise Kamala had such a nasal voice. So it's a choice between the big bullshitter and the nasal woman
>she's a marxist
fucking screaming
watch the debate with cwc
Donald Trump acknowledged Taiwan, it's over for him
"i was going to send her a MAGA hat" lmao
>he sold them american chips!!
>We don't make chips they bought them from Taiwan

sounds like he's winning to me
>shes got no policy
>shes stealing my policies
>shes a communist
>btw immigration is awful
What the fuck is he on about?
Is there a politics thing
Is it two actual retards flinging shut at each other and lying through their teeth
Yeah I'm thinking I'm based
*surreptitiously notices politics outside pole*
Jesus Christ you just hear shit in the US you don't hear anything else
I've lost track of what Trump is talking about
Hate listening to idiots talk about politics
where are the magpies
the magpies are underrepresented in this debate
and walt disney !!
Well they are talking about executing babies now
really annoying when people exaggeratedly emote like that
I hope she draws blood, m8
There's an entire board for politics, use it
America really needs to become a colony of the British Empire again, Jesus Christ
>Jesus Christ you just hear shit in the US you don't hear anything else
Yeah, interesting politics
Trump is so fucked lmao
Can see the comedians across the US knowing now how to imitate Kamala Harris
How is it a trump ban if the states get to vote on it
America is cooked but I want TRVMPVS to win for the sake of the VVest
*pinches my nose* like this?
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>come to /brit/
>it's full of yank politics
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he's losing, isn't he
Holy shit you got it, SNL spot for you
who cares nigga i can't afford a car!!!
Hes all over the shop, just ranting and rambling at this point
stop being poor, brokie
cant believe rorke is at toil right now, he would love this
she is nervous as fuck though
perhaps that may rebalance it
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Abortion is the decisive issue. Plus women want a sassy kween in the WH
might move to China
she won that round
Vito?? Sopranos fan? She has my vote

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She is seething you can tell a man has never spoken to her like this in her life
why don't they just kiss already
our next question of the night:
kamaler harris says she only wants to give israel 20 thousand bombs, how do you feel about that, toilet bog fart?
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British men, I thought the West was advanced at stuffs like freedom and human rights. When has your country turned into such a gynocentric femi-dictatorship hellhole?

You could be arrested just being present around woman. It’s like your existence itself is crime.
prosecute trans nationals
Trump looks like a doddering old senile fuck
I will kill whoever loses this general election
Trump is killing this she looks so scared and nervous
read a story about someone conceived in 1992 and then born in 2017

i just know some of you lot are freakish time travel births
>starts ranting about how his rallies are the biggest ever
trump cant let any personal slight go
Trump's gimmick doesn't wash anymore, shit is stale
Why does she keep pulling faces
half a gram of shrooms straight up the japs eye
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he's basically just going on inane mousey-tier rants

This guy is crazy
you prefer that to scranning them why?
might go back to smoking
should both hit a massive toke before the debate so they can be more civilized
openly contesting some piece of news lmao
they are both on adrenochrome
touch woman tights legs
Imagine someone without social media hearing him say that
only joking lad i actually scranned them x
just got a batch from a new source, hope they're not duds like the last few batches i've had, i've had a run of bad luck either being scammed or seemingly being immune to the effects of shrooms
Again, remember when Gore was hounded for daring to sigh during his debate, or when Bush Sr checked his watch
Even Obama got hounded for similar
Kamala gets a free pass for outright laughing and acting smug because she's a BLACK QUEEN
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he's losing bros
i'd like to have sex with ms harris
he's weird
future president kum-a-lot hairy-arse
kamalas faces
wonder what they think of the "weird" thing
wow who could have foreseen this
can you grow your own in ausland
NEW >>202088592
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>fanny willies
Its joever its even trone.
no pls don't
I've been chosen by God himself

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