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USS New Jersey edition
First for the immortal values of Islam, inshallah
why do women tend to dislike pursuing men
Is it this one?
Islam is a plagiarized merchant religion that stole its values from Christchads so this post is acceptable
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did we really
Totally the good guys though
>nooo you can't bomb and kill people in a war that makes you just as bad as nazis
Finally unbanned I'm so happy to be back
Should have just surrendered
if you kill your enemies they win
war... war brings the wrst out in people
and the lines of morality are blurred in these war
Start shit get hit, simple as

Germs are absolutely not victims in this case.
seems shitty but when German people are mean online I am reminded that it was necessary
guys the deer ate one of my watermelons from the garden it had to be one of them
they stepped on it and crushed it open and ate it they are getting smart
do cute boys post in /cum/?
Every time FK posts I feel better about bombing Germany
yes UwU
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>30,000 people and half their buildings destroyed
Didn't know we genocided the Germans
Only old, fat, and ugly men post here
maybe it was the city rat gene harrogate
you've gyatt tuah be kidding me
just to be flooded by browns and africans later. based churchill!
but hey, at least we're not speaking german. punjabi and spanish are better languages to replace english anyway
now put germanium in the microwave
oh dear
One of the best ways we can prevent the growth of big government is to get rid of all the state governments (or at least reestablish them as essentially provinces of the federal government.) We'd be going from having to deal with 51 big governments (technically 57) to only having to put up with one.

But God forbid we do that though, run the country with only two levels of bureaucracy, small local governments + big national government. The key to securing small government is to have THREE layers of state bureaucracy.

>We'd have to change the name of the country then
Yeah? Just like when the UK changed its name once it ceased being an effective monarchy, or how the PRC never took the name "People's Republic" since China is a one-party dictatorship, or how we call New Poland "Israel."
Might join the navy just wouldn't want to defend Taiwan
yeah remember that time Churchill was PM in 1939 and started the war? Crazy chat
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The neighborhood bat visited me again last night
didn't stop urkel
chat thats crazy
is that some gay people term
Remember when US and Canadian troops jointly invaded a Japanese-held island, except the Japanese had already evacuated and the Canadians mistook US troops for the enemy and ended up killing like 1000 of them? Have you guys paid reparations for that yet?
i'm very uncomfortable rejecting people in any social context, what fetishes should i goon to to overcome this?
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no a bat lives in my neighbors tree and it always come out when im outside
britain sacrificed its empire to stop the germans just to be taken over by pakis. ironic justice
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What's the best US state to move to? Preferably still hospitable by 2030
No you fucking retard, you're describing what happened on one island as the entire campaign in the Ateutian Islands. Kisha is where there was a friendly fire incident with less than 100 casualties. 5000 Japs died during the entire campaign.

You're welcome for a lesson in your own military history.
Maine, lot's of swedo-americans there
maybe that girl could of been Indian and not Iraqi or Pakistani. but that doesnt matter - just means that i love Indians
i dont care
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is medicine a good field to get into?
looking at the xray tech course right now
I live right next to a hospital
>he wants people to believe the Japanese managed to invade Alaska
based XRAY-er
someone talked about "fake" scans the other day and i dont know if its true - because the positioning depends a lot. it would be easy to slip up making a fake xyray (which is probably a crime as well) because of more than which way theyre facing
I've been known to clarify my butter
You're actually a fucking retard, congratulations.
damn dude

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There were so many times in my life i could have been killed god has plans for me
you're liable to be killed any time you take a car ride
make XYRAYs with a mcirowave (transformer)
with like a transformer connected to one or something maybe
gonna debate in an hour wish me luck
Should I drink an entire bottle of wine tonight?
Thats an ok start i guess
I watch every debate even though I hate both parties and would never vote. I just like the kino
canada is just discount america
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the opposite
Just found out there's a debate tonight. Didn't watch the last one, won't watch this; never watched a debate and never will.

What's gonna happen? The two candidates each do a 180 and adopt all the policies of the opposition? I already know where the candidates stand on the issues, and I already know which party I want in the White House. Every Republicans want to redistribute all wealth from the population to the wealthy, and no Democrat wants to do anything ever; tonight's clapbacks aren't gonna change that.
i love reggie
Smog city
105F at noon and 85 at night
Kamala rambles in word salads
Trump can't interrupt because mics will be muted so idk what he will do
>Kamala rambles in word salads
Same with Trump. And Biden.
Obama is the only president from the last 25 years that can form coherent sentences.
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I have literally zero friends.
me as well
Trump doesn't do rambling nonsense himself?
join the club playa
Not in a word salad way. He just kinda trails off, Kamala starts making up nonsense phrases and bloats her statements

I'm so fucking lonely it's unreal
any in the midwest
Trump sucks but he is a tall white man with blue eyes so I hope he wins
Tbf Kommie Kamala's probably just dyslexic or some normie shit. Sleepy Joe's incoherence is due to the fact he's already dead, and Date-Rape Don's brain has been eaten away by decades of syphilis.
he really is microwaving it!
so glad i don't live in santa barbara anymroe
I don't remember posting this
the debate will be biased as fuck against trump, one of the moderators is literally a personal friend of Kamala's
hey i'm only ugly pal
yesterday i had like 4 sports drinks and yesterday my cum was super heavy
there was a regular amount of cum but it was so heavy. very nice cum
i was going to post about it here but didnt want to make this my cum journal
based ultra hard difficulty player. if you're young, fit, and pretty, you are playing on tutorial mode
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California is burning
Trump will probably wreck the economy again and neglect some national emergency that ends up getting over a million Americans killed because he was hoping to maximize the death toll in US cities in the hopes it'd swing the election in his favor, but I also just watched a tiktok video of him looking epic and based, so I plan to vote for Trump a fifth time this November.
>wreck the economy again
but enough about Kamala Harris
Shouldn't you be getting the hell out of dodge right now?
how to get cali gf?
dodge VIPER
I think it is if you want a sort of easy to get into stable job that pays more than minimum wage. Which if you're good with money you should still be able to save a bit for investing and/or retirement too, or they might even have pensions (but I wouldn't rely on that). Xray tech sounds chill af, idk what they specifically do but I worked with radiography for industrial stuff and it was my favorite thing to do, just taking pictures of shit and doing paperwork.
Being a lab tech or scientist seems pretty chill too (which if I can't do that as a last resort employment option I'll just an hero).
Plus the medical industry isn't going to be shrinking anytime soon. Even in countries with "birth crisis" they have a huge medical industry due to old people, and when the old people die the population will just grow again because of wealth transfer and less competition.
Yeah? How'd the vice president wreck the economy?
That's literally hundreds of miles away on the other side of mountain and cajon pass
It does now because tranny janny's chrischan looking ass couldn't stand having to compete with me and I've been gone for 3 days
epic gotcha my fellow redditor
Kill yourself faggot
Trump is going to lose to a woman after being beaten by an old man with alzheimer's lole
Trump is going to win though
Jew protest votes won't save him
should debates matter? its just wordplay and verbal jesting. it doesn't reflect how well you will govern, what your policies actually are
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post tummy or butt or something ^^
bit rude
mm yeh post your tummy or butt
jews vote 80% democrat dumbo
the chud life chose me
Yeah he's losing so bad he's going to win the popular vote
muller yogurt
million golf for her
muller yogurt for her
Yeah when they're not a KHHHHHAMAS President in the White House tying Israel's hands behind their backs!!! Democrats are the anti-Israel party that's why I'm voting Trump.
When will the debate be over?
I'm asking so I know when this site is usable again
Woke up quick at about noon
Just thought that I had to be in Compton soon
I gotta get drunk before the day begin
Before my mother starts bitchin' 'bout my friends
About to go and damn it went blind
Young niggaz at the pad throwin' up gang signs
Ran in the house and grabbed my clip
With the Mc10 in the side of my hip
Bailed outside and pointed my weapon
Just as I thought, the fools kept steppin'
Jumped in the fo' (6-fo) hit the juice on my ride
I got front back and side to side
Then I let the high school
Poppin' new shit by NWA
I've been inhaling so much smoke this past month. gonan get lung cancer at this rate
>when this site is usable again
Next february
all the immigrants should be kicked out so i can be a hobo and get the gibs im entitled to
i need more gibs so that government can make me a big strong boi
i keep getting calls from numbers i dont recognize. is that you guys trying to call me?
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you guys like ranch?
I just want to grill for got's sake!
at ARM, weve been thinking about the future [sentence end]
ever since we began [sentence end]
LOL Whatever that is it ain't ranch
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i like ranch
doesnt it start at like 10 est?
Also doesnt matter it'll still be around for a few days
But also, /pol/ tards have literally invaded every fucking imageboard, they're obsessed with having an echochamber. It's fucking autistic as shit
I don't think so, it's slightly useful when you have more than 4 candidates on a side, but 1v1 is fucking retarded
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composting my body to be tilled by transgender migrants in a community garden in seattle to own the chuds
I've been getting so many emails of thirdies claiming they're going to expose my nudes and internet history if I don't pay them thousands, some of them even containing my full address and name. I kind of want to start sending those AI videos and photos of screaming shitty pajeets but I imagine the emails are automated so it'd be pointless.
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what do you mean? how bout ranch chips?
based catholics
and based pope for his recent things such as "transgenders and gays shouldnt be murdered" and so on and so forth... he is so based
Any Ohio anons get raped by haitians today?
cue 50 years from now when it turns out this is horribly unsanitary and causes diseases and then we have to relearn why our ancestors separated corpses from the living
No, I think it tastes and smells gross.
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or these from sweden. i like the spice.
based pope telling the taliban a lesson now theyre second world
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love this dipmix. ranch has cheese in it, right?
Silly Yuropoors
That's like some ancient Dacian trying to make Roman garum
based the pope
make like a finn and swim off
best hamburger sauce: equal parts ketchup and mayo, garlic powder, smoked paprika. spread generously on top and bottom buns.
average day in ohio :skull:
our canadians are zesty tonight
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thats agar
Spread it on these buns
Big mac sauce> equal parts ketchup and mayo, garlic powder, smoked paprika. spread generously on top and bottom buns.
put oral polio in it...
big mac sauce has gross pickle juice in it and i'm pretty sure they use more mayo than ketchup.
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the only thing i know about canadian elections is that both libs and chuds are tired of the current guy and want a new guy.
maybe we're not so different after all.
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yeah im just trying to fuck with you. im actually interested how the hell did the concept of ranch dressing go so wrong when it came across the atlantic.
same with nordic tex-mex, some of the mamacitas there would have a stroke if they witnessed our tortilla evenings.
i shot myself in the head but survived. it's over
it really is
why don't they make men's sweatpants with JUICY on the butt, like they do for women?
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in that sparkly style like in the paris hilton 00s?
that's why I'll shoot myself in the heart
janny's getting ready for a massacre in 30min
oh the parasite is going to come for his daily?
>eat so many burgers your forehead fat protects you from gunshots
dog bless
doesnt feel like there's much hype for it like the last one
>equal parts ketchup and mayo
this really works? heard it multiple times
maybe he shot straight up and not diagonal
how did you manage that
sodiu benzoate
It's not uncommon for people who attempt suicide by gunshot to try to move the gun barrel immediately after pulling the trigger. This often results in them hitting a non-lethal part of the brain and surviving, but becoming permanently disabled.
yeah, just play around with the ratio of mayo to ketchup and add whatever spices you like.
so his triple chin blubber shielded him, amazing
this guy gets it
add bacon bits and grease if you really want to kick things up a notch
where did you read this made up fact?
good for him if it didnt make him retarded or his life worse
teaching my pet ringworm to play fetch by boofing dog treats up by ass then shooting it out with fart power
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i dont know, nordic tex-mex is allegedly by some norwegian dude who brought it here in the early 90's and ranch chips have been around for ages. i guess it's like how finnish baseball was born, we had a ballgame, dude went to US, saw baseball, came back and went "but how about"
shant be taking the bus home through the projects again
should i watch the debate and chat or should i play video games
exercise is very important
11 huffs fine 12 huffs poopman come i
i think the monopoly pieces were sucralose
and that makes two ways i used to eat it a a kid, to like it now. i really like sucralose. i used to sit at the table and eat it as a kid when i was left alone and bored
cant never go wrong with garlic and smoked paprika, thats fo sho
debate, this is probably the only one
im sort of doing all three but not doing any of them
i know someone who shot himself in the head with an m16 and survived
he lost an eye and has one ugly scar under his jaw
i love whygena
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timmy discovers what fry sauce is, many such cases. get yourself some chick-fil-a sauce sometime, you'll have a whole new perspective on sauce
cause you wus sucking a nigga dick the whole time
for 56 hours
they're really pulling out the corpse of fuckin chris christie to comment on the debate. this nigga ain't been relevant in a decade.
Im pulling out my dick and watching PORN
he cute
janny didn't ban anyone during the last debate
the chemist (YT name starts with "chem") making adrenaline mentions adrenochrome :)
i want to follow his synthesis and get some melanin and want to use that to protect it
yeah gotta be from mouth upwards so it penetrates center of brain, not like in the movies where they shoot through back of their throat, also if doing from temple it needs to be backwards enough.
or just get a shotgun with buckshots
my brain, that is
L-camitine adrenochrome-melatonin
or not-protected adrenochrome and saccharin sugar because its structure is good
Play video games, fuck the debate.
adrenochrome saccharin
filtering to put into a vacuum chamber and then, the crystals (pretty red ones!)
watchin destiny watch the debate
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>watchin destiny
iodide adrenochrome crack pipe
she looks unconfident
I got feelings for you
Hope you ain't lovin' the crew
How many bodies you got?
Pray it ain't more than a few
Know that you dealt with some lames
When you was young and in school
He had to pop your cherry
But I got it wet like a pool
>Tried watching the debate
>"Vice-president harris: would you say we're better off now than four years ago?"
>First fucking question
"I was raised middle-class..."
>Immediately turn it off
I was watching Chris-chan's reaction stream of it too. I just want straight fucking answers, man; I'll watch highlights later.
>trump immediately going for the BBC vote
link the cc stream befroe you close it so i can embed?
this nigga just makin shit up
>b-but him!
>b-but her!
very nice debate, thanks jews
I’ve heard enough. I’m voting for blumpf
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saw this in the wild
we are not better off than we was 4 years ago
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>jason eats pizza with a fork
drumpf would insta win if he didnt have retard vance
How long does it take to meet a latina if I blast banda music from a truck?
Is there a specific song that works?
But that was drumpf's choice to make
tim walz is a worse pick
> no you
> no, you!
> no, YOU!
> NO, YOU!!!
yeah, this shit retarded
eggs bro
Venture Captalist wanted a retard to rep them in his adminstration thats what poomuncher is there for
cool ty
quantum computers
Who put a gun to trump's head and go with it?
hey look it's tranny janny
would you fuck harris
Vance has been sucking Trump's dick devotedly for years. Of course he was going to be the VP.
wow i wonder which side is on 2 seconds into this stream
rather fuck a rotten corpse
Trump makes Kamala seem way cooler than she actually is.
yeah sure
jooos but I know hes senile and forgot his meme roots

Hes by far the most unappealing person I've ever seen even Kamala is better
>drumpf losing the female vote
i like those leftists that hate the right-wing because of the liberals but they agree with everything right-wing just a different side they arent allowed to vote for them
Executions of babies lol
i hear the democrats just wanted adoption or something instead
You mixed up the libs and lefts in your sentence. See blairism.
anon....that 50% can vote....
a grave mistake that should be corrected
the leftists such as friendlyjorides, when really they just hate rich people or self-serving government (or "the system"), when the other right-wing is for the people, which is what they want
>how did we lose maga bros...?
I'd fuck the AI pic someone made of >her with big floppy milf titties
but we loved the female vote in 2016
why would rape make an abortion ok...?
not even gonna watch cause kabambo is so annoying and she won't say anything of substance
>when the other right-wing is for the people,
Lmfao 14 years of thatcherism and austerity. That is all.
based japanese tradition. It just sends them back to the spirit world. If a mother really didn't want a baby she could just feed it to an alligator or a bear, that's like a $200 plane ticket
Only the White female vote, even that was like 53%
those are the liberals. i mean the OTHER right-wing to those thats actually exactly what im talking about
actually this is liberals
left-wing liberals bad
The fabled right wing that somehow always capitulates to international capital and the washington consensus when in power
I think Trump will win a bigger black vote because Kamala is a fake black larper
oh yeah i forgot to shitpost about blaccents today
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Reddit leaf seething once again about orangeman
Holy shit trump is floundering. The abortion thing shook him hard
they arent allowed to be in power (the leftist ones are - see CHAZ)
whenever they are in power the government sperges out
he getting cooked
she mentioned those people because she wants those babies that get born to be put up for adoption
Right wingers unconditionally suck off the rich THOUGH
another lie
guy has no life
in a right-wing libertarian society, the rich people would all be people who derserve it
turned it off after 5 min
how do people watch that shit
its over. he getting cooked
why even have a debate? ever since 2020, it's either been "for trump" or "against trump". no one's mind will be changing here.
its over
How much longer until
>She is a Hamas lover
and how based is your face gonna be?
not the rallies bros...
>her: visit one of the rallies
>christchan: HAHAHAHAHA NO!!!!!! I WONT XD
>her: ...he talks about fictional characters
>chrischan: im pro choice on abortion

he isnt left wing, he just dislikes Trump
word on the street is that orange man is pro-choice but has to act pro-life for political reasons
Point proven.
eating the pets?!?!
aurora mentioned
> >>202088412
nah the right-winger friends right now are rich because of the government
This is cringe
seem to exist solely so the media can pronounce their preferred candidate as the "winner" tomorrow
shes kinda hot...
pet bros....
>venezuela scare mongering during an election
America is officially latinx
im pro- cat and dog
we should not let them eat the pets!
Kamala Harris is a radical marxist palestinian and pro pet consumption
>pro pet consumption
oh noe i dont like that
"In Springfield they are eating the doors"...
What did Kamala mean with that?
> As you know Mr. President, the FBI says you're retarded and your shit is all fucked.
um lets be Klier
>trump says kamala will turn america to venezuela
>says venezuela has a low crime rate
Copala will bring law and order to the usa bigly
they also didnt go on to discuss the pre-rode vs. wade abortion ban event and some people or sides enforcing it now
Greatest political debate country by far
Yeah probably. Leaving it up to the states sounds good too
The media preferred Biden but they still dogpiled him after the last debate.
>trusting anything glowies say
hardworking muthah
yall think these people are your friends
> We've had the largest increase in domestic oil production since I joined office.
Very true, this woman really supports my Texan economy.
chrischan said the not coffee word
what the fuck is man saying
lol his performance was so bad they Couped him out of the candidacy
She's literally wants to give migrants HRT and let Haitians eat Mittens
who the fuck is chrischan
> do you support fracking?
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what is the average IQ of the type of person who is convinced by this rhetorical style
umm based??
She's getting FRACKED hard right now
>im a big fan of solar
pinko green comrade drumpf taking orders straight from peking
higher than chrischans
> let's discuss having peaceful transfer of power
uh oh
What's going on big guy
>I'm speaking, remember that?
need to get a miniature radio for the long rides I take for work. Cabin noise and the engine bore the crap out of me
I know who chris chan is but what does he have to do with any of this
im back
what does it say about americans that you can speak like this and still become president
welcome back, i'm at work
is she crying?
80% of voters on both sides are clinically retarded
chrischans IQ is very low
when are you getting off?
a moment of silence for the victims of the januarysixthocaust
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>fake crying
3 am, i work a 3x12 schedule
> stand for rule of law
> fight against chaos
okay she had me up until this comment. i'm definitely more of a chaos enjoyer.
If Eisenhower could nationalize a states National Guard why couldn't Trump call the National Guard to protect the Capitol? That doesn't make sense to me
fuck me this is like the 10th time he's mentioned the southern border
does he have the mental capacity to understand basic questions
60 range now in runescape
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Yeah I want someone to defund the pigs
holy digits
I'd ask what you guys are watching but i have to go back to the toil already
january 6th was a one day thing. Little rock was a big build up of Arkansas telling Ike to fuck off
bored of this now but i forgot what song i wanted to play after watching
So what? It was within Trump's power and he just said Pelosi is responsible
oh bomb na
the person i dont like is talking
time to start talking
they both have the power to call in the NG. Im saying January 6th didnt have as much leadway to happening other than rumblings of Qtards driving to DC to REEEE at the swearing in ceremony
> Victor Orban
that's your key ally? oh hell naw.
strongman is not supposed to be a good thing retard
1200? theres noj way
Big stick ideology is a good thing liberal
pelosi is responsible you dunce
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