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there's no time left, hop on my Kaho. Mr. Lim gonna chew us.
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Give us a good tsunami so i don't have to pay rent.
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me on the cuck chair
can't khsk today because of the flood
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who is this and why is she the sex?
Do you watch the president debate in your cunt?
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i was at w*rk
now i have it on
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reminder to not say their names
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What would Mr Lim’s daughter look like?
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Just give up Indog, that Tangalog NPC is just there to sperg "bago" like a retarded monkey like the 22 year old bum asking for (You)s itt.
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family picture of one of our (literal) Mr Lim
I know one, skinny and smells like hospital which turned me the fuck on
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>chinese century- ACK!!!
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Indonesia mentioned!!!
wait, there's an indonesian character in upin ipin?
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susanti came from jakarta but honestly she looks more like an average chindo
she looks like this girl who was nice to me. what is her @?
carefull with that shit, too much and youll feel like your soul tryina run from your body

mimi peri
>mimi peri
its not her. why you lie to me anon?
my bad man it was either mimi peri or nur sajat i cant really remember
how do i tell my gf i dont want to move into a condo/apartment with her but I prefer a bungalow house since I have a diy hobby.
get a cat and tell her condos don't allow pets
is it a luxury condo/apartment?
tell her as is?
indonesian badminton athlete whose name is probably the inspiration for that character is a chindo, so that makes sense
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We did it, bros
>masuk bayar
>parkir bayar
>wc bayar
>camping bayar
>drone bayar
>spot foto bayar
Too painful, they both suck
how old are lil nigger?
be honest
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>be sea guy with a youtube channel featuring your daughter doing homemaking/cooking stuff
>sus american guy start making donations
>sus american guy now send gifts too
>sus american guy wants to meet your daughter
>say yes


>the whole point of your vid is to get pedo money
>pedo want to give you money
literally nothing wrong
free english lesson
HAPPY 9/11
is he you
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Holy fucking based they're just trying to seethe at a nonexistent issue lmao
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>puffy cheeks
wtf based
>chinese century
Meanwhile in a real war China won against Japan
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Thanks, I'm having a blast
seri aja bangga ya allah
dikandang lagi
lawan australia yang lagi terpuruk pula
280 juta + diaspora vs 23 juta hasilnya imbang
biasanya kalah klo seri kan lumayan
based edish, how can I get a gf like Kaho bros?
>smells like hospital
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>didn't bother to watch this semen slurpers
Thank god nothing happened at senayan last night.
>literally The Rothschild of Asia
how do I become a member?
should've been another kanjuruhan, because clearly one wasn't enough as a wake up call
jawir spy on the center
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I wish we have this instead of being meat shields and campaign proxies for Americans
nothing will ever happen
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Pengen punya pacar awewe bandung
lel, do you have one with
"I'm 24, 24 is too old"
thank you my nigga
I'm 44
dont say that word you cant say that word indobro
I'm blacker than drake
Where have you been, JK? The 2nd time you become VP, your protege, anies did nothing to reverse this retardation, neither his successors.
I have been complaining for more than a decade, since SBY government started mixing school's raport scores to "balance" measurement, which disastrously spurred score rigging.
Of course, the bleeding heart libtards mentioned how a national standardized test are detrimental to student's psych, causing suicides. But, the alternatives, which abolished national standardized test as to determine (or part of) graduation has been detrimental on achieving the goals in indonesia's constitution preamble
>[..]dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa [..]
Thus, unconstitutional
cope harder, kevin. chinks can just spam big numbers just like ziggers. but in terms of tech and QUALITY japan absolutely wins on every aspect. i wish that train deal few years ago were still with japan instead of with chinks. fuck yall cheap shit.
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this is a guy isn't it
Built for BBC (Big Bocchi Cock)
Yes probably "lostwind10"
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You can easily tell by the wrist
Also no woman would have a tower PC anymore
>twitter filename
>no results on reverse search
does anyone know a better way to reverse search twitter pics?

i just checked it and there's no exact pic as that one. he also puts watermark on everything so its probably a different guy/girl? also the feet is kinda different
If not lostwind10 then i have no clue. Your observations were better than me.
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I found it , @woshiMDRkuaiV50
Why Chinese man can be this cute.... I will go back to work.
bratty chinese male.... needs rape correction!!!
This looks like my hometown
Your dick can't satisfy him. He's only seeking for BWC.
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A woman can hope,dream even and sometimes her dreams come true
i mean those richfags, poorfags either buy chinese watches or alexandre christie
the sexiest
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I thought this mental illness was exclusive to my country where poorfags document every aspect of their daily lives and post it on YouTube. My mom can't stop watching this crap.
>rape someone
>i need to satisfy them
i'm gonna touch you
>actually a girl
thank god. how did you find it though?
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/asean/ bros, how old are you when you first start driving a motorbike?
i was 8, it was a bit late by my areas standart
You disgusting faggot. I will cut off your dick with my chainsaw.
I used reverse image search.
I don't have a twitter account. I hope the source was good enough. The original was from this : >>202094213
>motorcycle debut
I was 16 lol
But It's okay, I'm more of a bicycle/manual car guy anyway.
that doesn't exist
mom wont let me ride a motorcycle
i was 12 right after entering middle school, drove myself 2007 Revo to school and parked it in my grandma's house
i can drive every type of motorbike under the sun by middleschool lol

hi bbygirl pust tummy pls
Big white cock do exist. Chindo girls and feminine Chinese boys will go after BWC. It's over for Asean. But you can go date with fat malay girl. Kek.
male hips
Why are you faggots obsessing over white penis? Have some dignity
It seems that her family can't give her a decent life so they turned to filming her and asking for support from patrons. Even if she did marry the old guy, what future could a poor short viet guy give her?
>that happy trail
I do not obsessed in BWC and i m a straight. My statement was, chindo girls and feminine Chinese boys are into BWC which is true. There plenty of videos in YouTube about random girls/woman interviews (related to interracial marriage). Conclusion, women here do have retarded mindsets.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery my nibba. Stop thinking about white penis altogether, only you can free your mind and rise above
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>i'm not gay i just think about penis sometimes
front plates on motorcycles are so ugly bro, glad they dont do it here.
Once you accept the truth that most women here will betray you for the average white cock if given the chance your life will get easier. The truth will set you free.
No offense but your national erect average is smaller than my flaccid and I'm a grower

Stop larping as a cuck davido
> Nibba
Damn you're dirty niggers. My statement will stands. Plus it's not your problems if this country goes kaput. Why even bother. You can turn off your vpn sea nigger.
It's same here dude. A lot of my friends ended up being divorced. It's sad reality.
Gay gampang x terubat/ 10
>you’re not white because you disagree with me
Why do thirdies on this board always fall back on this? It’s like Godwin’s law >>202095280
You can accept that reality without incessantly talking about penis thoughever
this is what i tell myself everytime i cheat on my wife
I do have a penis, and every man do has a penis. I only gets erection towards woman. Which is why i m a straight/ heterosexual.
porn brain moment

it is simple most women think of money first. in the case of thirdie girls seeing a whitoid will think that he is rich first anything else second.
I m not white, but i believe white people do have better IQ, they involved in a lot of innovation and sciences discoveries. Regarding body size, white people have better body and tall. I don't know why you hate your own people. What i wrote here based on the experience and what i read on pol/ and some history books.
tidak bisa begitu peru
aureliavizal / senjatanuklir
eni ma jakpus aseli!!!!
Hang pi potong la kote hang tu cibai. Harap harap bagi melayu yang gay nie mati banyak banyak sikit.
you have deep insecurity issues man.
I don’t hate my own race dumbass. I acknowledge our superiority, but what’s the point in you languishing in self-loathing over it? Instead of worshipping white penis you should have some dignity and self-actualize
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>malay momment
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You stupid kraut didn't understand. I guess my English was bad since i got C+ in English. I did not self loathing, i do acknowledge white people is superior in all spectrum. That's why i mentioned/ wrote a statement " chindo girls and feminine Chinese boys would go after BWC" . It makes me wondering, you dislike that statement?
is speed on tondo rn lmao
My gf cheated on me. So yeah i will go back to work. Have a good day anon.
I’m not a kraut, I’m Dutch. And I’m wondering why you are openly discussing white penis. If I was a Malay white penis would be the furthest from my mind, instead I’d be trying to make something of myself, but maybe that’s just my whiteness and I genuinely just don’t understand the Malay spirit
then she has told you what kind of person she is.
no loss there man.

she will do the same once the thrill fades with the other guy. lets get back to work.
>X abis2 pos psl konek
>Dok cari video amoi bunyi psl konek omputeh kt YouTube
>Panggil org lain gay

Hebat projeksi tuan hamba
9/11 boleh
Mom, we're on tele
dia tu disumpel ato jdi gede sich wan?
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yeeeah it's a guy
Imagine some pinoys assasinating him on his live for the lulz
Were not Brazil and Mexico tier bro
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bayangkan, mempercayakan event dan memberikan modal ke provinsi paling korup di Indonesia
Philippines internet...
You Pinoys could do a real service to mankind by killing that filthy nigger thoughbeit
that was me i was streaming pornhub in the background
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Isn't that just pau?
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yes we call it siopao
Speed is more successful than you.
He is more athletic than you.
He is more charismatic than you.
He's done more for his community than your entire bloodline has for your community.
All you can do is seethe because someone who you think of as an inferior race in your mind mogs you in every possible way.
Fucking cracker incel.
>ingod vs pignoys war in speed's chat
pon itself is worthless anyway
we already have SEA games, no need for national multi-sports competition
just focus and spend more on relevant sports
this so much this
STFU nigworshiper
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Who mentioned racial superiority you retard? He’s a disgrace to his race, any nigger with an IQ over 95 will tell you. And who’s seething? You’re the Malay chode who is simping for a literal minstrel, have some dignity

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weird shit since blakdyak's song had the opposite effect on me, made me think hey maybe they're actually the fun people but if they would seethe like this i believe its going to have the opposite effect and turn things out to eleven, especially with how fucking savage pinoy culture would be where we mock the shit out of trashy people.
It's like a zombie horde.
Who tf gets mad at Speed?
Who tf hates minstrels?
not gonna happen here bro.
people here worship money. it doesn't mean jackshit to anyone here that he's a nigger, he's has that walking dollar sign all over him and pinoys can see it.
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Lmao how did he get so popular in southeast asia of all places? Do all the kids there watch english-speaking youtubers or something? I've never seen anything like this. Makes me feel like we're all NPCs and he's the main character.
they keep on leaking his next location lmao
What makes you hate him, as far as they go he's not that bad
That's not nice
I live under a rock, what's this guy's schtick anyway? Mr Beast but black?
yes a number of foreign youtubers became big making pinoy bait contents
He's just some crazy loud, guy with absolutely no inhibitions. I don't watch him but some of the things I've heard him doing was going on some "dating show" and telling the girl he would rape her, setting off fireworks in his bedroom, and having people drive cars directly at him so he could jump over them.
>south east asia
I can't speak for the rest but pinoys in general follow what ever the fuck is hip in burgerland. from friendster to fucking emo and rap.
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where the fuck did this meme came from that chinoys cook cats and turn them to siopao?
It's one of those eceleb huh? Alright.
Wow I could seat my entire extended family on a maxi scooter like that
>why would you hate a low iq clown who just barks and screams and disrespects random passersby wherever he goes
You’re either underage or very low IQ. Speeds popularity is idiocracy manifest
Someone will take advantage of it sooner or later.
I just don't follow zoomer ecelebs so I don't know what he's famous for other than looking funny and listening to that german marching song
indogs has plates infront, while our motorcycleniggers complained when gubirmnt tried to implement that
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>YO YO YO NIGGAS AINT GOT NO CUH I'M IN PHILIPINES YO. AYY AYY NIGGA COME HERE MANG AINT GOT NO SHIT NIGGA SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL NIGGA *screeching and jumping around like a black nigger ape he is* WACH MY STREAM YO NIGGA BITCH NIGGA *screeching even louder like a blackest monkey who just got freed from local zoo* *zoomer cheering on chat seeing monke jumping around in city*
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>Upcoming Stream: IShowSpeed in Japan to celebrate the release of Assassin Creed Shadow
I m too fat. T_T
Keep rolling.
It's raining here and i want to go home.
I never learned to ride a motorbike, I do have a license though.
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Why is it already dark?
it is 6pm on a september
Look at the video of him in Denmark screaming at a baby and then siccing his bodyguard on the baby’s dad for calling him an idiot and asking him why he would scream in a random baby’s face. But of course sub 90 IQ zoomers love le ebin troll
why did the aussie nigger aimed for the goal during the last second free kick instead of passing the ball to their teammates
This just in: Korean government is now offering Filipinos money for BVreeding fertile Korean women.
Im gonna bread Ella Gross
I hate this shithole so much
I love this shithole so much
those huge guys following him are pacquiao's security
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You guys should be at least 2 hours ahead of us.
Me too, Crisanto, me too
it's totally dark when it hits 7pm chud. live in a better country moran
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>while our motorcycleniggers complained when gubirmnt tried to implement that
Wait for real? kek, what's going on there?
ruins the look
plus manufacturers campaigned hard against it
another cold road awaits me
Typical monkey behavior, I'm surprised to learn that the ape didn't stole someone elses food yet
>Monkey on a new habitat with the same species
>Fits in like a glove
Not surprised. Speed might give the tangalogs a proper N Word pass like what Oprah giving cars left and right.
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>monkey taggngalog habitat n word species glove
>fits in like tangallog
Speed give tagalongs liek operah n word cars species left and tangalag right monnkey not surprised
>look massa I hate the n-words too! See I called him a n***er just like you did please praise me massa
It's so funny seeing that one indog trying so hard to appeal to his /pol/tard masters.
Thaianons, is King Mongkut a good university?
You know, you're just making a joke of yourself by pretending a retard and then you call yourself based if someone bit it thoughever.
The entire country doesn't need a pass nigga
for me it's kare kare without meat for dinner
I know, we just make and print our own. It's either you grow from a literally slum hood or you got it while playing GTASA
>you have to like my favorite sub 80IQ content creator or you’re literally a racist poltard
Between simping for speed and obsessing over white penis it’s quite clear that this thread won’t be missing much when the Malays are blocked from using 4chan
Reminds me of IndogChud kek

What is with this country with crazy ass cults
>when the Malays are blocked from using 4chan
its mie ayam ceker tonight
Weren’t you guys talking about this last week
Not going to watch this speed guy. Is he one of those nuisance streamers like those asshole golliwogs that got jailed in Japan?
They already rescinded it.
That's Johnny Somali, wrong jigaboo bud.
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>sari-sari store next door is finally stocking nestle ice cream in their fridge
bye aice, it was nice eating you
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>Objective: Survive
arr rook same
all the guys seething at Speed itt would deepthroat guys like Pewdiepie or the Paul brothers simply because they happen to be white
You are so stupid it can’t be real
I was asking whether he's making the same kind of content or not.
all bulek is bad
He’s not that bad, he’s just genuinely very low IQ and doesn’t understand that not everyone loves him and wants to be involved in his antics. If he just left random passersby alone and kept his antics to just fan interactions I would just consider him a clown that makes shit content for retards
idk. But outside of Chula and Mahidol, there isn't much difference among the more well-known universities imo.
>wh*teBOY doesn't know
do NOT look up the most visited countries for female sex tourism.
"anak" means son or daughter
should've been "bocil" which means little kid
looks chinese
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itu provinsi batak nigger ya kalo ga salah?
ada medan, gothamnya indonesia
Ya 'anak' juga bisa diartiin 'little kid'
'anak-anak' = 'little kids'
melayu niggers use "budak" instead of "anak"
"anak" means "want to" in melayuland, as in
>"saya anak ngentot"
which means "I want to fuck"
wangblows 11 is insane
16gb ram is not fucking enough holy shit
>still using spyware 11
ah thank you.
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Is this true or it's just a meme?
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Lol, Okay if you say so bro.
It's for the AI
What is this anak babi bullshitting about?
How is the gf 2024 going everyone?
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Hey, I know this kid. He once spoke to me in a baby language simply saying "Total IShowPeePee Death" after that incident. Also he doesn't like being called a fag
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Here is malay version. Both are same sad.
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Selamat sore.
I have severely underestimated the complexities and requirements to move to SEA.
But I shall keep trying.
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Behold, the face of the modern philippines..
Decent bait.
But you're white...
Why move? Why can't you just get a working visa/permit?
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>like a monkey in a zoo
he should be a politician unlike Alice Guo
Apparently that doesn't matter. Neither does my height or cock size. 4chan lied to me
>You cannot apply for an Indonesia work visa if you do not have a sponsor (employer) in Indonesia who can help you get a work permit.
>The work visa and work permit application process (often referred to as KITAS) is long and bureaucratic, and it can take up to several months.
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Kek. Can't stop laughing.
Have you ever been there before?
>You cannot apply for an Indonesia work visa if you do not have a sponsor (employer) in Indonesia who can help you get a work permit.
just go to the gate and bribe, retard. It's not Germany or Dutch.
> I thank You, Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
> I thank You also, Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am that I am.
retard should have coordinated with the police
he is already in contact with pacquiao
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No but it seems nice
That sounds illegal. I don't want to be a foreign criminal. I have found some companies that want teachers but I don't know if it's some sort of scam.
$1000 with flight reimbursement, free accommodation, free Indonesian lessons and free health insurance sounds too good to be true.
>No but it seems nice
So go there first as a tourist.
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budak and anak are used interchangeably, retard. budak is more commonly used as spoken language in informal context while anak is between both written and spoken language.
>saya anak ngentot
translates as "I'm child fucker", not "I want (to) fuck". If you think the word "nak", it's the contraction of the word "hendak". One regional level, "nak" can become a sentence stresser, such as in Melayu Sarawak.
>"Kawu ada adik di Kuching, nak?"
>You DO have a sibling in Kuching, amirite?"
ignore the mlei hating retard
mleis are brother, we are serumpun
The pay is about right (t. one of my uni buddies became a math teacher in one of its international schools) but be advised that SEA is a hotbed for human trafficking and there's a good chance that your pasty ass will get shipped to Myanmar to be forced to run scams instead
Why don’t you just get a remote job instead of being a TEFL fag? It’s not 2014 anymore, the TEFL dream is sadly over
And do what? Walk around on my own for a week? Living somewhere is completely different to visiting as a tourist. I'm not paying to fly to the opposite side of the planet to have a look around, I can just open google street view.
I am too tall, strong and handsome for that. I shall simply eat the human traffickers.
It's not over until every man, woman and child in the world is fluent in English. I will make sure of it.
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>And do what? Walk around on my own for a week?
Well, yes? Test the waters first and see if you actually like the country.
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>touring to Jendral Sudirman monument in Pacitan
>the road are either like this or the classic 2 concrete row jalan pedesaan
>not to mention the 1000mdpl climb with extreme curves with these kind of road
why is this region so poor, our former president is literally born here
I really really hope speed gonna land his ass at medan
imagine the conversation between him and an average inang batak
cakep bang, link?
yg beginian org mana biasanya?
your time zone is fucking retarded
Thank you brother :)
Fucking kek.
europe can talk shit towards each other while 70% of the popilation here can't even spot philippines on the map
omg gago
mental illness
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What happens in Cambodia? I never see any Cambodian flags
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I let you Pinoys start a new thread
Lots of sweaty sex
how ugly are you? women will glare at me when i say hi.
I'm not ugly face wise but I'm really short.
They follow daddy China timezone, just like singapore
how short?
I'm 141cm
you are taller than me. fuck off.
wer gago?
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Well make one monkey
Single women will say they have a bf if I ask for their phone number.
then make one already monkey
omg bago
Cariin aku pacar bang
Why the fuck do you think I'm here? Check your inbox
Google gemini nggak bisa inget konteks percakapan ya?
Bahkan versi advanced sana aja.
Chatgpt masih jauh banget dibanding kompetitornya
they are busy thirdiemaxxing
Why don't you just become each other's girlfriends? You can take turns every month with who dresses up as the girl.
Everybody wins.
My colleague told me a guy he knew died from food poisoning on his honeymoon in Cambodia
too early chud
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>once in a while pinoy baker
>uses a tranny looking image
guess it checks out
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omg bago now
Failingpenis never beating the faggot allegations
He's just pretending to be a retarded faggot desu
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sure we can
good boy *pats your head.*

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