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this was 20 years ago-edition
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what kind of name is tucker
where's fuddruckers?
Enjoy your whole milk, anon.
literally the worst list ive ever witnessed in my life
I heard my good friend Toby was here. Toby if you’re reading this please settle down and take a deep breath
he clearly loves tucking
wowza, only took us about 100 minutes to get through the last thread.
/cum/ speedrun.
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someone needs meds
Believe it or not, there's a legitimate reason for him being on cum. If you visit /brit/, you will always find american flags even though it is a british general. His argument is that since americans can infiltrate /brit/, why can't he, a brit, infiltrate /cum/
why are our regulars only from boring countries like canada or east ireland.
why can't get get cool regulars from mongolia, or namibia, or paraguay.
thoughts on wasians?
100% sexo
They should all go back.
I want to visit Scotland so bad ...
Don’t see what this has to do with American culture
Scarborough mentioned
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Who won?
> post taylor's version in another thread
> thread immediately gets nuked
they're trying to silence us :(
scotland is fucking awesome
no going so good, guys. slamming on the brakes like that has made me very sick. shaking so bad i can't even bring food to my mouth. heart racing so fast it aches and i was hearing voices in the fan-noise. i forced myself out and got a bottle. i guess i'm going to have to taper if i want off the ride. thanks, auto-correct. <3
which one of you fag snitches reported my hang yourself post
America's enemies, because the deep state isn't going to allow anything to change.
Niggas be like weed society vs alcoholic society
But then niggas be like >>202091061
oh, smoke weed. for the love of God, its not even a contest. smoke like cheech and chong taped together, stay far, far away from alcohol.
stop replying to ratpedo
Good quality tap water in Calgary
We live in the worst timeline.
This faggot roach needs to be deported straight to a turkish prison for leftards
how would u know
Does Calgary have their water lines fixed yet?
Meds Toby
add ratpedo being scottish to the /cum/ lore wiki
attentionwhores deserve no lore
No, they keep finding new vulnerable areas of the main feeder pipeline
yves saint laurant neu opium parfum! they made a red one
neu odor de parfum (just got an advertisement)
Jason spotted
take a guess who
hang yourself
lol not even the janny likes fat (and fat doesnt like him when he tried to suck fats cock)

look at how badly they want it to continue as well. LOL
cuz I went with frens
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Fun fact about are Toby. He keeps bags full of piss in his freezer. Something to do with chemistry tests
i didn't get banned
nice weather out
its heating up to be a lovely day
how many? what did you do?
Naw it isnae
Britbong don't lie to us, it'll be raining in 5 minutes.
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stop replying to ratpedo
he only banned people because i said i was done (he even waited until the next thread to do it) because he wants it to keep going. he wants the thread to be bad - it justifies his existence as the complainer
>he has friends
go away
this destiny guy's pretty smart
when i use public restrooms i piss on the seat
Just realised it’s 9/11 day. Sending my condolences to all of you <3
your comments about ignoring ratpedo are more annoying than ratpedo himself.
like i said last thread, thats all he gets. but he does want it to keep going so bad. it is all he has - i am the highlight of his day (he gets no replies in /brit/ and people have even blocked whole flags as a whole thread because of his - without being told to)
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>buy bagel bites for the first time in 15 years
>cook and try them
somehow they have no taste.
I like Taco Bell; it's the only thing spicy in there, isn't it?
Also, BK > MCD
>more annoying than a schizo furry who spams meaningless gibberish into the ether for 10 hours
I dont think so, cuck
Yeah, I'm sorry that Americans gave up freedoms, because 9/11 was an inside job used to push forever wars and spy on their people.
looking out my window for a bit ^.^ ill still be here with you
tough titty because you cant filter him. boo hoo
I drink it and think of you
Where does Toby even get all these ideas of shady people banning him whilst spamming in the thread?
I was told not to reply to you. I know I’m doing that right now but I just want to say I love you, we all do. However because of the rule this will be my last reply to you Toby. Take care.
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>taco bell
wish the britishers would fuck off already
there are wypipo in brazil anon
I thought you guys fought a war to be rid of them?
god damn this sciatica
I haven't eaten goyslop in years but Taco Bell was the only place that was worth it's price
shut up blud
did you know they sometimes give a cancer treatment drug to treat that? i dont know if its still recommended and im nojt telling you to eat that destructive drug
i learned abotu the drug on Wikipedia but havent been able to find it since :(

not engaging but this is the yank on a proxy/VPN
like 3-4 usually, it was a work retreat thing so it was more than that and we'd run into eachother and stuff.
>visiting castles
>going to a karaoke place
>whiskey tasting
>soccer game
>silly tourist tours
>cool restaurants
>drinking on the train
>going to museum things
It's also good to go by yourself because then you don't have to try to do things everybody likes or whatever. Like I wanted to go to a hotel that was on a ship and do a whiskey tour that was in a car, but no one else wanted to do that. I was also more familiar with the area but still nobody wanted to listen to me sometimes but its whatever, I'll go back with my imaginary gf or something.
other (more towards the first-line, which is after the creams) is UV therapy, where they use UV rays to treat the skin :)
i would ask (by telling) copilot the question instead of posting in the thread, but there isnt much going on. its weird that not a lot of people are posting right now (and that doesnt happen when i sit here and talk)
Clickety clank, clickety clank, the money goes into my piggy bank
nigga it's 5 in the morning
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proxy yank ^
the money has to move...




Hey guys I heard you was after British posters
*1 in the morning
Yup. Round them up and take them home pls
Their sandwiches always looked tremendous.
Is that middle layer /cum/?
The clocks went forward the other month man loool
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posted in the old thread because it was only at 280 but this one appears to be 90% mouseshit so what difference would it have made
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literally me!
didn't they go out of business
omg cant forget (the anti-depressant) st. johns wart - an inhibitor - i think
I’m listening
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Still in Canada, and from what google says, they're in the USA too.
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*poos in your thread*
nah. they're still here

God I wish we could do that.
used to work at taco bell and basically don't eat there
ai is getting crazy i thought this was a real bollywood movie at first
Fun fact: I'm banned from all Disney properties
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think i'll draw a nice hot bath and sip on a cold beer. what should I add in the water? I ate 6 mandarin oranges so maybe the peels?
benadryl: IN
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orange peels are great for fragrancing your home
Nothing of value will be lost. There's a bunch of youtube channels complaining about the downfall of Disney theme parks.
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post your penis and bumhole i need it thanks
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rotate the image, retard
reminder that 4-day work weeks are bad
the cleaner at the shops is so cute. she was just coming out of the mens toilets today when i was there so im glad she didnt hear me piss
Got into a scuffle with a power tripping Disney female security guard at the gate over a t-shirt I was wearing that was inappropriate because it had a woman with cleavage on it.
Meanwhile females walk around with their ass and titties out, ya feel me?
Glad to hear. They deserve it.
They're eating our pets.
They're eating our PETS.
They're EATING our PETS.
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Anyone else take breaks while masturbating
now dont try to say that youre not "EW"
the weirdest thing I've ever eaten was escargot. saw some of those mexican insect lollipops but I passed on that
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it's over
canadians are so fat they get winded from jerking it
that sucks
and banning you from everywhere seems a bit harsh just from that
americans are so fat they get diabetes but they can't afford insulin so they just die
nigga your government ENCOURAGES you to die
I did the weirdest shit ever.
I went on grindr
got a gay guy to drive to my apartment
he sat down on my bed
then i told him to leave and said sorry

thank god i didn't suck his dick or fuck him
idk why i even did this
i felt like i trolled him and i was scared for my life as well at the same time

i hope i dont see him in public
as you know, yesterday - i saw that calcium can help with insulin secretion, for the one that isnt genetic as well! interesting!
not really
feeling full of hopium
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are you a cute twink?
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are you a cute twink?
same it's grim right now for me but tomorrow is a new day
Every other country figured out a system but Americans have to debate it every 4 years and threaten to kill one another over it.
Hi guys
Strange debate

Mexico's soon no longer a republic
he need som milk!
You can reverse diabetes with fasting and not eating any carbohydrates
feels like god has abandoned me
Someone post the Royal Canadian Based Frog.
yeah, it can go into remission
should of known that before i even talked. so its weird that its even a topic!
Have a taco and don't worry about it, amigo.
talk to me about those things...
i will listen. ill try to listen
did u know certain foods can change the way you smell? fenugreek supplements can make u smell like syrup for example. NOW HEAR ME OUT. Imagine having a cute canadian boy and slipping him fenugreek supplements so he smells like syrup then you can cuddle up to him in bed and sniff his syrup boysmell
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I think it was Laura Loomer giving Trump the talking points
what happened this time
aaaa stop et >.<
Don't worry, Harris will let you all in when she's elected.
Thanks anon.
zesty ahh niggas in here
For he is an Englishman…
In a nutshell, governing party (Morena) has majority in senate, and the president is trying to essentially nuke the Judicial powers, making them easily accesible to Narcos, as part of the reforms is lowering the standards and experience needed to be for example a Judge, to the lowest fucking bar and "popular vote".
Why do you feel that?
god only turns your back on you if you have your back turned to him. but the good thing is that he will always be there for you if you turn back
What's wrong with voting? are the elections rigged or something?

is she/the government doing anything to FIGHT the narcos or is it same old same old?
Stop being a faggot
>God turns his back on you
>jk he really didn't
Sounds like something you tell a 5 year old.
Can we get all these brits out of here? Their vibes are rancid
cry about it
ah yes the cynical bitter atheists are here
fuck it i'm gooning and going to bed early
today has been mad gay
i love whygena
>today has been mad gay
Glad you had a happy day.
oh my god i dont care
thread outro song
thread outro song
i use gay as a pejorative because i'm homophobic THOughevr
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my manager is pissed at me and scheduled tomorrow to be mad gay
it's all going downhill
I wish the drill rappers would finally kill all the /brit/ invading posters.
GOOD post
>not steady enough for the office, not hard enough for the hod
that's so me
imagine if you got bullied in hs by the football team and they made you dress as a cheerleader lol
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that did happen to me

it wasn't funny
i wish we could elect both trump and kamala. i feel like a surly dad watching them bicker, and i think the best thing, for them, and this country, would be to elect them both, him president, her vp and force them to play nice. no knocking each other's blocks over, no shooting milk from your straws at each other, just get the prices down and shut up!
This feels like brit
go on..........
I believe each party/alliance has their own narco flavor backing them.

It would be same old, But never before has access to lawmaking been so prostituted.
I was friends with a lot of people on the football team for some reason, even though I never made it onto a sports team

I had a weird HS chapter
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>This feels like brit
what an ugly thing to say!
nah man nah
everyone called me "jenna" for the rest of my time in school...
ok how about >>202091960
Happy 9/11 everyone
bizarre question, does anyone here own a stand-up video game? like the old arcade cabinets? i have some moolah and i've been thinking about getting one for a long time. the only things stopping me are, in order of severity:
it takes up space
it's another thing to dust daily
and it's so immature i feel like a pair of glasses would just appear on my face and an IPA in my hand by magic.
C - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxE5OijcNqc
U - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NJNTgBs7nM
M - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjC3PtMWJhU
wasnt this a YT short
...see, that didn't sound like mouse. was it? it's hard to tell sometimes.
I like horror movies
go on.............................
seen any decent new ones?
what's your favorite? mine's the shining.
and i dont think whygena is even gay anymore :(
Just watched late night with the devil, it was okay
for me, its poltergeist or Amityville horror
Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is still really good
I like the witch and hereditary
>see an extremely insane far-right post online
>it's an america-obsessed thirdie
lol so frequent
do you like low budget horror from the 80s
Yea it holds up
tfw no straight cute male to cuddle with
No, I'm more into the evil demonic movies
never forget :*
Knock Knock
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I could sleep because I feel somewhat tiree or keep watching Captain Harlock for a few more episodes.
yikes. i absolutely loathed hereditary. i actually apologized to the missus for choosing it when we watched it for halloween one year. it wasn't incompetently made or anything, but good Lord that movie is just an all-out offense on the sensibilities. from the gore, to the subject matter, to the miserable tone... yeesh. i'm not kidding when i say i would rather watch serbian film again than rewatch hereditary, because at least that movie is so absurd in its gratuity, it loops around into being comical.
Captain Harlock is great
go on.............................
you made this post to get people upset and it's working on me bitch fuck you
>that movie is just an all-out offense on the sensibilities. from the gore, to the subject matter, to the miserable tone...

It was supposed to be like that, it keeps build on the dread and craziness
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goodnight pepsidog
right, and that's why i don't say it's bad, just not for me. its emotional tenses were what worked the best for me.
film and cinema are pure trash compared to literature but snuggling a cute boy and watching a movie can be nice
I think I would just make a computer stand that looks like an old arcade machine, or even just put a TV or monitor in it. Or maybe like an old crt monitor or something.
Idk it depends on what you're looking at too, because there's some that are like $5k and then there's cheap chinese shit. Maybe a decent one would hold its value pretty well, especially if you keep it in decent shape.
Thinking about this makes me want to get a vending machine. Or like a fishtank that looks like a claw machine.
not me
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pov you just watched kino
they do do this
I actually like the conjuring series too
More like
>you just watched an American show that they licensed
Not that I'm complaining, they generally get all the good shows that are currently airing in the USA.
just farted and shod (actually)
good post
4 more years until you can vote Reform again.
banned from local area social server because some faggot needed a target to exert his newly earned moderator rights HA HA HA non j'ai pas envie de parler français ici non plus fuck je hais discord
je hais le québec
je hais la francophonie
je préfère vivre chez les nègres
je déteste le québec
je déteste la francophonie
je souhaite qu'ils se séparent du Canada
*melts down*
i am a puddle...
i'm a cute little strawberry :3
j'aime bien les quebecoises
peut être you were just being annoying
The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock caused Ornithophobia in some people
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i was banned less than a minute after posting this
i'm peter the strawberry
im drunk cooking and emptying the pantry
please be kind
you are going to die
anon that is gross
banned for not enough macaroni
looks great to me
kinda looks like midwest goulash. i'm sure it tasted fine :)
make the new you worthless cretin
it's on page 2 dumb nog
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I genuinely need help but this website is desensitized from attentionfags
sa mere
cant wait to go out and buy food later
lol wut
done him
A racist just lifted weights
based nice job anon
it was honestly no good
did you drool into it?
hm this private server with only 20 people on at a time. i think ill be an ironman and play solo
because im selfish
why not?
why even post
i need my dick sucked
the half bottle of oyster sauce ruined it
oo its being a "rent seeker"

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