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Cheesed to meet you

Unripened : >>202054089
primo per i cinegri sono stupidissimi
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Good morning /med/.
Apparently I eat dogs and cats now.
Good morning! let's pretend to workkkk one more time (I'm unironically tired of this).
gm /med/
Imagine the smell...
Not gooning for a week
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Ayyoooo medders. Had to wake up at 2:30 am to take my plane lol
How did you go to the airport? Mc-man
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*blocks your path*
I suppose you already reached Alba, how is the weather up there?
Why am I in a warehouse full of cheese to begin with? My dick lead me there, didn't it.
Don't fuck Nessie.
Congratulations, you got yourself caught
What's the next step of your masterplan
I travel with my parents this time so we just left the car the airport parking lot.
Sunny but cold! These scots walk around in tshirt, they don't seem to feel it.
May I advise to drop the Chan for the duration of your holiday
Scotland seems like a very cool destination, enjoy your holiday
you're making me think that there must be some Nessie R34 kek
I'll consider it. Still gonna post any gemmie I find.
Thanks fren!
I wouldn't bet against it. I'm told Scotland is very beautiful, so enjoy it.
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Resistance is futile
That must be the stankiest pussy on Earth...

So this is the power of Frogs.
>mfw I understood most of this.
My past teachers would be proud.
Anyway, this changes things.

good luck in Scotland the gf got food poisoning from eating fish when she went there
Hahaha dai non fare l'uccello del malaugurio
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Good post
There's an english guy in my class, he looks chuddy

How to proceed?
He talks with a big thick veiny pulsating british accent
Beat him up to impose dominance.
No man, he looks shy, he cute
Well then go and suck his cock it seems it's what you want.
Id love her to abuse me with le drama untill i kms
Scotland is 4th world
I don't like his kind
Sounds like you like taking it up the ass
>Sounds like you like taking it up the ass
I do in fact, problem?
He is my enemy
send photos from scotland pleaseeeeeee
I don't talk with fags
Are you black
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Feeling like a squatpilled legdaymaxxer rn
6x12+2x12 squats
5x12 calves
4x9 leg curls
4x12 hip thrusts (increased weight by 5 kgs)
Time for some coffee.

Enjoy your time in Scotland friend.

Succubi will still your seed in your sleep if you don't goon during the day.
>Maltoid moment
Finished the interview, it went kind of mid but I think I have chances to get hired.
>6x12+2x12 squats
>5x12 calves
>4x9 leg curls
>4x12 hip thrusts (increased weight by 5 kgs)
Better amount of volume, the squats beat you up so you lowered the volume, good.
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Hopefully you pass the incel background check
Luckily it's hard to see if someone is tall or short in an online meeting.
reply to this post and every British anon in this thread gets deported to either Birmingham or Slough
No I'm Albannach
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>I have chances to get hired.
Nice, where is the company based? Is it a spanish company or some other cunt?

>Better amount of volume
Not to be that guy, but tbf, I do 7x3 sets on leg days which is a total of 21 sets and today too I did 21 sets, but instead of doing 9 total sets of leg extensions, adduction, and abduction, I added those 9 sets instead to other exercises. Wouldn't that technically mean that I didn't lower volume?
Also, I tried farmer's walk today with 40 kgs for the lulz. /fit/ says it's goated but in the gym I was told that it fucks up your back. Idk, I kinda felt my back not liking it, but maybe if I improve my form it'll be better. Thoughts on farmer's walk?
Now i understand, i'll try to convince him that giving the independence to scotland is the best option
It's a Spanish company.

Well you did compounds over isolations so in that sense it's more volume but I think it's a bit less.
Farmer's walks shouldn't hurt your back if you are walking with a straight back, maybe you were doing something wrong.
He probably believes that
frog just wants them British Roses for himself
VGH, I suffer being stuck with Shitalian women
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Queen-loving tugas, your response to this post? >>202099596

I trust you will be respectful while in the land of my forefathers.
Stay away from Carlton.
Do NOT express an opinion on the ongoing Rangers vs Celtic holy war.
Don't accept food from women after sunset.
If you find yourself in an old man's pub, do not panic, there is always a way out.
that's not a queen, that's a human sized brigadeiro
>Don't accept food from women after sunset.
Even when they are offering pies?
What if a woman offers your her toes for you to suck.
There's also a lot of young girls around in the center i study because we share space with younger students, i felt aroused by the sight of so many young fertile pretty girls
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Imagine getting offered some tasty pie by some scottish girl so as a way of thanking her, you ask what her recipe is, and the next day you invite her over for dinner for some creampie.
Haha, that'd be so weird.
Sorry, I do not feel bad for sex-havers.
I'm not a sex-haver, that's the worst thing, i think of their soft pale and hot flesh and i feel sick like a crack addict deprived of taking his dose
Grandma improved. She talked to me today.
Ate half a roasted chicken and some fries, I need to lay down to digest all the food.
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Especially when they're offering pies. All I can do is forewarn you, son of Hellas.
>What if a woman offers your her toes for you to suck.
Your conflation of eating with intimacy worries me, and I fear you may have developed some misogynistic beliefs. Do not worry, however, as this can be corrected through exposure to feminist literature. Might I suggest The Edible Woman, by Margaret Atwood?
Hey Catnigga, my mum came back from Cyprus yesterday and brought me a few gifts, a nice T-shirt and some tasty sweets: halva of a few different flavours, loukoumi and carob chocolate
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I would like to hear more about the Turkish delight and carob chocolate. I never took pictures of the stuff my brother brought back, but I wonder if we got given the same brands of anything.

How much of it have you eaten so far?
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good morning everyone
>wake up, there is a massive incident in the factories in an area related to my activities
>remember there was a change going that I requested in one of the suppliers involved in the issue
>reading emails, checking logs, performing tests, etc. as the pile of issues mount
>after performing tests and verifying some logs, I see that everything related to the change I've requested is ok
>after being very nervous, entering several calls, etc. they discover that some jeet from other supplier screwed up something that affected the interconection between suppliers, so API calls, etc were all failing
>after they fix, things start working again so now me and a co-worker are working on the clean up
>jeet reporting the issue is literaly named POOsala
you better believe in clown world kids, because you're living in one
tried λουκόμι once, a friend brought from turkey
it really is great with covfefe

Don't you have someone/a team to check such problems in real time?
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yes, they were checking... a team filled with jeets and other clueless people
I think they simply take notes and nag people to death, since I'm the technical guy I had to check everything

I would like to hear Portuchad's opinion as well, I have a feeling he is also being JEETED hard
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>there are pajeets in brazil
I wonder how well they're doing in mastering the Portuguese language, considering that even when they speak English, I often struggle to understand them.
she hasn't written to me for two days. i think she hates me
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they are not physically here I work for a multinational company and most of the platforms are in the cloud
so a lot of the support and icident team members are sirs
> when they speak English, I often struggle to understand them.
you're not alone, their english is extremely weird.. I mean, some hue co-workers have bad english and everyone have accents and such but jeets act like they are certain that their english skills are perfect, it's a nightmare
for me is a competition between jeets and chinks for which one is harder to understand

ah cmon lad, grow a pair
I will cut the ones I have so that I can achieve ultimate wizardry.
Very good stuff, I had some of it today after lunch with Greek coffee
Just goon
Enjoy your trip! I don't know which exact place of Scotland are you going visit, but the Highlands seem amazing.
The sir was just doing the needful!
I don't know, how strict are Scots.
Will her father come after me or no.

Amazed by the size of the portion.

Maybe I could accept only a slice, what could go wrong.
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Ate some haggis sloppa.
Entered some movie set, angered the workers because I took some pics of stuntmen. They're shooting the new Frankenstein movie.
Visited the witchcraft and magic museum and had to stop my mum from touching the voodoo dolls and ouija dolls. Visited an old victorian graveyard and the commemorative statue of Wojtek the bear.
I will show the utmost respect to the Scots, as they are old allies.
Thanks for the cryptic recommendations
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Here is the part of the museum dedicated to satanism.
Thanks! I'm visiting Edinburgh with my parents since they dreamed of it for years but we'll try to head out of the city too. Highlands seem a bit too far sadly.
Also what's going on in Carlton??
Going through my incel arc rn
I can sense the absolute disdain of girls when they look or talk to me
Can't even get a date
that pic looks too gourmet for my taste, specially if it is said haggis
I've been a big loose with my diet lately. Nothing like the exaggerations of pre-20th of June though. I have to fix this, and start walking again. I feel that I am almost healed.
>G-Mom touches a random voodoo doll.
>A random old hobo is found in an alleyway with his limbs twisted in horrifically unnatural ways.
Are those... coins? Medals?
Well, Cat-negro?
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wew lad
Built for Average Italian Cock
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So uhm... I had sex with a woman again and I'm starting to think it may be better with guys.
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Good thing I don't believe in God and I'm terribly nihilistic.
I wouldn't stop until my legs go numb.
>this page does not exist
Total gooning defeat
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So I will go to hell because vaginas aren't my thing?
Yeah sure, he's exactly the guy that would have gay sex while he's on holiday with his mum and dad
Could have auld-alliance-maxxed while mum and dad where shagging at the hotel fr
Nah, I guess it's a tourist, Nantes/Strasbourg, possibly a /fr/ poster
>Plot twist: it's Momo
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Good day med am back.
Who's the anon who's going to Scotland ?
Whatever you do, in interviews you never lie but you ALWAYS exaggerate. If you're decent at programming, say you're an expert, if you know more or less AutoCAD for example, say you're a pro. If you don't know to do smth or don't have the skill, say you're eager to learn and you learn fast
You gotta be a cocky bastard because honesty will get you nowhere. Employers know for a fact candidates will lie or exaggerate, so if you don't, they'll think you're retarded
Had this happen to me but thank god i had a good referral
It's Mc Gironde
(not a borger)
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It is her, in video.
I did 132.5kg on bench the other day benchbro. My previous max was 125
Turns out eating A LOT helps lol
Well there's a reason why people bulk and cut.
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imagine the dilemma of being with a girl like this
you feel the need to simp her but if you do she leaves
Don't worry, she would never consider us in the first place
The only thing I'm imaging is her pregnant.
I got a call from Belgium for a job but didn't pick it up on time, when I called back the guy who answered wasn't the one who called so now I need to wait a bit.
I hope I get my ticked to leave Spain.
Belgium seems grim as fuck though, the soulless version of France

work with others girls too, you just feel less the need to simp

don't want to leave a dysfonctional country with communities that hate each others and ruled by a powerless king i see
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Cobbee beans just arrived. Holy shit did they smell good (too bad they are not that cheap), will discuss with gman later.

>Will her father come after me or no.
Just fuck her dad too, problem solved. If he likes your dick, so will his daughter.
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Saw many scot qts today...
kek you made me laugh
>Are those... coins? Medals?
Satanic talismans from what I recall. Pretty interesting yet fucked up. This museum was full of weirdo stuff. I guess I signed up for it lol.
would have been a crazy plot twist
I wish... Instead I'm stuck with my parents in a crowded hotel room watching shitty english procedurals.
Anything is better than Spain, and after living there for like two years and learning French I'd have many more options.
Nah bro miss me with that gay shit lmao
the jobs are in the ik ook part of the cunt doe
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Theoretically let's say a guy is 105 kilos, would his gains be better than if he were 75 (and there would be 30 kgs between the two weights)? Would he still need to bulk to build more muscle, or would he just btfo his own fat and enter a perma-bulk mode?
I see, is it for the cagie or for holidays ?
holidays for a week
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One should expect the weird and the messed up from a museum like that.
Also, I meant "a bit loose" in my original post.
Bring out the battering ram.
Too skinny
The omelette-au-fromatgggggggge belgians are too busy letting all of africa in
Well there's so much you can bulk.

Well I still would try to learn French over Dutch.

It's complicated, but generally it's better to bulk slowly, something like a 200 to 300 kcal/day surplus is the sweet spot.
Too gay

I had to look that up kek.
Yeah, i remember you did not watch the movie
I'd feel bad for any woman bearing my child desu.
>I'm stuck with my parents
Will you go wherever they go, or will you also travel alone, gchad?
Today's training.
OHP 1x1 with 90 kg, 3x4 with 72.5 kg.
Close grip bench press 4x6 with 120 kg.
Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6 with 50 kg.
Unilateral cable tricep extension 3x8 with 18 kg.
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My poojeting is fine IF I don’t interact with our global IT or sales divisions.
Usually the local IT team spends 20% of their time not doing their work but pushing fixes to the global team because the damned jeers keep ruining things, I poor souls.
This reminds me of a story at my previous company.
>be supplier of machinery for the industry
>boss hires jeetoid
>surprisingly doesn’t smell of curry
>first real project after months of training
>saaar machine is almost ready
>okay let’s check it
>works, more or less, needs some heavy polish in the working cycle
>okay let’s call the client
>client arrives at the specified time
>jeet is eating a sandwich
>saaaar I’m eating I no go now
>this fucker knew the time of the meeting
>colleague of mine goes in his stead
>jeet is at the window of the canteen overlooking the shop floor, waving at the client and my colleague with the sammich in his mouth and doing the retarded Indian head bobbing
>colleague follows the jeet procedure for operating the machine, the machine starts okay but quickly and literally self destroys itself
>colleague goes pale instantly, boss starts apologising profusely and says it was a defective component and it would be solved quickly in two weeks
>literally one hundred thousand euros in damage
>colleague goes and analyses the code
>the spaghettiest shit imaginable. The cycle has basically no redundancies or security measures and it’s basically a lot of timers doing shit in parallel, a nightmare to debug
>colleague has to do a week of all nighters to solve the code while the mechanics worked hard to replace all the damaged parts
>jeet keeps quiet
>the machine works and is delivered ON TIME
>crisis averted (except the wasted money and time)
>two days after jeet goes and sits next to colleague
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Ultra sex
All I know is weight heavy rock go up muscle get big
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>colleague, the quietest and nicest of us all, simply looks at him
>suddenly starts shouting and throwing things in the air
>the rage is overflowing so much he throws his computer at the wall destroying it
>has to be grabbed by two other colleagues or there would be blood
>jeetoid is fired the next day
I've had the displeasure of interacting with people from the Indian subcontinent and they entirely deserve their reputation, the thought of them breeding like rabbits and infecting other countries makes me shudder
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Only one option: cum inside
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Thoughts on picrel, frens?

>Artist's name be like
>Bro are you really David?
>I'm David FR fr no cap!
total waitress death
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I don't get it. Is she secretly Portuguese?
>Ate some haggis sloppa.
Brave man, although I hear they doll it up for the touristoids in restaurants. If you get a chance to buy some from the supermarket, you'll be in for a very different experience.
>Also what's going on in Carlton??
Carlton is basically like how Russia was in the early 1990s.
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kinda nice but I have a similar shirt but end up barely wearing it since it looks a bit too fancy so I advise against it
Has a bit of a faggy vibe ngl senpai
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Looks like my grandmother's wallpaper from the 1970s.

If you wore this around me, I would be compelled to physically and mentally bully you.
>I've been a bit loose with my diet lately
I know the feeling
>I feel that I am almost healed.
Good to hear <3

Of course!

Mmmm, a better option came to my mind (which I can't reveal)

Mmmm (song is nice too)
My style. I approve this shirt! <3
Lmao what a fag - Veneto (probably), 2024

Nothing gay about wanting to get my ass slapped by women who could literally suffocate me to death with a leg lock.

Would you still do that though if I brought your cat some shrimps (while wearing that shirt)?
also looks a bit flamboyantly gay lol
>If you wore this around me, I would be compelled to physically and mentally bully you.
Hmmm? Wanna bully me? :D
>Nothing gay about wanting to get my ass slapped by women who could literally suffocate me to death with a leg lock.
No, that's not gay, but the shirt has a bit of that ambigous vibe no ill meaning bro
>find kid some ancestor had
>find another, it's twins !
>2 death certificates right after
uh oh

Uh oh, someone got bullied

>double breasted
>metal buttons of that style
>those pockets
>the year of our science 2024 (CE of course)
Oh no no nonono.
So nice <3

>That feeling when you're drinking some Australian Pale Ale (cheers!) and life is beautiful... <3
>nice clothes, old man. Did you buy them in '97?
Yes, I do see your point now.
Iranian girl feet.
>Would you still do that though if I brought your cat some shrimps (while wearing that shirt)?
I would call a temporary truce.
Your information is outdated though, my cat prefers canned salmon over shrimp now.
Are you a flamboyant shirt-wearer too?
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>Your information is outdated though
Wth, since when? 2-3 days ago?
I tried doing assisted pull-ups with a yellow band, don't know the resistance of it, did 5 4 3 3 reps, how good is that
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>yellow band
Whatd do the colours mean? MASON, WHAT DO THEY MEAN
The shirt is decent, but not something I'd wear.
>Are you a flamboyant shirt-wearer too?
I have two or three in my closet. I noticed that girls (and sometimes even boys) tend to like them
Bros... I'm not sure how much longer I can row row fight the power...
Ok, we will now drug you a lot and let your mind imagine psycho russians in snowy prisions ok thxbye
Sounds comfy i give my consent
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I'm also 80 kg as a 174cm manlet btw
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>(and sometimes even boys) tend to like them
Straighest pole.
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Good day frens, I have some news regarding my promotion, I've been called by the head of the HR department to have a meeting on this friday
I think I' got the job if I don't shit myself at the meeting
Talking about boys, there's a clearly and extremely zesty brazillian operator after me at the factory.
Imagine a tall kinda chubby brazillian guy with curly hair with the muttest face looking at you and always saying, with the fruitiest accent "hellooooooooo sure is hot todaaaayyyyyy" while smiling a lot.
I have now started to not go to the part of the factory where he works in. I hope nothing breaks there.

>mr. irmão, we're here to talk about your promotion
>uh oh really? ahah, well *braaap*
>*strange faces* yes yes, your *sniff* ughhhhh... promotion, yes
>(shouldn't have eaten those 12 eggs, need to ease on the bulk damn) hmm yes, and what about it?
>we'd like to promote you to head of depart-*braaaap*, I mean, lab teamlead-*braaaaaaap* aaah hmmmm... quality technician *BRAP*BRAP*plop* official fishie hammered, yeah that's it!
guys please rate this song 9.9 to 10
lalala lalalala lalalala lalalala/10
i'm not gay but honestly it would make my day. not the cringe larp shit, the zesty coworker smiling at me.
appreciate you rating
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It doesn't matter as long as you keep getting more reps or use a lighter band next time.

I'm 83.5 kg at 172 cm.
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>after me
Can't suffer in 'tugal. Wish there was a twink who was after me desu.
>It doesn't matter as long as you keep getting more reps or use a lighter band next time.
I tried doing pullups without bands and i could do 3 or 4 in the first set

Something that i notice at the gym is that i don't progress with weights, i mean, i keep getting bigger and gaining muscle but i think i can't lift much more since i started to hit the gym 16 months ago
>I'm 83.5 kg at 172 cm.
I have a flat belly at my weight, a lay of fat on it but my belly is flat i think, how can i check my body fat percentage
That's a proper ass, built for sex.
on fit there is a calculator according to measures of your body
I had a proper dinner tonight, meatballs in tomato sauce, fresh bread, halloumi and Löwenbrau Oktoberfestbier
>I tried doing pullups without bands and i could do 3 or 4 in the first set
That's a start.
>Something that i notice at the gym is that i don't progress with weights, i mean, i keep getting bigger and gaining muscle but i think i can't lift much more since i started to hit the gym 16 months ago
That's weird, if anything the first year in the gym it should be that you get much stronger than muscular as you get neural adaptations to lifting.

Body fat percentage is hard to measure, the reliable methods like DEXA scans are expensive.
And it doesn't really matter, just see how you look like and how you want to look like and work towards that goal.
It doesn't matter if you are 18% or 20% if you know you want to get leaner and you need to do a cut (just to give an example).
But that's shit, i weight 8 kilos more than when i started hitting the gym but i notice my bodyfat is lower than when i started, the calculator would say that i'm obese
idk, try it
you measure hip, neck, and chest
>That's weird, if anything the first year in the gym it should be that you get much stronger than muscular as you get neural adaptations to lifting.
I know man, it doesn't make any sense to me either
>Body fat percentage is hard to measure, the reliable methods like DEXA scans are expensive.
>And it doesn't really matter, just see how you look like and how you want to look like and work towards that goal.
>It doesn't matter if you are 18% or 20% if you know you want to get leaner and you need to do a cut (just to give an example).
I go by days and feels, some days i eat like a pig and other days i try to eat the less possible, i'm happy with the results to be honest

I might try, thx
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Would you like a pet dino ?
What I do is basically the same everyday and weight myself every day in the morning, and then adjust calories depending on my objectives and how the weight is changing.
But not everyone can do that.
Nice, what does halloumi taste like ?
I'd let her taste my dick cheese if you catch my drift
Yes, would go to shitty neughborhod without a leash
I weight myself like once a week, not really obssesed over it, just want to lose bodyfat
Wear a diaper, just in case.
Based, and then he'd attack shitbulls
they should have left him clobber the jeet
Fresh, tasty, chewy, very salty
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Btw catnigga if you see this, you told me British slop is not that good.
I've been eating Mornflakes now for some days and I can tell you that it tastes like eating at a michelin star restaurant when compared to nestle cereals.
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take him to the closest balcony
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Just saw a fox in the street, heading towards neighbor's garden, that's quite rare
Would be great on sandwiches
Agreed, but you would need something like lettuce or tomatoes to balance it out
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That a room of gartic phone will be created at 22h (in 30 bings)
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Had a can of sweetcorn yesterday for dinner and it was delicious, so I bought another can today, but it didn't taste anywhere near as nice for some reason. Now I just wasted 210kcal on something I didn't even enjoy.
I'll be there.
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Mы paздyвaeм пoжap миpoвoй
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A y paзвeдчикoв cyдьбa пopoй
Кopoткa, кaк pyкoпaшный бoй,
И нeбo cинee нaд гoлoвoй,
И дo звeзд лeгкo дocтaть pyкoй
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Holy gemerald

Won't be able to play Kena again today. Shit. Would be kino if 6 /med/ders would join tbf.
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>everyone speaks english
The eternal anglo won yet again.
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Shut up Allan
smelling good aland :DD
I fucking love butter on toast.
I really like it too
Based, eat some onions along with it.

We could try only speaking in /med/ langs tbf, but some posters would have a hard time with that.
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It's out !


Starting at 22h05 (in less than 10 bings) if there are 4 players of less. Or until we have 4 players.
Late niggas can join anyway, they will be able to play on the next round
Or more*
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Wow, /med/ders are numerous. Still starting at 22h05 (dough).
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>We could try only speaking in /med/ langs tbf, but some posters would have a hard time with that.
Yeah, it's all fun and games until someone starts busting out the Hungarian, then you're just squinting at it, unable to even identify which words are nouns and which ones are verb.

Our languages are the odd ones out. We don't fit neatly into the dialect continuum that stretches from the shores of Portugal to the mountains of Italy. The black and grey sheep of the family.
Cam on omelette
How do you paint so good
Quite happy about those two

new round soon btw
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>not speaking spanish in 2024 AD
Lol, lmao even.
damn, you didn't get the 9/11
Sorry Booma.

New round soon, last for me fr fr
That was iMuy Bueno!, as our Hungarian friend would say, but I have to call it there.
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I will post contents unrelated to your game, pardon the intrusion
I will post pictures about based movies, hope you don't mind
Ok that was one rude, I can afford to buy kinder I don't need to steal them.
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>33hrs before work
calm your gaycel rage
>∞hrs before work
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Some could mind, i do not. Be my guest.
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I hate how buttmad I actually am because of dumb work shit
need to find funnymal videos to calm down the seethe
so, what about the waitress
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she's just an annoying cunt always whining about me going to fast and ringing the bell too loud bc there's only 'her and the barman to serve cliebts the afternoon which I understand is annoying so I decided to chill and give her more time and even help serving when I got nothing to do
but now some clients complained to the bosslady that some orders take too long in the afternoon and that fat stupid bitch cunt has blamed it on me being too slow when she's always crying when I send everything right away
the whole ordeal started a salle vs cuisine civil war bc the other cook that works with me the afternoon obviously took my defense
cringe work environment
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Feet were created for walking, with no sexual purpose.
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that's a yikes for me dawg
>helping a stupid bitch
besides i don't see how it can take longer to bring plates than you cooking them
i admire your resilience man if i didnt have an office job i would kill myself
like the other day I had to redo five crêpes bc they all got completely cold sitting there for 5 minutes beforr she got off her ass to bring em out and I don't complain I don't snitch and that bitch still fucks me over because she's older so the boss trusts her more for no other reason than that
I'm breaking my fucking back everyday and still need to hear dumb ass things like that
this job really dicks
and not in a yummy sexy way too
You shall cease this malarkey, fren, no feet go with no adoration and worship, let me tell you.
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kek, motherfucker
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I will not comment on your choices any further, but i also refuse to accept your doctrine. Repent and, if possible, may we all have sex.
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>Feet were created for walking, with no sexual purpose.
If female feet were designed solely for the purpose of walking, then why did God make them so attractive? God could have given women hooves if he didn't want man to lust over them.

It seems that your theories do hold up to the rigours of peer review.
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Been to places; done some things.
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Let's discuss revenge. How do you plan to get your own back on her?
Are you the rapist of the village (country) ?
Of course not.
dumas taught that revenge is... le bad...
helping a kid in needs of course
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Are you really going to trust something a French person said?
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Better than a britbong
Was he actually black? From the pics he seems a tanned whiteoid with an afro
I trust a BBC's wisdom
he was mulatto
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You're still mad about that whole Industrial Revolution thing, aren't you?
just common sense

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