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cyber bullying edition

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I am calm, I am well, I am in control.
bugger off you daft cunt
I remember that meme, that shit is from like 2014
sex sexy rabbit
it seemed like a new thread was needed pretty desperately so its just any old picture i had
i bet your havent even read Harry Potter
i bet you didnt even understand what "the boy who cried wolf" was about
based gen alpha poster
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I though having physical preferences was unreasonable. Turns out it was only fat American girls trying to capitalize on the dating market; they could select men for height, and have no concern being judged for their enormous weight.
sex sex
that girl has a 15.1 bmi
dangerously underweight
how can I find cool canadians to hang out with as a tourist?
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Enormous weight being a BMI over 17.
wtf i thougth an American flag posted it
damn shes literally perfect
You want to get drunk at a folk music bar in Toronto? They also have an endless supply of boardgames to play.
this reminds me of those thinspo pages where bulimics would hang out and encourage each other to perpetuate their eating disorder for ~aesthetics~
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me and one of you (not saying who)
you don't. last time I was in canada some fag heard we were americans and starting talking politics and how he hated george bush.

fuckin eh guy
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I'm so drunk I put this shit in a random thread
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they disagree
they fight
they fuck
why are you doing thsi
me on the top
little heavy on the mascara dear
remind you
, >>202090624
ummm you can't even tell...
im just teasing don't worry you look stunning grrrlll
why were there a bunch of british people in the last thread
I didn't notice
get in here
because the parasite loves to crosspost. he does it to /brit/ with /r9k/ getting his buddies there from the Discod into the thread to shit it up. he didnt get the rise out of me so he did it in aves voer and over again, then had to post /cum/ to /brit/. he posts this place (and my posts) to /brit/ constantly
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I'm not doing anything.
Only mousenonce talking to himself
he loves crossposting
that post is all. and ill stop - to not shit up the thread
i didn't know there was another thread my bad everyone get in here for 20 posts

shes cute
or him
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thats jailbait
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itching my bellybutton
her hair is straight but her heads on its side a little bit
I'll hang out. I've been to Mass and everyone was way friendlier than here.
The Russian Federation
hel-lo all. oh, i'm wishing well for the anons sick. the other guy gave good advice. i hope you feel better soon.
got poo on my finger when wiping today. very gross!
proxyfag. girls dont poo
Just had my Far Eastern Republic pupput in HOI4 proclaim Greater Siberia. They gained a core from Krasnoyarsk to Vladivostok.
gonna get more sports drinks (blue flavour obviously) to make heavy cum again
that is epic
feeling clean and fresh out of a shower is such a good feeling
now its time to cum
cute boy? checked
Must suck to be that thin with those stuffed squirrel cheeks
I want to roam the vast expanse of Siberia and the Russian Far East down to Kamchatka and Sakhalin one day.
my nuts
>cute boy?
In high school per the girls, 10 years ago...
I always had some ridiculous idea of travelling along the trans-Siberian railway, and getting lost in a hiking adventure along Lake Baikal.
britboo posting it again (the weasley little neek (he doesnt know British people))
dont be rude!
i have probably given him more (you)s tonight than hes gotten all day in /brit/ - im the only way people talk to him - everyone has filtered him - just like the parasite that uses flags o avatar fag and gets filtered (then cries about it)
ha ha ha! bye for now
That would be the journey of a lifetime
When I see a British flag I imagine ringo narrating thomas the tank engine
really quite fond of the beatles' scouser accents
lol - hahaha
going to go get SPORTS DRINK! YES! YEEEES
Lucozade. That's the ticket.
it's midnight - happy 9/11 fellow goyim!
Queue the Norm Macdonald 9/11 jokes
We're not aiming for the truck
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This post reminds me of that tragedy.
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This is quite literally how I picture every male democrat
i am placing blocks and shit cause im in fucking minecraft
ruh roh raggy
how to achieve enlightenment?
sexo con boobas
open your ass and your heart and mind will follow
this is so hot
never forget the 6 million that died on the twin towers shoah
sit under a tree i think
Everything is uncomfortable
do you have a sunburn or something
Nah don't even worry yung blud
whatever you say fella
How's your day been?
Im 193cm 97kg and have bigger eyes lashes than both of them
pretty uneventful just ran a few errands and cleaned up around the house a bit
i looked in horror as a deer had made short work of a watermelon in my garden overnight
Deers are adorable
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i agree but i need to look into a deterrent for next year
maybe a hedgerow or a fence, if i go with the fence it would look nice with some climbing roses on it, a bare fence would be a bit of an eyesore i think
2 more hours until i'm off work, they're probably gonna ask me to stay an extra hour :(
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i don't deserve her. she brought me home one of these, and made mashed potatoes because she knows it's easy for me to eat and digest when i've been on a bender. God bless her life. i feel like crying, i'm so ashamed and humbled by her kindness.
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nigga...it's fucking 3am what are you doing at work
that's very sweet anon
if you need a sign to slow down on the drinking that's a good one, don't need to worry or stress her out
bum ass nigga has a caring gf and still needs to get loaded and mope about lmao, hope you know that's a quiet reminder to get your shit together before her patience runs out and you're really on your own
prolly dat nibbas mommy
getting that fetti nigga
on god bro
i know. i tried, i posted earlier. i tried to just, bam, cut it off like a turkey neck. it felt like it was going to kill me. my heart was hurting (physically) and i was becoming very frightened by sounds i was hearing. i crumpled, and bought a bottle. i swear, it was not for my enjoyment. the last thing i'm doing is enjoying myself. i just got very, very scared, and hedged a bet that if i didn't quickly grab one, i might get so physically weak that i wouldn't be able to, and it would kill me. i thought of my mother, and flew out.
you can't quit alcohol cold turkey when you have been drinking regularly for a long time, the withdrawals can literally kill you. you need to slowly taper down, and drink a little less every day
quitting anything cold turkey has a really low success rate, especially drinking.
that's what i'm trying to do now. i know i can, because some christmas ago, i did it, and realized i hadn't drank in days. it happened by accident then.
you got it buddy im rooting for you
hello bross
also sex sex
thank you. i do have a deadline, sort of. we have an inspection coming up, and obviously i can't talk to the guy drunk. i either have to stop, or get it to such minimal levels that it's undetectable. either way would be progress.
even a little bit of progress is better than no progress, as long as you're improving day over day, no sweat
i like you. you're very nice, and you make things sound easy, which makes me feel like it'll be easy. God bless you, anon. and thank you, again.
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of course, good luck
are you all in bed
it's quite late good night
are you going to sleep
on a couch. i've said this before, but just on off-chance any of you are thinking of buying a couch? do NOT get a fake leather. buy apolstered or genuine. i'm serious. fake leather couches eventually start to flake as they age, and you'll be finding bits of that crap on your back, your face, your carpet, everywhere. buy a simple, apolstered couch. you will not regret it.
i'm naked
oh ok...........
i am (once again) in my feelings
well what's wrong guy?
"the Australian economic figures arent like your latest deadpool movie to have opinion about - they are more like Linkin Park: banger after objective banger, but these deadbeat divorced middle-age dads - like Linkin Park - have become so numb"
not a joke
that isnt a joke
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Another fine morning, gentlemen.
Why do you do it?
good morning
from that post to now he made one long gay joke
What the fuck is this response actually supposed to convey
he heard me and stopped making jokes :(
He's schizo none of his posts ever make sense if you haven't noticed by now
drinking a 473ml Red Bulle
yeah just in case you havent noticed by now, thats why he keeps going on and doing other shit that nobody asked for. just in case you didnt know after whatever he implies there and with hum bitching non-stop like a faggot
I'm not making an idle insult or barb. You're talking to the known schizo that spams this general for 20 hours a day with nonsense. Take a look at the last thread if you need proof
>he said 20 hours
>im going to say HE is doing it 20 hours
you arent a person
reminder before i go spit in the shower:
nobody asked - no one cares. non care
youre doing shit that nobody asked you to do and you exist only because of the people you complain about - to justify you presence here
got to go spit in the shower
thats sexy rabbit
hang yourself
why do you spit in the shower
of we are the people
if i said that you should be hanged, would you call the police on me yes or no?
free country more like, fat cunt
in bed farting
Only the best posts come from Britain
his posts are all dogshit
my dick shrank and went tiny and my thigs itch
im trans by the way
will you start taking estrogen
just going to eat poo instead
would you eat employed womans poo for extra estrogen
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had to check and make sure this was /cum/. you brits are such fanboys lol
This stupid ass has been spamming for a whole day now.
now hes trying to play the crowd
just wish he wasnt such an annoying bitch. maybe this has helped some to further his cause :)
It's literally one absolute fucking lunatic. I don't know why the jannys don't ban him
saw an advert on a bus today for nuts that said
>other nuts are an option, but so is driving
for KP nuts (they eat them in pubs)
mm... no that can't be, because look:
less than thirty seconds apart. so there's at least one more.
sex with reggie
i miss reggie
We suffer
i suffer
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its yellow because theres nitrogen in it
im sad
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empecomous modus operando: cry
empezamos cry
tfw alone with my thoughts
de ... spa ... cito
Nah we smokin penis
doot doot
i am the son of El Chapo
Why do the janitors let us suffer?
Soy El Hijo Del Chapo
Get the FUCK out of our general you disgusting pedo loser. You have never accomplished anything in your life, you have no friends, no family, and everyone who knows you exist hates you. You are fucking insane, and have admitted to posting possible underage nudity. Fuck off pedo freak.
also no i havent admitted that
youre really pathetic... thats coming from me
Me on the left

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tfw no gf
i love him c:
also that OP looks like that tranny f1nnster
Toby!! :)
told you to not be nice to my face ever again
sham ethey didnt talk more about the pre- rode vs. wade "civil war era" abortion bill in the debate even though its "over" for now
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ayy lmao
eating poo
making sure no mice have been posted, carry on
A lady who is warm and human during the day
A classyladywho knows howto enjoy a cup of coffee
Alady whose heart gets hot when night comes
A lady withthatkindof twist

I ama man
A manas warm as you during the day
A man who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down
A man whose heart bursts when night comes
Such a man
no problem with these Danish flag posts then you cuck
potassium pentoxide; maganese
posted it again award (because someone "new" is here he wants to listen to it (hes not new its all been the same person (he doesnt know)))
lol hes sitting up past midnight when everyone else has gone to sleep because of the other day
>nooo! nobody is allowed to be happy
hang yourself
i feel sorry for everyone else that possts here at any time throughout his waking hours. evil little man
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you dont annoy me anymore because there are some fruit flies near me that pester me and they are more effective than you
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literal bugman
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stir fried whygena
what on earth...
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thats mean
been a total of 0 danish posts this thread toby, are you going senile already? might want to go to the GP to check that out
just those? no rice on the side, nothing?
thread is back
just hope that everyone today can see that fat wants them to be miserable like he is, and he wont fuck off or khs (he will literally call the FBI if you tell him to)
kind of INSANE how the person who sits in here for 20 hours a day complaining - and it is all he does all the way through that, about whoever is near - wants to shit up the thread and make it worse. i think there is a job for people who do that in their jobs
gz doing your job for once it only took you spam/flooding and getting no replies again to come here and antagonize me
how the FUCK do you lads share an island with this freak
He got banned multiple times.
just kidding. actual gz on doing your job
i barely understand what's being said right now. it's so kaleidoscopic
explain how it is kaleidoscopic
think youd be healthier and wouldnt have to drink your own piss if you'd just calmed down instead of getting angry about flags
this is /int/
does he make ice pops from the piss in his freezer?
dont answer that
hes just going to say it over and over again like he does with everything else because hes on the spectrum
it's so doubly, triply referential. like a fractal.
why are you talking like that...
Drown ratpedo in a bucket. Give ratpedo cheese laced with warfarin.
a lot of rats are immune to warfarin now but kys
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Leaving the islands of virgin :/
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I am all of these men
based and of course is also cringe
meant to quote you so here, have a (you)
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i love girls
Keep banning him then? How hard can it be
brown sugar in coffee is so lush
range ban britain, all of it
these threads that happen in the early mornign really shine a light on his posts to the thread and his "contribution" to the thread - all hes done is complain. that is all of the American posts ITT: complaining. hes made 0 attempt to have a discussion and he does the same in peak hours
this thread is him 20 hours a day and what he posts. its all just complaints - hes not tried to talk to anyone except to complain. hes made no other posts but complains - hes only chipped in with something else (usually a repost) when he sees some sort of opportunity
what he makes the thread is all complaints - and he does it al lday whether i am here or not. there is no other content coming from him. imagine if i posted like this for 20 hours a day - would the thread suffer? if i posted complaints about him all day, would it suffer
good song
can you vouch that hes not sat there for this entire thread (and the last) - with his posts singled out, because everyone else is in bed (he stayed up) - so that you can filter him, because usually you cant filter or single out his posts, because its cum - that anything has been posted by him that isnt a complaint about anon? has he posted and taken up a +1 to the threads bump limit with anything but that
just do yourself a favour and add boards.4chan.org##[id^=p]:has(.flag-gb) to ublock.
i cannt filter him - and the other fucking parasite uses a US/CA flag - and this conversation isnt organic - he does that, and then spams it - it is ineffective and doesnt work despite him trying - but when has the quality of the thread ever mattered to him?
Reminder that his mom actually dropped him on his head as a baby. Normally I wouldn't make fun of someone for this, but this pedo freak is mean, so he gets the deep cutting insults.
you cant filter him
look at his posts now that others arent posting. look at his posts now they arent singled out. this - for how long he does it daily - is it good for the thread? it cannot be filtered. i can. he cant be filtered. i cannot filter him with any ublock or 4chanx
what should i eat
Eggs and bakey
reminder that he stayed up all night doing this tonight because of a previous night and its him taking things upon himself when nobody asked again - when this is the contribution to the thread

the bottom line is that this thread encapsulates his contribution to the thread for the whole duration that he is on - and he finds anyone to complain about. he does nothing but complain. bottom line is that he has shown in this thread what he posts and that he posts nothing but
Where'd you get this picture of me?!
this is what he looks like sitting up from like 4AM to 10 - and he knew i would say that - because he has sat up all night in an empty thread complaining because hes that much of a bitch
bakey is frozen because I have no foresight (zero) I will have to settle for a omelette with veggies UGH a normal civilized person should NOT have to live this way. Don't even have a the cheese
remember to brush your teeth toby! >.<
He has no teeth
see, reminder that he posts on CA and US flags
Omelet with veggies will still be tasty. Load er up with some peppers and onions yessir
imagine i stayed up and did nothing but complain about him. i bet the thread would suffer if i did that. he wants the thread to suffer. he wants you to be miserable
just saying, you dont want a cavity do you
but use real toothpaste not chalk and piss and thatll make it worse
all his post shave been complaining and it is obvious now with all the others in bed. he stayed up all night to complain
Are we heading towards another economic crash? What’ll trigger it?
all he has done is complain
This bussy will dump diarrhea into the stock exchange and trigger it
why does my dominican roommate fall asleep with his phone on max volume listening to Spanish tiktok/YouTube? Tacobros are you guys just built different? It seems like you guys are actually energized AND calmed by very loud conversations and speaking, I don't fucking get it. Maybe it's because I'm an autistic gringo white boy but God damn who sleeps listening to a Dominican version of Alex Jones yelling in Spanish
all ive done is teach toby how some valuable life lessons (how not to get banned, how not to be stressed out and how to brush your teeth) and i get assaulted for it
explain to me how you have taught me how to not get stressed out at all
ethnic people don’t seem to have any conception of calm quiet moments or self reflection
They’ve actively fear it if anything
told you not to get angry at flags that dont even exist
i hate people like in this runescape game right now (seriously) that constantly try to be the "alpha" or whatever - idk how to explain - where they always try to say "gang gang" and stuff, never get replies from the other people, try to do events and get people to do things or show up, nobody ever cares, and then they DONT STOP. not that i said anything to him this whole time up until he randomly decided to have a problem with me because he was fighting with someone else and i asked som questions
Step 1: remove yourself from communities that dislike you (this one)
really not going to engage with you because like getting told to kys, youre scared of being told to kys, because you know that you should. the same with this post in a lot of ways. you are not worth typing it out
They grow up in loud households so loudness is like white noise to them.
Please go away.
You will be happier if you get off this site, I promise you.
Or at least go to /brit/. They actually like you there. Why would you choose the community who dislikes you over the one who likes you? I don't understand.
he needs everyone else to be numb and miserable in the community just so that it allows him to exist. he demoralizes them to enable his continued existence and also he should hang himself
this entire thread is him complaining - all of the American flags, with other Americans asleep - has been his posts, and they are all complaints. if not me then the next person - before me the last person
Go to where you're happy. Leave the place that stresses you out.
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and you know what this is the best part of his night (he stayed up all night to complain), so im not going to give him that. all he does is complain, so the reaction is all he has, so i will take it from him by ignoring him - because he isnt the entire thread, he is a sad little man, and does nothing but complain. even with his constant gaslighting more people talk to me (which upsets him greatly) - even with his MONTHS of attempts he didnt make me go away, but it was something else that separated me from this site - his efforts = $20. months of his life = $20
lol every time someone replies to me he posts his spam/flooding post for 20 hours a day between complaining
biscuits and gravvy
Why won't the janitors just ban him every time he pops up? I really don't understand why it's so hard
the best part is that it doesnt even work
"Canada" i would appreciate it greatly - after everything i have done (nothing) - if you mass-quote all of the posts for me to copy-paste, just to showcase what his posts are, all of the time, when peopel arent asleep
maybe its because youre wrong and they disagree. and much like your 20 hours of fdaily complaining and gaslighting the thread, and your life, its ineffective
shut the fuck up spainmong stop pretending to be mousey you friendless incel retard
last post to you: kill yourself. hang yourself. you are negative amounts of Americans. in a proper working society you have no place - if something is good then you would be the last thing to go - you create problems and
an environment which tolerates you or is numb to you with your demoralization - you are negative 4 Americans. you make the world a worse place. the people whove "moved on" from this place "because of you" are probably living much better lives - you, meanwhile, havent progressed in your life in all the years youve spent 20 hours a day complaining in
>last post to you
>one minute later posts another post
err, toby
you saw that i loved Canada and started using a Canadian flag even though youre a Brit living in Britan
wait wait. if he thinks every american is one guy, does he not assume you are as well, just on a vpn?
He's a sad little bonobo
dont try to lighten it now. you should kill yourself
ha! oh mercy.
Mousenonce isn't as bad as Mutthew, I'll give him that
i didnt ask nor do i care
you people that assign names to people always abuse the anonymous nature of this site - and play on it so that others cant
He is a fat incel autismo janitor who is pretending to be another freak from /brit/
why do you keep calling me a pedo
stop calling me a pedo, please
the reason i am a bad poster most of the time is because of what other people make me be. you get out what you put in and you are shit
happy 9/11guys
toby? is that his name?
also for the record Spanish is an ugly ass language
now that youve seen his posts without other Americans being awake, would you say that his posts he makes for 20 hours a day (keep in mind that in peak hours he makes the same copy-paste posts when someone replies to e too) are good? if i did the same would it be good? there are other posters whove tried to make a conversation - but he has stayed up all night doing this and showing us his posts. now you have seen them. he is not like those others - do his have any sustenance? is what he tries to make and then keep going good in any capacity? answer that in your own head tonight
>what other people make me be
nigga you're posting anonymously on a website nobody is making you do anything except yourself so just stop being such a fucking retard and chill out
but you ahve seen his posts now
and he does only complain - 20 hours every day
it is annoying
gz anon, you passed the test, you're not gay
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he is probably the guy who showed me reggie the mouse, just so whygena could take it away. its the same thing with this and probably a lot else throughout it all. and thats sad. and no i wont chill out
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wrong mouse image
i love Jasper at least. i guess, at least theres that even if whygena magically just "suddenly" just went mental and took reggie soon after he showed me reggie. yes im crying
Go outside
why are you crying?
Why are you gay?
who says i'm gay?
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/cum/ has a brittish schizo poster?
go back to /brit/ retard
Spaino broke your mind lol
i miss reggie and its time to talk about that. also i should be allowed to post the images of the mice and should wait between bans, but when i come back i get banned again for it anyways and the janny/mods cant tell me why. i love reggie, and whygena, but whygena took reggie to go through an artistic transformation (which is fine), and i cant even post him. im not even allowed to post an image i like on 4chan. but it isnt about that. i love reggie (and whygena) and i cant do anything with that love because hes not even a real cartoon anymore

even this is him spotting some attention and trying his best to divert it away from me. he isnt even people. hes so pathetic. if this thread wasnt normally filled with people that get told to not reply to people and say "o-ok" then theyd tell him to fuck off for how pathetic this is
Yeah, most of the general has the British flag filtered.
Good morning
Boo hoo nigga :/
even with fat sitting here for 20 hours a day, posting every time someone replies to me, and samefagging himself, i still get more repleis here as a brit - and i made this post before >>202103571
and no they dont - its the same with him saying "no one likes you" - his like is fake
but even with him, and all that, i still get more replies than spainfreak off-proxy, and people have filtered ENTIRE COUNTRIES because of that one person, who also uses the namefield. he didnt "mindbreak" me he is so bad that he gets whole flags filtered by /brit/. imagine being so bad that you as one person ruins an entire countries flags - and the mods dont do anything about it
morning buds
i still get more replies here as a JF whos constantly gaslight by fat, than he gets in /brit/ - and he even comes here to get attention because his posts never get any replies even though he puts his whole life into it
also fuckoff spainparasite you fucking failed attentionwhore. go back to getting filtered or ignored on all your avatar/signatures and flags
Fuck up tobes, I mindbroke you lol
you get no replies. if i didnt reply to you here, you would have no replies. you would have no way to get any replies. next thread i am ignoring you again and you will ban me and then try to stretch it out for as long as possible, samefag me, or just do another wave of trying to annoy me. you post on this website 20 hours a day and the highlight of it is losing to me and getting negative attention from me
Wee Toby Tantrum, folks. Just ignore it and it will go away x
like with everyone in /brit/ with the CA flag, and emojis, name fields - anything, really, i mean that it would be anything - if you were whygena, you, then i would look at it all now and suddenly not care. i would walk away from that if you had made it (you didnt)

and he responds with another "no u" - because he is evil. evil cannot justify itself
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these image of this mouse (and Jasper) are all that i have, and like with the CA flag in /brit/, if it was you, i would no longer be interested. that is how repulsive you are
Yes, I am whygena. And now I'm Spaino and I mindrape you often lol
that is who you are. how the world feels about you. imagine being so bad that an entire general filters an entire flag just because of you
You cannot post the Reggies or Jaspers, because they are my property. No mice. Or punishment.
imagine being so bad that an entire community of people all from the same country together for no reason all filter you and everything you use as an avatar, from flags to names but not the images you spam which cant be filtered - and you do get mad when people filter you. then imagine that being the janitor
i disregarded your last post
Mindraped. I'm glad I could defeat you so easily, again.

I am now returning to /Brit/. Don't bother writing another Tantrum post because I've already closed this tab. Lol.
spaino completely mindbroke you mousey
imagine being more than 1 post a minute in /brit/ and getting less than 1 reply every 5. imagine doing that for 20 days
thats really sums it up. my activity here, gaslit constantly by fat for 20 hours a day, then your activity in /brit/ for 20 hours a day and those results. there is no coming back from that
its laughable how many posts he makes when you learn to spot them, because none of them get replies. he gets no replies

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