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i'm 33 now and i still feel and look like a 26 year old, whether that's a good or bad thing, who knows but i'm not weighed down by feeling or looking old yet.
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everything about jews
>dogshit : Check
>JF : Check
>editonless :Check
do you reckon loads of black girls will become conservative if kemi becomes master of the tory party?
What we thinking for lunch, lads?
I'm 33 and bald
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>opponent is Haitian but I've had Chinese takeaway once a week for the past decade
je dirai... un sandwich
seen a cadsbury ad and it made me cry
poo barm peng poo
having to delay my trip to cambridge for a poo
me? easy. Exercise and book reading. We should be learning every moment of the day.
ate 2g of shrooms earlier
made how fragile our grips on reality really are
Either tomato soup and garlic bread or chicken kiev with potato salad. Cant make my mind up.
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Jane Carkill is a lesser known artist and by far the prettiest woman in Ireland
it's not a JF though is it let's be honest
it's some permanently online autist that craves attention using a VPN
and the edish?

I’m a nonce
Bacon baguette
with tomato sauce
imagining a scene where the germans won ww2 and hitler collapses into the arms of goebbels while crying and says i couldve killed more like that scene from schindlers list
gotta find a way to use up half a can of tuna, some burger sauce, and a tray of diced chicken breast
speghetti hoops
Wasn’t the /brit/ story a thinly veiled post-2016 allegory about social alienation?
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me? easy. I'm actually a yank but use a VPN here to fit in. You'll never know.
messaging my work coach
fair enough
2 seasons worth of curiosity though? I just don't bother anymore if I know it'll be shite
Bacon bacon mutty time
Us Scandinavians are devolving the ability to shit, that's how much coffee we drink.
Trumps absolutely lost it hasn't he lads? Eating cats and dogs? lmao. The man is demented. Who on earth actually thinks voting for him is the sensible thing to do. Country over party lads. Remember that.
there goes my hero
watch him as he cums
only just about to eat breakfast. porridge
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i just like to get high and mong out watching any old slop
he'll release some jfk files though and we'll finally see if bill hicks was right
tantrum loading
Swearing off coffee until my teeth are back to normal
Far to yellow at the moment
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
Pooing right now, you can't stop me
I dunno if I will leave the house today.

There's nothing for me out there.
mental how grohl had the ol' secret affair baby
was reading the comments on a fb post about it and they were all upset middle aged women fans of the foo fighters
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saw this british film at the bfi last night, the draughtman's contract. remarkably good. the dialogue was hilarious, 50 words would be used when 15 would have sufficed.
suck on my willy and ill cover them in my secret whitening gel
why not feed the ducks at the park
business idea: gastro-intestinal pubs
*reaches up through your toilet and puts a cork up your bum*
Jealous you can go there
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nobody cared the last time you posted this either
upset that it wasn't them, presumably
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they've all gone south for the winter
>was reading the comments on a fb post
did you have fun on whirlpool forums after boomer?
Haven't watched anything fictional since covid, that was more than enough
oh my
Anyone want a pic of my poo?
imagine being a fan of the foo fighters
"Paper late!" cried a voice in the crowd
"Old man dies!" The note he left was signed 'Old Father Thames'
It seems he's drowned
Selling England by the pound
back in the day it was excepted as normal that a rockstar would shag about on tour and get random girls pregnant
now it's treated as a shocking scandal
just copped additional (You)s didn't I though
made a right goose of yourself there didn't you lad aha
All good though we're all gooses sometimes, you in this instance
Oh did the rich and famous man have extramarital sex did he did he really
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can't figure out how to use my new tumble dryer
already miss my old one
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Everyone can tell there's some extinction level event on the horizon. Even if our minds can't quite pin it down, it's a feeling within our biology. Something isn't quite right and there's too much momentum to course correct. We're bobbing along towards a waterfall.
go to defcon meow
go to defcon meow
it don't go down
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going to defcon meow
probably always been a thing
atleast we dont have constant wars to worry about
and climate change, although it is terrible, will only lead to very hot summers and storms. that's about it
going to defcon meow
that feeling is why I've almost entirely stopped caring about my future lately
don't care about savings
don't care about my health
don't care about my career
why put any effort in when it's all going to come crashing down
Was just reading Scott Alexander somewhat talking about this, he gives it a 30% chance of happening in our lifetime
>9/11 was 6 years ago
time flies...
Playing CK3

ive finally secure primogeniture and all of Britain and Ireland but Wales, which I use as a mercenary state

I'm attempting to create the Empire Britannia of course but I don't have enough land so I need good claimants to arrive
>Will only lead to two good things
40c summers will be hellish
Im making a subreddit for brit
Ok Duke of Virgundy, how long until you have sex?
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am there a few times a week
"selling england by the pound" - actually relevant seeing as the film is set in 1694, an interesting focal point in english history which in a sense was the start of british capitalism as it was the year the bank of england was founded
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Okay 190 how long until you don't hare to wear an ankle tag?
woah that was a brutal one
based taoist
dont you dare
Selling England to black people by the pound-ing
Prefer them to the 13c summers we get now
scranning shreddies
scranning shreddies
Thing happened in America so we must spam the chud narrative everywhere.
Remember when ted Cruz liked a porn tweet on 9/11
I'm old enough to remember back to simpler, more innocent times, when the worst thing you'd hear about on the news was hijacked jetliners flying into buildings
Mad seeing the contrast in discussions involving Russia pre-2022 and since then. Can't discuss anything without Ukraine being brought into it.
No more brother wars, that's all I'm saying.
You have been banned from participating in /r/brit:
Get the fuck out of here chud
get me housed

get me bennied

get me left well alone
>british capitalism as it was the year the bank of england was founded
It really started with William II and III
Before him usury was still not fully supported
what does chewing gum have to do with being banned?
think my foot is broken
what about brother from another mother wars
Rights for whites - is that too much to ask?
what's wrong with white people?
Don't exist
true (1694 was during the reign of willo iii)
>Ukraine being brought into it
I suppose I could drive to tesco and get some shopping in

perhaps sit in the car park for a bit first and read my book
not really i dont see the problem there
in fact id go a step further and say we should have rights for greys too
why not go to a cafe and enjoy that book with a nice coffee prior to your shop?
my leccy bill is about £1,500/year including heating and I toil from home and sit on my computer in all my spare time so how is rachel reeves claiming £4.5k on heating for a second home absolute CUNT
the hyperborean power relay is being intercepted
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if your existence is "nobody around is allowed to be happy"then you should kill yourself - no excuses. this post probably isnt about you if you are feeling down or are a just a dick
presumably she has more plugged in than a laptop for 4chan and a microwave to warm up the onahole
Literally everything bad about modern life can be traced back to those naughty lads flying the planes into the buildings, mental really
Why is everyone in parliament wearing wheat?
They were CIA agents
anyone remember this film?
not true all the pakis and wogs started invading well before then
its national wheat day
I saw a fox early today
There's a costa coffee nearby but it's money innit

pay like £3.50 for a mug of lukewarm coffee then I sit by myself surrounded by the elderly and if I need to get up to go for a pee then my seat will be gone. So I'm sat there feeling like an unemployed, lonely prick (which I am), desperate to use the bathroom, trying to pretend I'm enjoying myself
what was it getting up to
Got the 80s synth-pop on
literal leader of UKIP btw
> if I need to get up to go for a pee then my seat will be gone.
if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl sports. Such as hot oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such and such.
corr cup of coffee
just having a look through the glass at me, eating some of the old cat food too probably
bit of charlotte rampling's tit in this
Anyone remember those coffee subscriptions they use to have? Now theyre all total wank.
Phillip Farage is it?
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Feel like I’m forgetting something
Was manageable before then and there was still an expectation they'd eventually have to 'integrate' or whatever, 9/11 paradoxically made them a protected class
This is what happens when you sit in places by yourself. There's no one to keep your seat.

Long gone are the days of leaving a jacket or scarf draped over a chair. If you do that then someone just nicks your item.
>total wank
business idea: parody porn game of total war
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women have no place in men's sport. seen today that joey barton is going to trial because eni eluko cried to the police about this tweet
The terrorists? They won.
This has literally never happened to me
If you’re that worried you can just ask someone nearby to look out for your stuff
doesn't look much like nick tenconi
left the oven on?
crikey mate it's better than sitting in the carpark
bring your book to the pub then, treat yourself to a lunchtime pint. If you've got unlimited time why not?
might affect a patrician accent
looks like she resigned in June

still rather HUMOROUS what's happened to them
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You pretty much just described CK3 with sex mods installed
I do not read history, I create it.
gf's birthday?
More like Lois Pengy
Just did my shopping in a store that has free coffee, had myself three cups and a cozy time
Damned if you poo
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*watches in horror as you get crushed by a falling grand piano*
Heating up some slag bol I prepared yesterday
captcha: 02020
sounds like something one of the brabant killers would do
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right it's settled then, at 12:20 I will get up off my arse, shave, shower, get dressed, drive to the big tesco, sit in the car park reading my book until I need the toilet, go into tesco, use their toilet, get my shopping done, drive home, make dinner, and then lay motionless atop the bed covers browsing the internet until it's time for bed
gets her tomatoes out does she your slag bol
What a life, what a night
What a beautiful, beautiful ride
Don't know where I'm in five but I'm young and alive
Fuck what they are saying, what a life
>Quit my runt job because I hate it and hate my life
>Spend a year trying to improve my skills and apply for better jobs to sort my life out
>Get rejected from them all
>Give up and start applying for runt work again because I need money to live
>Getting rejected from them all
Right then. Anyone know a good bridge to jump off?
if your existence is "nobody around is allowed to be happy" then you should kill yourself - no excuses. this post probably isnt about you if you are feeling down or are a just a dick
Gain a clue you smeggy little FREAK
i'll be there soon
wrinkles getting insane around the eyes as well
mental how i'm so shit my attempt at self-improvement backfires completely
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so that's it then?
no costa coffee?
no lunchtime pint?
fuck's sake lad
same mate, don't know what to do, probably gonna sling myself off the queen elizabeth bridge
don't be hard on yourselves lads, self-improvement is a lifelong venture
toby I just said no one danish had posted, there's no need to react like this
wait what the fuck is that a transwoman or not
why are you even alive? it appears you're just a waste of skin and air.
Don't know how that guy who crashed the wedding bus and killed all those people hasn't kys-ed himself. I don't know how you could live with that shame and hate
Menthol elves running riot all over the thread
i just said it wasnt about you if you are just a dick
Farrage in the house!
wasn't he arrogantly defending himself throughout, or was that someone else
shut up mousenonce
wonder if they eat many mice & rats
I read an article on it and it says he expressed remorse at his trial and that was the first time he'd spoken publicly
just a big bowl of pasta and some homemade tomato sauce
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no disney
no mice
animal crossing video essay documentary and a wank
gladiator 2
I think they must do but it's probably easier to look very cute in the garden and get people to leave stuff out for them, although the hedgehogs eat that too
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>people tell me Holland is awesome
Fuck, I can't wait to go back home tomorrow. This place is fucking terrible.
that was a lovely webm
enjoyed this
animal crossing is that the new dr moreau remake
that would be my line
Australians all let us rejoice
For we are one and free
bit flat innit
Incredible that they pressured one of them into talking about her small tits and another about having a fake tan. Also only just realized how atrocious these outfits are.
never ever seen a hedgehog not even a squashed one
or badger
not on
pressured lol
you are dumb
raining again
incel keyboard and a goonsesh
incel keyboard and a goonsesh
would like a wank, can't be bothered
You simply don't understand women's social circles.
You're the dumb one if you think they thought of that on their own. What happened is they didn't know what to say and their snake colleagues fed them those lines.
I don't know how good their eyesight is badgers I've sat outside at night and been about a meter away from a couple of them all rummaging around for worms and stuff and I what I left out
I'd probably lose in a fight so wasn't about to get their attention but they didn't seem to notice me
cask wine and a frozen 'za
It's more the people. They said the Dutch where laid back and tolerating. I can tell you as a brown man that they are racist cunts.
drinking coffee from a worlds greatest dad mug
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Wow, that drone evaporated that pookrainian
you watch too much tv, go back to making chocolates in your pretend country
how much of a runt is mousey that he couldn't beat a 12kg badger in a fight
good lad
lovely picture
Was just saying this down the sauna
Is York really that nice?
I'm not a father
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Something about Australia…calls to me…

Just hesitant because it feels like they hate Americans but I’ve never been maybe they’d be really nice
spotted another one
he is a freak mate pay no mind
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>buying a house
>completion confirmed for October 4
>was just about to give landlord notice that I'l be moving out of the flat I'm currently renting
>he e-mails me that he plans to raise my rent by 15% in November

kek wonder if he'll think it's because of the rent hike
yeah went there, it was good
also had the national railway museum, get amongst it
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No I just work with too many women (if you could call what they do "work") and I'm on a work trip here
Where was that?
don't go on a saturday, especially when the races are on.

also don't go when the christmas market is on, nice place but ruined by the people visiting at times
Kek Idk if Trump has always talked about insane shit like this but the whole "peepo on television told me they eat dogs" or whatever was peak boomer kino
corr lovely controlled dem
nah we don't hate yanks you're all good, we'll be nice to you as long as you get on the beers and pick a rugby league team. But you will get bantered quite heavily
I'm not mousey but I am quite frail yes
id also not want to pick a fight with them but mate you could take a badger if push came to shove surely
suppose when youre THE BIGGEST PREDATOR ON THE ISLAND you havent got to look out for much
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york mentioned
nice love handles sexy x
bring me back a waffle
Whats a good winter coat, one that isnt for VFs
no proof there ever was a WTC
back to >>>/pol/ potato boy
thanks for this incredibly boring information
The humble peacoat
barbour jacket or wool overcoat
Got mocked for asking about waffles
They don't even really eat them here, it's all a psyop
I'll bring pralines
puffer jacket
pork in york
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swindon has a railway museum too
cos parka
uniqlo do some decent ones
most m&s
>people still recommending barbour
it HAS to be a meme at this point
I can deal with banter as long as it’s not actually mean spirited and I can do it back

Beware I come armed with the Simpsons…
the coat
they make good coats
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what would you do though, especially if there was two of them? they've got some powerful jaws, they'd just have to puncture an artery and I'm done, I think they'd take me easy they're all muscle it'd be like me hitting muhammed ali
York is nice but it's too small to support normal living people + all the tourists. Traffic is a nightmare because, like the rest of UK, roadworks/etc. take ages to complete. Housing is expensive because it's a small city, so commuting in on the ring roads is chockablock.
Tbh it's kinda dire that York is considered one the better UK cities, mainly because it's old and historic. Says a lot about our inability as a country to build cool new things.
A Borat mankini. Don't be a pussy
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I love my Barbour

Got a Beaufort but I just don’t get to wear it as much as I’d like
Gonna just get a cheap jack&jones parka then
(fucking state of tastes on this site fuck me...)
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the winter 'fit as it were
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the absolute state of that negative canthal tilt.
How many months constitutes a short-term relationship?
poke em in their rubbish eyes, strangle one whilst the others clinging onto your leg, just mash their little faces in
although i wouldnt do any of that id seek a diplomatic solution like you
tory boy core
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well you'll be right because every australian under 35 can basically recite the show from memory, one of the TV networks would do a marathon quite literally every saturday
if you can quote the aussie episode back at us people will love you, "dollarydoos" is huge over here
looking food
Blud's shopping at George
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get the benefits paid rorke
mate... I really hope this is bait
mum's still not up
wonder if she's dead
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Bri’ish genes
we can hope
Britain thunders out for Ziggerist Bolshevism.
The, uh, "Nine-Eleven"
For me the go to would be knifey spooney
mine finalised yesty, shant be living in it, renting it out
faggot janitors and mods banned me for reporting 190's paedophilic piss hentai fuck off
11 September is a great day in history.

Felix Dzerzhinsky was born!
that's like "twenty four seven"
If I posted my picture here none of you would believe me
a pyramid of poo
Aussies be like “yesty arvo”
i believe you have been 'done' as they say

no its not (i'm a 31 year old virgin)
Nobody says "yesty"
she's not dead I heard her sneeze
maybe she's ill
Evading a ban are we?
feel like pure shit
the goons are out x
Nice thumbnail dickhead
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>no its not (i'm a 31 year old virgin)
yeah I can see why
I think they'd just clamp down on my hand if I tried to poke their eyes, don't think I could get my hands around a neck either they're pretty stout and again too close to their jaws, I think they're absolutely wreck me
love when boats are in the middle of nowhere like that what a vibe
Probably with tyrone
moving to mars, taking all the water with me
I think it looks good. Very grown up.
insane how strong camels are
Might just go get all my mental illness diagnosed and then go on benefits or something
are you a woman or summat

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