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>Your country
>Yes or No

I like Japan and Israel!
Thank you!
God bless the USA and Israel!
shit country
Israelis are God's chosen people and Israel is the Promised Land.
fuck you
I don't mind Jews but I wish they would stop acting like we are some genocidal maniacs.
Then get out of Israel. I'll live in Israel instead.
Have you ever visited Auschwitz-Birkenau?
That’s the plan waiting for EU citizenship and then fucking off to eastern/southern europe
Poles unironically don't know they were the ones running most of germanys concentration camps
You should visit the Prague Synagogue. It is a very beautiful place.
I love Ecuador
no. post war colonial abomination that makes the apartheid regime in SA look like saints
Go fuck yourself perfidious *nglo dog.
I pray the uncolonized parts of the world all get together and execute the worlds biggest historic genocide on your damned island. Leave nothing there alive.
polish niggas get more mad about being accused of partaking in the holocaust than jews are about the holocaust itself
really gets the nogin jogging
Also, one of my ancestors was an inquisitor responsible for the arrest of many jews
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Yous still haven't freed Palestine, what's taking so damn long?
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nigga you got any idea how expensive houses here are land is super expensive too
luv me people
luv me technology
luv me jazz scene (especially avishai cohen and avishai cohen)
'ate netanyahu
simple as
is that why you're bulldozing west bank?
I mean, its moreso do for fanatic religious reasons but yeah, houses in the west bank are usually cheaper and bigger
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But it's true though.
I'll pitch in a good word for them if they finance my housing and other expenses.
i like gidi gov
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Mine is better, and more percise.

Also, when are you going to pay native americans reparations? These guys should be getting the billions in (((foreign aid))) from yankee taxpayers instead of wasrael.
best country
i don't care at this point
thanks anon, it sounds really good
I used to be indifferent but as i grow older the more i realize i live in the most based place on earth
aren't majority of the european jews actually half-poles ?
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Only country that get a passed on genocide and state pedophilia
Several generations of inbreeding did a number on their minds.
Omelette du fromage. How's the umah going bro?
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All ritual satanic sacrifices of kids come from jewish religion.
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Why do jews have tunnels in New York?
Why did israel attack the uss liberty?
>its da jooooz
Wigger behavior to blame all your problems on your superiors.
Post hand.
>t jew

I've been to your shithole, lived there many years, I've seen with my own eyes what jews do there.
Pooland is the biggest shithole in the civilized world, you still blame Jews and Russians for all your failures.
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Jew mad
Whatever helps you sleep at night, ahmed.
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Stop murdering kids, jew.
Post hand.
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Why are jews so weird?
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Eww you’re so gay.
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Jews not raping and tourmenting innocent goyims kids challenge impossible.
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Im not jewish tho.
Homosexuality lead to pedophilia...
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Before I left your rotting decaying shithole, I made sure to sell all my property to "illegal" amerindians, that barely even knew how to speak *nglish, after I left it, I burned my US "citizenship" , because that paper is nothing more than a goyim ownership certificate, and sold my passport off. If I were to run into you IRL, I would never even admit I know how to speak this language of scum motherfuckers.

BTW I left uncle samuel thousands in unpaid fines. I'm not paying.
Yes Israel is a democracy and a model Arab country!
Why are psheks like this
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Israel is a banana shithole that survived on amerigoy support.
Post hand
Yours is a dying country to Africans.
Why do you kaccap ask such stupid questions? Are yous eternally puzzled?
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>USA (ignore flag)
I don't "hate" them either, but I do think Israel will drive itself off a cliff by huffing its own religious-nationalist farts too hard and basically turning into a loonybin country of Kahanists and other Jewish supremacists.
I admire them for being a first world country which has produced various brilliant scientists in such a short time.
I wish the USA wasn't so involved with them. I don't like spending money on them, a foreign country, while Americans back home don't have universal healthcare or affordable education.
In an ideal world, Israel would in fact annex the West Bank and Gaza already but then be forced to give citizenship to all those Arabs as well and become a multiethnic country like South Africa or India or many others.
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Post foreskin
Post hand.
They're Asian
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Post hand.
Fuck off slav pig
Bomb more muslim niggers we already took all the worth Palestinians
i've already tried to correct you in another thread but goyim is plural
one goy, two goyim. not two goyims
>In an ideal world, Israel would in fact annex the West Bank and Gaza already but then be forced to give citizenship to all those Arabs as well and become a multiethnic country like South Africa or India or many others.

Look at Lebanon to see how that turns out.
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Denounce the torah and pedophilia
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? i absolutely despise israel, i'm only trying to correct you
Yes unfortunately it seems the people of the Levant will forever be their own worst enemy and live in a state of perpetual anarchy over crubs while greater powers fuck them in the ass
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Oh I see why you see ideal now. For kahanists the idea is to expand the sphere of influence (and some of it by annexation) but they would want to kick the Arabs out into neighboring Arab countries.
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The levant was fine until the wars causing pedos tribes come along.
Many such cases
the torah is a book written by and for demons where they glorify themselves as the ones chosen by god meant to rule over the cattle goyim with highly autistic rules that makes islam look good
happy now?
takes your meds honestly, not everyone is a jew trying to fuck you over. read my posts, i'm the only belgian ITT so far
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Literally no others nation have this kind of revolting and bizarre ideas.
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Judaism is indeed a religion of devil worshippers.
You still didnt denounce the torah and pedophilia.
I support 2 state solution and don't like circumcision. But I like jewish science and mathematics.
>jewish science and mathematics
this shit again. what country was the first to split an uranium atom again?
You're speaking to the wall.
I'm in your walls.
Stop raping and killing childrens even it contradict your jewish religion.
They steal goyims science.
Denounce the Quran and Muhammed
Denounce the torah and pedophilia
>jews refused to denounce pedophilia

Muhammad, if you hate Israel so much, you should go back to North Africa.
Pedophiles should be thrown into vats of boiling acidity and torah itself has nothing wrong in the it, only retards who haven't read the old testament are obsessed with it, everything wrong with with Judaism came after the stories of the old testament mostly in exile of under foreign rule
Elie, if you love your shithole so much, you should show your flag instead of using a vpn
Now denounce Muhammed and the Quran
>Pedophiles should be thrown into vats of boiling acidity
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
Now denounce the torah and pedophilia

Isreal should get what it deserves. Total jew removal from Palestine land.
I hate jews in two places, my country and jew country. Otherwise I don't think about them
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Why are goyims so much against jewish culture?
Raping kids is part of judaism, bigots!
What about the Pakistani child grooming gangs?
Tell me what's so wrong about the old testament Muhammed? Which parts in it do you not like?
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Why do jews have a hard times condemning their own pedos?
Most wealthy pedos whobraped and tortured kids are jews.
End the suffering now!
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Post foreskin
Adenochrome business is mostly jewish.
Millions of innocent childrens have been tortured by the synagogue of satan
4chan used to be the only place jews feared entering. Now it's their only safe place.
And get banned? No thanks
you keep doing it and it's triggering my autism
Judaism is wrong, gross and diabolic.
Reject it and join the truth.
Save your soul
>stil no denying
You arent fooling no one
Ugly nigger
Modern Judaism is trashy but it's not any worse than than Islam or Christianity lol.
Quit huffing your own farts
at least he actually lives in his own country
>huffing farts

You're the special one huh?
reported for antisemitism
Hey Ryan, are you not acquainted with this saying?
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No honey I'm not your kind of special
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>post foreskin
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behind every israeli flag there is a russian
כן, כמובן
Well if Japan loves Israel I suppose I should too since I love Japan
i saw some video where an amateur journalist goes to israel and asks them what they think about Poles. They either think well of Poles, or don't think about Poles at all. But Poles imagine that they are constantly being thought of, and negatively. Very funny.
No, too many war crimes.
idgaf, I used to date a jewish girl back in highschool tho, she was cute and nice to me.
no but if they dont support LGBT i would love israel
No. They're too chuddy.
Total Chud Death
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>pp itt
Rent free feed n sneed
Also total fakeshitian annihilation
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Ok Abdul, when are you going back to Algeria?
Palestinian men are so much hotter so i support Palestine. No one likes fags, which most jewish men are.
Trannies are so obsessed with Arab dick. They DONT want you, they all belong to me. You’ll never be a woman.

Depends on who you ask, but the more religious the more they tend to support Israel
>world biggest lgbt parades
>sexulize teens

I’m so glad I wasn’t born as brazilian woman. What a degenerate nation.
Celts, Olmecs, Toltecs, Aztecs, Canaanites, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Sabines, Philistines all sacrificed children independently of the Jews. And yes I know that the Jews are a Canaanite people
Then why are jewish men so ugly and gay? It’s like opposite of every Palestinian men.
Nice bait
Nice bait? Everyone knows South Americans are hypersexuliazed degenerates that are Christian just in name. They don’t have family values at all, popping babies to different baby daddies is not traditional values but it is in the mind of spics and amerimutts.
Most young americans aren’t christian, go back to bingo now

that's just in the southeast tho, go to the north or northeast interiors, and not only there are far less lgbt parades but the teenagers are also hotter

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