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Mental how badly I mindraped him edishhh
shut up mousenonce
cum cum cum
A nammurat 'a me
Tiene niente dint'o cuore cchiù
lol this stupid ass thinks the hostility will stop. There is one solution to your problems mousepedo: leave.
It is so easy to rattle the runt cage here

I have every little incel here dancing to my tune like I’m the pied piper lmfao

Sometimes all this attention can get annoying, I just want to post with the lads in peace :\
I don't know why you stupid fags keep replying to him just fucking ignore him you fucking morons.
You keep giving him attention thinking he we go away when that is what keeps him here.
Where the fuck is the actual new you stupid lazy cunts
What is wrong with this one?
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Por qué una bandera española??
mental how sn mindraped you so badly that you routinely pretend to be him
and while i tell you to go kill yourself (not going to stop), just think about how long you spent telling me to go away - saying things like "please" and so on - and it didnt work, only time i went away was for something else
so enjoy complaining for 20 hours a day like you have been doing for years and are now 40, and will continue to do until you drop dead, having wasted your life doing nothing, being ineffective, spending every day doing that AND getting told to kill yourself
dtfic you are exremely mentally ill
i might shoot off for a bit until there's a decent new if it's all the same to you lads
looks okay to me... oh! you missed the "canada us mexico" part in the title. no biggie.
Sorry it won't let me delete it :/
true. good shout. the only person here currently that isnt a complete fucking faggot with no friends or prospects. so i will go too
see: >>202104081
oh please, it's fine. not like the post quality is terribly high right now anyway. "delete it", aw bless you.
just yesterday fat told him to fuck off and he doesnt know

this is what he does with all of you when he talks to you for 2 posts after having a mental breakdown. he pretends to care so you like him
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good shout by the other brit to fuck off for a bit and do whatever. bye everyone
See you in literally one minute
wow, the haasts eagle looks awesome! ...we killed that? "hunting/poaching, invasive species introduction"... man. i like the sardinian pika a lot too.
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Long day ahead
get a reply so im back
Canada when you get here, i dont love you anymore
It's a shame what happened to haasts eagles, but if they were still alive it would be present a moral dilemma. They were fucking huge and could easily swoop up and kill small children, so I don't know how that would be dealt with in a modern civilization
Nothing compared to the complete annihilation of megafauna enacted by our prehistoric ancestors
Hey that was also due to receding glaciers and destruction of steppes and grasslands
i hate my advanced stage 4 autism i always pick the most embarrassing thing to say out of every conceivable option
2015 was so good man
wish i could just go back to high school
oh! so they were more like, actual eagles, not our picturesque small one. i suppose, if they were still around, it would give recreational hunters something good to do.
30 minute nap, or 30 minutes of internet stimulation before I have to get ready for the day?
internet stimulation, a thirty minute's nap ain't never done nothin' for nobody. you might wake feeling worse.
Today is my birthday.
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Happy Wigger Wednesday
What did they mean by this?
happy birthday!
30 minutes of exercise
Let's gooooooooooooooooooooo
No way, I won't have a meaningful break for the next 12 hours. I'll do my calisthenics tonight
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How I sit at my desk while being paid an hourly wage to do no work and post on 4Chan dot org
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just like nonna used to make
Fair enough
Meditate or nap then IMO
Bit late for that now hope your workday isn't too bad
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i'll try a bite. i really don't see what the ketchup, mustard and vinegar were for, though.
going to go have a wank with my kidney stone in
i'm on board with everything minus the ketchup and mustard
>Kamala Harris was widely seen as dominating Tuesday's presidential debate against Republican former president Donald Trump, but a group of undecided voters remained unconvinced that the Democratic vice president was the better candidate.
>Reuters interviewed 10 people who were still unsure how they were going to vote in the Nov. 5 election before they watched the debate. Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him. Three said they would now back Harris and one was still unsure how he would vote.
>10 people
Holy fuck Reuters get your shit together
i missed the debate, but i saw the recaps on the news. i kind of imagine everything is coached, but one thing kamala did that i bet will land with people, is she always looked disgusted by donald. no matter what he was saying, from mild to pointed, she was always looking at him like he was a sewer mutant. i bet that will sway a few. not a lot, it seems like most are decided, but some.
Politics entirely based on farming gifs and a feigned disgust response. Incredible. Take away the women's vote.
10 whole people!
Ironically, it seems like /pol/ thinks Trump shit his pants in the debate, but YouTube comments are full of anti-Kamala rhetoric.
/pol/ are doomers
Undecideds are the biggest morons in existence. You've seen them both in action how do you not know who you'd prefer? Those who will go with [REDACTED] were always gonna vote for him and vice versa. If you haven't decided at this point you shouldn't be allowed to participate because both sides are clear
Youtube comments are full of bots and shills, look up anything involving Ukraine and you'll see the same
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>The FBI says Americans lost $5.6 billion in cryptocurrency fraud scams last year
I don't want to go with him, but I'm sick of the fag and tranny shit and billions of illegals so I reluctantly will
they're out there, though! the post i replied to, one guy was undecided... bullshit, you're voting trump, and you don't wanna say it in a room.
>I'm sick of these things that I only see in the media and have to interact with in person once a year
it was pretty 50/50, Trump had a lot of missed opportunities but Kamala was fake and way too vague
>Kamala was too vague
Meanwhile Trump's plan is "we'll make a plan later"
The donkeys talk a good game about rule of law and stability and sanity but do shit like offer sex change operations to illegals and have made the border non-existent. The insanity has to stop
Dude I live in L.A. I see this shit every single day
I think actual undecideds just remember life being better under trump, it's that simple
Oh you're vote doesn't matter then.
Yeah illegals are pretty bad, but don't expect Trump to fix that. The republican party can't afford to actually fix the issue that they always base their campaigns on.
you should do it to piss off the smug leftoids in /cum/ lol
>just memory-holing the absolute disaster of a year that was 2020
Why do people keep doing this
well who actually are you guys voting for? i'm voting for kamala, because that's my instinct, but i'm not beyond second-guesses, so i have a little scheme cooked up. i'm going to counterweight this somewhat with a vote for sam brown. i know that kind of reveals where i live, but you all seem nice. my thinking is, maybe the two will balance each other out.
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she spent half the debate trying to make face reaction gifs for black people to use on Xitter
I think most people realize it was a black swan event and 2017- early 2020 were good
Meanwhile 2021-now have kind of sucked
I always vote republican locally and Democrat nationally
ah! so i'm not the only one thinking this way! i think we have it right.
Ive never voted Republican but I'm finna
trump, not that my vote matters because I live in a deep red state
he got destroyed in the debate
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trump is the only politician i would ever vote for, all others are just fake and boring as hell
They both got black eyes I think
He may not be fake but he's a moron which is worse. Publicly showing you're a moron isn't good
yeah that's why he's winning actual undecideds from the debate
you have 2 choices of morons this election
As always
well, okay, we're talking about votes. let's do predictions! who do you THINK will win? i gotta say, i think trump will. i don't know why. maybe it's because, every poll shows them at about fifty-fifty. but i always think, "but i never answered any poll?" so i always figure there's some slice of the pie who never answers emails, never takes surveys, and that sounds like the trump crowd to me.
the main voting issues
>the border
>crime and safety
>interest rates
>jobs market
>kids getting genitally mutilated
who wins on these?
James Garfield could write in Greek with one hand and in Latin with the other, at the same time. John Quincy Adams spoke seven languages. Total dumbasses seem like a modern thing
This is why Orangeman was b8ed so often yesterday, the incumbent party has a huge disadvantage if they actually remind people of this. But he started announcing his pro-pet positions which just wastes time.
My main issues:
>democratic integrity
>Russia not starting ww3
>the environment

Easy win for the dems
are you really this soy or is this b8?
is your name toby? i don't want to get it wrong, if it's not.
It's both bait and my actual opinion.
Honestly I'd vote republican every time if they just stayed professional and kept evangelicals out of their party.
>>democratic integrity
like what they did to Bernie?
>Russia not starting ww3
huh? Trump is very much anti war
>the enviroment
hard to get people worked up over that with all the other issues
>kept evangelicals out of their party.
this nigga stuck in 2004 lol
>Trump is very much anti war
Then he needs to emphasize that he won't let Russia win in their quest for imperialism. All he says is he will "end the war".
This isn't enough, we have to WIN the war.
>we have to WIN the war
we're not in one, via proxy some could say
Yeah you know what I mean. I just don't want to see Europe be destroyed is all
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>doesn't want ww3
>wants America to definitively defeat Russia
What did he mean by this?
I don't think putin is going to try any more shit, I don't think they are capable
btw, I'm a security contractor/PMC
"Defeating Russia" means getting them to back out of Ukraine. This is a very reasonable request in the eyes of anyone who isn't a Russian apologist.
Imperialists will let their country crumble in pursuit of conquest, as has been seen countless times throughout history. Do not underestimate Putin's desire to destroy the west.
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>it's easy bro just kick them all out of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine
What do you think has been happening for the last 2.5 years?
Yeah, I was offered a job as a small arms trainer, but it didn't pay shit. I did go to Ukraine at the start of the war on an extraction team. I thought we would be getting pout CIA assets or some cool shit, nope, it was just rich people.
It's not easy, but it's necessary.
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so how exactly is electing a continuation of the status quo going to do that?
wow. that's pretty cool, man!
Let me burn I say. They're a dying continent anyway
they're preforming transgender surgery on illegal aliens in prison
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mandatory transgender surgery on illegal aliens
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I like her voice
she looked hot during the debate ngl
she looks like a hugger to me, which i like.
She's pretty for an old broad
she physically repulses me, and I can't wait to never see her again, just like the last 3 years or so until lately
how come?
I'm voting for MiMo
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>phone working normally
>dies for no reason at 96% charge
just fuck my shit up
need to shit
How much do you get paid to talk about /pol/ outside of /pol/? Or are you just autistic retards?
Why is there a Spain flag in the op. No hate just curious
no one here is talking politics retard
>doesn't like autistic retards
>uses 4chan
I got bad news for you...
it's probably the Indian part
did you guys see elons new tweet? what a weirdo!
I wish I was as weird as him in every way
Spending a whole day at the airport aaaaaaaaaaghhhhj
I've got an abscess on my gums that makes me look like Chakotay when I talk and I have to go get antibiotics
woah. okay, i got kind of restless and wanted to do... something! i dunno. so i loaded up doom eternal, and man, this is a little much. for someone shaking, i mean. well... let's see if we can do it. worst case scenario, i'll hit a checkpoint and quit.
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Elon doesn't care because there is 10 million jeets who will retweet anything he does and make sigma edits no matter how cringe
We'll be right here with you
>makes me look like Chakotay
lel Akocheemoya
You know what I'm talking about, right? That weird underbite he has
yeah he has an underbite and his lips, especially the upper one, don't move much when he talks
taylor swift isn't that hot.
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Mimo nipples yes nipples mimo mimo yes nipples mimo yes mimo nipples
Exactly. That's what this fuckin abscess is doing to me. I feel ridiculous

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, please don't overly sexualize MiMo
in pain
I would protect her with my life
Built for BRC
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/cum/ is a Mackerel general.
I like women who fish and aren't all stuck up and are just cool to be around
finally got a call about a job application. they said they were looking for people to do "maintenance" (i.e an actual janny). just tar and feather me and get this humiliating existence over with already
I did that at the airport. They said I was I was supposed to help out people in the parking lot but I was just a jan
I used to clean Greyhound buses after the people got off at their destination. One time I found a wallet with $600 in it under a seat. I did not turn it in and kept the money.
as a Christian, burn in hell
Brotherman Bill
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huh so that’s why he hasn’t been posting here anymore
90% of this thread is dogshit politics as if any of you had worthwhile opinions
There's work being done on my building. The construction is so loud and there are mfs right outside my window. I hope they like my taste in music LOL
all me btw
heh. what you playing? the temptation for some death grips would be enormous.
Had a dream the McDonald's stopped serving breakfast at 9:00 am instead of 10:30
real nightmare, that
when i was a boy i wanted to be a garbage collector in nyc
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Here's a random assortment.
bit eclectic but iron maiden is always good
They make more fazzoles than doctors in LATAM
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My taste in music is nothing but eclectic.
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Never saw bees eating meat before
I'm using muscles and clams i find on the beach as bait and it's attracting unwanted attention.
That's a wasp.
that's a wasp thoughbeit
>when i was a boy
are you a girl now?
*trans woman
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Never saw a wasp eating meat before either
I used to work on a ranch and in the summer these guys came. We called them meat eater wasps. They are bits of steak and hot dogs wed throw out. They also regularly ate other insects and carrion
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This is why people hate the police.
this can't be real
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Sorry, but it's a Salmon General.
>It's real
The call to police was regarding a "gun." In your country the cops would have just shot her.
Errmmm what the carpe
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>forgot pic
anime is so cringe
You might even call it tranime
my nose is so oily... it's a wonder i don't get acne how i did as a kid. it's like i got a big, greasy pear on my face.
i know angel olsen
Brincos dieras
Wash yo face nigga
i do! multiple times a day, but then i'll kind of scrunch my nose up for whatever reason, and i can smell it. i can smell the oil on my nose and then i have to go to the bathroom and scrub it off again.
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>let truck change lanes during rush hour traffic
>he blinks his hazard lights
Oh cool!! What's she like IRL?
O' fil' è mort
this kind of interaction is rare and i always appreciate it
my face oil scent changes often, it gets really bad if I'm hungover and cooming multiple times a day. also you shouldnt wash your face too often, that might lead to your face overproducing sebum (oil)
hm. you know, i do use kind of a drying, aftershave type wash for my face. maybe you're right, and that's sort of overdoing it.
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I still think this is true
the blink your hazards to say thanks thing seems to have caught on here, i get it quite often actually, it's cool that people know about that
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Seems like the majority of Americans below boomer age believe 9/11 was a conspiracy of some sort
makes sense to me
it's a two party system, so what do you expect anyway
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i believe this wholeheartedly
perfectly lines up with male/female IQ distribution as well. Really makes you think
damn /cum/, post more
Sorry, I did not mean irl. I've listened to her music and also read an interview
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Sorry bro I'm chilling at the beach
Some things about the official narrative are untrue, for sure. I think the United States and Mossad probably knew about it beforehand and didn't stop it, at the bare minimum. The biggest inconsistency I know is: why wasn't Flight 93 shot down? It wasn't even intercepted despite people on the plane were making calls to family and stuff, and it was the last to crash so the gov't already knew a terrorist attack was underway when they saw that this plane had gone rogue, yet it was apparently the passengers that brought the plane down before it had a chance to hit the White House (Dubya was just fortuitously in Florida at the time). Apparently not even a single fighter jet was deployed to check it out. I think that's very suspicious.
Oh ok lol.
oh man, that looks superb.
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Come on /cum/ wake yo punk ass up
Other than the advance warning hypothesis you alluded to, most people I see are even more schizo than that. Yet seem to be widely believed. Seems like the farther we get from that time the more people believe conspiracies about it, not less
im working
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Its nice. I was fishing before and now laying on the rocks waiting for the tide to come in and take me to sea
This always makes me laugh
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i was in fourth grade when 9/11 happened. in school! when it happened, and i'll never forget our teacher, Ms. "Burford" (not sure i'm spelling that right), as she was hustling us out of the classroom to get picked up by our parents, a classmate of mine, Derek, i think, saw the tower crumble on a tv. he went, "jesus!", and this woman flipped the fuck out! not over the hugely fatal terrorist attack, but because a kid "took the Lord's name in vein". look, i'm very respectful myself when it comes to transcribing His name. but lady, there's bigger things afoot!
There are people out there (mostly zoomers) claiming it never even happened. Like it was CGI or something. Now that's absurd.
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60 seconds of silence is old hat. Now it's 1,800 seconds of free continental breakfast.
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Yeah I saw some guy posting a video that said the planes were edited in the news feeds after. Then a guy in the comments with one of the top comments was saying they actually detonated a mini nuke or something lel now we got zoomers saying the whole thing didn't happen? wew lad
I guffawed.
kind of a narrow window...
So Kamala's winning in November isn't she?
Not being able to afford your groceries and getting accosted on the street by Haitian migrants is awesome, isn't it?
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Then my work here is done.
Who was that mysterious stranger
Ya momma
Can we all agree, if America elects a woman, a black-indian one married to a jew no less, it's pretty much the end of the road for the 1776 version of America?
Nazi Germany (entirely white) as a whole was unequivocally condemned as a country. Yet you can't say "I unequivocally condemn the Haitian people" because that's racist. The double standards are blatant. (Not defending Naziism bt w.)
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Nobody with a brain condemns every man, woman, and child in Germany when they say that. Even among people with ties to the government many of them were forced into it.
i lol'd at this exchange multiple times
Actually insane how retarded Trump looks and sounds when the person he’s debating isn’t a senile old fuck
Harris nuked his ass
Pommes mit Mayo
i guess so, yeah. i don't feel like trump would be continuing that dynasty either, though. more than kamala, i suppose.
Pommes Rot Weiß is actually superior
Yanks should be more concerned with policy than spectacle, but then again they are Yanks.
Her voice is super annoying.
And if you put Harris alongside someone like Bernie she'd herself come off as a super fake politician.
There wasn't a single line she said that wasn't rehearsed.
Hey I thought this was funny why did nobody react
As if rehearsing for a debate is a bad thing. I don't like either of them by the way.
You're stupid, her voice is very pleasant
Madam President
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I wouldn't turn it down
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This is even crazier than "9/11 was fake."
Point is, she had some minion figure out the optimal words to say without actually meaning any of it. She lacks conviction just as much as Trump does.

I cannot listen to her for any length of time.
>I cannot listen to her for any length of time
Nobody cares about your opinion you're literally non American
mpreg is an underutilized fetish
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams!
The janny doesn't like her name either btw
>you're literally non American
Actually I'm an anchor baby, though don't worry I won't be voting.
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Holy moly, I'm hungry, bros
any pitsluts
I seent a nigga call it "Filthadelphia" and then cross his arms like it was some sorta W.
You now remember Sarah Palin.
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good morning
i look like this
she was the ideal running mate until she started speaking
Never forgot her
hot milf, I wanked to her a few times
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Me? I look like this
In another reality John McCain would have become prez and we'd be living in a much better world free of the post-2016 chaos.
Good morning Jewish frog
McCain was the last Elephant with class and dignitas
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your eyes are quite red have you been crying
this is us
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I look like this
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Very astute, Riley.
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Just imagine where the US could have gone with Al Gore.
World peace type utopia.
Complain about "all wimmin" wanting criminals so you can feel like a victim who "deserves" better even thought you have done nothing to solve anything
I like people who weren't captured
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found this salacious pic of you online
Your bitch ass wouldn't have even gone in the first place
Remind me, what were they fighting for?
in 2008 he was literally Hitler thoughbeit. Just like Cheney, until a few days ago.
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I love Currywurst but this looks totally grody
Gag me with a spoon tier
Imagine getting fucked in the ass by a horse.
My eyes are red because of the two bong rips I just took
Is Kansas a nice state to live in?
gay bestiality, a new frontier for you
Why does the Greek flag pop into this thread and ask about a different state every day?
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prepping the steal
lel >>202116618
are you Costa Rican by any chance?
I prefer states that have large population centers AND great nature. Kansas has neither.
You didn't see that.
Also no.
oh i didn't know you were chill like that okay
Smoke weed erryday
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suspiciously similar to the Costa Rican anon
ketchup doesn't belong on hot dogs
Haitian specialty
Seems curious
Grow up
chick fil a sauce belongs on hot dogs
That shit has too much corn syrup
chicagoans really hate ketchup (catsup) on hotdogs
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yeah yeah... just don't forget the relish
I like loading up my hot dogs with toppings. Ketchup, spicy brown mustard, onions, mayo, hot sauce, jalapenos
I like this spelling better.
It's got an old timey feel.
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holy shit it's literally me
i like sauerkraut and mustard with beef hot dogs
as long as it's dill relish
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All that talk about hot dogs reminded me of Costco
In Taiwan they also have the hot dog drink combo thing
idk if they have them in the US as well but there were hand crank machines at the wall for onions and relish and all those retarded old boomer Taiwanese kept taking the onions because they were free and just because of that
They filled up plastic bags with diced onions to take home
How much is a fucking onion that you need to be like that at Costco
Or that one old bitch who didn’t buy any food she just cranked a pound of onions on a napkin and ate it with the free condiments
fat ho

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