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Songs From the Big Chair edition
rorke you cockwombling spunktrumpet!
addicted to salt and vinegar pringles
Born just in time to live in AI slopworld
Rorke's maws meat trumpet
what do alcoholics get up to in their daily lives then
every oasis song sounds the same
love pringles so much
Toillass' kid has had a swimming lesson through school and she's going in to see the teacher because they made him wear armbands when she reckons he's 'one of the best swimmers'
for me it's salt and vinegar rice cakes
Instagram now disabling searches for "weed" and "cannabis"
How do all the yung'uns buy weed now?
addicted to opening and closing the same tabs on repeat all day
Today I'm doing 9/11
today is gonna be the day that i drive two planes into you
off darkweb marketplaces you boomer
Watching Akira at the cinemas last year was so good
thank you to the anon who told me i should do it
I will never be able to match that experience, though, so now I am depressed
Policies for a new Ireland
-All technology created after 1900 banned
-Catholic Eco-fascism
-Irish language revival
I've not tried the new extra flamin hot pringles (purple can) but I did try the doritos extra flamin hot and I didn't rate them above doritos chili heatwave so I doubt I'll be buying the pringles.
Just used the maple emoji surely or just another slang word like piff
9/11 speech, Joe, a speech
Toil over in 75 minutes
how the fuck do you that?
im such a vile slug ive eaten almost a full tube in one sitting.

never tried em
is it worth watching
big fan of a non scottish person doing a bad scottish accent and then another non scottish person telling them it sounded really good
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Catholic neoluddite ecofascism with Irish characteristics
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got an above average knob
truth hurts
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can't wait to take some benzos tomorrow haven't taken any in 6 weeks
My IQ is at least 190
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how so
Planting trees while self-flagellating and drinking pints
yeah man it is good
story is kinda dumb but visuals are amazing even 35 years later or whatever it is mad how even now they make inferior products
mad that it came out in the late 80's
they need to rerun old films more, id actually go to the cinema to see some classics
Got called a fascist for buying protein powder in B&M bargains
can't go another decade without shagging
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posted this yday and got no (ypu)s aha x
I rate the Ghost in the Shell movie above Akira.
I think I would lose a fight to this little guy
holy fuck this is good
They do at my local ones but they charge full price still lmao. I get the purpose but you gotta be charging half price atleast
just swallow the bastard at worst hes venomous but at least its a draw
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i can't do anything right
ross kemp in /brit/
controversial I don't know if I could split them
I like to go to Nova in carlton (I live in pozzbourne) I mean they're hipsters in hipsterville but that's where I saw Akira last year they do reruns pretty often. I also saw some Wong Kar Wai films last year there which was fun
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Taking a nap
Watches Akiru instead like a boss
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A trans woman is now the Democratic nominee for congress in Delaware, and will almost certainly win.
First trans US congress member.
Now the yanks can stop mocking us for Jamie Wallis.
id rather be drunk driving
bend it like bradders
they'll come out of me like the chestburster out of john hurt
More like McGroom hahaha
Tulsi Gabbard MATURE Sex Arse!!!
Honestly passes well based on that photo, wouldnt have guessed if you didn’t tell me
I reckon he probably did an absolutely catastrophic poo in his undies after the second fall
does anyone else like linkin park?
thoughts on new singer?
kill yourself
it's an icky girl
Wish she'd roger my arse
irish diaspora bros.... not looking good
Got the U2 on
them's the brakes
Laugh and all but he got up rapid for an old fella
yeah when i was like fucking 12 playing runescape mate
OHHHHH lookey here!
Kamala Harris' husband is a JEW
bizkit would never
if my current job search strategy fails I will put on a dress and apply as a transwoman
got the the sword on
Excuse me?
Linkedin Park
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Got the k-pop on
watching them walk home
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Fucking hell, next you'll be telling me Starmer's wife is one
you can't see the adam's apple?
would you guys accept a white caucasian immigrant? i promise i'm not a pajeet and i won't be shitting in the streets
I remember once spending time at my grandparents apartment in brisbane. it had a nice view over the river. And my grandpa had this imac and I remember spending several days in that room playing around with the imac and reading the for dummies book and having the ceiling fan spinning slowly over my head and looking over the river
I wish I could recreate that aesthetic. I bought an old imac but somehow it did not satisfy my desire.
had a look and theres a few cinemas here that play arthouse and old stuff but theyer all so out of the way that i cba. oh well
The feeling you feel the instant you leave a job centre is amazing. It's euphoric, as if born again. Every one needs to experience it at least once.
I think the only song I heard by them was the one with the cartoon music video and I thought it was ok but too insincerely melancholic, although I guess the guy an heroed so maybe not
come home white man
alri smartschoolboy9
as long as you bring some bumda
looks like a willy lol
I used to walk out with my hood up and head down in case anyone I know saw me
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The kizza arrived
such a degrading experience that ironically filters out sensitive young men such as myself and only allows hardened dole scum villains to continue leeching off the system
Post hand
cockmogs me!
This week's project got cancelled so I've been getting a view into the NEET life
>gym before "work"
>go for a coffee with some of the people there
>in the morning finish a book
>make a big nutritional lunch
>watch a boxing match I missed
>now going to start a second book I've had on the side for a while
This is bliss
crazy world, eh?
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Something I want to get off my chest

Despite the fact that I was an anxious, shy kid with several ideosyncracities, I never suffered much bullying in school. However, I did suffer some fairly brutal rejections from friends and people I saw as peers.

I had a friend in school, who I was pretty close with and got on well with in year 5. He was real joker, very intelligent and witty. In year 6 we were in the same class. There were some other people he got along with who were kind of similar. They were always making jokes and being silly. I kinda tried hanging on to that group via my friend, but was never really accepted as part of the group. Being so shy and quiet I struggled to contribute. Also that year in particular I was a bit weird and awkward (in ways it would take too long to describe here). As a result I don't think anyone really liked me, they just kinda tolerated my presence.

At some stage in the year this friend came to resent me. I can't remember the circumstance, but remember his face well. He was almost in tears, with this mix of contempt and disbelief in his face (I wish I knew why). I continued trying to be part of that group since I didn't really have anyone else in that class, but no one cared for me. Other people who had been friendly to me in the past started becoming mean or hostile to me, too, and I wonder what happened. I imagine some things were said about me when I wasn't around.

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Lol I always preferred going in winter because I'd put on a hat before leaving
how can you get blinded by paint
makes no sense
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saw people hunting some sort of mollusc in the sand in the netherlands. not sure what they were just called them flutes because they were quite long and had a little creature that came out
The pivotal point for me was the annual trip to the city cathedral for founder's day service. I managed to get a seat in amongst that group. The guy sitting to my left (at the periphery of the group) asked to swap spots with me - "temporarily, so he could say something to the guy on my right". I said yes. It quickly became apparent he had no intention of swapping back. Upon realising the "betrayal" I fell to tears. People noticed and where whispering. "why is anon crying?" "because he has to sit next to a girl?" (not sure why people thought that, but I was extremely shy around girls. No less, you can imagine why it would hurt being 12 and people thinking that of you). The gruff male teacher sitting in the row in front turned back and looked at me with a look of disgust.

That act of manipulation and betrayal, as I saw it, destroyed my self-esteem. I finally knew my place. Sitting on my own on the bus ride back, looking out through the drizzle on the window at the grey sky outside. I saw myself as a reject. Came to understand that due to my quietness I'd always be seen as inferior or second rate. No one would value me or appreciate my presence, or actually want me around.

That friend moved schools the following year. His parents made him invite me to his farewell party (though he made me know he didn't particularly want me there), and then visit him at his new house early the following year. He visited my place a few months later and I've not seen him since. On those last two occasions he seemed to forgive me. I just wish I knew what happened to make him hate me like he did. I can make some guesses, but I'll probably never know.

Somehow the next year went much better for me. I had some good friendships, my classmates seemed to accept me, and I had a lot more fun generally. I barely have a bad memory from that year. Unfortunately things went bad again the year after that, probably out of the awkwardness of growing up, and playing way too much runescape.
don't like people staring at me when i walk out of that place
No, not the police, stop, I beg of you
feel a bit cold and down so whacking a load of beige shit in the air fryer to cover with cheese and scran
>they were quite long and had a little creature that came out
sounds like my willy lol
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Best England manager since Sir Alf.
Pakis have such frail weak bodies I can't imagine losing to one in fisticuffs
i'm a rogue
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he can't see ;(
Aha x
want to grow up to be, be a debaser
wanking my gay little willy to my silly little gay porn
someone spaffed over your chips mate
what sort of people were these
cockmogs me!
he wouldn't have left it up to the 3 wogs to take penalties I'll tell you that
do something geoff
what are you supposed to do when you get this feeling like you like some kind of feeling or aesthetic? Like it's inspiring but what next?
screaming at how true this is. It's a genuine high you experience in that moment.

the moment they finally say "well I don't have anything for you, I'll book you in for 2 weeks time" and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief, the box has been ticked. Freedom for another 2 weeks.

Then you walk out with a spring in your step. You even end up giving a cheeky nod to the big black fella or little brown chap they have on security as you leave, such is your elevated mood.
>architecture student
Imagine giving up the chance of a good gig just for some incel bullshit lmao and then assaulting an officer like you’re gonna get anywhere with that
Leaving the mother country (Darlington) for the promised land (Jacksonville Florida)
mollusc hunters of some description
some families were making an event of it
Business idea: Toby but he likes cool mice
Venables has unironically posted here in the past. Thompson is now completely vanished into obscurity, rehabilitated.
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we're so back
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>You even end up giving a cheeky nod to the big black fella or little brown chap they have on security as you leave
No he didn’t
remembering the time I was playing osrs killing basilisk knights and thinking about moving to florida (the motivation for that probably came from listening to the fever fm soundtrack from vice city regularly at that time period)
now i don't play osrs and I probably won't move to florida :(
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He's just like me
my uncle kicked a pig's nutsack off once
never got runescape seemed incredibly boring even as a kid
i got a gf and now im depressed because i cant chase girls anymore even though it never goes anywhere whats the point fuck im drunk
>Venables has unironically posted here in the past.
Some edgy mong pretending to be Venables for a laugh doesn't mean it's actually him.
well clearly you don't have autism
Leaving the mother country (Portsmouth) for the promised land (Chester, Pennsylvania)
i just want a rollie rollie rollie with a dab of ranch
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Alright lads, it's me, Gareth Southgate.
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real Gs spent their time on habbo hotel growing up
added the year 6/year 8 crush on facebook and messaged her and she didn't reply probably would have been best not doing so and being left wondering what if
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> Scott Bradley, 36, was accused of being child murderer Robert Thompson, whose real identity is protected, and suffered months of malicious abuse and torment from a hate mob in the village of Garlieston, Wigtownshire, in Scotland.

>Mr Bradley, who moved to Scotland seven years ago, left a heartbreaking suicide note which read: 'They called me all sorts - a paedophile, a follower of young girls, walking around bullying old people.

>'The list is endless. And I’m supposed to be a child killer.'
you do realise Venables has been in prison practically since before /brit/ was even a thing
got a few thousand hours in tf2 from my youth to be fair
Lauren Chen, my little Asian whore... yes... yes..
he raped Englad is what he did
raped England
why should i tip my barber?
Anyone remember Rolie Polie Olie?
Born to sail the seas
Forced to look at AI slop on the internet from mumberg's couch
my iq high cuh
i've surely got aids
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I once donated 5 bucks to her and was making plans of how to become my own youtube personality and get her attention
very glad that was just a flight of fancy and I didn't follow through with it
i LOVE drugs
why not join the merchant navy?
only drug i need is love
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I have 12k hours in dota 2
tip your bartender
my friend was telling me about this french guy who drugged his wife and let men rape her and i was like... ok, what am i supposed to do about it? they seemed annoyed i didn't have a bigger reaction to it. of course it's dispicable, but the world is filled with bad people, and bad people are gonna do bad things.
my girl cat is a fantastic hunter and my 2 boy cats are basically retards that can barely chase a string around
*kills self*
Gonna make sure i do it properly and put jeremy kyle in the note, thats the smart thing to do
>why not do something
This sends rorke into a flurry
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saucy asmr audio wank
ok unc
tried this to look cool, gave him 20€ and told him to let me skip the line
he took my money and told me to fuck off
omg i cant believe they did that to your arse...
notmyproblemism is unironically the path to happiness
*sends rorke into a mcflurry*
You could have saved her...
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>a follower of young girls
honestly lads I think Rishi Sunak would have won the election if he had been a 6'0 white man

starmer proves every day what a psycho weirdo he is but you just can't get people to vote for a paki manlet
at end of the day
dont know
dont know
lobbing myself into mel's hole
Got a tinge of BO
Shower"toil" required today
Is Bradley poster one guy
absolutely screaming whenever I see a new Braldey image
He’s a singular poster yes
it's spainmong
Feel like there was some sort of class or induction that I missed at some point during primary school where they teach you how to be a human or be a member of society.
Everyone seems to have it figured out and I'm just here floundering.
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>You even end up giving a cheeky nod to the big black fella or little brown chap they have on security
oh he's gonna have a field day with that
gambled on fart and won 50 quid last night
Amazon driver came so I can finally take my joggers off
Kino idea: Spiritual sequel to The Zone of Interest. A pensioner (retired teacher) who has been retired as long as he has worked (he's in his 90s) maintains a pristine home and garden. He totters around weeding the flower beds, raking leaves and reading the paper while we only see hints of post Brexit Britain falling apart around his home. Maybe one day the postman doesn't show up on time he phones to complain oblivious to why the call rings out and out. Set over the course of a year this incidents get less subtle until he's on the phone to someone and it turns to dead and camera finally switches to an office where the worker has just hung himself
What's the yank word in that post I don't get it
why is he gonna shag you?
paid some freak 50 quid to fart in his mouth last night
right okay
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Not a typo! aar! He'll be Bradleyposting for hours.
thinking party leaders win elections in the UK
just found the original photo of that blair iraq bomb selfie photoshop
looks like I’ll be single and moving out on my own for the first time in a long time lads
how do I not get depressed. have always hated being single but want to try to learn to enjoy it more
Starmer was always going to win just because the Tories fucked up so badly. You guys pretty much have a 2 party system like us so you can just say "at least im not the other guy" and win
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had one earlier myself

highly recommend it
looks like she stinks
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get the baddiedem followed
barldey wersh
it is 1:20 am and i'm bretty drunk but i don't want to go to bed yet
i'm thinking of all the opportunities i missed in highschool. if only i had been more confident things could have been much better. my peers were mostly prety cool. oh well no chance to do it again i am sad though
Pray, sire, ne'er reply to mine posts henceforth
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Where's your chin mate?
barely welsh
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That band is so depressing
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what's so funny about the 9th November lad?
could have the main characters mother in law visiting then leaving in horror in the middle of the night when she sees all the deliveroo pakis going about
why dont i have any chest muscles
no point living in the past lad
what's your split?
fingering my bhole
the entire british media complex has framed UK elections in "presidential" terms for a very long time. at this point acknowledging that we vote for parliamentary constituents is obscure trivia for most British voters. you may as well do a "FOY" directed at British election coverage for the past 30 years
what takeway shall i provision tonight de ladas
>what's your split?
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normal Chinese
Kebab if doleman
Curry if toilman
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think I've discovered why, mate
i wish i could find the guy who was my friend in year 5 and rejected me in year 6 though
he has an extremely common name though and he's not on fagbook so i will probably not find him
I can find his cousin on facebook but it would be weird contacting them and it's proabably not worth it
but it's like the ultimate question in my mind. what happened. idk though i think about it but i probably haven't corssed his mind in 15 years
its all about perspective innit
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>Israeli Soldier Killed in West Bank Truck Ramming

Finally some good news
can tell an odious crone lives here
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you're genuinely having a laugh if you think there are multiple Bradley posters. It is just one mentally ill autist who logs on for a couple of hours a day then fucks off again. By tea time we won't see a single Bradley post.
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take me home to mayo
Rejected you? You a poof
>the 11th of september
*insert bradley image here*
/brit/ is a Blairite general.
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i've got no gf
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>it's real
Monday: Glutes and forearms
Tuesday: Chest and back
Wednesday: Glutes and abs
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Glutes and arms
Saturday: Cardio if I feel like it
Sunday: Rest
nah i mean like he started hating me
idk why he did he just did and i wish i knew why
see my blogpost above
tapping my foot to some royalty free music
my man got that glute
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I hope to die beneath an Irish sky
can't do tonight mate, it's my third arse day
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If you tie weight to your willard and tense to 'lift' the weight eventually you'll be strong enough to make yourself coom that way
something about cromwell something something form of a joke
redownloading all my music in flac, my smug aura grows
>ate one ate one ate one ate one
Fat fuck yanks just can't stop eating can they?
You were just weird and we wanted to be normal
You were dragging him down and he resented you for it
why would someone post this on tiktok
halo ce was fun
i guess no one plays it online anymore
what about halo 3? do people still play mcc or someting? I miss playing the infection custom games but that was what... 2007/2008, so over 15 years ago i guess. gosh i'm living in the past
3% of the population
1/3rd of child birth defects
that's them done
Start doing push ups lad.

Normal ones will likely be too hard so instead do the variation where your knees are on the floor instead of your feet. Do 3x10, three days a week. Then gradually ramp the numbers up.

Don't try and do too much too soon. Consistency and discipline are the keys. Best of luck to you x
Bit of a nationalist, me
not sure what you lads find so funny about the 11th of September 2001.
So this is 150 IQ mensa lad
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Brazilian friend just sent me this
People still play CE a bit on the MCC
I solely play CTF which is the best game mod imo and Halo CE and it’s best maps are the best iteration in the series
the weird thing about having a gf is now i can't be interested in any other girl, and i actually don't like it because i keep thinking about what else i could be having or pursuing. i mean i know it won't fix my problems. any other girl i get i will be thinking the same thing, and i will grow old and not be able to get any other girl anyway, but it's an annoying feeling
that's fucked, what is that, hydrocephaly? head looks like a giant bollock
love bazil
the gf apparently "hates men" but likes me
what does it mean?
Bit of a socialist too?
i badly need to shower
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time to hop on the titty skittles, hun
reported to mi5 for extremism

report him for terrorism (inceldom)
320 is enough
loved infection custom games I swear I played those on halo 2 though
Really not good lad. She sees you as an exception to behavior she identifies men with
Overtime she’ll become shorter to temper with you because she’ll realize you’re a man; which she hates
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Right. Sick of it. I'm just going to make my own job.
get the chocolate hobnobs down ye lad
she wants you to get another gf for you both to share

err looks like you didn't spend enough money on tone rocks, get gud ears bro
sensational end to the thread lads well done
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rorke flabbergasted
The average rapist is a Lithuanian
wonder how gen z boss and a mini looked like when she was 12
I can't believe I wanted to be a author but I stopped because none of my ideas seemed cool. The modern world seeing magic come back so you see elves coming back to Britain
strange post
thinking about the girl I fancied in sixth form but never had the balls to ask out
feel sad now
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bratty pig tails and an attitood
honestly the zone of interest but instead of the holocaust it's children of men in the background
Lads for those in the know, check the group chat. Mikey posted details about the stag party
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Good post this
Evocative imagery
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A lot of people manage to scrape a living reselling stuff on ebay.

Literally your whole life will be to find any old shite you think will sell, list it, sell it and post it. People can, and do, comfortably survive doing this.

It's still work of course.
Urban fantasy is one of the worst genres there are
does anyone else remember that halo 3 infection custom game i think it was called alpha zombie and you had to get through this maze while this slow ass zombie chased you and the people he got become fast zombies that died in one hit
No idea where you get an inflatable cock, whys he asked everyone to get one
Hes always such a twat
nah, I've had sex

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