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Julian Bream edition
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My height? 5'7
My weight? 19 stone and 7lbs
My hairline? Norwood 3
My employment? unemployed claiming PIP
You can only post below if you are 6'2 or above.
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>unemployed claiming PIP
just became a boss nigger
Hi guys, so was just wondering if you was to get ‘caught’ meeting a male under 16 at a train station that’s not actually illegal is it? Especially if the male didn’t exist anyway? Could just say you was getting the train couldnt you?
smol bean haha I tower over you at 5'8
so a short fat waster on benefits
great stuff
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I kneel
aaargh! I hate you so much yet what is this strange feeling inside of me whenever I see you post?
so who’s after a good rogering?
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Have you honoured the victims of that terrible tragedy today?
Wonder how seasideMARK got on with his DVLA medical
yeah well I'm losing weight, I used to be 24 stone
egypt was a black land
king tut was a black man
yes, I hit the griddy
Spaino! Spaino! SPAINO!!! Omg! How are you doing, buddy? How’s the missus?? Hope you and your sexy wife are enjoying the warm breezes of España (that’s Spain for you monolingual toads out there). Holidays can be busy, so don’t forget to take care of your island on Animal Crossing™: New Horizons! Also make sure to sneak in a few Rocket League games to stay sharp, wouldn’t want your beautiful wife to start mugging you off. Haha just kidding, man. You know best! You’re always so calm, cool, and collected, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. Alright, well, since you’re here, now the thread can REALLY start, it is always so boring waiting all day for you to show up. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so impatient, you’ve only got about thirty minutes a day to come catch up with the lads, but it’s the highlight of my day so I can’t hide my excitement. Anyway glad to have the pleasure of sharing the thread with you once again, Spainers. Cheers mate x
Did you hear about McDonald's new meal deal lads? Two flaming towers and a big apple crumble all for £9.11!
going full nigger mode on some kfc wicked wings
saw the other day they signed him off as fit to drive
DWP signed him off as fit to loaf at home and scran pizzas all day also
got rocky fellers on
I'm so glad we've carried the height and weight patter over to the new thread. Who knows what exciting height and weight combinations we'll see posted in the next 310 posts. I for one cannot wait.

6'9" and 5 stone? 4'11" and 25 stone? Variations thereof? It all makes for interesting and hilarious reading so let's keep it up lads. Combinations of numbers, various imperial measurements. Riveting stuff.
Enjoying some dried mango
there are very few people who it's completely over for but for you that really is the case
if i were in your position i'd be absolutely miserable. atleast the taxpayer gets to babysit you involuntarily
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the discord modem
dadberg is really fucking unhygienic
pisses all over the floor, sometimes doesnt' even flush, his idea of washing his hands is to put them under the tap for two seconds
pisses me off
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I'm sorry Sacked Tranny (oh), I am for real!
Never meant to make Spaino (you) cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Sacked Tranny (oh), I am for real!
Never meant to make Spaino (you) cry
I apologize a trillion times
corrrr good lad
dried mango, dried apple, dried cranberries are driedfruitkino as it were
I'm 6'2 and 14 stone 5 pounds
I am average.
me 60 meters tall and weigh less than a grain of rice
honestly frightened by the weight of some of yous
You type like someone who gets raped but then makes excuses for the raper so he doesn’t go to prison
Missing about 2 inches and a stone there lad
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sucking a poo
Quite based really
alri carbon-nanotube-filament-lad
i get out of breath climbing a single flight of stairs
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it's not over, I am going to lose more weight and find a girlfriend
based based BASED!
he's only gone and sucked a poo
That's a German, isn't it
your doctor asks you to open your mouth and say oink aye
that sounds disgusting but if you take a shower why would touching your dick constitute washing your hands since you just took a wizz
go out with me I'll feed you back up to 24 stone
go on lad
My height? 6'2"
My weight? 21 stone 6 pounds
My hairline? Bald (not losing hait, just racist)
My employment? Software developer making £110k
me? 5 inches (hard)
Reckon poo tastes really bad. Don't know how people suck on poos. Does the horniness outweigh the bad taste of the poo?
you've got almost the exact same stats as SSM
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open the fucking pubs
Good news. He needs a car to pick up his alcohol from Wilkins Cider farm.
rubbing my clit
I don't think anyone has ever considered touching one's dick to "constitute" washing one's hands
i am going to mine diamonds in minecraft
just checked, the pubs are open
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put your height and weight into Google and post the first image. I want to imagine what you lads look like.
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thanks boris
Glad you'll be dead soon
Penis is 6 inches but it still points upwards when I'm hard. Bastard thing is basically parallel with my stomach. Ridiculous.
that's what people who go to the bathroom do all the time
took a piss, now i gotta wash even though i just pulled my foreskin back a bit! it's stupid
mm a fat balding neet manlet just what every girl dreamt of marrying when she grew up
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get the dogs walked
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I thought women liked banana cocks?
very concerning
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>6'2, 91kg
I am no where near this fucking fat, this lad must be pure bloat
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I look nothing like this thoughbeit
he just has to lose some weight bro it'll be fine
lmao it's so over for him
this indescribably tiny little terrier came up to me at toil and demanded I give him fuss today
cute little bugger he was
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napped through the whole afternoon and now dogberg needs his walk. cannot be arsed. might take him down to the rescue place tomorrow and claim I found him in the street lol
got the peng gay poo porn on
Don't think you know what constitute means!!
No it's not bent. Straight as an arrow. Just points up. Comes out my groin at that angle
i want to have sex
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same height but 20kg heavier and still not that fat
must be lying about his height
not far off, im a bit more lean than this guy thoughbeit
gay sex?
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you lads ever been bullied in work?
prefer her chinese bat soup vid
think you have the reading comprehension ability of a 5 year old
Are Lucy did nowt wrong
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here's sacked tranny results
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walking like an egyptian
no thanks
110kg is fucking fat mate, even at 6'2
extremely ironic post
can't imagine the type of freak you'd have to be to get bullied by grown adults
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Woman on the tills smiled very warmly at me so I imagined our life together on the way back to the car
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What kind of poor, bitch-ass cardboard box is he living out of, baby?

$700 ain't shit to Chad Warden! Chad Warden wipes his ass with $700! $700 ain't shit! Shit, I'll give you $700 just to shut the hell up nigga!
get back in and chat her up tiger
all muscle and cock mate
whoever ate that fookin bat in china i will legit shove it up ya cock
might be the lightest poster here don't know what to think about that
Absolute state of the comments

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literally me when I catch eyes with someone on the tram
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rorkes rizz
I was bullied in the toil groupchat after asking everyone what schools their children went to. (everyone else was posting about how cute their children looked in photos for the first day of school and I didn't want to be seen as a lurker looking at pics of kids so I asked what I thought was a completely innocent question)
not sure why you pretended to be me
being too light is even worse than being too fat on a bloke
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gonna have to transition then
he's just saying what we're all thinking, as usual
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>nooooo don't mention that
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don't really get this new cartoon girl pisses herself gimmick. is it an anime reference?
you are disabled
love making a complete innocuous post, refreshing the page and seeing multiple (you)s
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alri but la, I just woke up a couple hours ago. don't really need a nap do I x
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you need to bulk lad
Kek saw that earlier. Squeal squeal little landpiggies
save it for a rainy day ~
>that trip
>that post
no it's too late I'm on hrt now
Have you lads given any more thought to gimmick of the year awards on December 13th?
>poo smells
>fucking hell lads what is wrong with me (last years runner up)
>Irish diaspora
>Sir Keir posting
>bradders (last years winner)
>new trainers/fake self-dox
Quite the list isn't it
Is a bit mad though that you can’t tell people to leave your property
how common is landlords using no-fault evictions anyway?
Might move to China.
wonder what hairybellylad is up to
Weren’t in aldis was it?
not really though is it. employment is the same way
it happened to a mate of mine because he complained about the black mold in his bedroom
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Screaming at this OC I just cooked up
comedic genius me
Yeah, shrewsbury
I'm more concerned about heartdiseaselad. not heard a peep from him in weeks
i'm like your mom, i suck dicks
missing quite a few
>Might move to China.
>gay porn posting
>big brad
also no idea why 'grinching' is on your list when it hasn't been posted this year at all
yeah on your side
what a dire lineup, only remotely entertaining one is rapelad
It has to go unfortunately, no more solo 14 inch 'zas for me
rape is not entertaining.
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Thread "personalities" are not gimmicks thoughbeit
Unless there’s a contract then yeah..
Why does your weight go down in steps
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>rape is not entertaining.
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Nell Tiger Free
tradieposting isnt a gimmick and im sure it is just you inserting your own unfunny spam
gimmick of the year should only feature either brand new or revamped gimmicks
it's a pointless endeavour if you're just throwing in every gimmick made in the past 5 years with no thought as to their impact
You should be shot
lad would make a good petty criminal
/brit/ only averages 1 new gimmick per year
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watching king kong and the age warning just warned me about "violence, smoking, swearing and blackface"
getting blackface warnings in films these days
its health and safety gone mad
Statistically, more than 50% of people involved in rapes enjoy themselves
When it comes to landlords. I'm a Maoist
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How many of you eat like this?
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woke kong
What the actual fuck
untrue, there have been several identifiable gimmicks either created or revamped in 2024
but each year will have a different level of quality, which should make the award unique - not just 'bradders' or whatever winning for the 10th time in a row
>Large oasis
Is that his band name?
what on earth is a ninja sword?
from my cold dead shinobi hands
Depends on how it done, remember watching a British show where a lady cop got raped and that's probably the best rape scene I've seen in a movie in terms of emotional weight. Now the hottest one I've seen is from 13 Reasons.
>I fear
Sick to bastard death of hearing normies use this phrase now because of ONE meme
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for example, these gimmicks were voted the most popular during the summer
Oh yeah I think I've wanked to that police one a couple of times
i wish i was rich enough to have monthly lipo suctions so I could eat like this
a sorry indictment of the state of things
Watching a weird French sex film about a lady who fucks cars
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Skip dinner, wake up thinner
This goon from Reddit
5'7 74kg
what race is he? Looks like Albanian diaspora
what could you even add to that list? what have we had since then? big brad, tradieposting, not much else
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Eat dinner, eat second dinner
im sure gay porn posting has been around for years
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looks like an average fat english chav to me
could probably add "get them housed, get them wanked"
>As a landlord I will now carry out extensive reference checks and not take chances with tenants. I will also make sure the rents are at market rates, where as I had kept low rents for good tenants.
Looool fuck off bollocks you did
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>tata steel pays out dividends of £400m/year
>the taxpayer is funding a subsidy of £500m to build a new furnace
is keir taking the piss he's chucking money around like it's going out of fashion but at the same time they're telling us to prepare for a tough budget
eat batter wake up fatter
Lucy did nothing wrong, sure she killed some kids, but we all wanna kill kids sometimes.
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u-uuuwaaaa~ OmO i-i wet my boifwendu do a cummy cum in my retawdpuccccwie~!!! and he didn't weaw a boicondom 0////0 a-a-am i gonna get tawdpweggews now?? 3: i is a too young to be a retawdmothew >///< c-c-can i getsies a retawdbowtion? uwu c-can i pay my tawdnecowogist with my retawdpucccwie-wucie? 0////< p-ewhaps i c-couwd offew him my tasty retawdmiwk uwu o-ow m-maybe i'ww ask if he wiww accept a pint of my sticky tawdsywup instead UwU
how do people eat so much and so much fatty food? do your insides just adjust?
only good gimmicks here are coffee aussie and subtle nonce posting. woke posting has been around for years and the rest are shite
love knowing girls personally and seeing them develop into excellent young women.
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Why did they try to do the cool editing
got quite big recently, with consistent phrasing 'got the gay porn on', 'got the gay porn shoes on' etc
true, as well as starmer edits (*that* edit of bradders in particular). big year for starmer inspired gimmicks
based swansGOD
Smeggy bedroom is pretty good tbf
Get me housed, get me wanked
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look at it
face the reality of what you and your government are doing
>*that* edit of bradders in particular
Big fan of the mousenonce edit of that
Image board not a linkboard
it's unfair being fat and in a relationship, the gfberg is fine with me being fat so I don't see the point in trying
Who ate the dogs?
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Czech Casting
Bitches Abroad
ATK Hairy
Porn Force
Suicide Girls
If we're gonna be honest with ourselves gimmicks here have been going downhill since "rorke soiling his Next jeans"

Rorke moving like a bhenchod was a glimmer of hope but never took off
there's piss coming out my arsehole
All Communist.
can't post it. it's gore and potentially a cp violation (it's a dead baby and you can see its bum crack )
'get them wanked' is a class gimmick i piss myself whenever i see it, especially if the poster uses the no-no bad n word
Hegre went through that intense phase of BBC kino but haven't seen much since
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imagine dating scruton's daughter
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>Having an index is a great way to make quick money!
porn force is a funny name
why the fuck would you ever admit to potentially posting cp
haven't showered for 2 days lads. arse smells like a rustic austrian cheese
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rorke's da trying to join the army and ending up joining the porn force
it's not cp. just perhaps could face the same penalty if the pic was uploaded. not taking the risks but still you have to made to face the reality of your life
I could wank to anything
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oiled trannies
u wot m8?
tinned trannies in extra virgin olive oil
Tell it to the judge sicko
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feelin' so fly like a G6
Porn is Aryan, Waffen-SS, Germanic, Hyperborean, National Socialist, Nietzschean, Anti-JudeoBolshevik Evropean, Faustian, and Panzerpilled.

JudeoBolshevik states like Russia, Cuba, North Korea and China ban porn while Aryan, White, Germanic, Hyperborean, National Socialist states such as Germany, Holland, Italy, USA, Poland, Hungary, Estonia etc have legal porn. Aryan Ukraine pumps out pornstars while fighting Judeobolshevik Russia. Based!

If the nazis had won we'd watch porn for 8 hours a day. Based!

Based Prostitution and Pornography returned to Eastern Europe after the JudeoAsiaticMongolianTatarChineseBolshevik Regime was toppled in 1989. Based! Fuck that JudeoBolshevikSlavicPovvoCattleSlop meat like it's 1942! Based! Just like AnimeHyperboreanHitler1488NietzcheHentai told me on twitter!

If the nazis had won we'd have gangbang porn on TV every night. Based!

Heil Hitler! Heil Nietzsche! Hail Cameron! Heil Bronze Age Pervert! Hail Iain Duncan Smith! Heil Mosley!
she's 18
least mentally ill commiemong post
that's it I'm wanking to femboys again
>second can of monster
>chest starts hurting
oh no

your bombs killed that baby
mental how when we all started calling each other nonces the nonce posting started ramping up in extremity

almost as if a couple of genuine paedophiles were hands up offended

it does make you wonder who we've been posting with across the years
going to the shops soon
first time ill have left the house in about a week
>Bronze Age Pervert!
I realised the other day that reading BAP has caused many of my recent neuroticisms
I now walk around Sainsbury's and constantly compare myself to others around me with a view to judging who would be a better warrior
i have three a day and i never get chest pains, get in my level
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If its brown flush it down.
I'm being pilloried from pillar to post
only leave the house before 7am or after 11 me when there's nobody around
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horrible rorke cretin
not funny
If everybody acts like an idiot they may find themselves joined by true idiots, who think they are in good company
all this recent talk about debates, got me in the mood for something special: excerpts of the 2016 debates, but the genders of trump and clinton are reversed. good stuff lads.

going to make some scrambled egg and jalapenos on toast if that's quite alright with you
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the fate of all toilfreaks
"Ninja sword" just sounds like what my dad would call a samurai sword when he wants to take the piss even though he knows the real name of it
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your mum's in good company lol
its called a katana
on the wine arent i
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katana just means sword in japanese, I'm not japanese so I say samurai sword
I draw the line laughing at dead and deformed children. I think I've outgrown you /brit/.
why would your dad know the difference between a ninja sword and a samurai sword? He a weeaboo?

what's he gonna hit out with next "erm no son, actually that's a nodachi". Tell him he's a gimp.
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>Grandmother, 69, dies after being hit by rugby ball as she watched her grandson play, inquest hears
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>dead and deformed children
>Tessaiga (鉄砕牙, "Iron-Crushing Fang or Steel-Cleaving Fang"), also spelled Tetsusaiga, is a powerful yōkai sword wielded by the inu-hanyō Inuyasha during the main story, and was originally owned by his father who had instructed Tōtōsai to forge this sword by using one of his own fangs as material for the sword's blade. It was the counterpart of Sesshōmaru's inherited sword, the Tenseiga. Out of the two blades, Tessaiga was "the sword of destruction" with an ability said to "kill a hundred demons in a single stroke", while Tenseiga was "the sword of life" which was said to save one hundred lives with a single strike.
still absolutely screaming at that cheeky Chinese fella that posted here so I started spamming Winnie the pooh and tiananmen square links and he quickly disappeared and hasn't posted since lmao
average english knight would merc a japanese samurai i reckon
Richard B. Spencer is the prototypical pornpilled nietzschean zionist remainer
I fucking LOVE late summer

Yesterday was perfect
Brisk, cloudless, calm. Now its raining heavily and i can hear water rapidly dripping off a drainage pipe. Peak comfy.
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oh pissdaddle you scumfarting shitdipper
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>it was real
You never should have come here!
I read it as "retarded gimp" but not sure if that's right

i am unwell
CIA was just OSS with the Gehlen Org/ODESSA nazi spy networks grafted on to it by the anglophile freemason Old Boy's network (eg Dulles, McCloy, Harriman etc), think Skull and Bones etc, who had established close ties to the german industrial syndicates and funded hitler's rise to power
remember when schizos said this would happen and reddit said it wasn't
mmm love closing work screen and opening home screen
Yeah and people can cought on the straw
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Lads I finally bought a house. I thought it would never happen but it's done. Don't give up bros
there's a channel for it mousey
least mentally ill communist
Aryan, Fashpilled and based
Yeah just the one house for now

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