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lemons edish
that's a banana you tit
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when life gives you lemons, make poo
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clearly not a lemon is it
its over for porke
That's kiwi! A super nice fruit that's a bit sour. I love them. One of my favourites.
Sucking a golf ball
off to the shop
want owt?
fuzzy lemon
get the waifus posted
You can eat the skin, some people think it's weird but it's fine.
anyone remember the cuckio meme
Mickey Rooney in breakfast at Tiffany's be like
My IQ is at least 190
Probably even higher
2kgs of peanut m&ms
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anyone have those cat nerd pictures
Benders will literally shag to say hello.
Strange species
not but remember the candlejack m
yorkie (not for employed woman) and a lilt
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hate hate HATE kiwis
vile foreign muck so they are
if you hate small talk that sounds great
Fucking bitch.
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nth for the gyal x baddiedem
npnly fucking 8 30 and im alreadu pissed
might go to bed
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in hindsight, leaving my son with this lad was a grave error
Can't stand any of those slags
wonder how many times they have been shat on by millionaires
need soogs to obliterate my bollocks with a nine iron whilst giggling madly
simping for pornstars is crazy
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all so peng
ello moi naymes arry potta
*turns gay*
Did the incel spam the scantily clad 6/10 women again?
I don't think my sad childhood was funny. I would have loved a colin the caterpillar cake or a hug growing up.
I hear people tell stories about their parents making them do their homework or forcing them to learn their times tables. I don't know why they complain about that. I would have loved that
>Spaino hasn't posted since July
>Poo smells gimmick has stopped
>Ruby gimmick has stopped

I always thought the notion of him having various personalities and gimmicks to be schizo nonsense but I'm noticing thinga

doing a listen
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get the poo eaten
>Searching for posts that contain ‘ello moi naymes arry potta’. 7 results found.
fuckign mentalist
colon rupturing poo
what became of you?
Have you ever seen a girl you knew IRL doing porn on Onlyfans?
>I would have loved a colin the caterpillar cake or a hug growing up.
l wish you had that lad, would buy you a cake irl if l could
None of those things stopped

Shut the fuck up Adam lmfao
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I don't know any girls
But then you have to smalltalk after whilst both in that awkward post-cum shame
My parents spent most of the time working and I was raised by child minders. I was also an only child living in a village, secondary school was an incredibly miserable experience for me and I hated it. Never understood the people who say that 'school is the best time of your life', they must have shit lives.
elden ring dlc has has been nerfed apparently
no point playing it now then
there was one I went to school with who I thought for definite would end up being a second rate e-slag but it never happened, she just posts grim pics on her insta-gram from time to time instead
My body aches for Summer
get the fart farted
got the gay hypnosis on
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LOL she won a women parking challenge
deigo drunk again
fuckign ile CUNt
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so true x
>I was raised by child minders
Got the straight hypnosis on
ever lick a bumhole?
there was a girl at my school who was on page 3. actually did they have 16 year olds on there? maybe she'd left school by then
seeing lots of sexualised images of women but my penis is completely flaccid
on another level me
havent wanked in 3 days
>school is the best time of your life
suspect this is one of those things that is largely bygone nowadays, don't know anyone under the age of 50 who says this
it's all exam stress now, even the wee nippers can't just relax and have fun without worrying about the 11+
cutting open my own stomach and eating the contents before they turn into poo
Completely given up on life.
Did you see the moon the other week when it was fucking huge and red? Spooky desu. I remember getting up in the night for a piss once during a supermoon, stared at it for a bit and the 'face' became very vivid and I thought it moved, spooked me out so I went to bed.
have fond memories of licking the gfs arsehole on a sweaty summer in 2015
pooing and shrieking
>seeing lots of sexualised images of women but my penis is completely flaccid
thats normal, you shouldnt be getting hard ons every time you see a bum
My libido varies, I can have a week when I just want to wank and then ones when I don't care.
It's a yank thing anyway. Have never heard anyone here say it
had one just after lunch during wfhtoil because I got so horny I couldn't concentrate and plotting another one due to all these lusty images
burning a poo at the stake for the crime of witchcraft
corrr *slides in underneath your puckered ringpiece, mouth agape in anticipation*
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grass is always greener
absolutely love my new car
SUV chads just mog all other road users
it's true
I gave up years ago but this shit keeps going
might get an erection during my meeting with toilberg (female, 2 years older than me) tomorrow
katie price poo pic
poo is always browner
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get a grip melts
rubes poster is still about
Hope you roll over and die lol
thought this said poo DLC thought a second
i drive a 23 plate 7 seat defender
what do YOU drive
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thank you fiddy, my life is finally on the up
hope you get a brain aneurism lol!

freelander, we're of the same ilk
nah its a loving parents and group of friends thing. my life was perfect until about 17
no, always hoped I would get to see some of the slags in my school gagging on a BBC but it never happened, they just became boring munters
Driving is fucking boring desu and a posh car wouldn't make any difference to me. My car has tonnes of bird shit and cobwebs on it, cba taking it to a car wash.
mewing while I read thus spoke zarathustra
behold: the belgiumcuck-heathermong hybrid
cloggin up the drains
um they dont make them anymore hun
you driving a USED car??
ps5 pro preordered can't wait to get on pro clubs with the lads with 120fps
Anyone else think about death on a daily basis? I don't want to kms I just think about it a lot, not sure if this is a bad sign.
had a loving family and good mates but remember being deeply frustrated at my lack of agency as a teenager
not right to keep youngsters cooped up in school I don't think, one of many reasons I shan't be having children of my own
far too many ethical disagreements on my part
bought the wrong cooking oil so pouring the entire 2 litres down the drain
range/land rover haven't made a decent looking car since the first sport
This, it's a tool for me don't give a fuck beyond that
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Don't understand why people say they're off to the shops and if we want anything. Don't they realise they're talking to people online?
just off the phone to Zarathustra
yeah when i was depressed in my early 20s
now i think about it probably once a week
couldnt give a shite about dying
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>land rover haven't made a decent car
sorted it for you lad x
yes new cars are way too chic and mummy-fied for me
i like them old, rough and rugged (and affordable)
off to the shops, want anything?
vaseline dog arse
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uve got mentol illnes hun x
Drive a British car myself actually thanks for asking
3kgs of peanut m&ms
my car is 25 years old and currently has a broken gearbox
fruity gay vape
Did he spoke?
so youre poor
dont reply to me again hun x
checkem lads
Thus Spoke Zarathustra ...

It's by Nietszche.
mental elves on an absolute tear
nah check deez
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I pissed away 4 grand on a car that broke in a month
it can be enjoyable as a hobby. i literally took it out this evening for a joy ride (yes, in the country) and it put a genuine smile on my face
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>I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses. The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly. you must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?
no fucking snacks in
The Gay Science ...

It's by Nietszche
pathetic, check THESE digits
oh im sorry i thought you said chicken run
Why didn't he call it Thus Spoke Nietzsche. What a retard
ur a snack bby ;)
rorke had a glowup
I'd shag a human sized mouse
No, but a couple became wannabe fitness influencers who were always posting their diet and gym tips on instagram and tiktok
what happened to it?
toil looms
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It's insane to me how we've been shown countless times how easy Trump would be to bury. The man was assassinated and achieved no sympathy vote. Picked a freak VP who has already been dispatched. Yet Libs won't do it. They will always insist that trump succeeds because some heart of america is eternally rotten. the truth of the matter is trump succeeds when Dems fail . When they fail at due diligence like writing a policy platform, committing to a campaign promise, actually fighting for something worthwhile rather than tripping and blaming the first hurdle or the voters. But ultimately the things that Dems should do are things that are off the table. (Ceasefire now) Debate as much as you like why they're off the table . At the end of the day it's just because it's not what america is for. America is not a nation . It's just a scam. The steps you'd need to take to stop trump from scamming would stop the rest of them from doing the same.
I spent a grand in the space of two weeks on my car last year. First it turned out it had shit tyres from when I bought it and 3/4 were illegal for tread, then the following week the starter motor died and that cost about 500 parts+labour to fix. Then I realised that I hadn't paid my road tax for nearly a year because I hadn't updated my logbook since moving, and then I got fined about 90 quid for not doing so.
CHATTing with an ebay PAJEET
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... yeah ...
Thus poo'd zarathustra
looks nothing like her
bricked up thinking about blokes pooey hairy arseholes
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How do you feel about Italian women?
I don't really see how it can be a hobby beyond driving on a racetrack. Driving on country roads isn't my idea of fun, it's to get somewhere.
ziggurat of poo
Well actually, it's by Nietszche.
Intimidating, too loud and extraverted, same with all Med women.
got the chinese tech house on
fucking phone is a pos as of late (google pixel)
underscreen fingerprint reader doesnt work like 80% of the time, and no headphone jack means i have to use a dongle (which doesnt work most of the time either)
thinking of trading it in and getting some chink phone that has an actual headphone jack and a old school fingerprint sensor that actually works consistently
Wish it hadnt rained earlier. Cant go for a comfy incel nightwalk without crushing snails and slugs
just a lemon with a fucked engine and transmission. Don't know shit about cars me
mental how someone can destroy your life by emailing you a bunch of CP and theres fuck all you can do about it apart from spending £75k on lawyer fees for the trial and pray the jury isn’t retarded
... swipe down ... planet timmy ... !
Found out one of the lads I worked with was a "twitch streamer". Used to watch his streams sometimes and he would just be sat there silently playing games or watching youtube from about half an hour after his shift ended until bedtime.
He was at it for years but every time I tuned in I was the only viewer. Quite sad really.
could just turn the computer off innit
no, it was a lie
it's all about mindset
drive somewhere scenic, put your foot down, throw it around a bit
get a drive through meal on the way back
tunes on
glad we straightened that one out
happens often does it?
the godless orient

im happy hope youre happy too
it's quavers time
is it true that east asian fannards are sideways
Stupid sexy asian women
Not that i'm aware of but there is a girl who let me touch her boobs and let me see her underwear when we were 14 and she is pretty big on youtube. 442k subscribers and millions of views mostly doing mukbangs. Wish id fingered her or even managed to fuck her. She was a massive slut and everyone called her thunderthighs. She got anorexic after school and I assume she is still bulimic now since she eats obscene amounts and is very slim.
And the biggest slag in school is a mummy-blogger. Only 3k followers on insta. Still quite fuckable for a 30 something milf. She was a few years ahead of me in school but I once saw her being shagged at lunch time. Then a few months later I was on a bus and she came and sat opposite me and started talking to me. I didn't think she knew me at all and was surprised. And I was picking up a vibe from her. Wish i'd tried shagging her. I was so chickenshit as a teenager. I thought she might have done onlyfans but I think maybe her parents were wealthy and I doubt she will now.
I'll straighten you out, mug
stinky feet
They're not really any louder than British wome, in some ways they're quieter because they drink less
Investing in cryptocurrency is fashpilled, nietzschean, richard spencerpilled and based
blog on
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uh oh emma gained a few pounds...
invest in anal
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aint got no money and i aint got no hair
fuck off yank we don't care
waiting for dadberg to go to bed so l can eat
hate yanks
just like me
Literally never happened
Face looks like Michael Owen
looks like the prostitute i shagged last Thursday except your girl has smaller tits.
well an engine could be sputtering because of some valve sensor or something like that, transmission issues aren't good though yeah, not impossible to fix though if some solenoids need replacing
deleted all my porn
fuck cooming it's disgusting
hitchens simping for lucy letby again

>PETER HITCHENS: Lucy Letby may be innocent. We cannot shut down the pursuit of justice because some are upset by that possibility

sex arse engine spluttering and leaking oil again
yet another costly trip to the mechanic looms
good reddit desu

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any gay retard man in?
simply no satisfaction or enjoyment in this tonight
dopamine wells run dry
off to lie on my bed zoning out to youtube before i fall asleep

ta ta chaps
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yeah but that's cookun oil
we live in a spaffocracy
anyone want to go to the pub with me?
squeaking at this, what an interview
remember being scared when watching this as a nipper
can you not at least wait until the weekend, or do they not work weekends?
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>fell for the nouni meme
you shouldn't use any oil to cook, use animal fat or butter/ghee
the missus
guess who just ordered a Jack’s Fan Fave Box with Mini Chimi Bang Bangs and a Witch Please Shake XD
what a waste. african children could eat all that porn
olive and coconut oil is fine though
>make love to me randy
Wow the happiest gap is massive
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Trump talking about people eating cats and dogs is a bit mental isn't it lads? Utterly baffling that people will still vote for him.
wasn't even funny
ok mate you do you
not british culture is it
kiss my arse
it's happening though
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Meds, now.
err but they aren't eating your cats and dogs so it isn't a problem
He's a funny fella
made a girl cum over the weekend
was a thicker consistency than i was expecting
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the post itself was not but the reaction image was
wish i could have a chinese gf because white asian mixed babies are the GOAT and will rule the world from their corner officers london and hong kong
Eyes on the sky for a third plane
A mother who went on holiday to Ibiza rather than attending her son's sentencing for his role in riots has been ordered to pay compensation to the victims.

Her 12-year-old boy kicked a bus outside a hotel housing asylum seekers in Manchester on 31 July, before joining a mob that targeted a vape shop and threw missiles at a police van on 3 August.

The 30-year-old mother was ordered to pay £1,200 compensation - approximately the same price as her holiday - and attend a six-month parenting course.

The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, was handed a 12-month referral order and told had he been an adult he could have been sent to prison for between four and five years.
That was clap discharge
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get the fucking shite down the gullet
lads do you use umbrellas? i would never use an umbrella and my dad says the same
must've hurt coning out
whoa he kicked a bus?
that was thrush mate, hope you didnt eat her out or everyone will know
hope not because i ate it out of interest
I said all I wanted to say on the matter of girls I knew going on onlyfans.
Can tell you what my ex gfs are doing now if you want.
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Used to be that when you'd say "it's raining cats and dogs" people would take a brolly with them outside.
Nowadays they take knife and fork.
I guess it's like Bob Dylan said, the times they are a-changing.
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ummm.... no it's not....
keep it to yourself
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>targeted a vape shop
does that mean nicking stuff or smashing it up?
some prostitutes work weekends but i prefer to punt during the week.
got lines on your frog there pal
so is the new Beetlejuice movie any good? Fancy doing something tonight and there's a screening at the local kinoplex at 10:30
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He threw missiles at a police, missiles are dangerous and should not be in the hands of 12 year olds
what did fellow weekend did to deserve cumming over him
its alri
bit adolescent mind
literally a film for the mongiest of mongs
Niggas got half life 2 pistols
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>bought a macbook
>traded it to CEX
>bought it again
>thought he could return it but had to trade it in again
screaming, nearly £700 pissed up the wall
Religious Studies – A*
Business Studies – A*
Geography – A*
Art – A*
German – A
Maths – A
Biology – B
Chemistry – B
English Language – B
English Literature - B
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I got 1 A, 4 Bs and 5 Cs, can't remember which subjects were which
whats the youngest age girl youd date
taking the wheels off and sticking my lubricated finger up his bum
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A Day in the Life of an Immigrant, According to Donald Trump:

- wake up in jail
- get your transgender operation
- for breakfast, dog
- take over Seattle
- for dinner, cat
t. 22
16 years and 10 minutes
t. 28
i want to eat a tub of clotted cream
sad thinking how i was born with a 4 inch willy that will never make any woman happy
big fuck off bag of squares down the hatch
Leftypol tucking in to a Beagle in solidarity with immigrants
Link looks like John Mcafee has farted on it
okay I accept your concession
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Nightmare situation boys.
Ran out of toilet roll
No kitchen roll either
Considering either using a hand towel or my boxer shorts
I could just go to the shops like 5 minutes away but it's cold and raining
you are the virus
Get the wet wipes out
thats not really what you said though is it?
women under the age of 22 are just annoying to be around, honestly. 25-30 are the prime years where they're mature and have their shit together a lot more, but they still look young and attractive
Pedos were buying CP with their credit cards? Roflmfao
Won’t respect Graham Hancock till he goes on Joe Rogan with a 20,000 year old wheel and makes an mainstream archaeologist suck his cock in humiliation
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just jump in the shower
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turn the pressure up on the shower head and blast the poo away
just use hands and wash in sink
i sometimes do this even after wiping if i want a clean-feeling arsehole
his book was a boring slog which is a shame l enjoy some of his theories
i underestimated markonomics...
any kino recs?
Graham Hancock is proof that americans will believe any elderly British man who talks well and grooms. His schizo ramblings are total nonsense yet they still take him seriously.
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have a 10 year supply of sanitary wet wips myself
depends on the person imo
a younger person can sometimes breath some life back into your life
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There's one in my office, everyone knows but she doesn't know everyone knows.
Also she's grotesquely overweight.
I saw a video of her eating a mango and then crushing a watermelon with her fat rolls.
People actually pay for this
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>I don’t hold £50k cash. I’ll tell you how I operate. Say I have a motor worth 7 grand. Say some traveller chap wants to buy this motor from me. I give him the motor and tell him hold onto the money. He’s my bank.
red rock west with nicolas jage
Iconic post
Been watching a load of those videos where someone just walks around a foreign city recording. Have them playing on the second monitor. Must be what getting out the house feels like.
they'll dry out you mong
was absolutely screaming first time i saw this video, he just topples over like a big fat baby and gets his head rattled
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why can't you fucking spastic coordinate anything?

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