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I hate this shithole like you wouldn't believe.

When I think of Germany I think of Prussian virtues, the Faustian spirit and the Aryan ideal.
The FGR LLC on the other hand is the prime opposite. A literal internationalist, capitalist dystopia, devoid of any concept of national pride or sense of community. Most people here live like slaves, completely subordinate to their (((capitalist masters))).
Many outsiders look at this country and are baffled at the fact that the population is willingly throwing away their way of life. It's because there is no such thing as a "Germany way of life" anymore. It has all been done away with, the average "German" doesn't even know what it means to be "German".
Should've gone out with a bang all these years ago instead of fading away like this. Pathetic.
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Shut up.
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>I suffer in Heavenmany
your country is clearly zogged but you should be proud you were at least born in a first-world country that's language family produced 90% of civilization and technology
i wish i was born your ethnicity so that i would be proud of such history. i'm certain germany and the rest of europe will go back to normal, but it's gonna take a while
>i'm certain germany and the rest of europe will go back to normal
the current state is the new normal though
>Living in a country where working hours barely exist.
>Complaining about suffering.
Germoids are incredibly impudent.
Looks like Asturias, but not as good.
Literally just have sex
Sorry man but your country is a shithole
What about that picture is it you like?
The castles, both a symbol for the past glory of a nation well past its expiration date and for the neo-feudalism that has been established here?
The nice estates on the shoreline, owned by some real estate investors who convert them to refugee centers?
The badly maintained roads and sidewalks?
I get up at 4 in the morning and I'm home by 6 in the evening.
I live in a one room apartment that barely has 10 square meters.
I barely make enough to eat.
There is no hope. My days are bleak. Hate is all that fuels me.
I keep on suffering so that one day I might wallow in the misery of all those that have wronged me when the inevitable societal collapse is coming.
Sounds dystopic. Change your life
Sounds like kraut flavored America or Japan. go live somewhere nice where you can enjoy life.
>hate muh capitalism
>hate my life
get a job loser
Sounds like a skill issue. How the fuck do you manage to suffer in Germany?
you now nothing about us.
you thirdies always have excuses so that you have no reason to actual do something. you just say "oh yeah that first world country was always like that, they just have luck and we are cursed, we can do nothing about it,, welp"
stupid thirdies, stay poor.
Halt die Fresse, du dummer Schluchtenscheißer. Hättest du die Posts von OP gelesen, wüsstest du, dass er einen Job hat.
The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that i want to be alive when shit breaks down, and i am going to go down with a bang to make the ones that are on the top now suffer the same they are making me suffer
Based. Remind me to stay clear from Italy when shtf
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>mei Preussische Tugenden
>mei Faustscher Geist
>mei Arischen Ideal
Übersetzung: Langzeitarbeitsloser Sozialfall hat schon wieder sein ganzes Bürgi versoffen und ist am heulen.
Strohmannargumente über Strohmannargumente.

Bist du zufällig Albaner?
2 more weeks
Why do you even work if you can barely afford anything? Just get Bürgergeld if your salary is so low as you said.
Most Germans don't have that view. Visit Krefeld with Street View if you want to know how badly Germany is doing in the current year.
cute htr titties I wanna suck em :3
Nobody in Germany knows the meaning of "badly maintained roads".
It's simple.
The image of Germany in your mind doesn't align with what it's like to live in the FGR LLC.

I'm not even the only one in this situation. There are many like me and the number is steadily increasing.

You can have a master's in CS here and still barely make 2.7k a month
Go to this site and you'll see that the average is 50k a year before tax:
Go to this site, select "Steuerklasse I" and you'll see.

No, I don't have a master's in CS, otherwise I'd move away from here.
I tried, failed so now I have nothing, forced to live the life of a modern slave.
Well I fell for the >dude just attend tradeschool meme.
I'm working for below minimum wage right now with insane commuting times but it's not for forever.
So I guess there is some light at the end of the tunnel, however this decision was one of the biggest mistakes of mine so far.
I'll be too old to realistically complete a real university degree or whatever and the pay as a lowly employee in the trades is so low that Bürgergeld might actually be the better option anyways.
The avarage plumber makes 55k a year in Germany
Perhaps, but then again you can't just outsource plumbing to India.
Oh. You're an apprentice. Kek. Grow up you faggot. You want them to 6k a month when you can't skrew on a lightbold? Be thankfull someone is giving you your hours
the average plumber in germany is somewhere from eastern europe who gets hired for 20 Euro cash per hour. Just like most labor workers
How about you take 5 seconds to google that
Really depends on your trade. I'm a tradie myself and I make more than some MINT guys I know so there's that
>Prussian virtues
>the Faustian spirit
>the Aryan ideal
Modern Germany is as Prussian as it gets. Prussians are cultureless barbaric savages.

You should look to your betters in Vienna if you want actual Germanic civilization and culture, you mongoloid Prussian pig.
My favorite Youtuber is Caio the Germany.
He doesn't like Aleamnha very much at the moment either.

>muh Prussia bad
von Steuben literally trained your army that won your independence kek
Yes, Prussia's cultureless militarism turned out useful when put to a practicable and cultured cause.
This only proves that Prussians should be kept as dogs on leashes and only unfurled in times of war. In every other instance they're a detriment to mankind.
youre not wrong, however, other cunts arent really better
Bait name one (1) Anglo philosopher that is on the same level as Kant
Thats before tax and social social insurance.
It would be only about 2.9k per month but I doubt the average plumber even makes that much.
kant is unoriginal shit and Charles Peirce REKT him. you have computers thanks to him
What kind of trade? Would it be to late to start an apprenticeship in it with late 20?
Why wait?
Silly, the german way of life is eating turkish sandwiches and recycling things in a very ordnung way before they get set on fire in south east asia
>Silly, the german way of life is eating turkish sandwiches
no, theyre too expensive now
Wtf is asking you?
And the foundations for modern computing were laid by Leibniz and Frege lol
Gipser. Made my Meister and started a small business. It helps that the region is wealthy. Always enough boomers who want something done and you're in demand so you asshole clients can go fuck themselves
>Would it be to late to start an apprenticeship in it with late 20?
Totally forgot this part.
From my experience yeah, find something less physical. You want to be able to start out young in this line of work, it's physical work and starting a business means you're taking on 60 hrs a week. Being a Geselle isn't worth it
>Leibniz and Frege
Two based EAST Germans from Wismar and Leipzig
Also East German
Ich habe mit 36 eine Ausbildung zum Elektriker gemacht. Dann ein Jahr als Geselle gearbeitet. Dann den Techniker gemacht. Verdiene jetzt ca. 60k im 2. Arbeitsjahr.
Es ist NIE zu spät wenn du Eier in der Hose hast und Scheiße fressen kannst.
Was mich an Deutschland WIRKLICH anpisst sind all die Heulsusen, Bürokraten, Parasiten und Weicheier die ständig rumheulen wie schlecht es ihnen geht und die jeden Tag Ausreden erfinden um nichts tun zu müssen.
Geht raus, fragt nach Hilfe, ihr bekommt sie wenn ihr euch anstrengt. Aber: geschenkt wird euch nichts im Leben.
based bootlicker
Bootlicker? Ich bin noch nie jemanden in den Arsch gekrochen.
>mit 36 eine Ausbildung zum Elektriker
Eine Umschulung übers Jobcenter oder eine normale Ausbildung? Warst du der älteste in der Berufsschule?
Aber Respekt! Das ist echt ein gutes Bruttogehalt fürs zweite echte Berufsjahr.
Normale Ausbildung - habe einen Elektrikermeister gefragt ob er mich nimmt. Nein, war nicht der älteste in der Berufsschule. Aber war schon hart.
Die meisten Leute wissen nicht, dass man sich in den technischen Ausbildungsberufen sehr gut weiterbilden kann und dann locker soviel verdient wie ein Bachelor. Außerdem kann man im Gegensatz zu den Studierten auch was.
>21 year old teenager who never grew out of his edgy phase
That explains it
You are a conquered and occupied country. You can only be as German as the US allows you to be; those things you hate are dictated to you by the US - think of your shitty Turks.

You should have won WW2, as the losers Germany did not get to pick the terms of surrender. Be grateful the Soviets did not overrun Germany.
I'm learning german by watching german videos with subtitles

english videos with german subtitles are also very good.
This is honestly all I'm willing to do, whenever I get a basic level I'll just switch to reading
Serbian tradies make 3000 euro net in germany bro
>unironic mention of faustian spirit
What do you people even mean by this?
Wasn't the whole point of Faust's story that he sold his soul for ultimately nothing? How is doing things no matter the cost a good virtue? It's awful.
It's yet another case of the *making fun of chuddies by hyperbolically exaggerating their schizo babbling* to *chuddies being too retarded to see that it's irony, and unironically spouting it* pipeline
>Prussian virtues
>Most people here live like slaves, completely subordinate to their (((capitalist masters)))
You basically described prussian asethicism: cope and work to make a pig rich. If you are doing this you are being german.
The only thing that has changed is nationalism, but you are paid for that. American, british and french tax money keeps you safe.
I think Germany's structural problems are more related to the need to modernise bureaucracy, but who am I to teach you about your country.
Sharpie in pooper
I'm genuinely curious though, who popularized this phrase and what does it really mean? Going all out to get something isn't a unique idea either, unless it's about something else.
It's just Spengler babble
hi mehmet
You can't return to the past, only go forward. Hopefully the forward won't include germ pigs.
>when shit breaks down
Oh boy, that's maladaptive daydreaming if I've ever seen it.
You're eighty years too late for that. Fiftyseven being generous.
it's from a pol screenshot LMAO

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