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LotRs cast edition
All the Americans had extremely convincing British accents in this series, which is pretty rare usually. Especially impressed with Samwise who even did a regional accent.

Pretty sure Viggo Mortensen is Danish though
Wtf I thought they were all english actors
genuinely the most pathetic dialogue ever to darken this general's door
good edish
Viggo was born in the US to a Danish father and American mother.
viggo speaks 8 languages or something like that
not so surprising with that in mind
Looked it up and he basically grew up in like 7 different countries but mostly Shartentina and New York. When he talks in interviews he doesn't sound american to me though
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maybe i should watch all of lotr on my 11 hour flight later this month
nah don't do the kinography dirty like that
Nigga found out the hard way that Tolkien just used Welsh for the Elvish language
All the hobbits came to my city and had seafood
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aff tae bed
Martin clunes is a /brit/ tho
I reckon Trump is going to wind up winning somehow. He'll luck his way back into power. He's essentially like Cersei from Ice and Fire, he thinks he's a tactical genius running circles around everyone but he just lucks getting into positions because he's surrounded by people more incompetent than him.
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im actually fascinated with jackson's lotr. everything about it seems like lightning caught in a bottle
the company willing to finance 3 huge movies of an unpopular genre of an IP only known to nerds all filmed back to back
the cosmically perfect casting of mostly unknown people
the fantastic pre and post production of hundreds of people that treated it as a passion product
the blend of practical and special effects that still hold up nearly 25 years later

its never going to happen again. it was the last great hollywood epic
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watemefag btfo
Isn't Hugo from Australia
It just dawned on me that I actually fucking hate British people
>only known to nerds
Lotr wasnt some obscure book it was very popular.
alri keir
turns out I don't have any horlicks in the cupboard so that's that dream crushed
got any comparisions to non fiction historical characters?
literally getting blacked
He's Nigerian
it's genuinley pathetic how desperate people (you, for example) are for people to use their thread - so desperate that they'll cut short and ruin conversations that were happening in the previous thread.
like, why do you even care about being the OP?
Not illegal to feast from the potty.
william l. carpenter
woke mob trampling all over my soft supple bollocks
big ups to nz for that one
Hey lighten up, buddy
I may be a NEET but my bedroom is neat and tidy and smells of sandalwood, rose and patchouli
corr bet all the birds you bring back love it you shagger xx
I'm a NEET and an opiate addict but my house is very clean and tidy.
desu the real people responsible are the hordes that blindly rush to the new every time
Uoh oh!!! Janny not gonna like this!
Back from cleaning up after I elton’d over my stomach
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i saw a lot of jeets in the chicken shop before
just what are they doing here i have no clue
wtf is patchouli
Hate it
Can smell girlfriendberg's fanny
Might give it a good old huff
I’ve had an Austrian, a French and two Korean birds in my room, so yes.
Get it licked the FUCK out lad
The cleaners is it?
I work very hard at my job and my IQ is at least 170 and keep my house clean but I'm also a drug addict
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somebody poisoned the waterhole
woody mentioned
that’s grim
Yeah? Did the elven chief cast a darkness spell over the kingdom forcing the cursed blood orcs to attack using their level 15 fire spells and skeleton steeds? Grow up.
fantasy as a genre was not mainstream in the slightest
Not really
fantasy is cool but it has become stale
new masses of cheap low skill workers
easier and cheaper for the elite to just import a gazillion jeets, placate them with goyslop and screens and keep them in their urban ghettos than it is for them to revitalise the working class. who might also get testy and have alliegances that could hinder global economic integration

simply put, they want to turn the developed world into one big borderless cultureless economic zone where capital can move unhindered, and swamping the place with docile malleable jeets helps that quite well
I want an Elric adaptation but I fear they'll fuck it up immsensely or it won't catch on with modern audiences and everyone will think Elric is some Targaryen knock off when it is the other way around that or they could turn Moonglum into a female side kick who needs to get Elric out of every sticky situation they find themselves in completely emasculating him in the process.
gonna burn some nag champa to simulate being in this nice anon's smelly in a good way bedroom
Bringing a child into this objectively evil world is the greatest sin. You bring a child into a world where they may be raped, assaulted, become drug addicts, become homeless, be drafted, be murdered. And even discounting the worst case scenarios, the likelyhood is that your child will live a dull, boring, pointless life wageslaving as a cog in a soul rotting job, spending most of their time bored, stressed or both. And the sad part is that most people who have children can't even articulate why they did so. "It's just what you do". This species is irredeemable.
BBC will cheer her right up
this is literally how fantasy mongs sound. can’t take serious any adult “fan” of stuff like LOTR. You can praise its storytelling or the author without being such a massive childish weirdo.

Up there with adult Harry Potter and Disney fans.
Sat for a poo which won't come out. Can't help but read meaning into this.
just stuffed catberg in my gob
would shag the arse off her
It sold 150million copies
The trick really... Pucker the arsehole, force air through. Long one thats like blowing raspberries. Very funny.
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Hope I'll never have to see an AD2000 movie
'ri spaedo
over the course of half a century
I have mental health problems.
bet she headed straight to the worst hood of the netherlands
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don't reply to it
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No shit Shercock
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cloggy would've loved this post
Grooming doesn't exist. Scams don't exist. Being a retard and getting taken advantage of is as natural as shitting turds that stink.
Learn to read you stupid twat
the fuck did they have to do with it? Beside Peter Jackson, his wife, and writer/producer partner there were fuck all New Zealanders involved.
very long S-curved jamaican hoodmeats pummeling that schoolgirl fanny silly
Theres like 5books that sold that many
Oh... oh dear.... it's over, the West is done
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You just have to see them in motion lads. As soon as I'm able.
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>Grooming doesn't exist.
blud has a favourite penis shape lol
LOL aint nun lil whiteboy cud do
Should I answer the phone the next time I get a call from an Indian scammer and if so what should I do? Just answering yes to everyone when it's your turn to speak is a funny one, some get excited and go along for a while others get angry quickly and swear at you before ending the call. Any ideas?
Post that positively stinks of the indian subcontinent...
remember you used to claim to let your girlfriend cuck you with black men when you first posted here?
and then a few months later, you start pretending to be black and post a grainy pic to prove to us that you shag?
Yes, only white retards are gullible enough to fall for feminine rhetoric.
he does have quite a way with words when it comes to black cocks I have to say
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cor, clear sky tonight lads
put on an indian accent and pretend to be a pajeet selling curry
I sleep so much. Too much. Maybe it's a futile attempt to escape reality? Sleeping is the closest you can get to death without actually dying. Teetering on the edge of consciousness.
>feminine rhetoric
meaningless phrase
please enlighten us with what you mean
I'd say ask them if they're fridge is running but they probably don't have those
Lads killing themselves because they got tricked into sending their willard to a nigerian bloke...
Not clear though is it
Quite obviously full of stars
pissing raining here
loving the sound of it
I know where this is
please don't come and bum me
anyone else notice how people dress the same way American kids used to dress in TV shows and films from the early 2000s?
the baggy jeans, the cargo pants, long sleeved shirts under short sleeved shirts, graphic t-shirts, bulky shoes, zipper hoodies, etc
I just think it's interesting how fashion evolves, like it's such an integral part of culture. every decade has defining fashion and I guess dressing like a kid from some random sitcom from 2004 has become the defining fashion of the 2020s. And honestly, I like it. I've really grown to despise slim fitting trousers desu. The fashion of the 2010s kind of sucked, especially the manbun, skinny jeans, beard and flannel shirt hipster style.
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that lit up room at the bottom some hoodlum pummeling his veiny anaconda into pale daughterdem
reverse psychology
But sometimes you fart and youve no recourse but to completely flip the duvet lest you trap yourself in your smelly dutch oven
Means you believe in horseshit. But you define "grooming" for me and tell me how real it is.
erm, forget about gothmog did you? he's right there in the OP
ursa major? I hardly knew 'er!
not a top don't worry

yeah next to queermore upon sea
You could say it's mental how badly I mindraped him when you really think about it
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ought I put in a cheeky bid lads?
If your head is outside of the duvet you aren't in the oven. If you flip the duvet you are just exploding the fart into the wider room where it will reach your nostrils. Just let it slowly diffuse from the covers over time.
the historic village of Shittingham Cum-Fartly
have no aversion to my own farts
taking advantage of a vulnerable person normally a child by doing good acts for them, spoiling them, showering them with gifts in order to gain their trust so you can then force them to do things or nonce them
established phenomenon employed often by your kind to children
spoke to a 15 year old girl about anime for 30 minutes straight today (I'm 26 years old).
there was nothing sexual involved but it felt illegal.
Very cheeky bid of 50k
so what product do you lot put in your hair?
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Thoughts on my rankings of all the fantasy series I've read?
my gf is 17 lol
I am fully underneath in my little duvet iglooas its a cold one
Small gap for air. Pointing the arse out when needed.
I'm bald
lock you up
keir should start letting out the blacks from maximum security prisons, house them in 4 star hotel rooms with a weekly £1000 allowance and a free iphone to contact tight stretchmeats. this is important for our country
I make my own
I think his dark materials are at least S
You shouldnt be allowed access to electronic communication devices of any kind
Is it cheaper to live in a cruise than in sydney?
I’m unironically thinking about packing my bags and living on a boat for a couple months.

good idea or bad?
Dog spunk
Busines idea: make it illegal to produce any new star wars media
Sea salt spray and occasionally a tiny amount of pomade but usually can't be arsed
found out that parmesan and gran padarno are for all intents and purposes the exact same cheese
that was me. i actually hate monogatari, sorry
imagine my shock
Rhodesia and south Africa used to be paradises but they hate wypo because they told Africans they couldn't have slaves or fuck childern
also that yankoid cover for northern lights is hideous and the name is word even if it does fit better with the latter two books names after instruments
what if it sinks
Pecorino too
check out stormlight chronicles. its pretty good
nun u cud do

First three are great but I find the sequel series really boring and a chore to get through at points. It's just not as interesting.
Vulnerable people get taken advantage of. That is how the world has always worked. Adults cannot be groomed. If your kid is getting groomed that is your failure as a parent. Simple as.
Do you smoke tobacco?
big cheese doesn't want you to know this
>Algerian tranny at the Olympics
wasn't even a tranny, was a literal girl with elevated levels of testosterone in a test a few years back
>Haitian eating cats
Wasn't a Haitian. Was a black American woman.
>Muslim kills kids at Southport
Was a Rwandan born in the UK

It's mad how easy it is to just spread a lie and make it become truth to where even politicians are fooled.
And if you say the truth you're the enemy.

It it all Elon's fault?
True, also those dastardly soviets stuck their neck in
yeah why
seeing a lot more hair strands falling out in the shower
might get on the finasteride just as a precaution
What if my house was really big lol
Literally right now on BBC3 some bint is going on about how she got groomed by a Tate-ite at 21 into doing cam work. YOU WERE 21, AN ADULT, IT WAS YOUR DECISION AND YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM.

All those cheeses have distinct tastes and aromas but they are subtle so you'd probably not notice if you smoke
so grooming does exist then?
oh I haven't got to them yet, that's a shame, the ending of the last of the original trilogy felt pretty final too even if it did seem like a contrived sad ending I was surprised when I saw there were new books
you read dune at all?
Honestly I despise blacks and Indians I never understood why anyone would like them
Shut the fuck up retard
What if heckin religion was hecking badarino!
No one thought a muzzie did Southport after the first day, the riots kicked off because a muzzie tried to attack a vigil for the girls and it all spiralled from there
You are not black you are a white virgin incel who is probably disabled and cannot leave his house without assistance
Thread's shitter than usual tonight. See you all tomorrow
In a much, much, MUCH smaller capacity than is defined in the popular usage of the word, yes. As the term is used now, no. I am sick of hearing about the word now that it means nothing.
I still like eragon tbqh
I don't think the rumour the guy that killed kids was Muslim was the reason people started rioting, I think it was mostly because he killed kids
so you lied?
>Rwandan born in the UK
Yeah so a foreigner
lock up black prisoners with severe anger problems and a heinous violent past with young big tit blonde girls
Pecorino comes from sheeps milk
member when BBC3 was just reruns of family guy and 2 pints of lager
Only if you're autistic and take everything literally.
even if that was what it was entirely about, and really it's only one theme amongst many, that's a fine concept to explore, don't you think?
Go back
I have to agree that "grooming" has been extended to just mean impressionable stupid adults making bad decisions and being taken advantage of
Similar to how lefties expanded "violence" to include being called mean names on the internet
People that are getting groomed cannot help themselves. So it is mainly children and retarded adults people that are mainly left defenceless. Implying these people deserve to get groomed cause it’s the “way the world works” (lol, a brown thinking he understands the complexities of society) is peak idiocy. A lot of grooming happens when parents are not aware, because they don’t track their child’s every move and the child does not understand what the problem is, as they are gullible and just like the products of being groomed (gifts, money). It can go under reported. All parents that aren’t complete scum do everything they can to stop children being groomed.
That boxer literally was a tranny and had previously failed hormone tests youre so disingenuous
my uncle kicked a pig's nutsack off because it tried to bite him
"Grooming doesn't exist" seems quite a literal statement to me
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I only ever used to watch it for Family Guy and American Dad. Don't think they've ever actually produced anything original worth watching.
took me ages to beat this in Elden ring
So what
anyone remember when JK Rolling exposed her mouldy walls
Been done a million times
thanks for sharing with the class x
Classic sub-80 IQ backpedaling
the yanks are right about peanut butter and jam

how did they even discover this
it was perfect for when I'd get home late a little drunk and needed something to watch in bed, bbc 3 was ALWAYS showing back to back cartoons
So how can it be the same as parmesan which is made from cows milk
so why is it allowed that 18 year olds are allowed on dating apps and you can match with them as a 25+ year old
sick sick society we live in
Go suck a rancid onlyfans fanny you simp retard.
A lot of racism is just jealousy and an inferiority complex. This use is the most common type in the 21st century I believe, especially by minorities born and raised in Western countries.

They can’t cope with the fact that white people are on average, better looking, richer, healthier, happier, and they are surrounded constantly by proof of our success and history as a people. No other societies on Earth are as successful or prosperous as ours are.

This gnaws away at them endlessly in their minds and they can’t take it so just resort to thinking it must be some vague racism boogeyman and once that’s wiped out they’ll finally be equal and respected.
there's no evidence at all that imane khelif is trans and the failed test is incredibly dubious too, nobody can keep their story straight about what she supposedly failed, do an ounce of research into it
Viggo Mortensen is dannish THOUGH
I still have the habit of falling asleep to late night yank cartoons now
He is a smoker and probably buys "Parmesan" cheese that comes pregrated in a plastic tub so he thinks it just tastes salty
Tastes the same
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wtf is a dannish
Rattled wog spastic lol
She wasn't a tranny I watched her boxing matches they were so shit they confirmed to me she is at least 85% female and definitely has a vagina.
according to that tasting history poof it was in WW2 when the ration packs just had peanut butter, jam and bits of bread so naturally you just combine them all
Personally I want a borderline retarded gf because I am somewhat retarded myself. It's not a grooming thing. I would be the one getting groomed if I got a normal girlfriend my own age, as she would be far more mature than myself.
why are american women so beautiful
fake news btw

I read and loved Dune it'd easily be in S tier if we're just counting the six books Frank wrote but for some reason it wasn't placed there.

Elric wasn't there either but that'd go in B tier


I keep hearing but I really didn't like Sander's writing style when it came to Mistborn at all. I heard he's improved a lot but it really felt like I was reading some proto-MCU style self aware quipy dialogue. Cool magic system I guess
I’m going mental
I heard his voice tho
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I just want the most basic normie woman possible but they don't date autistics and my hobbies are all on their most hated hobbies
so has a lot of things, investigating people's ordinary lives has been done a million times and yet still when it's done well it's gripping and meaningful, only sf really has the ability to produce a truly new investigation
out of edibles
honestly probably a good thing, was wanking too much while on them
The ending of dune is rushed af
Cooking is not a hobby
No man who does not have access to pussy should work. We need a mass pussyless strike.
unironically genetic diversity, but between europeans
I guess i just didnt care for it. I found it boring. I liked those rhinoceroses that road around on nuts though

hypocrites the lot of them
if they were trans then they transitioned at an incredibly young age, basically immediately after they were born, they wouldn't have a masculine voice because of it, it would be a very strange cover up to hie all traces and leave the voice too
You should get all three and try them out blind
You'll see they're definitely different
no pussy getting niggas are already jobless
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Do you guys think Trump was so nervous in the debate because Kamala’s so beautiful
He seemed like he was on edge
I did too, a society of people with basically one hand that must live more harmoniously because of it
did you like lyra? I thought both she and will were both brilliant character
her testosterone is certainly elevated but she's female

have you heard that britney griner speak? she sounds just like a man the russians must have been shocked she was a woman
read about five pages of a book today
how long till im clever?
Plenty of pussyless wageslaves out there. Also plenty of pussy-getting jobless druggies.
probably was thinking "please mistress, please, kick me in my shriveled orange gonads just once more please" the whole night.
Your ancestors may become sentient after a few million more of years of evolution if they're lucky
Well that's my issue the pussy getting drugmongs should be forced to get a job
Can guarantee you've never done this and you've just fooled yourself into thinking they're different
me talking to a paki
>britney griner
bloody hell
must have taken a lot of test injections
Arab and white mixes tend to be the hottest by a mile bro ngl
you gonna behave today, toberino?
been drinking a pint of poppy seed tea every night for a year
got yeeted back to last tuesday
the gf has not responded to my texts today
what gives?
I have concepts of a shitpost
you chinese or something? it's descendants
*takes off my dead creps and puts on my clever clogs* sorry dont you mean descendants (sp?)?
you only see the good looking ones most look like runts
best mix is mediterranean and redhead (anglo-celtic)
oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo non nonononononononONONONONONON lad you are finished
>Your ancestors
dont you mean your descendants?
done ya
Haha yeah I meant descendants
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what went wrong
I'm enjoying the dune books a lot, idk if it's just because I've seen the films and read the first book twice but the ones after dune seem really different, or at least quite different, not worse, but perhaps closer and more intimate, more chatty, more weird almost, I think I'm glad for that because you couldn't have anything so grand as the first book twice in a row
Got to be concord right? 150million+ for a game that lasted a week and had like 300players on steam
You're right
I'm going to try it and see then report back
A big issue must be I never heard of most of this stuff
You're all great people and I'm glad I post here.
feel like theres this weird stereotype that white women are turned on by black men but in reality i think very few are attracted except the total underclass 70iq turbo sluts
I’m talking about people I’ve met, I don’t know any celebs
Think it's time I logged off.
Great people. The best. /brit/ people love me. Great board.
beautiful, im fucking welling up mate, likewise, if you need a suck job you know whom to dm x
screaming just read they took the game down after a week
what a colossal failure top kek
>I don’t know any celebs
Funny you say that…
*pulls down ominous hood to reveal that I am brad pitt*
Agreed x
Goodnight my beautiful /brit/ friends
I love you
That first year Warzone was out during the pandemic. Good times
tomorrow i will be on the fucking video games me thinks
>”Update and shut down”
>Updates and turns itself back on
>”Update and shut down” still an option but regular “Shut down” now missing
Needs windows out of business now.
The funny thing about gothmog is that they dont actually use any makeup thats just a normal kiwi woman
kin ell its a bit chilly tonight, might need to get a blanket on the bed
love an arctic blast me
Rorke calling media slop because there's a brown person in it
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That a gatorade flavour
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Currently SORTAN through my old playlists and creating a new one, send me some of your favorite J-pop songs.
I have a serious attraction to women that do porn
you could say you need it out of the “window” ha
heh fucking kiwi slags are very ugly
>come home steaming after Wednesday sesh
>wife left plate of dinner in the microwave
>roast chicken thighs & sweet potato
>scoff it down with a guinness
>10mg valium down the gullet

What a wonderful evening
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Women are turned on by handsome men and sometimes black men and handsome

*Agressively dabs on the entire nation of new zealand or as i like to say poo peeland*
Buy the PS5 Pro
ummm.... basedstralia!
Oceнь мoё любимoe вpeмя гoдa.
rorke making a report
You know what
HATE poo peeland
please bear in mind she said school not university or college
*slaps leg*
Alright, i'm moving to a BRIC country.
>Just happened to take a picture
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Bong Goverment sends rapists and murderes free so that bong bro who said "i dont like pakis" on facebook get 5 years in prison. I dont think that is okay despite you bombed our towns in WW2
I'm horny
and we'd do it again, given the chance
no your not. be quiet.
Got a stiffy rn
did you have Columbo in Germany?
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ill believe it when i see it
age of consent is 16
I'm not but I've been rubbing my cock through my pjs because it is super soft and the perfect material to rub a cock through

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