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edizione piccolissima

precedentemente : >>202092820
gm /med/
Good morning /med/.
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Hoping that the weather remains like this.
Qui sta piovendo "a secie roerse", come si dice da queste parti

>Verification not required.
(A malta)
Nobody wants to be a cheapskate.
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>tried timing purchase with my reading speed
>new books were supposed to arrive at the end of the month
>got a pretty interesting looking book on Angloid history
>it's inexplicably already here today, only a third of the way through my current read
>plans ruined
seems even the book itself is perfidious...
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>MFW la perfida albione strikes again
I've been feeling rather tired lately.
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I watched an anglo tv show last evening and loved it.
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it's in the Anglo-Saxon nature to pull such devious pranks on us outsiders
they're absolutely devilish, relishing every moment they see a bewildered Latin with pure delight
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>Go out.
>Fresh breeze.
Mmmm yes.
Why is he provoking me?
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This nigga the size of 2 sauce
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Just helped out an old scottish lady who took a tumble.
The Auld Alliance stands strong!
Today's training.
Deadlift 3x1 with 260 kg.
Barbell row 3x8 with 100 kg.
Pull ups with climbing grip 1x10, 2x8 with bodyweight.
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Good day sisters.
4x9 + 1x7 dumbbell bench press (increased weight by 2 kgs, failed 3rd set at 7th rep)
3x9 dumbbell shoulder press (increased weight by 2 kgs)
3x7 overhead triceps extension
3x12 dumbbell pullover
2x9 pec deck (increased weight by 5 kgs)
Time for some well deserved coffee from Honduras.

Cobbee time.
good boy points must be awarded
I haven't had a cup in a couple of days.
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I liked this one.
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The Italian titmonster bagshitter looks so cuter without the shitty filters VGH
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I look like that when I sleep.
>Just helped out an old scottish lady who took a tumble.
I remember this scene from Under the Skin.
If a beautiful lady tries to lure you into a dilapidated house, do NOT enter it.
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my tome on the history of Anglo-Saxonic perfidy and proto-English Roses has arrived
the secrets of Æthelstan shall be mine (after I'm done with my current book, we should always seek to finish books/shows/games here before starting new ones)
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Technically, if grandma was not going to be going to an old people's home, she would've suddenly been discharged.
good to hear she's doing alright maltanon
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>perfidious alþion
I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.
Personally, I never even acknowledged Anglo-Saxon rule over the present day territory of England.
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I love John Cleese! What's this? Still Heartbeat?
truly. The filters are ayy lmao tier
I Scarlett Johansson tells me to do anything for sexo, I'll do it sorry.
Also have you watched Heartbeat before?
It's amazing how low the bar has been set when it comes to educational standards, supported by the publishers whose contents level is horrible. No wonder how newer generations are getting dumber and dumber.
It might take a while until they find a place for her.
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she wrote to me again asking for song recommendations. I sent her the following song:
Weird choice.
Do you get joy from the weeping of your enemies?
I would've sent her this.
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>I never even acknowledged Anglo-Saxon rule over the present day territory of England.
I thought you hated Normans...
no i just wanted to be quirky
are you the maltanon who posted this on /int/ music thread few months ago
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Do Amerilards really?
I don't remember. How long was this?
nós éramos italianos e o caralho
idk maybe 24-25 months ago
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Looking at some group trips right now to different cunts. Feeling a bit depressed and idk if travelling would make me less depressed or more depressed because I don't think I could enjoy travelling.
Feeling conflicted desu. The 3 options are: Acores, Sardegna, and USA (western and eastern coast)
>tfw there wasn't anything for lunch so I had to eat the cancerous noodles slop available. Still hungry.
No wonder why I'm not seeing any gains but losses.
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The best language learning material I bought was printed in the 70s or so. Even thought it was printed 50 years prior to me getting my last language book in HS, it felt so much better, idk how to put it. Like, we had a total of 4 books between 9th and 12th grade, yet one single book printed in the 70s alone btfo'd 4 books printed after 2010.
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i'd go with sardegna, the beaches are beautiful but you can also do amazing hikes
And they say we're evolving...evolving backwards they mean. What a 11-year-old learns today is what what an 8-year-old learnt 20 years ago.
Thanks germanbro (no idea if you are bavarianon or not)

>What a 11-year-old learns today is what what an 8-year-old learnt 20 years ago.
Are you just saying that or is that real? I mean, I know things are easier, but that 3 years of difference in learning progress seems a tad too much.
Maybe I'm exaggerating, but the regression is real. For example, today I checked a Spanish language book for 6th graders (11-12 years old) and there was an exercise which showed an advertisement about respecting the environment or sth like that, very simple. The question was: what is the ad about?
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you have nothing to apologize for
>Feeling a bit depressed and idk if travelling would make me less depressed or more depressed
Come to Poland, meet me and your depression will be gone
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Sorry bavarianon, seems like I couldn't recognize my favourite german poster.

>The question was: what is the ad about?
Idgi? What is it about? And wdym there's an advertisement in a language book?

>meet me and your depression will be gone
Just like my left kidney, innit sister?
>Idgi? What is it about? And wdym there's an advertisement in a language book?
Forget about that, I had a retard moment there.
Slept 4 hours tonight and just woke up from an hour nap

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I hate everybody who invaded the UK after 1000 BCE. They are all foreigners in my eyes.
>Also have you watched Heartbeat before?
I've heard of it, but never seen it before (I try to avoid watching TV shows with northerners in them).

Did you really come all the way to the UK to watch old TV shows? You should be outside, putting money into the UK economy by overpaying for tins of shortbread and single malt whiskeys.
I mean that there was a question for the pupils below the advertisement
>And wdym there's an advertisement in a language book?
The exercise was about understanding the types of test we see irl, but the question was extremely for an 11-year-old.
*types of text
*extremely easy
Being exposed to that has its effects on me too.
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Good day med am back.
Went to sister's after work, she asked me why I don't use the car to do normie things and why I don't have a gf yet
so what was your excuse???
Is there anybody in there
Just nod if you cna hear me
Is there anyone in the thread
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I'm special
How old are you
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I'm not legally obliged to answer your question
to me
Then answer me in dog years
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>why I don't have a gf yet
And your response was? She probably heard about Med Boy Summer, and wondered why you weren't taking advantage of the opportunity.
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Tell her that you have one but she goes to another school.
Just told her I needed time I just got the car
It's been 5 years since I ended school
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>why I don't use the car
You like woolking
>why I don't have a gf yet
Dick too big for vaginal penetration.
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>It's been 5 years since I ended school
It's been 14 years since I left school (twice as long as the Hungarian poster has been alive).

Perhaps your sister is probing you for any insecurities or signs of homosexuality before she sets you up on a blind date with one of her hot single friends (a mousy brunette librarian named Perinne who wears thick cardigans and is obsessed with mediaeval history).
She lives elsewhere.
Maybe she is planning to take his v-card away herself, you never know, they are french after all
USA is the best choice, obviously.
guys rate this song 1 to 10 please
Are you a cyclist, king?
Vecchianon sperga sulle IA
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What a surprising and absurd denouement that would be. I don't think Perrine would be too happy about it either.
Should i curse my ex before blocking or just say nothing
Which will hurt her most
Block and pretend you never met her.
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>1000 BCE
me valde paenitet :(
I think I'll do that
I don't wanna appear as assmad though
>Which will hurt her most
Woman mentality right there.

>twice as long as the Hungarian poster has been alive
I'm old as fuck so I doubt that. You are young compared to me, catnigga.
Old ass nigga
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What do you mean by cyclist
Good one
>guys rate this song 1 to 10
I mean you do your chores with a bike? You said you didn't use a car?
>Woman mentality right there
No u
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thnx for your rating
Depends on personality (be glad I am not your vengeful ex :D)
I have a car I just hate driving and only use it if I'm forced to
And how does that make you feel
Lethally based iberian brother
You're literally me (but I get rid of my car years ago)
I wish I could do just like you but social pressure and the cagie forces me to have a car.
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I had a car for 5 years (between the ages of 22 and 27). Basically all I did was drive to work and back in the first year, and in later years I was a taxi for my entire family (none of them drive).

In the end I got rid of it, because I was paying like £2k a year just to give people rides around town.
I respect the effort your ancestors put into creating pure ethnostates and cleansing the land from Islam. Also thanks to the inquisitions my ancestors eventually returned back to our ancestral land as well, and I got to receive an Iberian citizenship with that too
Too many Shitalian flags are coming to /med/ lately
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Is that bad ?
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I visited the grave of Lieutenent John Irving, my fav character from the Terror. One of the only bodies brought back from the Arctic.
kek don't worry I paid my dues. I bought a tartan scarf to keep me warm in this ungodly weather. How do people live here, I'll never understand.
Worse than you think
I wish I wasn't alone here so I would have a good excuse to type in Maltese.
I'd like to write in Maltese but DeepL doesn't have it yet
Most definitely, since they seem to be weebfags and /ita/ refugees
Why would you, though?
Mayhaps one day, brother

I understand you completely
Industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for people like us

Challenge accepted. Be native and make me learn your language by praxis
>/ita/ refugees
Good lord
So that you could write in Maltese here
How did you manage to get rid of your car ?
wahey, how's it going lads?
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*enters thread in a wifebeater and a handkerchief hat*
Henlo, talking about car and lack of social skills to the medders.
How are you ?
anyone who lets their children have any fluid besides milk or water should be jailed
all good mate
how are they going to learn to love wine with that shite parenting policy?
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The company from Belgium didn't call again.
I hope I get called I need out.
suffering in spain?
Olive oil is very expensive in Brazil. Find a way to fix this by sleeping less and working more.
AHHHH! sex
What about tasting some wine or grappa? It is common knowledge that it makes children healthier
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These guys aren't very demanding and are fine with a mid developer, most companies want good developers.

A lot.
AHHHH the french... champagne

Thought I'd work hard today but I did not due to circumstances
Decent day doe

Based /Brit/ following the piccolissima posting
Protestant moment.
It wouldn't be the same as with a native.
What about freshly squeezed orange juice?
>How did you manage to get rid of your car ?
I had to modify my modus vivendi a little (unfortunately I haven't built a cabin in the Montana woods yet :D)
so this is it, the new
The new what?
/brit/, oh no I've been done, again
I bet there's a lot of bosh in there.
You've Brunester'd
>Montana woods
You would love playing Far Cry 5 desu.
Well, /med/ welcomes refugees.
>250 PLN on Steam...
Paying mere 50 is painful... :D
Mayhaps in December prices will be more reasonable
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>hairy dude wearing a crop top
Afaik it costs 8 euros when on sale on steam. DLCs are meh imho.
Started, but didn't finish Lost on Mars. Quit Dead Living Zombies after like 5 mins. Hours of Darkness is okay-ish, and there are people who loved it, but that ain't me.
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The Bri'ish will build some evil looking ass spires and tell you they're the good guys.
Don't believe british lies
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>Don't believe british lies
In my most humble of opinions, you shouldn't believe lies regardless of who's telling them.
the best mainline title in my opinion
tho Primal remains my overall favourite, absolutely brutal feeling of survival in that one
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they are the good guys usually, especially when they're aiding the causes of the righteous and noble nation of Portugal

Nice point tho
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Sweet dreams, sisters.

I will continue our tradition by posting that I want to have sex with Sayla. Simple as.
>the best mainline title in my opinion
Tbf I really liked 3,4,5 and they are all my favourites in their own way, but sadly I can't say the same about 6.
Why so soon to bed? Are you sickgaryan?
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>good guys
you should ditch this centuries long abusive relationship disguised as alliance
cute and true
I'm kind of in a vydya sloppa mood these days.
Once I finish AC Odyssey, I'll give AC Rogue, FV Primal and FC5 a try. Maybe Syndicate too.
What a fucking garbage of a day. School was alright, but the inefficiency of the directive staff put me and more colleagues in a difficult situation when it comes to lesson planning for this week since we have no timetables yet. I also ate like shit, had a argument with gf and struggled a lot at gym with triceps and shoulder exercises.
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lol l'esizione piccolissima di med
Are your days always as bad as this one ?
you're welcome
Not really, some days are worse and some better. This weekend must be fine though.
I understand the need to PLAP PLAP PLAP IMPREGNATE cavewomen, but can you survive knowing she lived before shaving was invented?
6 just wasn't very good and the setting felt more like what Americans think South America is like with those wacky Latinos than what it actually is
tá bem Napoleão, deixa-te tar
I forgot to say, first day in the at the vocational training center and 2 teachers already reminded the class that we are all a bunch of white heterosexual men, this does not look good
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AMMM JUST SITTIIIING IN MYYY CAAAR AND... bounce, bounce, bounce!
Finally blocked her
Time to move on
let the healing begin...
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I'm not the Brit who posts cats but here's a cat

Haha look at him
What about you guys, pic related

Best ally

How are we bad? Name one good reason why you think we're bad.
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I love cats
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>they are the good guys usually, especially when they're aiding the causes of the righteous and noble nation of Portugal
I actually think it's amazing how often objective morality overlaps with the advancement of British interests. "Crazy how nature do that", as the kids say.
>i'm not the brit who posts cats
>is literally a brit posting cats
The lies come easily to you, don't they?
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I discovered my Greek ancestry through the dream I had on Wednesday, and ironically my foot fetish's intensified after this with that also the desire to take back Cyprus. So complicated it all is.
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The rest of us are having dreams about turning up to school exams naked and our teeth falling out, meanwhile Garou is unlocking ancestral memories. What wisdom did your forebears impart upon you?
>What wisdom did your forebears impart upon you?
I mean it's barely any wisdom, they just said something Turcophobic and that Cyprus must be free thus Greek. I dunno why I had this dream because beforehand I was very indifferent towards this complication. I still do think it must be Greek THO, but they'd be solving this question like forever.
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Greek ancestry could explain your dark hair and eyes.
A strange dream though, I wonder it'll have a sequel where more will be revealed. You didn't take any drugs to induce it, did you?
>Greek ancestry could explain your dark hair and eyes.
>A strange dream though, I wonder it'll have a sequel where more will be revealed. You didn't take any drugs to induce it, did you?
Nah, it's somewhat common in my family to have dreams which may include anyone belonging to this very family and its tree, I should've said it before, but yeah. It impresses me how far-distant this ancestor must be to go and tell me this, oh well. Not for nothing Greeks were succesful in a spiritual way, philosophers and all so-related stuff.

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