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It's time for the Asian people of India to be freed from their pajeet overlord
>Northeast India
i always forget these guys exist, and it seems like theres a tribal war going on there right now between two ethnic groups
I am an Indian
I never can.
Their pitiful existence is what awaits us if India conquers us
>theres a tribal war going on there right now between two ethnic groups
There is a war between one tribal group aka a whole different ethnicity with their own history and culture, and the central indian govt.
Just because the indian govt has another tulonay tribe to puppeteer as it's proxy, doesn't mean this is tribal warfare. The separatists target indian govt offices, police stations and army encampments for a reason
They should separate from india honestly
But Bangladesh sindh and Punjab goes to india
Dog eaters have spoken
Indic regions should be one country
>Indic regions should be one country
After the american contient becomes one single country speaking the queens english, we promise(I'm crossing my fingers) we'll do it.
india freed you from pakistan
never say never
Aren't you a worse poorer version of India
>Indic regions should be one country
Absolutely the fuck not
Fuck that, all of Europe should be a single country first.
free my niggas
india saved you from being genocided you should be thankful you wouldnt even exist as a people without india
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>he's not part of a cow vigilante group

what are you even doing
>Saved you from being genocided
This alone sounds so stupid.
When was the last time in the 20th century you heard an entire people ceased to exist just through genocide alone?
Did the Tutsis disappear? The Bosnians? Serbs afterwards? Kurds? Armenians? Da joos?
As for indian role;
Chinese armed Naxalites helped us the most in 1971.
India merely came in the last 13 days of a 9 month war when pakis already ran out of fuel for their aircraft and tanks for their shells
Probably, and?
We would be worse off being colonized by India to be exploited.
How so
Probably eating meat like most omnivorous humans throughout history
Language replaced, have resources exploited to prop up other failing states, neglected infrastructure, accelerated braindrain, loss of culture by assimilation etc. made to celebrate history of other ethnicities that were historically enemies like Biharis or Marathas etc
>neglected infrastructure
Your entire country looks neglected already
And it'd be worse with India.
At least our bridges aren't collapsing yet.
How does our country looking neglected mean India coming here would improve it.
We already have more than a million illegal indians
Only after West Papua is freed
>india saved you from being genocided you should be thankful you wouldnt even exist as a people without india
literallty no one else except indians and their shills push this bullshit.
More people died and got raped during pro-india governments than the entirety of paki-period in banglaland.
The east-paki military, border guard and guerrilas btfo'd the few hundred thousands of paki soldiers in the 9 months of war. The pajeets came in just two weeks before the official treaty was signed. And it's not only credit they took, they looted cantonment, government buildings and even all the arms and ammunition the pakis surrendered. You stole billions from us after liberation.
Niqqa you're literally arguing with pajeets.
bangu-sushill/malaun ar bindian chara ar keu emne kotha koy na.
jei sada chamra guli bangladesh somkorke motamuti jane, heigulao edi koi na.
Just don't feed trolls.
From the few documentaries I've seen on Bangladesh your country looks like every bad thing you can think of about india but even more overpopulated and cramped looking
>Just don't feed trolls
Ami jani ami malu der shongei kotha boli, kintu ami oder jukti jukari kori na.
Malaunder mithar moddhe bhul dhore dewa kono bepar na, klantokor o bola jai.
Kintu ami kori lurker der jonno, jara amader upomohadesher baire theke.
How would India ruling it improve it?
You don't think the indian central govt isn't already overstretched as it is, with three major separatist movements active and two others in west bengal and kerala being ruled by parties that sympathize heavily with their own local separatists
I never said it would be an improvement I'm just laughing that you think your country would somehow get worse when you are both irredeemable shitholes
Is there any movement to unite the entire bangla people as one nation?
The British really screwed these guys over. I wonder why they weren't separated from the Raj like Burma was.
The peak and fizzle out at different times, and rarely in sync with either Bengal states.
Inshallah, in the future.
We get to be in our shithole alone, and not have the problems I mentioned here on top>>202136959
How can you tell yourselves apart from poojeets* stupid autocorrect
I'm glad you asked fren.
Since jeets keep larping about "greater bharat", we've taken to larping about "greater bengal sultanate"(that actually existed unlike the former) on facebook.
You can support the movement today by learning more about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_Sultanate
P.S. Bangladesh consists of more than just bangla people. There are many other distinct people, languages and cultures even when you're not considering the native tribals. So when we say bangala, we don't mean for bengalis only.
That's just really off. This isn't my area or thing, but Indians basically starved bengladeshi then tried to blame church hill, or Brits or Russia during random periods.
Don't worry. I hate India so I am on your side.
Just like Korean and Japanese can tell each other apart or the Ukrainians hating on Russians, we can too.
It's not possible to be a hundred percent correct, but I'd say I'm personally correct 80-90% of the time
They would just get screwed over since most of the political leaders are corrupt.They might not consider themselves Indians but they are wise enough not to seperate.
>T.had a NE Girlfriend
Sorry saar, that's classified information. If we tell them to you now, you'll plot another pilkhana but this time you'll make sure to choose your saboteurs more carefully unlike the ones we spotted back in 2009 and still can't shut up about them.
All hail the great Finnish schizo archiver
>since most of the political leaders are corrupt.
Because they're brown?
In what way are they corrupt?
>but they are wise enough not to seperate.
How convenient
Yeah I'm indian just like how everyone who shits on india is a paki you are all the same even in the way you cope lol
>Dog eaters have spoken
Hello zhang. Why is dog your favorite meat?
>But Bangladesh sindh and Punjab goes to india
Why? Recipe for disaster.
he ain't him dawn.
the schizofinn disliked benglas as well.
I think he's on eternall ban mode.
btw, it sure is weird how this thread is still up and free from "those" spam. Are they just busy?
Thanks for confirming saar.
Yeah, because someone who starts off with
>Saar this is classified information
Was totally making a serious post and not being sarcastic.
Way to give yourself away
Nice reading comprehension retard
They look more Asian. They have very hardened features.
Don't care if he dislikes "benglas".
I met the guy in indiachan years ago too.
Also, shobaike malu dakle, tomar nijeke pagol hishebe shobai dekhe, dhorjo dhorar uchit
Nta but most Americans like you guys
Protip, the fact that you keep insisting on it confirms it more.
Non-subcontinentals, especially wytepipo don't care so much about it.
That's why they don't keep spamming
after being accused of being one.
Well according to my ex the politicians of nagaland routinely embezzle funds,don't allow development‚ rig the election and even use violence.Things dont get publicised since even the media is sold out
That's pretty cool I suppose.
Too bad we are gonna align ourselves with china, because the American govt helped sheikh hasina become prime minister in 2009 in the first place, all party of confoleeza and bush's war on terror
>but most Americans like you guys
Most Americans don't even know what Bangladesh is stop lying
>India is better than Bangladesh
Maybe overall, but I refuse to believe Uttar Pradesh is better than Bangladesh.
We like the Chinese. It's just a trade thing. The people we like. Same with benglas.
Americans like about everyone
Arunachal Pradesh would benefit quite a lot since China would annex them
You probably are Indian lol
That's a hit or miss group
Yes for development but the natives will get screwed over since china will use it as proxy state
That's great then.
How would the natives get screwed over?
They can already see what is happening to the kukis in manipur.
Also, Assam and Tripura has indian military bases for bangladesh and china and arakan army from Myanmar, plus all the Naxalite huntings and fighting nepali maoists last century.
I bet they already feel like they get used as proxy states (they are)
Lol no, the natives would also benefit. AP literally has fucking English as its official language right now because of the fucking modern loincloth Raj, Chinese annexation would let their native Tibetan culture flourish, and it wouldn't be a proxy state since it would just be reincorporated into the rest of Tibet as the Chinese know it's just a region of Tibet.
wtf there are people in india?
>Letting native culture flourish
>Tibetan is an official language in Tibet alongside Mandarin
>English is AP's only official language
yeah, better than pajeetistan which can't even enforce it's own pajeet tongue and instead enforces the colonial tongue that gifted it AP in the first lace lol
Of course they do.
Their culture would be more compatible anyways
My mistake
Now you're just projecting
That was a good read, thank you Banglanon
>Hussain Shah ruled until 1519. The dynasty he founded reigned until 1538. Muslims and Hindus jointly served in the royal administration during the Hussain Shahi dynasty. This era is often regarded as the golden age of the Bengal Sultanate, in which Bengali territory included areas of Arakan, Orissa, Tripura, and Assam.[23]
Wish your cunt stabilize after the riot
These are nice borders. Cuts of AP from pajeetistan which China annexes giving China and Bangladesh a decent lowlands border conducive to trade.
Absolutely should stronger together,divided is what the anglo jews want.
By inspecting their penis of course
German shepherds the best but fucking smells when you cook it

Those are more Indian regions. Rest of Pakistan needs to Balkanize for Balichistsn, free Pashtun region and Kashmir
It is already stabilized alhamdulillah.
>Divided is what the anglo jews want.
This is no longer the 1940s, Mr Gandhi.
You're no longer gonna fool people with this shitty rhetoric.
Why would the anglos want anything other than for things to return to how it was before they first arrived?
first white post ITT you're all subhuman
You don't mind being a part of USA?
You're not a real Canadian are you?
Or if you are, I bet you're still underaged.
I will consider uniting if all of Europe becomes a single country.
Must also atleast include st Petersburg and moscow
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>Rest of Pakistan needs to Balkanize for Balichistsn, free Pashtun region and Kashmir
Why would you want Pakistan to balkanize but for India to grow in size?
Seems pretty sus.
India should balkanize too. They have literally hundreds of languages and ethnicities
Actually George Harrison saved Bangladesh
Probably because they'd been fine under our benign rule and didnt realise 70years later india would have a hindu nationalist party take over
>only one indian flag in the entire thread
what the fuck happened to them?
You're acting like this is a bad thing.
Besides there multiple of us around, we qualify as jeets.
there must be a new pajeet janny
Every area should Balkanize even India’s . Then every group gets a province then be one country

Sorta like eu. Ain’t no bs political lines there. They hit want they want and a union

Africa needs to go through this too
Monitoring this thread, obviously. Their fingers are on the button.
imagine being a single kangali poster on the whole board and spending 12 hours here daily seething and replying to indian posters, do better with your life like walking outside and touching some grass
Is he actually popular there is was it memory holed?
Jeets use vpns because they constantly get bullied (and rightfully so)
They're posting under the North American Indian territory flag
He can't touch the grass an Indian took a shit on it
Are you kidding me?
He's still very popular.
He is the only reason EVER anyone in this shithole ever picks up a guitar.
And quite a lot of people do.
Even people who hate the Beatles when they were together or Paul mc Carney for some weird reason either like him or his one song.
There are atleast 2 of us here.
Why'd he be memory holed?
Real :(
I dunno, I enjoy being on 4chan
>There are atleast 2 of us here.
I know only one, the guy who have some faminly buisness and used to live in some anglo cunt, but moved back in bangladesh and now spends his whole day on 4chan as a neet
Indians LOVE the report button
See >>202137747, poor guy will have to reset his router again
Seethe more
Who asked?
Well, now that the VPNfags are gone, and most of us are banned from posting images (I am atleast), I propose this is the new /bang/
Anything new?
Everything became boring since uni classes started and things are back to normal
Hero alom got beaten up for insulting tareque zia
>Their pitiful existence is what awaits us if India conquers us
Isn't Bangladesh one of the poorest and most densely populated countries in the world? How could things possibly get worse from being part of India?
I mean your people are literally Indians but Muslim.
Free Northeast India
>Led by the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU), the protestors demanded the identification and deportation of all illegal foreigners – predominantly Bangladeshi immigrants
>The Khoirabari massacre was an ethnic massacre of an estimated 100 to 500 immigrant Bengalis, irrespective of their religion, in the Khoirabari area of Assam, India, on 7 February 1983
Friendly reminder to Bengali PAJEET the last time his people chimped out in my state we sent their headless bodies to the central government.
Lets free west Papua
>How could things possibly get worse from being part of India?
For starters, we would gain the additional problems India has, which I mentioned here >>202136959
The ULFA killed more.
And we funded them for years.
Even taught them how to behead people.
Student revolts are such a joke. How did the vanguard of revolution go from workers to students even in turdie shitholes?
Of course students played a role in the past but the base was always workers.
I'm beginning to think Indians are just good at stealing credit for other people's work. People have said this about Indian colleagues.

No wonder so many of their famous contributers just happen to be in the USA working for a relatively established company with the power to dictate a team.
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Yes killed Indian Pajeets.... Well kill you Bengali Pajeets as well.
>Chinese Naxals helped us.
Ah yes just like how Americans helped Iraq and Japanese helped Chinese in ww2
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kangludesh isn't densely populated it's simply the greatest country on earth pic related
okay saaaaaaaar
no, india has their own east asains
>vanguard of revolution go from workers to students even in turdie shitholes?
Lol, tell me you know nothing about leftist politics without saying as much.
Every political party has always had their student wings in every university.
Both the Syrian revolution (and it's counter revolution) started with university students, as did most of the Arab spring.
Burmese uprising against military junta started with students.
Students pick an ideaology and party and become hardliners, look at democrat and republican student organizations.
Our longest relations have been with china. Not india.
Hell, we have paid back so many Chinese loans, that our interest rates now for their loans are almost zero.
Nice try saaar
Part and parcel of living in a great city like London.
With our money.
Most "indian pajeets" sent by the govt has always been from Calcutta anyways.
Central govt has always loved total humiliation
Again like I said, in 20th century students played a role but the base was always workers
Meanwhile you give 21st century examples that were all jokes as a response to my comment on
>even in turdie shitholes?
I hope Rakhine state leaves Myanmar to join Bangladesh
Workers and even the army played their roles.
The night after the prime minister resigned, the army itself went on a police killing spree, because one of the main student leaders, who was beaten a lot in prison was a retired army colonel with a lot of influence. So much so, that his son is now literaly in the govt as an advisor.
Before there student protests started, there were consistent protests by garment workers, and rickshaw drivers a few weeks before that.
Student protests was the final straw.
We don't need that.
Rohingyas were imposed onto rakhibe by British colonial administrators. So that the Brits would have a loyal middleman class only reporting to them.
Most rohingyas are here and our government has always and will stand by the Myanmar junta.
They're better for us than whores like Aung suu kyi
Imagine one day your descendant feels proud of the one who massacred your family
Well, I hope it goes well unlike the other examples you gave that all exploded into a pile of shit
Fun fact, back when pakiland formed, the rakhaine people(and some others) asked the paki gov to integrate their land because the burmese were oppressing them.
The paki gov decided to betray them and sided with the burmese instead.
When are you going back to calcutta, kumar?
>the army itself went on a police killing spree
>one of the main student leaders, who was beaten a lot in prison was a retired army colonel with a lot of influence
Why are you talking out of your ass? There were multiple places in dhaka and near dhaka where the police were shooting from inside their stations for hours on end and killed and injured people. The army came in to rescue them. And you're telling people that the army killed them? Also, student organizers were all either students or recently graduated students themselves. Why are you telling people that some retired boomer was leading the protests?
When does this happen?
Some retired boomer?
No, I'm talking about Nahid.
He was the one who was beaten pretty badly by cops, and pics of his back and thighs being literally blue were released. His dad is a colonel.
It was a Godsend for us, because Nahid's dad convinced a lot of the military to turn against Hasina. I didn't say Nahid's dad was leading the students. Student protest organizers are already in the govt
>Came to rescue people
Police aren't people.
Army killed cops in badda after hasina left and I'm proud of them.
When they invaded
>The paki gov decided to betray them and sided with the burmese instead.
Pakis didn't betray shit.
I posted the facts here>>202142523 and the entire UN would side with Myanmar because of it.
Rohingyas genuinely aren't indeginous to the region.
But if Myanmar civil war is over, junta promised to negotiate with us and give rohingyas residency permits. The opposition, which is the Arakan Army when it comes to Rakhine, want all rohingyas dead.
Just because you started paying attention to Myanmar politics after hasina left doesn't mean I'm from Calcutta, faggot
Who invaded who?
>Army killed cops in badda
No they didn't, idiot. I have friends in BRAC and other unis near that place.
The military came in to rescue the police! Literally none of them were harmed, no cases were filed against them even though there are plenty of footage out there of people around the area getting hit with stray bullets coming out of their station and the hindu temple right next to it.
The military rescued the polcie from badda, from savar, from that one place in comilla. If they were simply abandoned there, the locals would tear them apart when their ammo ran out.
The general himself married into hasinas family, he facilitated her escape.
nice bullshit, now please hop over the border to the other side so your flag matches with your posts sentiments.
burmese military literally facilitated drug trade near the border region and even shelled and fired inside our border some months back. And here you are pretending that all banglas support them. Fuck off.
Even china is shifting their support.
>and fired inside our border some months back.
They called and apologized.
Arakan army, the actual separatist group of Rakhine kills rohingyas.
They do almost monthly raids into our border.
Our army shelters junta officers running from the rebels.
You can seethe at me all you want.
I'm the one with family in the military.
I'm the one telling you what our military thinks.
The shells we bought from Pakistan?
They'll be used in the Myanmar border.....SUPPORTING the Junta against Arakan Army rebels.
And for drug runners in from meglaya.
>Drug runners
Babor taught them well that the army must give us tribute for their business to flourish.
Dude, drugs is something we mutually do. How do you think Babor afforded his 10 ton trucks? He was too much of a patriot to source his money to buy weapons using bribes.
Trust me, you want 7 sisters again, drug trade is gonna intensify a LOT.
>Muh hindu temple
You might be mixing up Uttara.
Police shot at army first, and army shot back.
Why are YOU defending the police? The same people with the nouka logo, the same people who's superiors are all ex chhatro league when they were in school.
Killers of Abdul Ahad and Riya Gope?
Are you sure you're not the one who needs to go the Nizamuddin shrine in new Delhi?
You know we are all gonna kill cops again, right?
You know what I mean kangloo bro
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>The general himself married into hasinas family, he facilitated her escape.
He was a cousin in law, nothing substantial.
Ziaur Rahman was Hasina's ukil baba/godfather, and he recommended that physicist for her to marry, and he encouraged and protected hasina to create her own party.
Waker helped her leave, and it was a blessing. She left to India, and the only way she can return is for a trial, so India will never send her back. If she was killed, entire world would denounce bangladesh and student protest as a military coup.
All the sacrifice would've been for nothing.
Don't forget, the US govt under Bush along with India both helped Hasina gain power in 2009. Hasina marketed herself, as fighting against dictatorial military power.

Same waker was the one who called the students to siege the courthouse when the supreme court tried to say hasina's resignations was not legally valid.
Saaaar, good morning
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Nope, I don't.
I see things like picrel, and I find your and indian statements in general puzzling.
And don't ever call me bro. Have some fucking shame and dignity.
-10 - 0 = -10
-10 - 10 = -20
-10 > -20
capiche, mutt?
The parts where people look like this are the only decent parts of India. Saw a doc about a Tibetan village in the mountains in North India and it was clean and pretty.
Thanks Thai anon, that's exactly my point.
All the more reason those parts should break away from India.
Zero justification for a country like India to hold onto them.
this bangladeshi muslim is insufferable
>Have some fucking shame and dignity.

Rich from a border crossing kangloo

it's hilarious to imagine you two jeets screaming at each other in your dumb jeet accents lmao
>>The police killed normal people
>wtf! why are you supporting the police!
huh? what are you even talking about?
See, picrelated. The army helping the police escape after civilians surrounded their stations. And this happened in multiple places in the country. Jsut because many of those videos and images are deleted doesn't mean all are.
One of the largest supporters of the burmese military are the indians. Doesn't matter tomar fupar, dadar, salir, boyfriend er kuttar babysitter er baper soshur er army friend ki shunse.
And if you are from glownigger family in the first place taile to ar kichui bolar nai, lol.
Tui ki oida je koek mash age eikhane boltechilo je cttc te jog dibi?
LMAO, walker didn't ask the students to surround the courthouse. It was other military officers who leaked this info to student leaders.
mr walker saar was goading the students and civvies on the whole to get riled up about the interim council. That's why he kept repeating that jamaat leaders came to him despite the fact that most of the people who were in those primary meetings were either affiliated with seculars or other fronts.
The fact that we didn't get a bastille 2.0 is why amlig will be back in the future.
Infact, they are already coming back in many forms, LMAO
>muh dakaat
>muh songkhaloghu
>muh shusil somaj
>muh concerned citizens
etc. etc.
Shob afsos league.
But I digress.
I just remembered that this all is just derailment from indobros thread.
These talks should be elsewhere.
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How come every Visajeet Shitterish thread devolves into this infighting and self-hate?
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