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the digit edition
get the pensioners frozen to death
out of niccy pouches. rip
Honestly please do. fuck em
brits be sayin shit like "I do believe I 'av spaffed all ovah your fanny"
Mad how /cum/ is dead
>Replies: 159 / Images: 24 / Page: 6
>do you really think people would take a dangerous journey across the channel for £10 pocket money a week

Yeah I do actually, firstly because the channel crossing isn't particularly dangerous and secondly because the likes of deliveroo account sharing mean these people can earn far more than £10 a week completely undetected
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haters will says it's fake
shaking my arse and doing an r2d2 scream
You realise you could get a job, don't you? Plus it's not like Starmer's taking away from them to give to you
feel awful, hope the shower helps
and what would an aussie say
meanwhile aussies by sayin shit like "streuth cobba, oi've blewn me lewd all ovah me lounge"
>IP Count: 12
I have a job mate?
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Have you ever seen the GDP per capita figures for total shithole countries like the Congo? On average, a Congolese person produces like US$1 in value per day. £10/wk for free is a fortune to them
You don't seem sure mate, I think you would know if you had one
I'm toiling from home right now
Im Ron Burgundy?
"bloody ell I've gone to town on ya beef curtains"
>You realise you could get a job, don't you?
on my break

>Plus it's not like Starmer's taking away from them to give to you
don't care, get them frozen
I have a job MATE. ?
mad how im on the nofap
What do you do
how about trying the nopost
you'll have noteeth after im done with you
Get comfy lads, won't be long now
remember that bald and noncecrupt video where he crossed the border illegally from one south american shithole into another, the amount of people doing a weeks long hike carrying their kids n that through a literal jungle just to go from one shithole to a slightly improved shithole is enough evidence to me that people would risk a boat across to the shores of western handouts
Not when they live in a country where a weekly shop is £50
However when they have 3 meals a day, accommodation and a free bus pass sorted for them £10 + £200 working in the black market starts going a lot further
hate pensioners
senior counsel at a law firm
You won't be saying that when you're a pensioner
According to the IMF, the 2024 GDP/capita (PPP) of South Sudan is US$455, which works out to an average production per person of £0.96 per day

That’s PPP, so it accounts for purchasing power
you won't be saying anything when I've cut the tongue out ya bloody mouth
middle aged fanny
What is this bizarre hyper capitalistic attitude people seem to have taken towards pensioners

As soon as they're no longer capable of producing sufficient capital they should just freeze to death?
The state holds no responsible to look after the needy, instead they should work till they die or live of a private pension?

Are the population of this country really just an economic integer to these people that become surplus to requirement once they become old?
mental how one day some musician from atlanta can dm your gf on ig and fly her over and you won't see her ever again
fuck off
it's probably resentment over the pensioners becoming a new landed gentry class unto themselves with wealth accumulated in assets that younguns' can only dream of achieving
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love spending christmas with the /brit/dem x
Expect a knock for that comment
if every joe daki that comes over here is supposedly a doctor why does it still take months for an appointment leftypol?
That's not the fault of the pensioners themselves it's the fault of successive government failings e.g right to buy, mass immigration
my boss is a conspiracy headcase and reckons the governments long term plan is to drag the country into war so all the natives and forins are forced to unite and fight alongside each other
there's too many of them and they all retired at 50 so me and the other other working millenials are carrying the economic burden of their cushty index-linked pensions in addition to the economically net-loss migrants while they all make it increasingly difficult to get on the housing ladder
>the needy
*dries my eyes with a fifty pound note*
I’m not interested in paying 50% income tax to fund a bunch of pensioners going on cruises and playing slot machines, if I can’t afford to buy a house or start a family of my own

It’s one thing if paying money to geriatrics is like a nice little charitable donation to make people feel good, but it’s another issue if it’s become so burdensome that it’s breaking the system
Oh right so you advise the law firm on legal matters do you
Making a list of targets
don't expect a knock (because nobody visits you)
>bizarre hyper capitalistic attitude
this is standard capitalism
I think this is a thing trainee surgeons do for dexterity practice.

Also sewing up bananas and shit like that.
no, I'm senior counsel at a law firm
i'm not having a dig at the pensioners i'm just providing an explanation as to why so many workers harbour a resentment, even if it is unjust
lets get in the mood
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Brits think it is hateful when you oppose a genocide. But I get that is part of your culture.
>i'm not having a dig at the pensioners
few more years and we'll have to dig UP the pensioners
Nigga that’s bananas
get the pensioners warm
get the pensioners lubed up
get the pensioners shagged
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Brits will send you to prison for offending Indians by protesting against genocide
get the pensioners mugged
How out of touch do you have to be that you actually believe your average pensioner is absolutely loaded
That's not Britain, that's the state of Victoria in the Commonwealth of Australia, proto-Finlad
send the pensioners to fight in Ukraine. They've lived their life, now do something actually useful
don't see the big deal over Van Gogh. Reckon I could draw better than that.
by not relying on touch and actually opening your eyes
me but jackson pollock
could have made it more interesting too, would have splattered tomato sauce and mustard all over it instead of paint
Yeah that doesn't make sense, work on your larp pal
How about the government distributing milf pensioners to each incel freak to stroke their cocks so they don’t have to wank themselves off anymore
You lads will be pensioners one day. Careful what you preach.
make the pensioners wank the migrants off
it will be like riding those bikes in prison: you wank 1 migrant off and you get 1 night of heating in your home
get the life arsed up
good thing i have been contributing to a private pension then
Why can't the pensioners just pawn their gold teeth for fuel money? Lol dozy bastards
>it will be like riding those bikes in prison
Gonna be on my MASSIVE private pension. Easy 200k there, plus state, another 11k a year
Ill do alright mate
How about Jackson Pillock and he has Down’s syndrome and throws paint at the canvas like a mong
on it bossman
You've either been watching a bit too much American TV or grew up in a very privileged setting
you wouldn't get it
Mate, in 40 years 200k won't even get you a loaf of bread
Actual blubs here thinking corporations will look after their private pension 50 years down the line lmao
prison slang for when you ride your cell mate’s cock
by the time we get there, pensions won't exist
hungover rip
I won't rest until every opportunity to improve my life is totally destroyed
200k is not a massive pension at all
this is me
i pay into my pension by doing drugs smoking and drinking, enough investment should guarantee my death before pension age
you ever just start having a wank and then half way through you're like 'nah fuck this man' and put your william wilberforce back in its cage
your boss sounds like a smart man, you should listen to him and maybe suck his willy so you can stay on his good side and he keeps sharing important info like this
It doesn’t matter. Society itself won’t exist with the pace they’re shipping in jeets and wogs. Competency crisis, nuclear meltdowns, conquest by still-competent foreign powers, etc
get them frozen like elsa
pooberg ripping my arsehole into pieces
You are retarded mate
Not sure I’ve ever done that. Once I’ve committed, I have to see it through
>projected pension before tax £19,600
+ state pension but going to be worth fuck all in 30 years though that
not smart or important information though is it
down syndrome people are lovely so not a fan of this slander
cute aussie
>paying into a pension

lol and lmao, really big lel

>put money away bro so you can have it when you're 70 YEARS OLD, assuming you don't die from a stroke or massive heart attack before then

No thanks, my retirement plan is making myself an absolute burden to the state when I retire
How come you never get down syndrome Chinese people?
How is that slander? Mong literally means someone with Down’s syndrome
get the bacon sarney scranned
get bored half way through the other day but decided to continue
they're all naturally 50% downs thats why they look like that
They don’t want you to know that they all have it
If being stupid was a sport, you'd get a gold medal
Are downies DTF?
big fan of 'get the' posts
Once got bored during a wank, so decided to open my special folder
going to throw myself under a train and inconvenience everyone when i decide i've had enough
any goy putznacher man in
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The last night of the fair - by the big wheel generator:
A boy is stabbed, and his money is grabbed
And the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine...
Don't fire until you see the browns of their poos! (c) William H. Prescott
get the 'get the' posts posted
got that mental elf that lets you touch women's arses and get away with it on account of it
get the
we were born to be
we were born to be
born to be alive
(born to be alive)
Arseholes or just the cheek
get the eileen comed on
yes we were born
born to be alive
get the bollocks busted
get the bollocks busted
Might go to an all girl primary school disguised as an Armitage Shanks
get the armitage shanked
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get the arsewog fed
I'm blue
if I were green I would die
one day i'll have all my posts dictated and i'll never have to read any of your dreck again
*fucks around and finds out*
total bollock destruction by j.k. rowling
Hang on, isn't that the two colours of political parties in Taiwan?
What's the gayest vape flavour?
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I am correct
all of the above
too hungover to look at this
for me turquoise is turquoise
teal gang
Harry Todger and the Chamber of Bollocks
thread really just stopped there for a minute huh
We're all too busy with that gay porn being on
who tuched my chocolits
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>Je me rends, s'il vous plaît, ayez pitié.
Your response?
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nippy out
they should just start putting gay porn on the tv, this is where were at as a society
*slaps my knee*
right then time to get the tea on
*walks off and kills myself*
having brain zaps
whacked the heating on
poured some extra olive oil in my pastsa
Remember wanking to the gay porn channel free previews (obviously softcore only) when I was about 14 and home alone
What about printing out gay porn and posting it to lampposts on busy streets
planning a based wank to kino porn
What happened to softcore movies on channel 5?
ffs was supposed to get up early
set an alarm for 8am but turned it off and went back to sleep and just woken up now
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just stop the bloody rapes ok
Fucking hell Daniel, what have you become?
got the playgirl magazine stapled to the wall behind my computer
Well, just looking at a woman on the street in the UK is legally considered rape
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time to get to work
poo currently raping my arsebum
>sources: times of india
look like grunts from some evil team in pokemon
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need a rich onlyfans gf
err...oui mate
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Should just do to pensioners what we did to farm animals during the foot and mouth crisis
does she though? I thought she only did topless
either way she doesn't show her gash so what's the point
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Alright guys. Feel dizzy and lightheaded. Don't know what's going on.
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u wot
need proof of said pictures
>India data is over 10 years old
HATE walking in city i always get lost wish i was rich and could Uber everywhere
Sick to bastard death of jeets using “lakh”
what if you marry a nice girl and then years later she finally admits she has a scat fetish and wants to poo on you
what would you do lads?
So 9 year olds getting raped isn't even counted?
damnnnn daniel
nothing on reddit ever happened
serial liar website
get the todger lopped off
get the neovagina fashioned
get the dilator in
get the poo smells wafting
Call a vicar
ever heard of google maps?
living in a pozzed clown world
what does it mean and why do they use it?
I’m pretty sure scat stuff is far more common online than irl, as you can’t smell it through a screen. Years ago, I was fucking this girl in the arse (not for the first time), and shit started getting everywhere. I almost puked while I was trying to rush to the shower. Never did anal again.
Means 100,000. Quick Google search sorted it out.
seriously what is a lakh, there aren't enough jeets here yet to pick up on their lingo
>mtf friend induced lactation a while ago
>she just milks her tits every day
>finally worked up the courage to ask if I could try some
>she said yes
>literally went into a room and pumped her titty milk into a cup for me
>drank it

it was SO FUCKING DELICIOUS and I don't mean that in a pervert way I mean it tasted actually good, it was warm and super sweet. what the FUG
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unlike 4chan where everyone is honest and truthy
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what if it's a vicar in a tutu
Then i have to walk around like a benchod tourist no thanks
Indians will never accept any problems within their own societies and in the rare occasions that they do they'll deflect blame elsewhere e.g colonialism
They're a rabidly nationalistic group of people, furthered no now having Modi in power despite having barely anything to be proud of
This is a country that still practices cannibalism and it's just accepted as a spiritual thing ffs
listening to russell brand speak is impossible, can't last 10 seconds without cringing my nut off and closing the video
"they're eating the pets" is up there with "they're turning the friggin frogs gay"
that is a very good reflection on your sanity tbf
Think it means 100,00
nwogpoo delivering my horse dildoes today
Jeets use 100,000 (one lakh) as their standard big number, as opposed to the West’s preference for big numbers like 1,000,000
Would be perfect considering that's my fetish.
never siad that did i
vine was superior to tiktok
They're not means testing it though are they
They're removing it entirely
it's true though
what of the tax-free one-off £20 christmas bonus
is the christmas bonus safe
Meaning they're both verifiable facts? Nice to see you've caught up leftypol
okay but why use it

honestly it's parplexing that they would either
1) communicate with each other in English
2) communicate with the outside world in English BUT pepper and salt it with weird Indian lingo

I mean 1) is sorta understandable if they don't share a language otherwise since India is a diverse place, but this seems more like propaganda meant for outsiders
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very true
don't care about the veracity of either statement it's just phrased in such bluntly demented way
how tho
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If your implication is that “they’re turning the frogs gay” was crazy nonsense, they literally were releasing industrial pollutants or something that were acting as endocrine disruptors and fucking with frogs’ hormones. IIRC a more accurate way of expressing what was (is?) happening is that they were turning the frogs into hermaphrodites, but that’s a bit clunkier verbiage, and doesn’t make for as good a sound bite
got the bets on
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>world become absurd
>man points this out
I wonder what an office where everyone legitimately works eight efficient hours a day would look like
>pepper and salt
give me a break I've.slept twl hours today
You have been done
Don't know what the heck is wrong with me I feel so fucking dizzy. Keep stumbling. It's like I've had a few jars but I haven't.
Getting a £12k bonus from toilberg
me and you brother, we see how truly cucked this pozzed globohomo clownworld really is...
Ayo fuck old people fr!


... i love brown girls!
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How much after tax
rimmed him did you?
cutting down on my sugar intake
granny is a wasteman
need a nap
How hard did you make him cum?
Desu as much as people like to belittle Mousey and make him out to be insane, at least he isn't living in a care home like Help Helper Lad.
because if you could bother listening to him or found him compelling you'd be a bloody goose mate
but you didn't so you're not a goose
sugar intake but pronounced like it's a word in japanese
dont have snapchat
dont have instagram
dont have facebook
dont have any social media, really
and it's kneecapped my social life
>Unless they receive pension credit
That the same pension credit you're only eligible to receive if you have an income less than £218/week, while state pension is £221/week thus making it impossible to receive
Not very bright are you
useless test
>Help Helper Lad
Off you pop
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sugaru intakaru?
Aren’t you in a care home, Adam?
Thinking about the battle of Rorke's Drift
Let's see your results then big man
no one really uses that stuff anymore
even my most turbo normie just have group chats and occasionally put something up on ig
soogoi intaku
No I live with my family and my name isn't Adam.
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mine was 173
stop giving it attention
>Your boundary is at hue 174, greener than 55% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.
ok then??
fucking bitch
supposed to be starting a job at asda. they have been spamming me with tasks all week. yesterday they sent me emails for a new username/password for another online portal. typically they dont work. all the emails are from noreply, unmonitored emails. cant complete tasks, cant start job. still havnt been told a start date. my only contact detail is the store telephone number. all this online hassle is really making me reconsider if i actually want the job.
Pronouncing popsicles like it's a Greek philosopher
get them rescued
get them quenched
why is their blood green?
need you locked up before you hurt someone
mate you surely are not too thick to figure out how to start a job at asda
When your intrusive thoughts win
the plan for the rest of thenight
watch a lecture
shower + wank to pics of womens buttholes
finish my programming project
play overwatch
incel walk
Behold a frozen treat
i'm only a danger to myself x
Less than half due to my 53% marginal tax rate
Googling all the migrant hotels in the UK
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Didn’t realize I deviated so far from the general population
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As in all things, I am objectively correct.
Not everyone gets a full state pension mate
utterly useless information
apparently yes. how do i do it when they set up an account and demand tasks completed but they have done it incorrectly on their side and there is no one for me to contact about it? its just another shit company that are trying to harness technology but are shit and have made everything more difficult and bureaucratic than when it was just paperwork.
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fuck off
gorje costanza
What's the lecture about
Whoops! You're blind!
used to put out cigarettes on my tongue, probably burned away a few tastebuds
why did she do it bros
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chinaman detected
slay all phoneposters
probably going to be a lot of yapping because the unit coordinator just changed and its his first lecture
that's utterly mental (if in fact true), why would you do that
used to put out cigarettes on my pooey arsehole
What a nice blue fish tank
whats this blue/green shite your all spamming then?
birds are so cute
Ex-bf used to put out cigs on my arse to brand me
it's actually not very painful if you know how to do it right, the trick is to pool enough saliva on your tongue to put it out without burning yourself
no messages from anyone
it's lonely out here
You’re supposed to make your tongue slightly concave and pool a little spit in it so it doesn’t actually burn you, mong
why though
well there you go
dunno i just did it a few times to look cool and then it became a bit of an addiction
get the new made
my monitor has a green tint to it so the results would be skewed!!
Homer describes the sky as 'bronze', sheep as 'wine coloured', honey as 'green' and Hector's hair as 'blue'.
Haha that’s hardcore, you got my respect
I dont get it.
think her name's Marge, actually
They do if they've paid in all their life
The only people who don't are those who were on the dole, or immigrants
Dawn and here rose coloured fingers
Sometimes peopel with very dark hair can appear to have bluish tones, I think it's due to oils
Are blowpipes legal in the UK?
In the United Kingdom under the Criminal Justice Act 1988, and in Australia, the blowgun is categorized as an offensive weapon, and as such it is illegal to manufacture, sell or hire or offer for sale or hire, expose or have in one's possession for the purpose of sale or hire, or lend or give to any other person.
For you, turquoise is green.
What is turquoise stone good for?
Turquoise: For Cleansing, Protection, and Good Fortune Turquoise is also a calming stone induce the internal spinety and lift depleted skulls.

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