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Why is Belgium (founded 1830) considered a meme state, but Italy (1861) Germany (1871), Poland (1918) all get a pass?
Because Belgian people are just French and Dutch people LARPing about an identity
Same as Switzerland but i never saw Suisse being memed as a country, not as the same rate of Belgium
because of the perfidious anglo nigel farage
Switzerland is a very old n
federation who self formed, you can see that their process was natural and not artificial by the fact that there's almost no sperging out about the different identities like there is on Belgium
>Italy (1861)
"Italy" did exist in the past, Italians did not though.
>Italia (Roman province, 264 BC–476)
>Kingdom of Italy (476–493) ruled by Odoacer
>Ostrogothic Kingdom (493–553), officially known as the "Kingdom of Italy"
>Kingdom of the Lombards (568–774), sometimes called the "Kingdom of all Italy"
>Kingdom of Italy (774–962), constituent kingdom of the Carolingian Empire and Middle Francia; independent after 855
you think our borders came out of thin air when a madman carved some ground out of the netherlands and france for shit and giggles?
ngl it's a shithole but this shithole dates back to the middle ages
Belgium isnt any more (or less) of a shithole than the countries bordering it, either
Switzerland has meme languages that are national to it, like romansh. Belgium has nothing
the netherlands are doing significantly better. this region went to shit when the spanish enforced their habsburg shenanigans and everyone with half a brain fled north
brain drain, as they call it. flanders went from one of the richest regions in europe to a war torn hellhole under the thumb of a foreign oppressor and it weren't even the french
the city where i live in even has the story when some charles came to visit and left his horse outside when he came back his horse was gone. not stolen, but slaughered because of the famine
yeah, the Netherlands are better-run, but ultimately suffer from all the same issues as Belgium today

Flanders mostly looks & feels like any dutch city, honestly. Wallonia is definitely poorer
>le if your state reformed at some point history all stuff before doesn't count ;) meme
why would you regurgiate this
Poland existed as a medieval kingdom perhaps, but Italy never did and neither did germany in anything resembling today's borders
>my tutorial country is a shithole
why do you do this
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POV: you wake up in your first world tutorial country
it's a shithole by west european standards, i can rant all day long about it. however i get slightly upset when some clueless moron calls us a meme country (it is, but not for the reasons you think it is)
>it belongs to france and the netherlands xD
except wallonia was never part of france, and flanders (and wallonia) was ruled by the dutch for a whole 15 years
Your point is that this is supposed to look like a third world shit hole but it really doesn't
it isnt

in pure economics, Brussels is on par with other euro capitals, Flanders with western germany and Wallonia with eastern germany or the poorer parts of france

in terms of brown pypo %, it is, again, perfectly in line with uk, germany, the Netherlands and the rest of the caliphates

Belgians for some reason also have some of the highest private wealth in the world, though I wouldn't say it shows much
Most European country are newer then America and only existed since ww2
nigger literally the highest taxes in the world and two democracies where forming a federal government can take literally years
>Wallonia with eastern germany or the poorer parts of france
oh wow, it's not that shit compared to other shit
they're newer as countries within their geographical borders, but as written cultures, theyre all extremely old
always hilarious when it comes from a colonial. have you sucked the english king's dick yet or are you still rubbing the queen's clit
yeah, your political system is a running joke. but actually, the Netherlands takes similarly long to form governments afaik and france is in a nasty gridlock as well currently. its becoming common in europe

>oh wow, it's not that shit compared to other shit
as a coutnry youre on par with germany, if you consider that shit, than, well, all of western poorrope is
Because Belgium is so evenly and obviously divided in half it's not even funny

Yes Italy is also a patchwork of languages and cultures but at least they're all related to each others (catholic and latin) and have been in a well geographically defined peninsula forever

Germany is also a collection of former kingdoms, duchies, cities, languages and whatever but again related to each others (germanic) and there is a precedent in the form of the HRE, as loose as it was

Poland is very homogenous linguistically toi

Belgium meanwhile is cut exactly in half with both halves speaking completely unrelated languages, being different geographical entities (Flanders the ultra flat very urbanized Wallonia more hilly countrysidish), AND both halves are located right next to larger countries that speak their respective languages and whose land look like theirs

I'm not saying there shouldn't be a Belgium, just that at first glance it just doesn't make any sense and seems by far like it'd be the most logical country to break in half
It’s a sign of stability which is a good thing you know
I did not mention the tiny German speaking part in that post because well they're tiny they aren't the reason why Belgium boggles the mind
>there is a precedent in the form of the HRE
germany is a fraction of the HRE and missing the cultural and political capital of most of its existence (Vienna)

its a meme state as well
they got annexed after WWI, i think there even was a referendum if they wanted to return to germany and they voted no, but don't cite me on that.
it's like 20k people or something so no one really cares. personally i think they should return to germany as we have no historical claim over it whatsoever and it's getting frenchified because that's what french speakers do
>they DON'T speak french??!!?
>let's change that
fuck off
we have 6 governments :)
>as a coutnry youre on par with germany, if you consider that shit, than, well, all of western poorrope is
wallonia is especially bad. if it wasn't for flanders it would have collapsed a long time ago. it's like giving an alcoholic his daily bottle of vodka instead of sending him to rehab
Germany has only existed since 1991
>calls us a meme country
I just said why Switzerland was less memed though, I didn't say Belgium was a fake country or a meme one.
That the fact that you guys fight a lot to this day and they don't was my reasoning
As far as the formation part, Switzerland is objectively among the oldest cunts in Europe, while a lot of other cunts were formed more forcefully, same reason why even in Italy there was and still is a lot of hate and infighting.
Maybe my perception of Belgium is distorted but I've always heard that the Francophone and the Flemish parts don't really like each other and speak each others languages.
This sort of retardation exists only in Europe. Others don't deny their past like that.
well yeah, but eastern germany is literally the same. they barely have people under 60 anymore

or the UK's whole norf
or Italy's whole souf
Wallonia is more of the rule, not the exception
Because Belgium is a state, not a nation.
Kurds exist more than "Belgians" do.
Imagine Belgium ceases and it gets partitioned by Netherlands and France 20 years later nobody would care.
other continents dont have countries with 500+ years of written high culture in the first place, except china and India
>Because Belgium is a state, not a nation
This, so much this
saar Poland is older saar that was just a return to being independent saar
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eastern germany has the excuse of communism. what's wallonia's excuse? heavy industry where the flemish moved south by the hundreds of thousands during the industrial revolution
>heavy industry collapses
>now what
how flanders came out on top again i don't know how that happened. we don't have any natural resources whatsoever besides some token coal mines that closed like 60 years ago
it's really not the same, no. wallonia makes norf england look good
>Italy's whole souf
Not comparable, our souf is literally and unironically 3rd world
I'd like to thank Belgium cause my great Grandpa went working in the coal mines there and bought the house I'm living in now
Though it was hellish and died shortly after.
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makes it even worse than walltroonia

there are many regions in Western Europe no better than Eastern Europe, many parts of France and the UK
yeah, moroccans and italians, guest workers to slave away in the mines. we have a significant italian diaspora
fuck me being a miner must have been absolute shit. deep underground while your lungs become a dust collector
>there are many regions in Western Europe no better than Eastern Europe, many parts of France and the UK
I used to think that.
Then i visited eastern europe.
I'll take Marseille and Birmingham over what i saw in Bulgaria, Romania and Poland
the age doesn't matter, they don't have any obvious ethnicity or culture they're the main country of
kind of funny when you go to eastern europe on holiday and you regularly see women "lifting"
we also have whores but they do it in designated areas not on the street. everything there is dirt cheap though and prague is worth a visit
slav(e) cope
>except wallonia was never part of france
Exactly, so now you can stop blaming us everytime a black negro from wallonia doesn't pay his taxes.
Wallonia speaks french but that's it, it was never french to begin with.
Czech Republic is hardly eastern european in my opinion.
A meme doesn't get a pass because it's an old one.
i didn't say it was true, calm down bud, i just said it's what people perceive
Switzerland is pretty successful and it historically is a strong country present on maps for centuries and centuries that did well to protect its independence.
I think it plays a role in us giving them a break
we don't blame the french for wallonia being 'questionable', but the wars with the eternal frog we don't forget. the flemish holiday is celebrating a victory over the french (we got btfo 2 years later but hey)
why is there a french flanders but not a flemish france? the dutch did some annexations as well but at least they didn't erase the local language
For most of its existence the HRE had no official capital city, as the emperor toured between different palatinate cities or was outside of the realm on campaign.
Only in the middle if the 16th century did the importance of Vienna increase.
>Switzerland has meme languages that are national to it, like romansh. Belgium has nothing
What is walloon and west-flemish?
Not real
fyi it's best to ignore favela zika monkeys. apparently they're civilised enough to have internet access but that's roughly where it ends
Belgium borders have been actually quite stable over the centuries
Flanders are older than France.
for the trivia, Napoleon's nephew Louis Bonaparte wanted to reconstruct the langue d'oil, to revive it, and he choose eastern Walloon (Liègeois) as a basis for it, because it is (was) the most well preserved. Though it never became a thing.
It does to me
French and Dutch
and you speak spanish
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wallonia is burgundy
Wallonia, looks, feels and runs EXACTLY like Hauts-de-France does, it could join in and no one would notice
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Lets play a game: I post an image of Hauts-de-France and one of Wallonia and you tell me about the profound differences
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This is Namur
That's firstie af
Hauts-de-France is way safer and way more beautiful than that shithole.
Who told you that Poland got a pass ? They even meme themselves on this very board every day.
That's because they are the same

I cant tell you how Wallonia is in any way different, even the cities are a continuum across the french-belgian border
Go to Lilles and then go to Charleroi, you'll see the difference.
It's pretty big trust me.
Wallonië werd ontwikkeld om de geallieerden te helpen, daarna was ze nutteloos
both lille and liege are shitty european shitties as far as safety is concerned & Marseille is worse than any walltroon town

lille is more grand and beautiful than liege, I give you that. but Wallonia has cutesy smaller towns
thats not a fair comparison. Charleroi and roubaux would be and theyre indeed the same
Lilles is far better than any city in Wallonia.
You have never been in Belgium nor Lilles to not accept that.
Marseilles is Hanover tier.
it is more beautiful, however, neither safer or wealthier than liege.

thats not subjective, these are exact measurements
the most walloon picture ever. really artsy and hipster but at the same time depressing greece-tier economy and socialist mentality
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shut up, Wallonia is actually prettier than haut-de-france, if you except the coast and Lille.
You have no idea what you are talking about
het gaat terug tot midden 19e eeuw tijdens de industrieële revolutie oetz. belgie was het eerste land na het VK dat industrialiseerde en het zwaartepunt schoof naar beneden.
100 jaar later implodeert de boel en ze zijn er nooit in geslaagd om zich aan te passen. en dan komt de PS op dat ik alleen kan omschrijven als opium voor het volk
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exactly, you can't compare Lille to Charleroi
Charleroi is to be compared to Roubaix or Lens

Lille is the redeeming city of northern France, but for the rest, and I lived in northern France for a little while near Douai, it is worse than Wallonia and more depressing.
nuke Charleroi and maybe walltroonia wont have the reputation it has anymore
>ow flanders came out on top again i don't know how that happened
maybe the fact flanders has the second port of Europe that also happened to be heavily propped by american capital, might have something to do with it
>85,949 GDP in Millions and 33trd most wealthy city in the E.U
>Above Antwerp in terms of GDP
>28,852 GDP in millions and 82 place in terms of most wealthy european cities of the EU
Always double check with krauts.
Careful now, with all that lying you inferiorty complex might reveal itself.
charleroi is just the very big turd in a cesspool. even if you delete it it won't solve anything
yeah sure the flemish economy entirely relies on the port of antwerp and of course the americans
americans pump billions into flanders every single month. whatever makes you sleep at night
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india has a bigger gdp than france
guess that means its wealthier

or something
You were talking about wealth you sneaky fuck.
You are a lying fuck and got the answer you derserved.
Don't try to save your non-argument with stupid 2020 memes.
its not wealthier per capita, just bigger
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or turn it into a steampunk theme park
now I am tempted to visit that dump, what have you done

good thing I live in Aachen so its a drive away
I think it's because they all have their own languages.
I remember back in 2014 I got into an online argument with a belgian who got really mad at me for some reason when he saw me chatting with another guy in some forum.
Apparently, he was really mad that his language went exinct. And kept telling me that my language is junglespeak and doesn't matter.
>its not wealthier per capita
Liège and Lilles have around 200.000 people each.
Checkmate asshole.
>you think our borders came out of thin air when a madman carved some ground out of the netherlands and france for shit and giggles?
where did I say it relies "entirely" on that?
are you suggesting that the fact Flanders has the second most important port in Europe and the fact all the petrochemical companies are flocking around it to be a non-factor?
the picture is not real, more like how charleroi could be if they added a bit of fake victorian lampposts and clocktowers
that's what I would do if I was the burgomeister, and make it the steampunk capital of europe

but otherwise it's a shitty norf place
Lilles Population: 236 710 with a GDP 85,949 mils
Lièges Population: 195 000 with a GDP of 28,852 mils
40.000 people of difference is nothing.
Source: Literally Wikipedia.
You can cope and seethe you pathetic kraut.
the list you refer to uses Eurostat urban areas

lille metro is 1.5 mln
liege metro - idk, but its not even 1 mln

it's unfair how mayors always are for building gay globohomo architecture instead of doing fun stuff like that
never said it was a non-factor, i'm just saying there's a lot more to it and you're just coping that your industry is gone with nothing to replace it.
the port was also there btw in the 19th -early 20th century when all the work was in wallonia and flanders was a shithole. why has it changed? antwerp's train station is fancy because of leo's rubber money not because of the port
lille has far more inhabitants in the Eurostat definition of it

liege has 30k purchasing power points per capita, namur 28k

thats identical to burgundy or picardy
I think it was luck

coal and steel became completely irrelevant in the 21th century
maritime trading routes never did. Flanders is wealthy for the same reason Singapore is
i'm not entirely convinced. sure it's a part of our economy but to put it all on that seems quite reductive
education and technology is what we empathise on for a good reason. we don't have resources and relying on that one harbour is probably not a good strategy
>the port was also there btw in the 19th -early 20th century when all the work was in wallonia and flanders was a shithole. why has it changed?
because of something called globalism

>antwerp's train station is fancy because of leo's rubber money not because of the port
Fancy antwerp train station build by walloon architect Louis Delacenserie btw
I don't care about your Euroshit definition, the numbers are right there, and they speak for themselves.
You were wrong, just admit it.
this is HDF because the plates dont have a red tint
the level of destruction of historical patrimony especially in wallonia is insane
the reason is ideological but there must be something more to it
yes, Flanders is better-run, but also had more luck.

all of the former old school industrial regions in suffer greatly, whether they're germoid (Ruhr area), frenchoid (hauts-de-france), or even American (rust belt), theyre the basket cases of their country
>I don't care about your Euroshit definition
then why did you cite an "euroshit" source, which lists gdp by urban areas?

per capita, Wallonia and norf france are *exactly* the same. they also have the same salaries and prices afaik

Why does this look Mediterranean
walltroonia, with the exception of liege, was barely changed in appearance. mons, Namur, tournai all look around the same as they did in 1900. and Charleroi was always a bland miner town as well
anyway speaking of hauts-de-france i was born in Oise and no one thinks about us whenever people mention the region, guess we're too parisian or something
You also lied about safety. You need to shut the fuck up and go back to /pol/
>Crime Index of 50.89
>Crime Index of 61.22
Source: Numbeo Current Safety Index by City
thanks for confirming word for word what I said

>both lille and liege are shitty european shitties in regards to safety

both are in the flop 10-20 or something
Cope and seethe you are exposed.
yeah, exposed for being right in saying both are shitty
>Fancy antwerp train station build by walloon architect Louis Delacenserie btw
yes, paid by rubber money. is undermining your own argument your MO?
>yes, Flanders is better-run, but also had more luck.
nigger, what? 80 years' war, becoming spain's bitch, brain drain to the north, the french leveling our capital, then becoming austria's bitch, then the dutch's bitch, then wallonia's bitch where they tried to eradicate our language for a century straight, poverty, economic wasteland, oppression, sent to battles with orders you don't understand
but we got lucky, because of antwerp's harbour. antwerp got sacked by the spanish btw, and blockaded as well
>both are in the flop 10-20 or something
>Most dangerous cities in E.U
1)Catania (Italy)
2) Marseille (France)
3) Birmingham (UK)
4) Coventry (UK)
5) Charleroi (Belgium)
7) Naples (Italy)
8) Montpellier (France)
9) Liège (Belgium)
10) Belfast (Ireland)
Where is Lilles my nigga?
Again, cope and seethe.
it seems the rubber money profited Flanders more than Wallonia
Bulgaria and Romania not in the bottom for once
and the flop 20?

anyways, both are shitty in that regard. wont deny liege being slightly more shitty than shitty lille
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Did you know that Belgium only exists today because Polish soldiers fought the Russian army to stop it from attacking Belgium during its formative months?
life in medieval was le suffering, but so was life in medieval Wallonia and medieval everything else

in terms of what brings one money in 2024, Flanders did have more luck. trade routes matter, mining doesnt.

its *also* better-run. Flanders is safer than Brussels or waltroonia, despite having the same amount of brown pypo, for example
it is a fact that the GDP per capita of Wallonia is the same as Lorraine and Haute-Normandie, it is roughly the same as northern and eastern france

Now it seems that, France being more centralized, the city of Lille is gonna concentrate the wealth of the region more than any city of Wallonia does
and western Poland only exists because we were dumb enough to fight the entire world and got punished for it

everyone owes someone something
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>Germany (1871)
Germany was created in the 1990s by CIA
i've read a lot of bullshit on this website over the years but you take the top retard post of the week, congratz
>It's not in the top 20 either.
What now?
What clever little lies do you have now?
You will never get Alsace and Lorraine back Hans.
It doesn't matter how many lies you post on France on a internet imageboard, it ours now and forever.
I thougt that the Länder belonging to the DDR were incorporated to the existing BR.
Not the sharpest troll posting here...
You don't have particualry good understanding of what cardinal directions
>What clever little lies do you have now?

I never lied thougheverbeit
hauts de france and walltroonia have the same PPS per capita
lille and liege are both shitty in terms of security for european shitties

ar rook EXACTLY the same
Czech republic mentioned
yeah, but Brazilians, poles, Mexicans etc are excused for dumbposting. just nature

when French dumbpost, thats disappointing
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>I never lied thougheverbeit
And with that nth lie of yours, i wish you a good day.
you too. enjoy having the same PPS per capita and being similarly (un)safe as walltroonia in the near future
I live in western Paris, the richest part of our continent.
Unlike you.
>nigger, what? 80 years' war, becoming spain's bitch, brain drain to the north, the french leveling our capital, then becoming austria's bitch, then the dutch's bitch,
all of this concerns wallonia as well
> sent to battles with orders you don't understand
bruh don't act as if wwi only affected flanders

What the flemish got lucky for, is the fact post-war american globalism made the economic center of any country move from inland manufacturing places (Manchester, Pittsburg, Detroit, Wallonia...) to seaports (London, New York, Antwerp, Zeebrugge, Rotterdam...)
>medieval suffering
it took untill the 1930's untill higher education became available in dutch. bit ironic since ghent university was founded by the dutch around 1815
>trade routes matter, mining doesn
tell that to my grandparents. and again, as if our entire economy relies on antwerp. i suppose switserland and austria are also doing quite well because of their ports and maritime trade
okay, what's your argument
Antwerp literally has a diamond quarter... where is the diamond quarter in Wallonia? Tell me how Wallonia profited more of Congo?
>>they DON'T speak french??!!?
>>let's change that
Ineffablement basé
be the change you want to see in the world
below Hamburg (and Brussels) even if you fall for the drooling retardation that is metro area GDP

Bremen. lmaooooo

Nah, the don't even speak portuguese.
>posts a Limburgish painter
What's up Bartje, out of Ambiorixen om toe te eigenen?
and then the first Belgian king, Leopold, was a Russian soldier against Napoleon
>ell that to my grandparents. and again, as if our entire economy relies on antwerp.
where'd I say this. never. its also better run and has some companies

but having the most important trade route on the continent is kinda heckin relevant for a region with the population of the Barcelona metro. far bigger entities thrive off that, see Singapore or Shanghai
don't tell anyone that there were barely any kazakhs in half of our country until the ussr industrialized here
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and young people dont want to go to the east because why exactly? Finlands north and east atleast has a valid reason for being on that list you mentioned: its an empty craphole with no economic opportunity
everyone knows Kazakhstan is the definition of a meme state howeverbeit. you didn't have mass urbanization or literacy before USSR
The east is an empty craphole with no economic opportunity
seriously though, genuinely the first time i saw women "lifting" on the street. and it wasn't a street in a village, i think you could drive 70 kmh but it has been a while, maybe things have changed. czechia also isn't as cheap anymore as it used to be. my parents often went there before i was born because a meal in a restaurant was like €1 (the € didn't exist but you get the point)
or the story when dad went on a school trip to berlin and they used mirrors to check under the bus if there was anyone hiding there. because communism is so great you need a wall to keep the people in

>What the flemish got lucky for, is the fact post-war american globalism made the economic center of any country move from inland manufacturing places (Manchester, Pittsburg, Detroit, Wallonia...) to seaports
ok. i'm going to quit my job in brussels and move to antwerp now

what's preventing wallonia from making a diamond quarter, is it because of the lack of sea access? btw it's unironically almost exclusively run by jews, not that it really matters, just fyi
>and young people dont want to go to the east because why exactly?
its labour cost is not competitive for its economic output, so they never formed any enterprises

its economic output is similar to poland - which makes sense, as it has the same background to poland. but labour costs are far higher, as the Wect decided (out of good will, mind you) to grant them the same salaries from day 1.

result: every single East German company immediately died after re-unification
the west is becoming one as well THOUGH
so we'll finally be unified
maybe germans are going to drang nach osten to flee away from Roman, I mean the EU, empire
vrij zeker dat hij zijn leven heeft doorgebracht in Gent. ge kunt daar trouwens het lam gods gaan bewonderen. sint baafskerk, kheb het daar in levende lijve gezien maar dat was voor de restauratie
relatief groot schilderwerk
>what's preventing wallonia from making a diamond quarter, is it because of the lack of sea access?
lack of diamonds mostly
>but having the most important trade route on the continent
that would be rotterdam

>heckin relevant for a region with the population of the Barcelona metro. far bigger entities thrive off that, see Singapore or Shanghai
yeah no this is retarded
please educate me on the flemish diamond mines, i'm curious
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so being an individual in conservative east germoney with a german salary subsidized by the west of the country is unbearable and one must immediately get out to islamified and africanized places? wat?
wherever those antwerp diamonds come from
>that would be rotterdam
then #2 with a minutae difference in trade volume

>yeah no this is retarded
it aint. Hamburg is wealthier than the rest of norf germany for the for the same reason
is eastern germany really that shitty?
What prevents it to become rich, I mean they don't have the demographic problems of the west, and plenty of space
*if* you have a job or salary at all.

>I mean they don't have the demographic problems of the west
oh no, they dont. they have it WORSE as everyone is over 60

Picrel becomes a failed state the moment it theoretically became independent
and its not completely shitty ... its exactly about as shitty as Walltroonia
brugge had a sea port at one point but it silted away, yet they seem to do quite well
again, it's reductive garbage
>sea access and you automatically win xD
maybe we should tell spain and portugal
okay so lack of activity and lack of dynamism due to age pyramid, except that it is not "alleviated" (or worsened) by immigration contrary to Wallonia.
It's kind of a Canada, a cold empty place.. are there west-germans saying "fuck it, I'm leaving for east germany and live in a farm" phenomenon or something? or any incentive to repopulate it?
it's zeebrugge now and Bruges is now an open-air museum... yes you can make former glories beautiful
>maybe we should tell spain and portugal
Well, Barcelona is very uppity about being the seaport of Spain. And Porto and Lisbon are doing alright compared to the rest ...
almost as if bruges has literally 100 times more visitors than population to bring in money or something

>sea access and you automatically win xD
said you

>relevant trade routes and you get a significant boost in wealth
said I
>fuck me being a miner must have been absolute shit
Somehow one our most controversial leaders was miner in Belgium. Whilenduring the war he was working with The local resistance. Some point this factas a source of his policies. He had seen the west and wanted to open us more. (Much like any of his plans this did not work)
>except that it is not "alleviated" (or worsened) by immigration contrary to Wallonia.
idk, I cannot find a population pyramid for walltroonia. I imagine its better

eastern germany isnt any colder than northwestern, the opposite lol.

>or any incentive to repopulate it
there are, by local governments, but you cannot combat market forces pushing people the opposite direction. I mean, try making people migrate from Antwerp to Charleroi because "cheap land or something" and see how well it goes

you also have to realise ALL of germany is suffering a severe demographic meltdown. the east is just worse because it has emigration on top of ageing

"live on a farm" sounds nice until you look at the costs of owning a farm. 30% of dutch millionaires or something are farmers
>idk, I cannot find a population pyramid for walltroonia. I imagine its better

only because of immigration
>I mean, try making people migrate from Antwerp to Charleroi because "cheap land or something" and see how well it goes
It's actually a thing. Not Charleroi though, but in the Ardennes and a few places, a lot of Flemish are buying land and properties in Wallonia.
But historically the strategy to populate an unwanted place is to send prisoners. The british did this for Australia and Russians for Siberia.
circular reasoning
>brughes as many visitors because it's rich
>it's rich because it has many visitors
>only because of immigration
1. not (solely), Belgium had way better birthrates than eastern Germany for decades
2. idk, but from a purely economic perspective it doesnt matter whether a McDonalds wagie is from Afghanistan or european royalty. line goes up with young workers + consumers and goes down without them

>but in the Ardennes and a few places
then its a false equivalence. most of eastern germany is Charleroi, not some desirable tourist destination. attractive places like Leipzig or Dresden arent suffering from de-population, but backwaters are
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Liège had one of the biggest cathedral of Europe, not taller than the Koln cathedral but wider, it was literally a gothic village, that was destroyed by the fucking revolutionaries
No clue why would people do that
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wolfsburg has the highest gdp per capita in europe, were da visitors at huh

what does it have to do with wealth lol. its a 100% preserved medieval fairytale city
the liege old town generally feels like there's some element missing there that's supposed to be there

may be the ww2 destructions as well, or just walltroon urban planning idk
do you want to know how i know you've never been there?
i was thougheverbeit

trying to find the photos
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i don't have any doubts you have lots of pictures of all the tourist traps. this is the train station btw. an abomination in my opinion but not quite the medieval fairy tale you think it is
try actually living there on a daily basis and not the medieval city center tourist bait
All the latter ones are nations that have existed for a long time, whether they were united or not.
show me the true horrors of bruges, where should I look in GSV

not that its relevant to what makes the city touristically attractive
All of them are meme states tho

Except Poland maybe? Idk about Poland.
Belgium was too
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the last time i went there was for a school project (zero energy house) and i was shocked by the train station, ffs. it's fucking ugly
other than that it's your average european city with a medieval city center that looks good on photos but for the average joe that part of the city is compeltely irrelevant
here, brussels' town hall. you think the entire city is built in gothic style?
triple k captcha again
it's because of the revolution, and the whole iconoclastic ideology that came with it
Liège always swung between France and Austria (Prince-bishopric) but austrians acted a bit like assholes, so the revolution destroyed one of the wonder of Europe, the St-lambert cathedral
not really comparable, bruges with 100k inhabitants has a bigger old town than Brussels with 10x that

>i totally in bruges due to ugly architecture, trust me
woe is you
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why do you ignore my point? some parts look good on pictures to bait tourists but to pretend everything looks like this and their entire economy depends on it is pants on hat retarded.
i posted the train station to make the point once you go 500m from the bellfort the medieval fairy tale city quickly becomes an average city where people work and live
everyone also posts the same pictures of the graslei in ghent, but trust me i've spent 5 years in university there and it's really not representative. the building i spent a lot of time in is a 19th century zweinstein shitshow with floors literally on half (i'm not making this up), a steel framed building from the 1930's and a new technology park mostly post 2000
>why do you ignore my point?
because it could be "made" about any city larger than 20k that its not limited to what was built in medieval times

ghent idk, isnt it 90% townhouses
I understand the wealth of Antwerp and Zeebrugge, but Bruges?
What is it then besides tourism?
it doesnt need anything else if it has 100 tourists per capita
To be fair you exist thanks to Spain.
if not for Spain, it'd be part of a better and bigger nation
>thanks to Spain
despite spain

exactly. you don't become a developed region because of some old buildings and gook tourists
why not tho, your best region is Netherlands LARPers
i should have put this in one post but the damage the spanish and the 80 years' war have caused is massive. objectively the spanish were in the right as they legally aquired the low countries, but the south being on the short end of the stick after the war is what caused the true split with the netherlands and that happend over 400 years ago
also some religious autim. destroying churches and art isn't a good motivation to ally yourself with these people. in that sense luther is also to blame, but i understand why he did it. the Church at one point was corrupt as fuck
it's a bit more complex than "this belongs to the NL and that belongs to france"
Belgium is a meme because it just a region of France and a region of Holland smashed together.
historically it may be true, but everything - absolutely everything - about these regions is the same as the bigger lands adjacent to them

Wallonia is literally 2 people, why does it cause so much seethe

do you know wallonia well?
it has Charleroi, the poorest city in Western Europe. and some villages that make beer. and the ardennes. theyre French speaking and vote for socialists

that is all I know

so, yes, I am definitely an expert
It's different
Flanders and Wallonia have a natural hatred for centralization. Flanders doesn't want to be ruled by The Hague and Wallonia doesn't want to be ruled by Paris.
it's a country that never left the era of duchies/counties etc... and never really wanted to become a state... so you have a very strong provincialism
idk, the sole major results seem to be a unsafe capital (cuz every 5 meters another police organization is responsible) and exorbitant tax rates (partially cause so many governments)

self-rule sounds great in practice, but eh
>another police organization is responsible
actually not that big of a problem in belgium itself (anymore), but there are lots of cases where criminal gangs chased by the police just drive to france and then POOOF they can't do shit
why do 'meme countries' bother you so much? I like them. I hope there are more belgiums and north macedonias and moldovas just to spite you. Fuck you
t. meme country
statistics say liege and Brussels have some of the highest crime rates in europe. do you feel that in your bones, or is it just limited to designated moroccan streets?
german borders are at their final iteration and there's nothing you can do about it
i don't go often to brussels and i'll admit i'm not that comfortable after dark, but so far nothing has happened to me.
you're surrounded by others sharing the same fate who travel to and from brussels on a daily basis so it's not like you'll get robbed or stabbed on a main street or on the train. i'm also somewhat tall and built if i say so myself, in my hillbilly village where nothing happens i've heard my mom and sis say they avoid certain streets after dark. i'm not there yet but when you go to brussels i can somewhat understand it
i even heard my sister say she felt safer when i was sleeping in the bedroom next to her. maybe it's a woman thing, the need to feel protected
Spain created Belgium, if not for us you would be Holland and protestant, bottom line.
Mexicans conquered back the territories you conquered from them and there's nothing you did about it
uh is this the beginning of an incest fiction or something

okay, if you live in a Flanders village then nothing ever happens I guess
>if not for us you would be 20% wealthier, more relevant and better managed
Catania mentioned
that's like saying the US created south korea

i've read some incest stories on /b/ and /gif/ but i'm utterly repulsed by the thought of having sex with my sister. maybe if they put a gun to my head and a paper bag over her head, but really not ideal. some cousins you only see 1-2 times a year, yeah those absolutely. aunts, no. the 'hot' one looks like my father with a wig. maybe if she was 40 years younger. she was telling stories how she went to exams with a very short skirt and i can see that she must have been very attrative when she was younger but i'm not going to stick my dick in it
My neighbours grandpa also worked in a coal mine in Belgium in the 60's. He died 5 years ago
oh maybe i've worded this poorly. my bedroom next to her bedroom, not in the same bed obviously
>that's like saying the US created south korea
wich is true. If not for the US now all Korea would be a single communist shithole like the north.
>millions dead
>half the country destroyed
>didn't solve anything
>north still breathing down your neck
>at least that one half is sucking our dick now
there are very strong parallels indeed

I guess China didn’t exist before 1921 then, and all those stories and things from the last 7000 years just belonged to some magic fairy tale nation, and Greece didn’t exist either, athens and sparta were invented in hollywood, Greece was created in 1830 and no one had a concept of a Greek before then
now that i'm at it, we did share beds occasionaly on holiday or on visits and she would always make fun of my morning erections
can't help it. i have some pics she took with me rolled up in the sheets, i'm not a morning person but my penis is
its not what i was really talking about

i dont deny Italian or German culture and identity didn't exist before unification. but the state as a unified, capable political entity didn't indeed
what's the closest you've come to wincest?
i dont have any sisters or even cousins of similar age lol
This looks like Athens.
Thirdies hear it all the time from ziggerbots about Ukraine so they extrapolate it on everything.
What is the oldest country with continuous government form? Denmark? San Marino? Andora? Liechtenstein?
i also don't have nieces of similar age, they're all significantly older, but some look quite alright. not my dad with a wig tier but actually attractive
didn't really talk to them but then again i don't talk to anyone.
my sister verbally abusing me while she's stroking the morning wood and on rare occasions using her mouth (at least she shut up then) is as far as it got and i'm not even attracted to her in any way
all these incest stories you see floating around i think it's just a larp from people who don't have siblings
england (not the UK as a whole), has had a parliament since the 13th century

only 3% of people could actually vote, but eh. its as close to continuity as you get. all the other governments are younger
That's literally how old Brazil is
But they had a republican episode with Cromwell
I'm feeling that thirdie exhaustion like you wouldn't believe

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