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Highest debt since the 1960s, highest taxes since the 1940s, and debt on track to be almost three times our GDP.
Roy "Chubby" Brown
this town ain't big enough for the both of us, rorke
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need fedex to deliver my shit before I go to bed
im gonna bleed in the cluuuuubbb~
toilmatebergs were hyping up rosie jone's taskmaster debut earlier
kept shtum
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Get a load of THESE guys!
we're so irrelevant
Uh it’s the tories fault
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rosie jones is fab
toboidal creature
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*stagnates for 15 years while the rest of the world advances*
how can I induce a nap without having a wank
Last time I visited england and london was in 2013.
How much has it changed since then?
might become a cop and be corrupt
honestly could take an alien in a fight
we had tory rule what's france's excuse?
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Everything is double the price and there are more brown people
like the rest of europe, no meaningful tech industry
why is it considered ok for women to catfish on shag apps but a crime when men do it?
london itself has got penger at the expense of the rest of the country
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more brown people and you can't look at women on the tube anymore
we should start fracking
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Yes mate I just procured a dental clinic and some plastic tubs and put names of extraction instruments on them to try and trick some mong on 4chan that I'm a dentist
Piss off you stupendous virgin
raped that schizo
got the vtubers on
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Euromaidan was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on 21 November 2013 with large protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv. The protests were sparked by President Viktor Yanukovych's sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. Ukraine's parliament had overwhelmingly approved of finalising the Agreement with the EU, but Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it. The scope of the protests widened, with calls for the resignation of Yanukovych and the Azarov government. Protesters opposed what they saw as widespread government corruption, abuse of power, human rights violations, and the influence of oligarchs. Transparency International named Yanukovych as the top example of corruption in the world. The violent dispersal of protesters on 30 November caused further anger. Euromaidan was the largest democratic mass movement in Europe since 1989 and led to the 2014 Revolution of Dignity.

The Revolution of Dignity was soon followed by the Russian annexation of Crimea and pro-Russian unrest in Eastern Ukraine, eventually escalating into the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Wonder what's been happening in the UK and France a lot over the last 15 years that could have caused this
it has something to do with accountability
not a word
Alri spaino. Trip to the dentist is it? Not sure about this character though
this. I was in London last month and its such a great city. but where i live has really gone down hill over the years.
Enjoy these posts
>Walk to the shops
>Quiet, not many people around
>Speakers playing "do you think you're better off alone?"
>Wander through the aisles, bag of cashews
>Check out, walk back home
>Pet the cat
Maybe I am

the comments tho
the world is healing
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Who turned off the sun
spainlad pretending to be a dentist now FFS whaaat...
congrats on falling for a psyop
Need you out of business sunshine
check out what?
>lot numbers and QC codes visible

Bye bye job.
ah yes immigration only started in 15 years ago
filters should be banned
You forgot
>highest crime
>highest immigration
>highest inflation
A clue.. procured?
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Lunch is served
reckon that the company that makes wheelie bins must make a lot of money
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How could this happen?
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dentists? i hate them. thats probably why my teeth are rotten.
poo slop mince
unwashed mushy rice
shit all round this
odd post
looks like elton john's hemorrhoids
The line...ist gefallen
Nooo dentists can't post on 4chan thats not allowed
Businesses and consumers are (rightfully) worried about Starmer's impending October tax hikes
amazon tax declaration Letter got lost in transit
i thought they were made in prison
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Sick and tired of the sun, really.
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sent that incel freak flying
bro washes his rice :skull:
You can tell its spaino by the samefagging lol. He's so retarded
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probably too much for a lunch but I am a growing boy (horizontally)
Wrong, wrong and wrong!
you're mentally ill
Gotcha ;)
Rattled are you
About contacting their patients outside the office, breaching GDPR, for sexual gratification?

I just think the GDC ought to know about this and if it means them having to identify the practice in question by determining which practice certain lot numbers were sent to then I think that's acceptable.
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rocket niggas
too big to fail
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Mexican food

Are we for or against?
get each and every single one of them wanked
It's alri
The golden age of Spain posting is over t.bh. he was stringing you all along for months with his original spainlad character and sacked tranny and the thread was lapping it up. Now he cant get two posts off without being rumbled. End of an era
I wonder how many specific deaths, rapes etc can be attributed to mass immigration.

Must be tens of thousands by now
need one of them to land on my bollocks
its good but fucking hell its expensive for what it is
same with italian food
woah cool i was worried they were gonna be the bad rockets but no theyre the nice ones
big fan of heartburn me
get the joya retorned
why not make your own?
we arent talking about you adam, go away
He got doxxed though ini :/
fuck are you on about
there's mexican food at every price point, not to mention you can make it at home
i do but even the meal kits are expensive now
no idea what any of those animals are
did NOT need this bread with all that potato and I hold you all personally responsible
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this but completely unironically
right lads, which one?
mental how bradley etc.
Fuck off diegoblin
big grazing quadrupeds basically
Society is collapsing
>ate 4 fibre bars last monday
>haven't done a poo since
I thought fibre was meant to make you shit?
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Revelation 13:13-14

And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
what's some easy mexican food i can make at home?
stuff like chili.
You're a mong
your mum lol
The gym would be more fun if nobody wore headphones and it was more social
they were in charge for 15 years of decline you utter spastic
more like mexican pooed on a plate. disgusting
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Could just be a coincidence innit
Fibre just makes your shits a better consistency which can mean fewer liquid spurty shits in between proper ones
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>that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

he endorsed trump....it all makes sense...........
there is someone ITT genuinely defending the tory regime
least braindead atheist
gyms would be fine if it were illegal to go in large herds and if loitering in the changing rooms was forbidden
Howling, none of that happened but go ahead and send 4chan screenshots to the GDC mate I'm sure I'll be seething and coping when they strike me off the register for shitposting. Actually please don't I'm literally shaking rn
Decline in what?
Britain has been in decline for a century now. Any perceived good and bad times are just bumps on the downward slope
This flirting through insults don’t work for me sorry… be normal
Its spaino retard
Want a nice sweety but haven't got anything in
yous need to read your daniel
the antichrist will usurp one of the 10 "kings" that arise from the "roman" empire
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try to relax
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avatar or signature use
get yourself a bag of MAOAMs from tesco
It's not me it's someone trolling
Iron Age semitic nonsense. Might as well be worried about Ragnarok
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Bit mad how in 2014 everyone just started raping and we quadrupled the number of rapes going on
>arise from the "roman" empire
the US
>the antichrist will usurp
jan 6
but it failed, he'll try again
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
Am gettin blacked!
>three times our GDP.
it's literally one times our GDP now
want to disappear and start again
new job, new country, new name
>going on
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dont particularly care
Why do old people start wearing full jackets and coats when it’s still like 15 degrees out?
cared enough to post
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It should have been me not him
checked my phone in the barbers chair and accidentally left r/goontopia open
they're all packing zombie knives
breaking news old people get cold easily
how do you lads cope with wasting your 20s
if it had been me i wouldnt have snitched.
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Don't get it. My graphs don't line up
Never wasted a day in my life. Live life to the fullest me
do runts actually go on their phone when getting their hair cut? you're supposed to just stare at the mirror or close your eyes (like i do)
Wraith is a London based club night dedicated to transgressive performance to a soundtrack of evil. A multi-room event which defies genre limitations, it is a proponent of hardcore, hard techno, gabber, donk, and goth with a plethora of performance, fashion shows, and film screenings. Founded in 2019, the party was born out of a desire platform subversive creatives of all disciplines who have a penchant for the dark, transhuman, or fetishistic.

anyone went last night? gutted i missed it
yank dinnerladies look like this
ours look like fiona from shrek
by gaslighting myself into believing that this was the inevitable consequence of my upbringing and that it was really out of my hands from the start
sounds retarded
Zoomoids probably get anxiety lol
Me? Shooting the shit with barberberg
you're retarded you didnt even get the dating right lmao
convenitently dropping the part about 10 kings
the antichrist also does not fail they win for 5 horrible years before christ defeats them
also the 10 kings of the roman empire almost certainly refer to the geographical region they will arise i.e. kings from the areas formally occupied by rome
feel like SHIT
excessive eating. drugs. wallowing in depression and wasting my 30s.
Have you tried the ray peat carrot salad?
You are severely mentally ill
keep wanking in your smelly bedroom then
wanking in my smelly bedroom
>transgressive performance to a soundtrack of evil
Perfect for you, diego
I do the needful for she
oiling with trannies in my smelly bedroom
nah ill just go to normal places instead of bizarre shite
Mental how tiny women's skulls are
Could crush them with one hand
the prophecy is symbolic it doesn't mean 10 literal kings like it doesn't mean a literal beast
prancing little fag me
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corrr watching that movie
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I'LL SEE /brit/ BURN
Need all religious schizoid involuntarily committed to mental institutes
about to strip off and prance into the shower
Once had a zoomer barber who kept checking his phone whilst cutting my hair
got the football manager on
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>10 kings of the roman empire
The Japanese are an outpost of the American empire
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trolls sat simmering, scratching their heads at the fact mark can afford such luxurious gadgets
ps5 coming soon also
there dont have to be 10 "kings" as we traditionally think of them but it does have to be 10 rulers/leaders/people who function in a way similar to kings. you clearly dont even know the text because the 10 "kings" are expresesd symbolically as horns
why have you youed me?
all schizoids should be in mental institutes not sure why you are singling out just the relgiious ones
Been fantasising a lot about pissing down a lass's throat
Is this something a prossie would offer or no?
Not sure the gf would be into it
They are hopeless. An entire generation utterly mindraped
>Not sure the gf would be into it
You never know
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Last British oil refinery closing. We really are utterly helpless
who the fuck wants to hear "donk" or "goth" at a techno club
women really be having the jaw of a toddler lmao
leave my man rorke alone catberge
uteryl bizzare how diego is by far the coolest and most in the know guy here yet he has no friends rarely leaves the house and has never had a girl
how does this happane
You sure?
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Hope you lads are planning on retirement without a state pension. First the winter fuel payments next the state pension.
I don't think I would like her any more if she drank my piss desu
mental how you can't go one post without making spelling errors
>McLaren ask Piastri to back Norris title bid
About 3 races too late
Fucking mongs
I was almost killed in 9/11, luckily I was born just a few years after, that was a close one
Just got called a ponce in the card factory
would love his bennies stopped and to watch him starve
everyone in my family gets bowel cancer and dies before they turn 70 so I'm not worried really
I'm sure another 10 million foreigners is the solution
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really? fuck im sorry thats really grim
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> Thomas, 41, claimed he had acted in self-defence after she attacked him with a knife and he dismembered her body in their laundry room in a state of panic.

the good ol' self defence puree
got shite tickers in my family most go before 70 which would be be state pension age then anyway even if it stayed
cancer will be cured within 20 years.
when gfstein gets her medical degree i'm going to start calling her "my little quack"
nah it's too profitable of an industry
((((((((they)))))))))) won't let a cure be found
I don't think it would be a puree, more likely a sauce
lil thomas found out about her blackened past
did he take sam hyde's defense class
Christ what a fucking poofter you are.
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New creps
hey timmy
how does this happen
Surprised I made it to 30. Really doubt im getting to 70. Ill kill myself if even get close.
the bear wouldn't have pureed her
just saying
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who's "they"? Are they in the room with us right now lad?
been wanking to a lot of pissporn recently so decided to piss my jeans (in the shower) to see if it would turn me on
just felt disgusted with myself desu
>hey timmy
i'm like james bond but instead of saving the country her majesty needs me to goon for 8 hours
im in my 30s and i get ided sometimes
at first it was a compliment but now im just like are you actually retarded
they are everywhere
a random 3 letter agency is reading this very post (hello) maybe now, maybe in 10 years
it all goes in a big archive somewhere next to our IP and any information gathered by the trackers, cookies, or email addresses associated with your 4chanpass
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actually its completely normal. people living to 80 should be rare and extraordinary.
Well it's fine as long as I make it to my 60s
My sister died in her 30s which sucks
It's nice knowing what will kill me, I'm indestructible until the cancer gets me
does it involve melanated men
trip on spaino
Been awake for a solid 2 hours. Think I deserve a little nap until tea time.
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belgium doesn't like being reminded that when he first came to /brit/, he used to pretend to have a gf whom he watched have sex with black men

a few months later, he's pretending to be black

which one is it?
think she got to experience a bbc before she died?
are you a girl?
going to live to 100 and I'll be the last white person in britain
it's a failed Spainonce gimmick
braindead post
sorry to hear that
haha ye thats one way of looking at it
have you/have they adviced you not eat particular things to delay it?
wrecked him
literally a raincloud raining only over my house right now

this is bullshit

I can see there's no cloud and it's literally sunny at the other end of the road

what the fuck

localised showers? gangstalking showers
sorry but that's not me
didn't realise how many calories are in porridge
400cals in 100g of oats
bloomin heck
the last whiting tommy
4 calories per hundred grams is not a lot
Do you know what 100g of porridge looks like?
had a massive night out once and pissed in the piss bottle during the night, woke up later than night being very thirsty and drinking said piss
only realised it the next day when I saw bottle and remembered how off it tasted

oh well they say after being hydrated enough whatever comes out is basically water and some other shit innit (it was clear)
Sent that cloud myself to get you done
If you could quote him when you're doing this so you get filtered along with him that'd help everyone out. Cheers pal
Bookworm, Tea Enthusiast & Pluviophile
Plenty of fibre, stay healthy in general.
Taking aspirin for a long time can cause bowel cancer apparently which I didn't know until I looked into it
I don't know what other generals are like but from all the doomposting and pooposting this has got to be the worst general on /int/.
& Fucking Bitch
nah you'll just have to cope with it i'm afraid x
why is 190 obsessed with blacks

did his mum get rizzed up by one in front of him when he was a bairn and it left a permanent imprint on his feeble brain
a what file!?
i believe taking pills on an empty stomach can trigger too
you're a literal timmy that let your gf fuck black men LOL
the roadmen are out and the pale stretchies soon as well
Reading about the 2001 United Kingdom foot-and-mouth outbreak on Wikipedia
any man remember zo3y and sandy box?
get you fucking willy out for the ira
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Her mother cutting her hair and both of them acting like it is major surgery, when it is only an inch max and supposed to be a straight line. Of course, Mommy Bones might be taking a few sips before succumbing to the task, so I personally would not trust her with scissors, especially how accident prone she is.

At least Ruby is using her Oxford degree to its utmost with obscure paintings of little ghosts on everything she owns, writing down "activities" to do because she apparently can't contain that sort of information to memory, and reading every possible book she can find that mentions Oxford in it so she can pretend she is back there.

Don't even get me started on the grime she revealed on her bed when she started to pull off the sheets and revealed a pile of God-knows-what in the corner.

How odd it is that not once has she mentioned how her job is going, how she feels about it, if she would want to focus on Library Science for a career, or anything else. I don't expect her to say where she is working, for safety reasons, though I still assume it is just at her local school. If it were a public library I would hope someone saw her and would mention it here. I am sure the family is driving her back and forth, or she uses Uber. What a useless life she has. This was not inspiring, but rather depressing to see how low she has sunk.
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>the roadmen are out and the pale stretchies soon as well
better than anime posting and dead threads like most other generals
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>doxxing yourself and getting struck off for gross misconduct including misuse of sensitive medical data of a patient just to argue with some virgin who doesn't believe you're a dentist

oh my days blud
what kind of sick freak has those images saved
This counting calories anon gimmick is probably the worst gimmick I have ever fucking seen on /brit/ and this is coming from someone that despises cravendale posting.
avatar posting/off topic isn't allowed
Yeah so can I get a Big Mac please
Bargain bin rice
yeah I've just eaten it
How are Chinese cartoons worse than talking about poo all the time?
literal torture devices
Girlfriendberg is "phobic" about getting a haircut too
Think it's a tism ting
Don't have the figures to back this up but I reckon more people are anime fans than poo fans
All rice is bargain bin rice you daft spack
I really hope my dentist doesn't post on /brit/
>he doesn't buy organic grass-fed rice
enjoy your estrogen, mantits!
Anime is for nonces. This is an anti nonce general
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>Rape survivors are no longer being referred to a support service in Edinburgh after a review found it failed to protect women-only spaces.

>The report also stated that centre's chief executive officer – a trans woman – failed to behave professionally and did not understand the limits of her authority.

fucking screaming imagine putting a sexual deviant male in charge of a women's rape support centre. end this woke madness
agnosticism is correct
Women vote for the parties that support this. They made their bed let them lie in it
>failed to protect women-only spaces.
>chief executive officer – a trans woman
mental that
joining my universities book club to get a cute gf who reads
its the most retarded position of them all
are you
>Of course, Mommy Bones might be taking a few sips before succumbing to the task, so I personally would not trust her with scissors, especially how accident prone she is.
SCREAMING they're so cunty
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UK are the only people that don't know what One Piece is
shut the fuck up diego
It's what the poor people order at the chicken shop
the mandem
We hate everything that's good and love everything that's miserable. Our national pastime is whinging and being a miserable twat.
why are you obsessed with other men
Religious schizos still babbling I see
What would the Real Ale Society want with that info though?
let's be honest, they're out aren't they
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>Under a government surrender scheme Luton-based Sporting Wholesale will receive £10 compensation for each knife.
These are illegal but the gov just spent £350,000 buying somebody's stock of them
was britain being a bellend
Is that what you think? Aha... ahahaa oh my days... nah I ain't gon say anything then
lose bothways
all th e guilt and rules without the salvation
>of them
how embarrassing
praise jah
Verhofstadt sent flying back to the waffle factory
First commercial spacewalk today. Massive milestone in history. But they'd rather babble about their ancient Jewish texts. No wonder human beings cant advance
spainnonce you're a pasty white incel in your childhood bedroom, not a geezer lmao
yeah piss I think mate
how is this a "zombie knife"?

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