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Name 2 industries your country is the world leader in. Did you know that Sweden is the world leader in ball bearings (SKF) and air compressors (Atlas Copco)?
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Manga and Anime.
Soy agriculture.
I suppose all soy you put in your mouth was grow in Brazil and was bathed in glifosato.

Everything that contains "soy pectins" (not sure how you call that in English) have glifosato.
Polygon bike
White people.
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we build big cruise ships
What's the name of the company?
meyer turku shipyard
Technology, petroleum
ASSA abloy* is a swedish company
That's a German company THOUGH

That's a Swedish company THOUGH

Name a great Finnish company
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This is the only one I could think of.
stora enso and upm
nokia is still big in telecom
Cheap whores what else do you need?
we sell milk to china
prositution and videochat stuff.
also we produce a lot dacias, yes they are owned by renault and shit but for the most part the engineers and workers involved in the production are romanian and based in romania. so we export a lot of low budget cars that are reliable and affordable so there's also that, and I am pretty sure we have a pretty hot transport industry that operates through the eu, second only to poland in terms of "exporting the service"
diesel-electric submarines (TKMS)
armored fighting vehicles (KNDS)
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Oh fuck of course it is.
Fucking Swedes at it again.
more fuck finns for selling everything worth something to foreigners for some pennies as soon as they can
Pharma and scaming
How does a country have so much industry yet matter so little? It's baffling

Have a pity (you) with your sage
>That's a German company THOUGH
Its still finnish ship building...Wärtsilä makes engines on those large vessels, they also make largest engines in the world.
why is greenland so brutal
Beside ship building another industry would be harvesters
It's the same poster seething 24/7
Pretty much just fucking agriculture
Embraer (Airplanes) might get a nice boost thanks to Boeing shitting itself though
Nuclear power aaaaand... let it be rocket science
Recently purchased an M3 "made in sweden" air rife and its nice quality. Well built and no leaks, well done!

Sweden takes my high rank in high quality air riflez.
BTW it's not semi automatic so its GARBAGE!!! HAAAHAAHA
How is my valid ponder considered as "seething"?
>Nuclear power aaaaand.
I thought thats france these days.
I think Russia is pretty good at nuclear. We used to be too but it was killed by retards.
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Ummmmm, schweety, n00ks are fake,...and gaysh wiender
>stora enso


Thank you Fingols for Angry Bird...it was a good series. I liked it
You gaylords and your brittle little fee-fee's
Fuck you
palm oil
Freedom and private prisons
>I think Russia is pretty good at nuclear for third world countries.
There, fixed it for you.
As far as I remember, they operate more power units, but in technological terms they are far behind
>t. nuclearlet
You can get one too if you ask gently
EPR is far more modern than any VVER reactor in existence.
Thx, we have our own and I would rather not have anything that sensitive built by a russian in my country.
You can continue servicing global powers like India and Egypt.
You also make cranes for ports
Your country is the leader of seatbelt(Autoliv) too. It used to be the leader of seatbelt was Japanese company (Takata) but after it failed a lot, Autoliv become a new leader of seatbelt.
Oh, wait, it is not seatbelt, it's airbag
>Never built a single one
Keeeeek, Armata is also superior tank
Seriously, which one?
>Armata is also superior tank
Good bait
so finnish, swedes are like pajeets but in this case their diaspora isnt even really theirs.
>Your country is the leader of seatbelt
Volvo would had monopoly on three point belt but they didnt want to patent it.
I thought Germans were good at humor
I didnt joke
BHP and Rio Tinto are massive.
All together we do something like 30-40% of the world's iron and 50% of lithium, plus a good chunk of coal, gold, diamonds etc.
That's pretty much it these days. Rest of the economy is domestic service industry.
Single cell Protein
Imageboard posting
Nokia has never even had a Fennoswede CEO
It made the largest cruise ships in the world before it was acquired by foreign capital in 2014
Sweden is the leader in troons and niggers

Also IKEA is shit, Electrolux is shit, Volvo owned by chinks
Nobody knows what fennoswedes are, all cities in finland were swedish speaking in past and everyone had swedish surnames if you lived in urban areas. That swede is just baiting you. Wärtsilä is also "swedish" company because it currently has swedish ceo.
>everyone had swedish surnames if you lived in urban areas
because it was the only official language
people's official first names were also swedish afaik as i know
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Hey look, it's the seething Greenlander cunt again!!
Hello, hope you've had a great day!
Thank you so much for your answer! really explained a lot! WOW SUCH GREAT HAHAHA LOL LMAOOO GOOK MOOT OR WHATEVER
>Wärtsilä is also "swedish" company because it currently has swedish ceo.
It's owned by Swedes (SENPAI AB).
About what?
We already know you're a seething cunt.
We're keeping track of you, you know.
Its still finnish company, santa maria is also swedish despite of that finnish company bought it. Its different thing if someone buys dead brand and revives it like Volvo is still swedish but MG is chinese.
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Fashion, Wine

Too difficult for your simple mind to read my question. Figures. What else do you expect from a Sw*de other than complete and utter shit response.
You never asked me a question anon.
Perhaps take your schizo meds next time.
You just like to insert yourself into whatever, without a sense of surroundings, nevermind the conversation, just to insert yourself and name call like a little child. An infant. An infant assfuck cuntface that you are.

Fucking kill yourself
Volvo is Swedish and Swedish owned. You might be thinking about Volvo Cars.

Calm down
You wouldn't like it when I'm calm
Why does Greenland have its own flag? It's just part of Denmark. And why does the flag look like some kind of hybrid of Poland and Japan, instead of a cross every other Nordic country has?
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Essential seething Greenlander post.
Ask me how I know you're a dirty ape (Fennoseethe in latin)
Obsessed. Rent free.
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Grönländaren slår till igen.
How does it feel to know I won't kill myself for your enjoyment?
Great. You provide a ton of entertainment for our general. The betting alone is worth it. I made 450 kr last time I found you first.
Ummmmmmmm uhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmm
Tank building (Uralvagonzavod)
Nuclear energy (Rosatom)
I know this is bait but I will use it to remind you of the reality.
Latest Armata leaks show the turret to be incapable of stopping majority of autocannon rounds in service in the NATO.
CTA40 round would literally carry it off the chassis.
you're best at getting your tank crews killed, not at building tanks
Buying Italian fashion brands
I'm glad you're infested with rapes and killings in your cunt to be quite honest, and I hope you suffer your entire life (and the next)
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They're aesthetic. Find me a picture of a burnt out husk of a Leopard that looks this good.
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Rape mentioned. 25 points for me.
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>Name 2 industries
Sauna industries
IRC industries
Enjoy them, see if I care at all!
As a matter of fact, here:
>Blanda up
>Captain Sw*den
>Kalmars Union
>Hans Egede
>Guld Tuborg

Har jeg glemt noget??
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25 points.
Have more why don't you! Another (you) just for little Seethestan!
mobile phones
Swecucks are world leaders in wog importation
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Thank you, schizo.
Paying for my ssd upgrade.
Enjoy your imaginary ssd as long as it lasts
I will. PNY CS900 SATA 1TB for 539 SEK.
Thank you. Delivery on Tuesday.
Wow! Such vivid imagination. Very childlike.
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Thank you. Hope the meds you need aren't too heavy.
>Imagines I am on meds like the lunatic he is
>doesn't realize his own detachment from reality
Yep. The med situation is also a bet.
Schizo is like number 4 on the list of 15.
I also guessed mentally ill in general, autism and antisocial personality disorder. It's 74/122 so far for the last one so not much gain but fun anyway.
What the fuck is wrong with westoid zoomers, they don't understand the concept of basic irony/sarcasm? Seriously, I feel like I'm talking to an outdated chatbot.
1) I am not on meds, 2) not mentally ill, 3) not antisocial.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to cancel your brand new ssd, Sven.
You can't just name call then say "you've won"
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Sure buddy, sure
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>I am not on meds
Save that and send it to your "generals" that have "a bet" going on, "buddy"
hentai and war crimes
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Är du fattig eller?
Snak ordentlig dansk, ikke det her lortesprog.
Är du dankjävel?
Förklarar allt. Jäkla tryffelsvin.
Det er jeg ikke, gider bare ikke jeres lortesprog i det her sammenhæng.
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German sounding companies to lure foreigners
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>not luxury sports cars
Only Ferrari, Lamborghini got bought by Germans
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Tech (thoughever not tech manufacturing)
finance and anything to do with money
chemicals (i believe)
Oil and natural gas
probably a bunch of other random shit like idk tires or something
we used to be #1 in a lot of other things, but there has been deindustrialization sadly
also anything defense industry related so guns, tanks, bullets and so on
All of these companies are evil except for Hammond, which makes extremely sturdy and electrically shielded cases for industrial systems.
still an Italian brand and company
I'm unironically considering to apply as a diversity and inclusion internship next summer at the RBC. What am I in for?
Tænk at ikke kunne snakke den korrekte skandinavsik sprog, og alligevel gå rundt og kalder for anons mentalt syge LOOOL typisk sv*nskersvin
Are you and Isac the only 4chan posters in Greenland?
No. There other ones I know of are lurkers, they don't post.
>diversity and inclusion internship
Are you black?
No I'm Bi-Poc (Italian) and told them my religion is "Jewish". Hopefully this will boost my rating
>Bi-Poc (Italian)
What are you mixed with? Italian and black?
Enterprise ressource planning software and uhhhh... chemistry? idk if that's too broad
poland is #1 producer of wood and plastic windows
some semiconductor stuff
I think toilet paper.

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