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my country will pay you a lot to leave my country
that's dumb, illegals should just be deported.
at least you already closed the borders (or so I heard).
anyone who didn't have a grandparent in the country should be deported
the issue is the fact that they're not illegal (it's practically impossible to be an illegal in sweden)
are there other such cunts?
i could go to one, then to the other and get paid to leave cunt A for cunt B, then to leave cunt B for cunt A and so on.

live in the airports while watching my crypto\memestock porfolio grow
no, that's dumb
immigrants who learn the language, work for a living and aren't criminal should be allowed to stay
>no, that's dumb
no it's not
>immigrants who learn the language, work for a living and aren't criminal should be allowed to stay
no they shouldn't
So you indirectly paid them to come, paid for their welfare and other benefits, and now will pay them to leave (probably not permanently).

Interesting dynamic.
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>be nafri
>get $10000 to leave Sweden
>come back to Sweden with new documents
>go back to step 1

-> infinite money
just fucking shoot them
with guns
fuck, pay me 350000, I'll do it
Then they should kick you as well? After all NEETs contribute less
Too much money would just incentivize them to keep coming and get backdoor gibs with which they can live like kings in their own shit poor countries. However, at least this is better than nothing which is what we're doing and thereby making it cost-prohibitive to deport millions.
It's not about contribution you fucking retard
>NEETs contribute less
One shooting costs approx. €6 600 800. Native swedes do not commit crimes. So yes, immigrants indeed contribute more, but only negatively.
Imagine if there were two countries with this same policy, and you could just keep getting deported between them, receiving money each time.
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israel dosnt do that
what if i stand just on the border of sweden and i run in and out quickly 2000 times a day? is there a limit do i have to be X meters deep to get paid?

i could be getting 10000SEK*2000= ~7 mil in a day

i bet i could even make a carusel\centrifuge on the border si i enter and leave sweden every second
>at least you already closed the borders (or so I heard).
no lol, they're still pouring in
brilliant idea saar
how long would i have to stay in sweden for this to apply to me
There's virtually no nafris in Sweden and barely any in Germany, I don't know why you retards are obsessed with us.
You have infinitely more Syrians, Iraqis, Somalis, Afghans, etc.
Very few nafris is too many already
Did you miss that Algerian nafri that siegetowered the swedish couple
Or the ones in Germany ranking first in all crimes statistics
there is an issue, most of those people have no papers and won't tell you where they are from
a lot of them want to go back but have nothing to go back to, stuff like this can help
good points
still, we shouldn't let in people without papers in the first place
hope the government here finally closes the fucking borders
>siegetowered the swedish couple
I don't remember all details it was like a year ago or something
His "gf" broke up with him then he entered through the window and stabbed someone with a knife
why come here just to be fucking high 24/7
i can get being high every once in a while, that's fine
but he looks like he's never been sober before
They're subhumans anon
Why are you asking such questions thinking they even have a thought process
Here's vid


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