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This upsets the thirdie poster
>Live better than most of the world
You know it's sad when they use gdp and not living standards
considering the India + China alone is already "most of the rest of humanity" isn't saying much. the real benchmark is comparing them to the average in other industrialized nations.
We are third world compared to Europe and Australia
Most of the European countries are unironically poor though if we are also counting Slavic Europe and some EU members.
>They are poor because gdp and uh that's it

Wow such a poor country it's wild they have cheap affordable healthcare or universal healthcare wow they also have hsr and free education
>Wow such a poor country it's wild they have cheap affordable healthcare or universal healthcare
You are mentally ill if you think the average person in Bulgaria, Romania or Belarus for example lives better than the average American
Well yeah, but it's not like there's much competition.
And comparing ourselves to other losers will just make us become losers.
Bulgria and Romania actually does they have higher education, they are healthier and prettier
>They are healthier
Both of them have a lower life expectancy rate than the US
I mean if you like gypsies that's your thing
>Better higher education
Kek even
so, all of those threads about americans suffering is just mere bitching
Yes unironically. It's people who work at Wendy's complaining about not being able to buy house because they work at a fucking Wendy's.
>This upsets the thirdie poster
Actually it upsets the left-leaning anons who really think America is third world
It's not hard to be more attractive than a American
Go back to Guatemala
Unironically go back to your parents' shithole country anon.
I always suffer in South Korea cuz I wasn't born in the Great America You know what I mean
>-Posted from my Samsung kimichi storage unit-
American education is honestly dog shit it's so fucking awful
I wish death upon you.
>my country is better than yours
Then go back you parasite
It's better than South Korea though
American knowledge of the world is slim because nobody cares about it.
Education wise we still hold many of the top universities in the world, and having a degree from an American university is still leagues better than nearly anywhere else.
>I'm not getting paid enough
*average salary is twice of european/japanese, 9 times of chinese, 10 times and more than indian
>My rent and house is too expensive
*live in big house with yard, parking slot and multiple rooms
>I can't afford my food
*eat a lot more meat in average than other countries, has food stamp and drinkable tap water
>I have little disposable income
*can afford to travel, can afford eating out, can afford to buy iphone, can afford sub netflix, can afford to buy games

American don't suffer
anon, everyone knows that. That's why it's hilarious when you complain about your "problems" to the rest of the world and no one takes you seriously.
I must add that it seems strange to me that this thread is mostly Americans, that surprised me.
I honestly don't care how well off we are financially. It doesn't make up for the fact that I have to deal with Americans on a daily basis.
fact: only 4% of mexicans earn more than 1500 usd per month
It’s true , better to be neet welfare taker then working class in third world
Free heating, ac, water, roof, free garbage pick up
How come Mexicans don't come here anymore if pay still isn't good? It's mostly South American that do it illegally here now. Are there resources available that enables people to get by?
Post skid row.
Why comparing? What is good enough? The basic requirements for supporting oneself might differ with population density, climate ability to farm, herd, hunt and fish. A self-sufficient culture not having tap water isn't necessarily poor. They might even be richer as in healthier and happier. They might even procreate!
The norm of western culture is dystopic. You have the ability to see how other people live. They go by the same way as forever and ever. Sure, catching parasites or going dysfunctional might not be as fun in a hunter-gatherer culture but neither is being pushed through life by the minute dial. It's sickening.
Sudacas welcome nowadays, i imagine
>Post skid row.
That's a street filled with drug addicts with mental issues AKA not the normal person. That's like me posting some Gypsy village in Europe where people are marrying off their kids at the age of 10 and saying all Europeans live like that.
I would rather live in your country.
>It's people who work at Wendy's
Why do these people's pov not count just because of their job? A lot of people work in customer/food service, it's probably like 10% of the population
Forbes, a tabloid for big business is publishing an article in which it scolds Americans for caring about inequality, calls it whining, and says that poor Americans should be happy and stop asking for more, because they don't have it as bad as Zimbabwe yet.
The average American does not go in the top universities, not to even mention the poor who can't go to a university at all.

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