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i'd ram my bwc into her all night till our juices foam up and make a mess all over the bed
얘는 왜 포챈에서 빨리는거냐? 진짜 ㄹㅇ 이해 1도안됨.
might be hard to believe but I have a serious and completely unironic question
what do korean girls smell like?
do they even have a distinctive smell recognisable as "korean girl"?
I know about the muh no smelly sweat gene thing most koreans have, but I imagine koreans still smell like *something*
they vagina smell like literal squid
what the fuck? really?
i'm buying a plane ticket RIGHT NOW to confirm this
they don't really smell just the perfume they wear
but mouth they do sometimes smell to kimchi and garlic specially if they ate at bbq before
stay away from them, you don't want to know
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i'm listening to this
my top 3 groups in korea
epik high
are you in late 20s - early 30s?
im 24 why
>Big bang

Bad normalfag music taste
i love korean girls
typical korean zoomer taste
retard take, legit the only good boy band in Korea all the rest are boybandslop for brown teenagers
korean zoomers have good taste then
6inches isn’t special
I’m 7inch and 3/4 whores I had did not hit the cervix
presuming you're an actual kim how do I avoid the "I want to date a foreigner because they are a foreigner" weirdos?
I might be in korea to study for a year or two at some point soon™
I'm not entirely against dating someone from another culture but I'm fairly opposed to it, and utterly if it's for weird fetish-y reasons
any clear telltales?
have you considered maybe you shouldn't be fucking whores with loose pussy instead?
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you can't, all korean woman worships scandinavian boys
게이팝 빠순이 양녀들은 한국와서 무슨생각들까
just avoid filled with foreigner bars/clubs and go to the ones that are all Koreans not that complicated
I look like a total fucking caveman, like I could crush lesser men with my bulging brow, so surface level attraction will not be an issue

if that's true it's just like here then I guess
tell me korean forums like dcinside and Hellven.
I want to lurk about Shin Tae Yong.
you sound like a cuck
how do you know hellven
also if you are into football then lurk in fmkorea, the incel capital of korea.
>I look like a total fucking caveman, like I could crush lesser men with my bulging brow, so surface level attraction will not be an issue
Korean girls like twins though, you have to look like Timothee
I think you might be misinterpreting me a bit
I don't actually care about getting a korean gf, it's just something that might conceivably happen
but I'm deeply concerned about the weird foreigner fetishists masquerading as a legitimate gf
my area has a bunch of chinese transfer uni students and a fair few of them are total weirdos wanting to date locals just to date locals. it's completely fucked.
I legit can't comprehend how come people who can speak English could be into kpop slops. All of them are strange as fuck.
bubble gum good tho
>but I'm deeply concerned about the weird foreigner fetishists masquerading as a legitimate gf
i mean most Korean girls that go "foreigner hunting" are fine normal girls they just prefer white guys same as a lot of white guys there only go for Korean, you just have to avoid the one where more than preference is self hating you can tell because they wear stuff like blue contact lenses or dye their hair blonde and speak bad Korean culture or fat ugly tattooed ones if the like black guys and ofc they will cheat on you the moment they find a hotter foreigner but that's like 1% of the girls you will encounters as long as you avoid foreigner bars
i wasn't really into kpop until i lived in Korea so guess that's what makes the difference at least for a guy, can say the same about my friends some of them are just your typical sports american guy but after Korea they listen to Newjeans unironically
but desu i prefer korean hip hop to kpop
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>korean thread
>kp*p and dating advice, nothing else
truly the country of whores and absolutely nothing else
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women, music, footie and alcohol are the only things that really matter in life
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hopefully more Koreans come to 4chan and liven this place up
I've tried architecture posting before (because korean woodworking is pure cum) multiple times but it never lead to anything
If you attend korean language classes in uni around here the ratio is usually like 15 girls for every 1 male. Literally the only language that's like this.
considering buying hangul stickers for my keyboard because it's fucking annoying i want to type korean but idk where the letters are only know how to type korean in phone
fappin' at wmaf
Hangeul is optimized for typing for some reasons. Consonant and vowels could be perfectly divided in keyboard
considering the sheer volume of coomers glued to their screens stroking their miniscule deformed flesh obelisk to kpop amongst the online korean population it´d only get worse, the only answer if the nuke the entire peninsula
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yeah i know is divided left and right but still hard to memorize it if you don't use it frequently
when i want to type Korean i just use phone with hangul keyboard
I guess I should have specified I only like traditional korean woodworking, the type that falls under somokjang specifically

stickers tend to be pretty shit
keycap sets tend to be very overpriced
buy a lower end 60% kb
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please go to pocha drink soju and talk to girl then maybe sex
do what i cannot do for me
yeah maybe better just connect a second korean keyboard
>>my top 3 groups in korea
>posts 2 ugly bitches from a group made to replace newjeans
dumb spic
Newjeans, Aespa and Illit
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>he fell for the manufactured outrage and artificial scandals drama
Kek anon knows. Asian girls breath is usually bad in general and their oral hygiene is disgusting
this is why im suspicious of self-proclaimed yellow fever fags who suck up to korean women online
because irl 90 percent of the people who consume or are interested in korean pop culture are women, and only a few sexpats put korean women in the top tier on their forums
im pretty sure that one male student taking a korean course is only doing it out of business or academic curiosity too
>manufactured outrage and artificial scandals drama
you're a fucking retard and those 2 bitches are ugly af
>I've tried architecture posting before (because korean woodworking is pure cum)

Please share some trad K-woodworking, friend, i am interested.

You haven’t lived until you’ve made a cute, shy East Asian girl absolutely soak the bedsheets.

I’m not East Asian but I’m married to a Chinese girl who didn’t have any particular special interest in Western guys and if not for meeting me would probably be living back in China married to some Zhang in a tier 1 or 2 city. I think the key to find a girl from another culture like you describe is to learn something about her culture, language etc. Don’t just show up and only be able to communicate to her in English or most likely you will only get girls that the Japanese describe as ‘gaijin hunters’. I’ve lived in China for a few years though and my honest experience is that if you want to find an East Asian girl, you are better off trying to meet one who has travelled abroad for study, as she will be surrounded by westerners and you won’t be a novelty. If you go to their own countries, it will be easier to meet them but lots of them won’t have had much of an exposure to foreigners so they’ll probably date you just because they’ve got a chance to ‘try it’ and it won’t be as genuine or good for the long term.

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