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Gold Coast, QLD edition
A mere £200 more and you could have got yourself some airpods
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lovely nuts and bolts
As expected, a mug of lemsip was an excellent plan
Now I feel ready and raring to go and only slightly off my head
looks like nuts and bolts, anyone here agree?
white people should be illegal immigrants for every country in the world
I hate black olives
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That look you get when you ask a girl out
cheeky 'cide on the cards
stop the dogwhistling and just say you hate black people
I hate the fucking papers saying "economy is good" while we have Argentinian styled inflation and great depression levels of hardship
i can't ask a girl out because i have no job and live with my mum
So tempting to put heatingberg on for 30 minutes
Need the hot metallic smell of the radiators in my nose
should deport the white people instead, you registered?
mental thing to order from a takeaway. would scran though i love olives
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weird init?
had a fan on 3 weeks ago
now freezing my bollocks off

would have been nice were there more of an intermediary period
Ruddy nora
6 degrees in september
it's over
Reckon I'd be under the heated blanket right now if I were at home
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Mud cookies for breakfast
that doesn't stop a lot of men you know but good on you for trying to be honorable at least
or is it just that you fear rejection?
look weird and sore and swollen like they'd be full of pus
it's just a sunburn man
i'm pathetic and don't deserve a gf, i need to at least get a job before i even think about approaching a woman
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Same honestly I am ugly as fuck too so I should get plastic surgery
because you feel that a man should be able to provide and protect? or because you're worried about ending up depending on the woman? or because you just find it embarrassing?
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Just Reddit and X (formerly known as twitter) reposts at this stage
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Cold? Certainly
But a beautifull day it must be said
Time to seize it
I thought we already ascertained that you're not ugly in the face you just think you're ugly because you have a limp or something
how would plastic surgery help that?
it's more like i don't want her to have the upper hand over me, also i'm pretty sure she'd give me the flick once she finds out what a loser i am
ghost of john macafee going mental
We will never reach them
I have no idea why Elon keeps pretending we will
stole it from my group chat actually
get the coats on
I am literally ugly honestly also doesn't help I am a neet right now because of how awful the job market is in America right now
try positive motivation instead of negative
If we stay around long enough why wouldn't we?
We could basically send stuff there now using existing tech if we really wanted to
WTF have any of you lads seen this
Also I am ugly for anyone to tell me this bullshit
we already told you you're not ugly
you might have body dysmorphia
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Thinking of buying one myself

yeah mad, supposed to get a bit warmer next week apparently
try cleaning my crack with your tongue
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Post scary pics
nice attitude
good luck with that
4.25 years at the speed of light for the closest one
That's an absolute speed limit of the universe.
Find humans willing to give up 8.5 years of their life for what is likely a barren star system anyway and on top of that we can't get anywhere near that speed.

The fastest ever manmade object (Parker Space Probe)'s fastest ever speed was 0.064% the speed of light.
At that speed the closest star system would be 6640 years away.
It's just impossible desu.
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Nice looking gaff
Have to work today. From home but still
don't need luck im not a gay redditoid pop psychologist CUNT like you
Remember when going to the moon was impossible
All you need to do anything is political will and money to get it done
So just go the speed of light then it's not hard. America used to be 3 months away by boat, then we could get there in under 3 hours
can't wait to take up golf when i'm middle aged and rich
>not gay
>requests to have his anus tongued
sure buddy
could be anyone from behind
no niggas
it's not "we need the technology"
we're cucked by the very laws of physics itself
It will take a long time
But human civilization has been about for like 15k years
Luckily we have billions to play with
we literally have alien spacecraft sitting around in warehouses
we just need wormhole technology like in event horizon
*picks up piece of paper*
*folds it it half*
*pushes pencil through it*
I completed one year of a physics undergrad so I can tell you it's genuinely possible
The Laws of Physics is a set of rules. They guide us... shape us as humans ... teach us to hold mass and velocity sacred above all. But how we live with those rules is the true test of a human. And you... have failed.
You don't need wormholes to explore the universe
You just need loads of time
That's it
womble technology
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On the traino
gonna see how many bottles of lucozade l can drink today
hope it derails x
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womble hole technology
the us gov just distributed a guidebook to hundreds of police departments on how to report and respond to ufos
if any aliens come round here I will kick them back to alpha centauri
stupid cunt
the uk countryside is so nice
There is literally nothing wrong with eating peanuts using a spoon and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
member the Olympics? that seemed to come and go with little fanfare
I'm about to make you a UFO you little virgin
good man
built for concrete BBC
I've been known to eat crisps with a spoon when out waking if my hands are dirty
enjoy ;)
How do you know when the Olympics is calling you?
Five rings
nigga eating peenuts by the spoonful :skull:
cor love an early morning train ride through the country while the sun rises
wonder if i shall drink this evening
it's just true in my experience
feeling love and desire for good things gets better results than dwelling on fears of things like being dominated or rejected
Get the cucumber water down you
Jagged Little Poo
Smeggy bread
Mad how UFOs only go to America. Are they blasting Disneyland adverts out into space now?
How about the cucumber water minus the cuber water part
cucumber water for customer only
time isn't a piece of paper and our collective existence isn't a pencil
even if you get a gf she'll eventually cheat on you anyway so don't bother
Because other countries are irrelevant
there is a utensil which exists specifically for that purpose
Your cock is a pencil you tiresome blot
oh shut up you old hag *throws a cinnabon at you*
actually skinned at this ffs
I meant to reply to this >>202174320
Stephen Lawrence back on the BBC front page again
Haha x
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good morning, good morning
Americans be like
Yeah I bought a chip holder I saw on an infomercial
call your mum's fanny the sharpener
>Mad how UFOs only go to America
they're seen all over the world m8
I'm sure there is but a spoon can be used for crisps and then used for my tea as well
Can't be carrying superfluous cutlery when you're out walking
nuclear sites across the world regularly report being interfered with by ufos
hired goons?
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his friendship with Elle Fanning sis OVER

Ella Purnell is his new best friend now
Thoughts on Imogen Gay Poots?
that's fair
I just think eating crisps with a spoon doesn't sound very nice
I think I'd wear a plastic glove before doing that
plotting, planning, scheming things that will never happen
I did buy one once but I didn't see it in an informercial I saw it in a japanese shop
highly peng
on a busy train but need a poo. quite the conundrum.
Does it have windows?
trading clues for fleeting pleasures
remember lce Spice?
No they aren't

No they don't

pair of you need to grow up
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man's got interesting taste
I don't bloody care the cost; get them in and get them housed.

diversity is our strength
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>and then i said, fuck the pensioners darling! *loud guffawing*
it's the, japs eye of the tiger
it's the thrill of the shite
cope on humanoid
almost perfectly aligns with /tv/
why would you do this? what the fuck is your problem? proper bellend, right nonce.
>interesting taste
What, attractive women?
shes goated
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i am a white Greek man.
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Been to any weddings involving fat people?
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>After months of teasing her debut album Y2K!, featuring star collaborations with Central Cee, Travis Scott, and Gunna, Ice Spice released it on July 26th. Initially projected to sell around 20k units in its first week, the album struggled to gain momentum and ended up moving only 28k units.
>peaked at 18 on the charts
they need a new mystery mutt industry plant
imagine being a femoid
4 billion hairy apes wanting to grope and molest you
and they're all stronger than you and you can't do anything

just threats everywhere the second you step out the door
must be terrifying
Yeah men are horrid
porridge and honey for brekkie, got a covfefe on the brew also
it lush
just listened to the fart song, she tried to rhyme fighting with saiyan
its cus she just drops the same song every time
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I'm more of a maple syrup guy when it comes to porridge
Honey containers always get sticky
anyone konw if diego is in?
used to put a handful of almonds in my porridge + honey back in my porridge days
>Carbs on carbs first thing in the morning
Pancreasberg's gonna flip his nut
All your days should be porridge days
sucking an instant
I have not had a single friend since highschool or a single girlfriend since last year
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they were for a good while but then I got too fat

now I eat eggs for breakfast every day
Nor a single interesting post ever
You're saying porridge made you fat?
It is nicer but it's unreasonably expensive here
Honestly I wish I was born as a normal person I probably wouldn't have ended up the way I am just hoping I die soon. I will probably never find love again
corrrrr lads
in bed farting
On season 7 on Columbo, not much left now l dont want it to end
I was eating a lot of it trying to bulk up. It wasn't protein porridge either it was just basic oats, milk, honey and almonds.
A Britain in which a man can't afford a tablespoon of maple syrup with his breakfast...
British ravens be like CORRR CORRR
made a banana smoothie just then
Mad how peng of a day it is. Going to enjoy looking out my window as I spend all day inside on redundant toil meetings
too ugly, too poor, too stupid
always a laugh in the honey aisle of the supermarket when you've got your normal honeys and then randomly there's a tiny jar sitting there for £20.00+

who actually buys these
bloody freak
that's a show for grandparents you daft twat
thats real honey
the cheap stuff is mostly sugar paste
blog on you boring bastard
got the secret swingers on
If you're not buying Organic glyphosate-free honey from a brand that says they're miles from any farm using pesticides then you don't care about your health
got uctoil today

don't mind if I do
Someone hacked my thread. It shows on catalog but it goes404 when I enter.
Not true now is it
well sometimes grandparents have good taste
apparently honey never goes off

they found honey in the egyptian tombs and it was still good to eat
early new
5.70 aud is about 20 gbp
sucking a glyphosate smoothie
who tried it first l wonder
Put some LSD in it and it'll go off
Same with their poo
probably one of the wall-smashers who did the bulk of the work getting into the tomb
do you like any music artists that very obviously have a majority femoid/gay following

adore florence and the machine me
can't get enough of her
bent nonce
Well see this is a crazy idea but I like music artists for the music they make
Charlie XCX
they say kate bush and grimeth do, I don't believe it, 100% alpha music
big thief
Shut the fuck up
window cleaner is coming today
It's probably been deleted lad but is showing for you because you have it in your cache, saved there prior to deletion.
Sounds like a scam desu

All honey is sugar syrup
it's fucked mate, big time
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did you ever watch Columbo in Brazil?
charloid xcx
but ive been a charli fan since 2013 im an OG fan
its all kicking off in Cheadle lads
It's been deleted lad was it some paedo shite?
bloog on
wow glendale
die glowie
l dont really like music anymore. Not sure when it happened just dont care for it
I eat bee vomit
screaming as the poo leaves my arse
I just cached my clear and it's still there on the catalog.
Give it a check. It's the same pic as /bra/.

The UK and EU must do something.
manuka honey is special and has more uses than just culinary
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the wife, stage right
literally just saw this on reddit
it's probably too intense and scary for you right now
NEED a black metal corpse paint gf
Must be tiresome doing your make up like that daily
Slipmami. I want to go to a concert from her, it looks like heaven with all those black women.
I don't think so. The name and that pic doesn't ring a bell.
ok thanks 190
makeup is fun
shamus bringing his fetish to /brit/ again
this is pretty based
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kylie minogue has some bangers there's no two ways about it
If you can see my thread clicking on this link but can't open it you are now gay
Poor lad but this is hilarious
classic, diabolical what they did to our boy (andrew?)
My dad constantly tells me how cool he was in highschool and how he was a "slut" I can't even get a girl to like besides one bitch dumb enough to think I was a good guy
playing with my nipples
don't think anyone's ever noticed this before but I think we might be becoming a bit of a nanny state
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>wake up and we're at war with russia
cool thanks keir
>4 toblerones
fat cunt
your dad's a creep
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why they gotta do my boy Dale like this
but if people stop ordering takeaways what will the millions of delivery boys do?
Love me sum tires on my chippies
I don't know he constantly tells me how he used to have so much sex in school but made fun of me when ever I am awkward around women I am still recovering from him bringing me to a strip club and laughing at me feeling nervous
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little creature fella (I have no idea what animal this is)
me right now, got me feet up
itll be one of them armourdildos i reckon
they carry leprosy
off to the bottleo, i intend to get proper sloshed tonight
Basically my dad got angry so he made me go to a strip club to get beer but laughed because I was nervous when a girl was grabbing my dick and making fun of me for being
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i am forgotten
slow day at toil
smooth on the inside crunchy on the outside
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aaa ugi dis ill oee
pick me up some goon and smoko please lad
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actually have a similar body to Columbo
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(theme chune to this webm)
trust the science
cunt do i look like i'm made of money? have to take out a second mortgage
that's a fucking somalian
lovely hairy chest
wonder if he smelled good
diet starts tomorrow
today I eat like a king
'ki'za on the way?
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pussina and her pussinitas
is it that bad? how much is a pack of marlboro gold/red? thought it was bad here it's about £16.50 now
is this real
Lads I’ve only gone and took a holiday in Budapest havent I
yeah, show us a pic
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instead of pretending random ancient peoples were black they could just study african history and actually uplift black people and teach them about their history
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watchu talkin bout
country pubs in australia are closing down all over the place because the beers are too expensive so they don't get many patrons anymore
government NEEDS to fuck off with their absolutely insane taxes on beer
hahaha yeah hahaha
why have they got plastic rubbish around their necks
my thread has been hacked
don't know what that is but I think I'll have a full english this morning
the point is not to uplift jiggaboos but to demoralise whites
sir this is a wendys
same here lad it's becoming impossible for a small business owner to run a pub, it's mostly chains here and won't be long before that's all there is
>full english
sounds racist
hair falling out at an incredible rate
wont be anything left come christmas
yeah been there a few times
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Hello brit itsa me, Anonygar from Budapest. Anyone making goulash today :DDD ebin!

One I took last night
only boomers and turbo normies go to pubs anyway so no loss
was going to become a doctor but saw an image of a black ice age lad so l'm too demoralised
>slaps your bald head
one of the worst posts I've ever laid eyes on on this site
refuse to believe a real aussie made this post
isn't that the chernobyl level from cod4?
tons of those micro pubs (pub in a regular shop) about
yeah overpriced beer in a loud venue surrounded by mongs sounds bloody amazing
I like this band men I trust but I'm pretty sure woman and gays love them
love a dingy pub, they were all renovated
I have a chance to snag a depressed girl from Japan she is 35 and never dated anyone
in australia they dont allow you to be drunk in pubs
Currently pissing it down here so not sure what to do
It’s the national Cathedral?
you want to move to japan?
like her
When is Belle coming back?
I’ve talked to a yank about them before in this thread. They’re 4chang approved. Try out ‘The Marias’
how is that possible? what's wrong with her? she's probably crazy
she's past it
was really wanting to get drunk tonight but i really can't be arsed to go to the bottleo
YOU! Yes you, what Wikipedia article are you reading RIGHT NOW? For real man, I can't get enough of Wikipedia.

She is depressed and was too busy
can you not get a paki on a bike to deliver booze in aus?
>belle in 2024
We have saying in Hungary. When lamb turned sheep, no longer tender meat :DDDD
mad how she can just reappear whenever she wants and make a couple million great british pounds
got a few lined up, might read em, might not, might look a bit further into it, might not
why the fuck would you want to do that? alcohol tastes awful, then just makes you dizzy, then feel even worse later.
for me, it's getting snacks from bakeries
Gotta be honest with you Hungary bro, her pussy is fucking gross looking.

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