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Russians be like:
>"this is my son Kolya and my daughter Dasha"
do they REALLY????????

Serbianx be like:
>"this is my son Nikola and my daughter Nikolina"

Can you explain please?
Russian names are shit
I don't want to hear anything from the guy named Jack.
Btw Kolya and Dasha is just diminutive forms of Nikolai and Daria.
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>Nikolai and Daria.
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>Nikolai and Daria.
What's so funny?
Dutchies be like: Dit is mijn zoon Toon en mijn dochter Joke
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>Nikogay and Diarrhea
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>most famous dasha is the world-famous whore with triple digit bodycount
How are they coming back from this?
They seem like nice names
they are just bastardized Greek names mostly except when they try to larp as slavs and use Vladislav/Svyatoslav/Whateverslav
I will name my son Dushan or Iliya. Something strong.
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>Dushan or Iliya
>t. Sun Hui Chai
What makes it weird that you form Male and female diminutives the same way.
So instead of turning Peter and Petra into Peťo and Peťa, you turn both into Peťa.
Makes all your men sound like women.

There's also Whatevermir and the rarely used Whatevermil.
No such name here.
It would be Petr/Pyotr. And diminutive form is Petya, Pet'ka.
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>I'm totally not a Russian as well lol
russian names are cool
I like sasha
>no such name
Ok. I'll use a name you do have. Tell me, is Жeня a man or a woman?
Not him but Жeня isn't a name either.
It's another diminutive.
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your fate awaits you.
I'll have the last laugh
Жeня diminutive, it can be applied to both man and woman.
It's a name in the same way Bill or Rick or Bob are names.
My point is that you use -я, -ькa, -юш(к)a -ёчкa as endings for diminutives of both male and female names, making it impossible to tell them apart. Meanwhile for other slavs -a makes a name female, so your male diminutives sound feminine to us.
all these webm, and yet you're still losing lmao
kursk falls in 2 more weeks
Retard thread
>It's a name in the same way Bill or Rick or Bob are names.
No it isn't. Those are actually names Americans name their children. There are people with "Bob" and "Bill" in their passports. No Russian has "Жeня" written in their passport.
>making it impossible to tell them apart.
Only for what like 2 names? Nobody is going to think Ивaнyшкa is female. English also has unisex nicknames like Alex for example
i would call my kids Kirill and Sasha 0___o
>making it impossible to tell them apart.
Only for foreigners probably.
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Australians be like:
>This is my son Chang and my daughter Cheng
name them kiril and methodius
I like russian names
Always have
well the methodius isn't really a girly name
you mean "my wife son" and "my wife daughter"
Polackx be like
>this is my son Mateuszczs and my daughter Martysczcka
americans be like
>ayo das my lil homies kentarius an shani'quah, didn't see those niggas since they be a week old
Russians be like:
>Sirgay, come drink some cumpot
>this is my daughter Dashcam
italixns be like
>ayo deesa izza my son Tony and-a my daughter Antonia
Neanderthal phenotype
Matuesz and Martyna, retard
Sorry, it's Mateusz, not the shit I misstyped
Not going to lie for me Dasha sounds really good
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At least Dasha will remain pure for her husband Igor on their wedding night
Too bad people do not respect purity anymore, I wish they did but it seem as if everybody got used to impurity, they don't mind double digit bodycount of their partners
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That's what you get for building your country on poor nazi larp, I guess
Beavis Calm down
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Russians be like
>this is my son Sasha
Americans be like
>this is my son Cletus Jr. and my daughter Sadie and my dog also named Sadie
this is my curwa bober
You can't even pronounce how to say "Hello" properly, who are you laughing at?
hello Terrence where is u brother Philip
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>a fucking leaf
My name is Misha. And I fucking hate it, when westies assign this name for females in movies and vidyas.
Familiar forms of Aleksander in SLO:
>if you're Serbian
>if you're Slovene but hang out with Serbian
>if you're Slovene
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stop having a girl name then fag
It's a male name. Diminutive from Mikhail.
here all names ending in a are female
despite the fact that the Serbs use 'Saša' like the Russians, the short form of their name Mihajlo is 'Mišo'. But the short Slovenian form of Mihael is 'Miha'.
We use Mikha too. Misha is softer and more common version. Besides it has some habits in old ways before Christianity, when people called eachother by their "nicknames", for example it was common to have a name like Boar, Wolf etc (in Russian of course), so Misha is also assigned as soft name for a bear.
>, for example it was common to have a name like Boar, Wolf etc (in Russian of course)
the name Vuk (wolf) is still common in Serbia today. In Slovenia nobody is called Volk, not since 700 years ago. The only other of our male short form ending in -a is actually Germanic, Žiga (short for Žigmond, being Sigismund) which nobody uses even officially.
mine too but i don't care
Your name is Mikhail thoughever
Go back to Russia, Misha
>see foreign name
>my dumbass has no idea if it's masculine or feminine
Is that true? You should be rather concerned about your own then.
make him erm... idk average esti name tho
what's the most common name in Slovenia as of now ?
I mean banderism is only about that part of Nazi ideology that advocated for acquiring a living space for their people via slaughter of other nations
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>Nikolai and Daria
>acquiring a living space for their people
Isn't fucking ukraine is like the biggest country in europe (being fully in europe and not partly like Russia)
with population being... 30 mil
>No it isn't. Those are actually names Americans name their children. There are people with "Bob" and "Bill" in their passports
I'm sure it happens but mostly what the German said
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thx for laugh
She looks exotic.

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