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tfw no gf edition
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Sir War Starter
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New 'oodie
>tfw 83% chudjak
for me? it's pooing.
thank god ww3 is finally starting, i was worried i'd have to live out my entire life with a pure soul
think I just found out how asian people were made

you know when you were little and you pulled a silly face and your mummy said it will stay like that if the wind changes

did they all squint at the same time when the wind changed
mad to think at one point in time it was seen as cool to be a soldier in america, to go off an fight in the middle east. a weird dude-bro culture at the time. all those young lads who went off to fight must be so messed up now, if they're still alive.
state of that barnet
every time i see a beautiful woman all i can think about is drinking her piss. whats wrong with me lads.
Why are you mongs going on about ww3
it's a shut-in WFH day x
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all neets aged 18 to 35 should be drafted into the military (myself included)
same except sniffing her anus
very strange how i start working at 4pm and have only done 3 hours work by 10pm
where did the time go
what happened...
haha just found a job haha

Wow yeah mad to think that people back then thought it was cool to go off to a foreign land and wage war and kill savages, mental that, people have never thought soldiers were cool in any other part of history
Think one of the issues with military mongs becoming weepy drug addicts after leaving is they had no clue what to do with their lives going in and then they still don’t know what to do with their lives coming out
got orson on
what's that horrid thing on his face?
Suddenly was it
>all those young lads who went off to fight must be so messed up now,
Why do you think that? You've been reading too much bent WW1 poetry I reckon
Most soldiers bloody love war
We have the chad warrior culture that you used to
not sure what the indian lad delivering me food did, but the front yard smelled disgusting, very unnatural odour
ruined that freak
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shat in your flowers
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nth for the baddiedem
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didn't realise it didn't say "in crash" (which is why i posted it cos freddie flintoff had a big crash) in the headline whoops
Indian restaurant I order from yesterday smelt like piss but like weird ethnic people piss
Bit racist mate
Getting F'd in the A

What words do you think?
watched a twink white boy shag her rotten
88% chud haha yess yess
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Why is Freddie Flintoff being played by a paki?
frigged in the 'arris
But they're normally such good drivers
very strange innit
getting feed in the asthenosphere
im thinking specifically of that post-9/11, "america fuck yeah" period. usa had a weird culture of that time but noone really cared because the machine kept on turning.
what did air mean by releasing a song called sexy boy?
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I NEED to die for Jews, DO NOT try to talk me out of it
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bet wwi was a right laugh
one of two songs about me
vaxx caused the crash I assume
the guy was watching paris fashion week and wanted to make a song that encapsulated it
so he was doing all the music and then he jsut thought of "sexy boyyyy" and that was his reasoning
not sure what i remember this info from
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Remember how COVID spelt backwards was a Hebrew word.

They didn't want that one getting out easily.
war is decidedly not-cool anymore in america. look at how they're struggling to recruit.
Where’s Summer?

You and I have no gf. Meanwhile frenchy is drowing in teen pussy. Life isn’t fair.
The other was You're The One For Me, Fatty
feel free to put that wojak test image youre about to send in the recycle bin because no ones going to look at it
i thought the french lad was a short bald incel? he must've lucked out
scran cat pillar
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>Jay Blades, host of BBC series The Repair Shop, has been charged with engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour.
wonder what he done
release me dark saviour

Anyone see those /gif/ threads that used to be common about these little fellers a couple years ago heh
>goes into every thread in the catalog
>calls everyone Indian
>does this for years

what's his mental problem
really enjoy k-holing, just completely dissociating and becoming one with the universe, i reckon that's probably what dying is like
engaged in controlling and coercive behaviour, I reckon
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>charged with engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour.
When did that become a crime?
I could have mumberg bang to rights
yes, lets name our evil mastermind virus something in hebrew backwards (divoc?), oh wait but also lets change it because we don't want people to know that, I guess
sometimes I'll hold my breath for a long time
controlled and coerced
tf kind of crime is that
Fucking hell not even The Repair Shop's safe
>China will "gradually raise" its retirement age for the first time since the 1950s, as the country confronts an ageing population and a dwindling pension budget.
>The top legislative body on Friday approved proposals to raise the statutory retirement age from 50 to 55 for women in blue-collar jobs, and from 55 to 58 for females in white-collar jobs.
>Men will see an increase from 60 to 63.
hate the term 'white boy'
this post was off-topic the first time too
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I did more than just 'see' heheheh
just implement an actual wealth tax that taxes the 1% in society, not the middle/upper class
>Today on The Repair Shop, Jay has brought in his reputation
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I don’t like this at all
think people that want ego death have something inherently wrong with them
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You think Aubrey Plaza is attractive?
File deleted.
summer's streaming in 5 hours x

she's finished season 1 of code geass and is gonna review
still lower than the uk
china stays winning
must have been someone i didn't make any posts about this before, just reading bbc news
'ere Jay, reckon you could have a go on buffing up these handcuffs, they were me father's and I reckon you'd know a thing or two
it's not really ego death, more of an out of body experience and a chance for some serious introspection when you start coming down
urm sex
sex arseio
That's another one. I'm the one from paris he's a short baldie tradie incel freak who plays the witcher like a runt
Some interesting ones in there
sure, I'd bang her
she's like a hotter version of the mum that was in that interracial propaganda film they showed us at school called holes with stanley yelnats
remove yourself
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Just posted a bradley outside /int/ and then realised it'll just confuse people
>God is supposed to be well and just
>meanwhile >>202186802, this freak hasnt gotten hit by a bus yet
hmm, explain this one
took loads of ketamine once and when I stood up it felt like I was on top of a building and my feet were at the bottom was weird but never had much introspection just didn't care much about my problems
or at least was might be getting on a bit now
It’s a demeaning black people term that comes from in the US blacks would be referred to as boy, regardless of age, to undermine their manhood whereas whites were referred to as men
“White boy” is blacks knowingly switching this around. Can’t believe stuff like this became mainstream. I really despise how much of pussies most white people are
get half this done to me on the daily by this thread
Quite a wide range of behaviours there
Sounds horrendous, I've always been scared of detaching completely from reality and have enough issues with it as it is.
laaaads remember that one british bird who had a tumblr years ago and who interacted with brit
had brown hair, bangs, wore glasses, looked 170cm tall, had burzum t shirts
not aisha the runt who became fat, she was there for a shorter stint and disappeared
never done drugs in my life me, you lot sound like a right bunch of grim runts
sara, she was the most normal of the commieslags
Oh does the Jewish woman off the telly vote Democrat does she does she really
coffee cakes are so fit
would be hard to prove a lot of this and you could word it in such a way that would give you plausible deniability if you were skilled
selling my soul lads. shall we start the bidding at, say, a tuppence? can i get a tuppence for my soul?
Might move to China.
there are some drugs that make you detach from reality and it's scary (shrooms, LSD and DMT for example) but ketamine has the chemicals in it to calm and comfort you so it's not scary
wasn't she severely mentally ill?
yeah and she gave drugs to her cat
Noooo sara had black hair and was scottish or welsh or wherever they have that freak language. the girl i'm talking about had a tumblr called neoliberals and talked about gary johnson whoever that is
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I'm on my Job arc x
She gave her cat shrooms, LSD and DMT and it disappeared into the shadow realm never to be seen again.
one bite of a curly wurly
>monitoring their time
>taking control over aspects of their everyday life, such as where they can go, who they can see, what to wear and when they can sleep – this can be intertwined with the suspect saying it is in their best interests, and ‘rewarding’ ‘good behaviour’ e.g. with gifts
>repeatedly putting them down such as telling them they are worthless
>limiting access to family, friends and finances
These are all normal relationship behaviours
yeah but compared to aisha and rosy thats mild
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Marriage is coercive behaviour
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this one?
is it? any recent pics? it has to be 6 years old now
no you newfag bitch
>be american lad
>born into a middle class family in the richest country on earth in the early 80s
>have a great childhood and teenage years throughout the 90s
>9/11 happens, raging
>join the military
>do a half arsed tour of iraq occasionally shooting muslims and savages for fun while bonding with your mates
>go home treated like a hero
>enjoy the last of 2000s culture with your hot american gf
>get a high paying office job because you’re a vet and went to college
>have kids with said american gf in one of those big mcmansions
>by the time the pandemic happens you have lots of money saved and practically do nothing at your wfh job
lucky bastards
Yessss lad. this is like 2017 or something
They don't suffer
corrrrrr love curly wurly me
eating some hair
Was taskmaster any good lads?
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how do you remember random sluts from so far back, they're all so forgettable and similar it just blends together for me
Might delete some old apps off my phone I don’t use. Closest I can muster to actually sorting my life out
jewish blood is jewish blood
Not to mention the fact that a massive percentage of American veterans get the equivalent of a full-time job's worth of income from "disability" benefits, even when they work a full job in addition to that
I hate things with audiences being told when to laugh so only liked it during covid when there wasn't one.
Irish diaspora
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I dont know this is the only one that stuck with me off the internet really
used to be but she's pretty well walled up now
Awful hairstyle, makes her look a lot older than she is.
Yeah she had autist hair. Styled properly she wouldve been a class bird
The Iraq invasion of 03 seems like it would be kino as a coalition soldier
Only took 5 weeks and only 747 US-UK soldiers died out of 500,000
Always found her cute
Really would like to have an English gf like this
went to gymtoil on tuesday after taking a few months off, still sore from it
woke up this morning and my legs were so sore i was considering calling an ambulance for a shot of morphine
She's pretty ugly mates, has an unpleasant chudette face, the cringe is to cover her large forehead
Ease into it babe
2015 was probably the most boring year of the 21st century so far
i was, only did like 3 different lifts of 2 sets each
So 2020s are almost half way over
Outside of Covid has there been any notable news or culture
Followed by one of the most exciting in 2016
Weird innit, might be a pattern
2024 has been quite boring so maybe 2025 will be a cracker
willy wants to pissberg
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747 too few if you ask me.
whatever happened to planet x lads
similar to me I had to take a month or so off and I just hurt all over after doing a single 3 day PPL split this week
Er that's not an octave
how do I get an English gf
world cup

but apart from that we have not technologically or culturally developed as a society since 2018

no, a glorified and heavily censored chatbot that routinely makes mistake is not a technological breakthrough
it's not about straight looks obviously
placing un-needed mechanical and oxidative stress on your body
enjoy looking like a haggard geratric at 40 and dying of cancer
any good ablums?
offer her some monster munch
>look pale and haggard
>have a few drinks
>instantly look better, face full of colour, skin smoother, look years younger
weird effect
having a walk down archive lane
forgot how dark candice's bumhole was
enjoy being a skinny runt and getting no pussy
>world cup
What was special about that? every decade has them
post your little skinnyfat belly lad
Errrrr, the french log lifting paedo is in /brit/
poo barmer in washinghton DC right now about to enter us into a war with russia
beer goggles innit
one of the most kino ones so far
and messi won it
That's a man
You should probably stop watching porn
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Ukraine started in the 2010s with Crimea. Same with Gaza it’s a recurring thing nothing special to either of them imo
Don’t even know what you mean by the world cup
Just told this joke to my Mum - she said it was hilarious and very witty. Thanks champ.
is that the one who does the retro video game glitch vids?
got called solution-oriented at toil
special man kicked the ball
get your fucking willy out for the ira
kek, this is me!
got told i had "restless rizz" in appraisal
Yeah don't think that's going in the history books
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I want a dark haired middle class english gf
thats what i was thnking
>ukraine started in the 2010s
stop being insidious
that was a local civil war between kiev and some local factions the russians were backing
you clearly knew what i was talking about
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I don't think they eat crisps, unfortunately.
got called a gullible nonce at a special cobra meeting
put a product in my hair and it looks fantastic
What’s all this about a war then? Do I need to start doing some sit-ups?
*sashays into the thread* hello boys!
eating nigger shit
putin “threatened” the west with war like he does every week
which is pretty much him saying
>if they attack us we’ll attack back
yeah who could have predicted that
All wars are local, diego... yes? In order for a war to happen, it has to happen somewhere
if you were drafted would you try dodging it or just accept your fate?
*Down's syndrome voice*
All wars are local, diego... yes? In order for a war to happen, it has to happen somewhere
What was it lad
who the fucks diego
getting blacked
Gazza was Italia 90 mate
probably just accept it, it's the forceful push i need to get out of my smelly bedroom
no it wasnt that
a leave in conditioning product
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the fit
heinz tomato ketchup
WW3 would be over in 2 hours and leave most of civilisation a smouldering ruin so pretending you’re going to be a soldier on the frontlines is pointless
Just got back from the gym.
big smelly skid marks in my pants.
not good lads. Not good at all.
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It's an Allan thing
not if we use nukes first
Been thinking about trying that myself
Hair goes proper frizzy and untameable after a wash
you use hot water? should only wash your hair with cold
just as I predicted the Ukrainian front line is collapsing
it was all for nothing
not how it works
good luck trying to intercept hundreds of icbms in the space of half an hour
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>Been thinking about trying that myself
>Hair goes proper frizzy and untameable after a wash
God I hate them
clausewitz said to fire nukes at the 1000s of missiles to avoid this scenario
>Low-skilled migrants cost taxpayers £150,000 each
Pressure on public services outweighs tax take for low-earners, finds OBR
Do zoomers really not know about mutually assured destruction?
he's posting reddit again
You mean they're not going to take Moscow??
Just roll over and get raped don't fight back x
what i’m talking about you dafty
not convinced anyone would actually use nukes, they'd have to be completely insane
reckon I could survive a nuclear blast
got a muslim friend who supports palestine but doesnt support ukraine. makes no sense
Just hide in the fridge simples
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just duck and cover
Nuclear MAD is bollocks to be fair
Economic MAD is the real reason we haven't seen large-scale conflict between technological peers since WW2
>got a muslim friend
>makes no sense
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How is it bollocks
Wtf is this image
not some incel mate i have a multicultural friend group
Specky barm brigade
he read a post on /pol/ once that said it was
had they immediately surrendered the second tanks rolled over the border as I said they should they’d have been peacefully annexed into a country that’s basically the same culturally with a 3x gdp per capita, hundreds of thousands of young men on both sides would be alive, 10 million young women wouldn’t have permanently fled to get bbcd in euro capitals, and hundreds of billions of dollars would’ve been saved by everyone involved including us. but nooooo no one ever listens to the australian incel so instead we all get to suffer, nice work government
Paki loving cunt
Logan Bald
imagine thinking anyone who doesn't make friends with a brown white-hating non-drinking non-pork-eating paedo pervert cannot have sex
>just get invaded let them do what they want
erm... sex

just take the L rorke
fighting an unwinnable war doesn’t make you a hero, it makes you a moron
Assume shes 15 then
you've just attributed the fact china us havent attacked each other to economics instead of nukes which is bullshit since nukes can still be used for that argument
just not a fan of brown girls, obviously I'd give her the sex
Geobaskets are the biggest troll of all time lmfao
Rick Owens is a god for making these fuckboys look even more ridiculous than they ever could with just Nike and Adidas
Even better
what race is this
it does actually make you a hero
death is preferable to surrender
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>tfw no centrally planned economy
I NEED high-speed rail built in 2 weeks with 0 environmental reviews
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>since nukes can still be used for that argument
Not really
Its utterly bizarre to me that you blame only ukraine for not willingly accepting invasion by russia instead of condemning russia invading them.
Not fighting tooth and nail for your homeland is obviously beyond your zoomer mind
Separating over 400 pounds of honey from wax cappings.
we need climate stalin to come to power within 6 months or the clathrates will take us out
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>this is like 2017
Happy right this very minute.
Need to be another level of retard to think Russia is “based” and “fighting for the white race and West”
Fucking retard lol
You can't even control your own sex life but you think you could somehow negotiate peaceful annexation with the monkey king mongoloid Putin?
Get a clue dumbass
Because the destruction is mutually assured AND complete. So no one would use nukes. And therefore there is no MAD deterrent.
they can be used for as long as they havent attacked each other just like economics can be used for the same time

it's all up in the air until the nukes come down on any great power
irish diaspora gut
>fighting tooth and nail for your homeland is obviously beyond your zoomer mind
Ukrainians are fighting tooth and nail for Russian land thoughever
bizzare post
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What a day, huh?
big belly boy
Hey Rick also think it's based you post your disgusting ancient hag of a wife basically naked on your official brand instagram page then release another set of $1000 poopy diaper pants for retarded NYC wiggers to go to their dick appointments in
your dad chases ducks
ukrainians were retarded for falling for nato propaganda when they're in a aprt of the world where very very obviously that's impossible without nuclear winter
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he sells them to chinese restaurants
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Which one?
So MAD isn't bullshit
trannies are fucking grim
worst thing about the ukraine russia war is everyone saying keev
*lightbulb ping*
incel types would call fighting for your homeland based in every single circumstance except when russia is invading for some reason
HER name is Summer
And therefore deserved to be invaded by russia... without warning. While they pretended to be on "military exercise"
the aliens need to come up in the skies and save us from ourselves again
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
MAD isn't, but the idea that it prevents conventional warfare between world powers (i.e. acts as a deterrent) is bollocks
pretty sure most lads here support ukraine due to that principle
don’t know what you’re getting at
the worst part of this whole ukraine war thing is the hypocrisy
Yes that was her account
hold your horses, i'm making the new
on god
Ah okay that's more reasonable but I still disagree as there has never been a hot war between two nuclear powers
it's not about deserving/undeserving. pawns get taken . what's unforgivable is some people not realising when they're pawns
*invades your bum *
damn.. *shoves a packet of twix up my arse*
Well deserved too, fuck those cunts

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