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The puny Asian olfactory system can't handle the mighty body odor of the Evropean race.
it's the scent of my BWC
>stinks up your country
fuck Timan gon do?
Asian peepo, do we really stink?
i unironically can smell my balls when i spread my legs and i don't think there's much i can do about it. i shower twice a day too
My Chinese gf likes my stink
>sits down next to kimmy
>shakes his sweaty t shirt
>spreads legs to air his balls
>pulls back his foreskin to expose the smegma covered glands
>asshole leaking diarrhea from the spicy oriental food
>nurgling in his back bag
I don’t leave the house without showering, but people do stink.
how is it fair that chinkoids don't smell ?
we take a bath 2 times a day you gypsy freak
what do white girls smell like?
do you guys even have plumbing?
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East Asians have fewer apocrine sweat glands.
10% of Japanese people have apocrine sweat glands comparable to Caucasians, but they can be removed by health insurance.
Isn't sweat important to the body? Wouldn't removing them cause problems for the body
wow, is it true that japan has all four seasons as well?
Yes, sweat is important to the body—it helps regulate temperature and remove toxins. But the apocrine sweat glands are a bit different from the ones responsible for cooling you down. These glands are mostly found in areas like your armpits and groin, and they produce a thicker sweat that's more related to scent and pheromones. Removing or reducing them (like in some cosmetic procedures) wouldn’t stop your body from sweating normally to cool down, but it might affect body odor or certain skin functions. Overall, though, it’s not likely to cause major health problems.
>all four seasons
wait, what the fuck are those? This is the first time I hear of 4(four?!) seasons
Thank you ChatGPT.
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are europeans the pajeets of touristbros?
so wait, you can just get it removed and you never have to buy deodorant ever again?

Basically yes.
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So if you remove this you will become less attractive sexually ?
Smells that are offensive are not pheromones.But Westerners don't care because they all smell bad.
I just read that the surgery causes compensatory sweating of the back, stomach and legs, which probably won't stink but which is more noticable than underarm sweat.
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We all shower in the morning no? Do all ASEANs think we just stenchmaxx
Removing apocrine sweat glands might affect body odor, as these glands are involved in producing sweat that's often linked to pheromones and scent. If body odor plays a role in attraction for some people, then yes, altering this could potentially impact perceived attractiveness. However, attractiveness is subjective and influenced by many factors beyond just scent.
That’s correct—removing apocrine sweat glands can lead to compensatory sweating in other areas like the back, stomach, and legs. While this sweat might not have the same odor as the apocrine sweat from your armpits, it can still be noticeable and potentially more uncomfortable. The body tries to balance out its sweat production, so you might end up dealing with different areas sweating more. It’s worth considering all these factors before deciding on surgery.
Oh, absolutely! Because clearly, my deep dive into the nuances of sweat glands and my Shakespearean flair for sarcastic banter can only mean I'm an AI. It’s not like people have ever been this detailed or witty before. Next thing you know, I’ll be giving you a TED Talk on the historical significance of cheese. Totally a robot move!
Salty nickles and sand
I was shocked to learn that many howaite people don't take daily showers because "it harms their hair and skin if they do too much". Unlike Asians, white people don't smell horrible unless they sweat a lot.
all wypeepoo smells like burned rubber and a wet dog at the same time.
at airports and airplane they smell alright when AC is set to freezing 28c i almost got a frostbite
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>I was shocked to learn that many howaite people don't take daily showers
I don't meet people who do this thoughbeit
The Nordic countries only have 2 seasons, summer and winter. 4 seasons is a continental concept.
No wonder that Spaniards beat the shit of you
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i use sanitary wet wipes myself
seed oil smells real nice doesn't it
I smell like this
The smell of whites' armpits resembles the smell of curry spices.
your women like my foreign scent.
I'm a nightshowerer. I was born a nightshowerer and I'll die a nightshowerer.
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But you sweat quite a bit in the 8 or so hours of sleeping
same, the idea of lying in my bed and going to sleep unshowered is gross
lots of people don't shower daily
be real lol
this is why I always shower and use deodorant around asians.
no we smell like onions, not curry.
Lol, it's the same in Japan
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Every person I've ever lived with has showered in the morning
Ummm hawt
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I thought that people just exaggerated, but Brazilians always complain about how bad Europeans smell in public transports.
I get it that they live in colder climates, but don't they have deodorants?
Whites smell this is true
whaito piggu too spicy
I'm a tradie. I get dirty at work and i'm not going to shower twice a day
primates do not use pheromones so no
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>whites smell this is true
I’m going to Japan to have my stink glands removed.
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Asian boys are still seething to this day because Whites defeated, conquered and colonized them.
Might be a matter of poor diet or compulsive masturbation, both of which can be fixed. Being overweight is another cause.
I recommend you wash thoroughly with pure, high quality Marseille soap made for the body, don't use the clothes stuff. Rub the lathe everywhere and rinse well, then dry yourself with a cotton towel carefully. Make sure to change underwear daily.
Also consider a bidet, it's an excellent appliance no house is complete without imo.
I wouldn't trust that coming from people who permanently look sweaty/greasy and shower with buckets
I think it's just because they are not used to the hot weather so they dont notice their own smell
It's a common American joke that French people in France all smell like shit
marseille soap vs castile soap vs aleppo soap
thoughts or opinions?
Unironically true. When my sis husband comes visit us from the Euro for the 1st time, they didn't notice that they smell kinda bad. I give them advice to shower at least twice a day, & they didn't smell bad anymore. I think it's just difference of hygiene habit.
Woggers smell atrocious. As usual, it's wogs projecting their insecurities onto those who they envy and deem superior.
Brazilians, no matter the colour, have poor hygiene and that can be perceived at a distance.
A bunch of europoors unironically dislike the idea of deodorant
My understanding is that Marseille soap can be made from any vegetable oil, Castile from olive oil, Aleppo from olive oil with added laurel.
I actually got a block of brown Aleppo from Syria recently which I keep in my wardrobe to ward off moths, not too much of a fan of the scent personally.
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I haven't showered in 3 weeks
>primates do not use pheromones so no
Alright, no primates save for rhesus monkeys use pheromones
>Anosmic male rhesus monkeys showed no interest in females receiving oestrogen until their olfaction was restored, when they pressed a lever 250 times to gain access to the females.
>Alright, no primates save for rhesus monkeys use pheromones
and lemurs, perhaps there's a pattern here.
perhaps, interesting though, ty
This :P
obese people that dont shower smell putrid, their bo kills
I read online that some people hate the smell of aleppo soap. What does it smell like?
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The musky smell of our Broken British Bussys
>talk to french NEET girl online
>"oh i shower mostly when i feel like it. like once every 4 days"
>talk to canadian NEET girl online
>"what do you mean you shower every day? isn't that excessive? i do it once every three days!

They really do be like that
Kinky little minx eh?
Kek more evidence that the "niggers of asia" meme holds true
BO attracts females. Embrace your smell
so what do asian balls smell like?
what about asian feet?
do I have to find some asian fag and suck him off to find out?
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indonesian jungle asian monkes talking down on others when they are indian tier in every level
Europeans stink in general. Apart from Portugal.

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It's our mating strategy to attract slanted pussy, who can't resist the scent of our mighty BWCs
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Okay but not showering daily is pretty gross
Can it work for white people? Can you guys fix us? What are the downsides
i don't remember the last time I showered, easily over 6 months ago
Don't need to be pheromones to be attractive. Both gay dudes and some women like my ball sweat smell and it doesn't smell bad to me.
Monkey cope. Buy some soap joao, and stop selling your ass on the corner. It spreads diseases.
The only white people that go to the philippines are fat 60 year old losers who want to fuck 18 year old pinays so it wouldn't surprise me that that is your experience
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Body odor is more complex than just apocrine glands. The overwhelming majority of body odor is caused by exogenic bacteria and fungus thanks to modern hygeine habits. Asian niggas thinking they don't stink are delusional.
Does everyone there shower twice a day?
Shouldn't be too hard for you
Dang, don’t spread your legs in front of me
No, kek. It's a kindergarden insult.
Never met a wog that didn't have hygiene problem, no matter where from.
I want to get sissy dolled up, plapping my testes to BBC while holding hands with an asian sissy plapping his testes to BWC. I think that would be really fucking hot.
>dirty clothes
>not washing everyday
literally me
Europeans fucking stink, too poor for water and soap or something.
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>the confession coming from a criminal
One of Asia's biggest psyops is getting people to think they don't smell.
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I mostly stopped used deodorant since I became a NEET but I still bath every day with soap, and it's impressive how soap by itself does nothing to body odor (mostly armpits but also beard and crotch). It is pretty comfy when you get used to it THOUGH.
I think it's laurel. It's king of a gummy scent that reminds me of playdoh or whatever you call that.
We won
>to take at least
Thirdies just can't smell other people over all the other olfactory offences going on around them (excepting probably the foreigners in Indonesia because heat) and if anything I've found far less issues with body odour in white countries (not America) than others, worst you'll get is homeless, tradies that have just clocked off, and old people that are beyond washing themselves effectively.
I can't help but put these allegations down to butthurt, either that or it's people so used to everyone drowning themselves in scents that the normal smell of other humans has become alien to them. You also tend to get used to the smell of your own race and they're all a little different (and no, Asians are no exception)
>apart from Portugal
kek, based
No offense Dimitru but romanians (yes, actual romanians, I'm not talking about gypsies) smell about as bad as people from outside the continent.
meme, once a month is enough
Says Muslims who wipe with the Same hand they eat with and don’t use paper but water lo
Probably,depends on the person,most Romanians are mystery meat so they probably smell worse than westerners.I doubt Italians smell better though considering that you are north africans,the hot climate too.
water is better than paper retard

Go take a shower.
Am Lombard, call me italian again I'll sell you at the market.
Didn't watch, back to the cage you go.
Go take a shower. Stop to stink.
>Brendona is ANGRY
I'm Moldovan,call me Romanian again and i will sell you to the town rapist.
We shower twice a day. Morning and evening. So can you.
What is the difference?
Hmm,i suppose just like with northern and southern italians,moldovans are a bit less swarthy.Less turkish rapebabies.But still a lot of steppenigger blood.
I wish i was born in Transylvania,i love mountains.
Let me understand this: people in the third world who barely have running water at home, wash themselves with buckets, and after taking shits throw toilet paper into a basket, are supposed to be cleaner and more fragrant compared to Europeans and North Americans? Does cope really reach such heights?
North and south italians are a different race.
I think the main difference is that moldovans are poorer romanians and thus exploited by local slavs pretending to be moldovans, who are forcing them to speak russian.
Europe literally stinks and you don't shower.
That's exactly it.

Stop coping and just take a shower already, Mario
Now what is this "modern hygiene habits"? Can you point it for us?
Ah,i'm from the Romanian part of Moldova,not Basarabia.I hate russians so fucking much,ukrainians too,thank god they are killing each other in this war.I miss great Romania,when all of Basarabia was still ours,northern Bucovina too.God i fucking hate slavs,why couldn't they stick to their shitty swamps.Even the fucking turks were better than the russians,protectors of orthodoxy my ass.
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Due to the large amount of secretions produced by the body, showering is not recommended as a method of body odor control.
Saunas and prolonged bathing are the most effective ways to prevent body odor.
Yet asian girls love unwashed white cock instead of our clean small dicks. Stop the cope indomie bro. I hate this aspect of thirdies where we nitpick but we can't look at ourselves in the mirror
Also i bathe twice a day
>Early morning
Since i respect the people around me. And luckily some stray pussy will snatched by me since yall so rank
>Night before sleeping
Because i respect myself and my own bed so it doesnt stink like yall nurglings
smell ranking(worst to least)
arabs>>>indians>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wypipo>>blacks>=latams>SEA>east asians
From the worst:
>Other arab immigrants
>Romanians and Albanians
>East asians
i can tell you've never been around blacks. they always have this disgusting ass sweat stink about them.
don't tell me asians don't even season their bodies...
If I'm on public transport and I smell very strong body odour 9/10 times it's an Indian in my proximity
Does Indonesia just not have Indians?
You both smell similar
Yes, this is a concept known as 季節
been around blacks here and they were ok
probably because i mostly meet them in schools and church
jeets and arabs are fucking stinkbombs
you just know a jeet/arab boarded a public transport because it stinks up the whole bus/train
Holy quads
I once passed an African who looked like royalty, but smelled very nice.
Their skin was so beautiful.
I kept looking at them and they might have thought I was being racist.
Perhaps you get ones from higher classes since I think it's harder to reach SEA than Europe for them.
Many negroes literally never shower or wash their clothes, I have a couple stories about that myself, both first hand and that I was told.
Also their cuisine is absolutely rancid, which is a contributing factor.
Go back to plebbit. We don't want you here.
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They were creatures like this one, if I may say so.
The colors were so dark and shiny.
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Mind you some of their women can be quite beautiful
Sure thing ranjit
False. Japan is a special mystical land. Everything there has a pleasant smell, and there are also no parasites or bacteria. This is why the Japanese can eat their food raw.
Only works in humid environment or for really oily skin people. If you shower twice a day here your hair will be fried and your skin dry as hell. Europe has more temperate climates so they sweat less most of the year
Turks have saunas and bathing culture and they're stinkier than the french
I think it's a sexual dimorphism thing, some of my asian guy friends thought I smelled bad super easily and were really sensitive to it, but women thought I smell good
quick shower
proper shower
>post workout
quick shower
>before & after sex
proper shower
>Asian niggas are delusional
Always were.
>Japan also has a sauna and bathing culture, but the poor people stink.
I recently saw a group of American tourists on the train, all of them were hyper tattooed, monstrously hyper muscled and they also smelled of rotten sweat.
True map of Western civilization
No phermones to arouse mates
Based BWC bvlls. Hope they accomplished their impregnation mission. Takashi wont DARE tell them they smell, he'll sit there and sniff it up like a good bug.
Get a few lemons and take to your bathroom.
Every day for a week cut a lemon and rub around your more pungent regions. The acidity will kill the bacteria that causes the bad smell.

Just for the love of god, take a shower few minutes before doing it. Lemon juice, when exposed to sun, can stain your skin...
Ohh yeah, and don't put lemon in parts of your body you know it should not go. Both your anus and your urethra are incredible sensible...
Tired and drunk, sorry.
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I like the smell of BWC tho...when I'm in MRT I'll get closer to the young BWC, or even better when it's packed, I'll pretended to be unstable on my feet and catch his BWC smell with my cloth, taking a sneaky whiff and saved the smell in memory before disembarking on the next stop to jerk off in the restroom.
That “10%” is the Jomon gene, the Jomon being the same paleo-Mongoloid race as the Southeast Asians.
The fuck Yayoi's gon' do about it?
Yeah I can recognise blacks by smell alone, even straight out of the shower they still have that specific odor.
This is common now unfortunately. Also people think shampoo and soap are bad.
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one time i jacked off after eating really spicy wings and my dick started burning but i kept masturbating through the pain. being kind of high helped
i wont lie i enjoyed it. one time i put a drop of tabasco on my hand mixed w/ my spit when i was getting ready for me time
Black females don't shower a lot but are obsessed with cocoa butter skin cream so they end up smelling like rotten cocoa butter
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>at least we smell good, you dirty white people
Saar this was 20 years ago saar
We dont do that no more
maybe but guys still have that issue
hell I remember a school day at the pool, it was heavily chlorinated yet I could small the black classmates through anyway
that shit don't fly anymore
we meme'd everyone into behaving 5 years ago
still can believe it happen lol
<2010 commuter line was kino
Romans also complained about barbarians stinking
You're a larp
People stink here too. The biggest con of quitting smoking was that I can once again smell how much people stink. It's mostly old and fat people who stink. I think they have trouble washing themselves properly. Then there are of course the retarded do-gooders who think they are saving the world by only "washing" themselves with a moist cloth to save water.
I don't know about you but I've never smelled anything unpleasant whenever a wypipo is nearby. I always try to get a quick whiff when they walk pass me and I don't smell anything, at most it's only a hint of perfume.

If you're specifically talking about the backpackers then yeah that's expected. Those guys look like they rarely shower.
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Unfathomably based
this is probably why a lot of japs have a fetish for smell in hentai
at best they smell salty or something and not the fucking foul smell we all know
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but asian girls love the musk
indonesians/chinese anyb poor asians are stinky too
koreans have least body odor in the world

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