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VOTe for the edish!
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he made her eat poo
bit early this, don't like it, not at all
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bodies of /brit/
Got a brand new Lyle & Scott polo
Will be showing it off in Aldi tomorrow
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peak barclays subedish
How do I find a woman that is pretty and read books but isn't an autistic freak like ruby granger
need to get a real job but i can't let go of wanting to be a rich celebrity, i'm simply too talented and narcissistic to be satisfied with mediocrity
get in lad
cringe that i used to wear these all the time
might move to Africa
9k steps
fuck it i'll swing this phone around some
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nth for the baddiedem
Crosshatch joggers to match?
can't sleep and i have a driving lesson in 5 hours, fucking shitting hell
be funny if you crashed the car and died
Yes fucking please
Feeling curious?
it wouldn't really though would it
Wouldn't mind gyaldemfreak if he actually posted their nudes, but he doesn't even do that
Total fucking waste of space
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turns out kittyberge was a bit of a monkey’s paw
you see we wanted a cat that’s more social that enjoys laying in your lap and cuddle, he is that, however, he’s a also product of incest most likely, dumb as a rock, and gets himself injured quite a lot
in what way would it not be?
you have to pay for those

I’d LUV it
I'd pay you to permanently fuck off, mate
having a male cat is VERY gay
well for starters, car accidents, especially those involving death, aren't funny unless you have a demented sense of humour
You lads reckon anyone has ever had a fatal car accident during a driving test
woke nonsense
They DESERVE to have their nudes leaked
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had one like that
felt sorry for it so kept it around but it was a bit hard to like
got a male and a female, read it was the best pairing when having two
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honest opinion?
Google broken?
No they don't. That is their business and livelihood.
>Lyle & Scott

>plain shirt
>plain shirt with a little eagle

that's why you lot are poor
I would not call it funny but I can see the dark comedy in someone crashing and dying on their driving test
Good luck though and go to bed
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we love him to bits though
one day he came in with his tooth chipped a la pic rel
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Um, trannysisterbros???
Busted T-Girls - Ella Hollywood
It's a really shit brand too lmao genuine dolescum wear it
bought a frozen pizza for tomorrow night
havent had one in ages
Do not care. Older women disgust me. Didn't even click the thumbnail
i tried to sleep earlier, ended up tossing and turning for the better part of an hour
had a pretty serious case of insomnia lately me
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the openAI team

prefer cooked pizza me
>haven't grown my hair out this long in probably 5 year
>hair NOTABLY thinner than it was
she'd get it
mine was ugly and kept getting infected eyes and gunk everywhere, probs didn't help lol
dont know how to french kiss
any tips?
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second from right at the back mogging
and whiteys on the moon
kek that's mine from last night
my hands are starting to get hairy
therapistberg says i need to expose my self to more social environments, how am i supposed to do that then? just turn up at the pub and announce myself as a billy no mate freak and see if someone adopts me into their group? why do they act like its so achievable for a social mongloid with no mates to go find social settings
omg I'm a big fan
alri richard keys
>charged with controlling behaviour
need to get toilberg done on this
Liz Truss & Kwasi Kwarteng
weird you both say this as i had a short nap earlier and dreamt about failing a lorry driving test because i decided to cut over some grass as making the turn was too difficult in the big lorry
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well it's a pub so you can get a bit pissed first to lubricate the social gears
have that in japan called power harassment
hang every single one of them for crimes against humanity
yh but whos going to want to talk to that weird bloke on his own
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why is your chatgpt such a wuss
here's mine lmao
you probably won't be the only person there who is alone
there's literally no reason to go to therapy unless you're an attractive man who has a chance at knobbing the therapist
join a club that does something you're interested in. most people who go to those are friendly and if you literally said you were looking to meet new people they'd be really nice about it
probably the only weird loner freak mong though
2 sausage in batter and chips. Sometimes it feels so nice not to care about nutrition
>just turn up at the pub and announce myself as a billy no mate freak
honestly not a bad idea if you do it with some humour
Whispers... murmurs.. voices... voices...
This is why you're a loner
You need an attitude adjustment
i reckon before you can make any progress on the social front you probably need to learn to stop seeing yourself that way
proof if you needed it that humans are naturally realists and we only become nominalist by cultural conditioning
big boooooooobies
Humans are naturally pooist
i reckon the human race only has about 100 years left tops, and probably closer to 50
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Screenshots of incomplete substack posts is all the proof you need eh?
The pooman race
listening to niguette blackson
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
Seeing the advancements we’ve all made with things like diversity and inclusion gives me hope for the human enterprise
pykes should take a hike
get the pykies out
Lads in the group chat doing the ol "c'mon out with us, we'll only have 2 or 3". No chance, I gave that stuff up.
How much diversity is enough?
Next step? Alpha Centauri
screenshot of "lads group chat"?
wahey come out lad i got a baggie filled with mcat and ket for you
Don’t you care about the lads?
all my mates have just knocked for me telling me it wont be the same down the pub without me
but i told them nah. thanks, my mates, for the invite and kind words. but i've /brit/posting to do
Thats the beautiful thing, its never enough, we can always work for more!
shrooms are pretty lame, i was expecting to go into another dimension but all i get are some visual distortions and a sick feeling in my stomach, wonder what LSD is like
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Shrooms and LSD don't compare to ket lad
is there a documentary or series of some sort that explains the history of the world? from the very first civilisation through to the present? doesn't have to be super in depth, i just want an overview of everything. then i pick out the stuff the interests me the most and dive in deeper.
i know, i've done ket as well and enjoy it, unfortunately it's quite expensive and hard to find here
Civilisation by Kenneth Clarke. It was on YouTube last time I checked
ancient apocalypse on netflix
too low of a dose i think
only time ive done shrooms (twice) it was a pretty low dose but still pleasant, granted i was like 150 pounds soaking wet
You’re a man of honour
nah i've done shrooms multiple times, 7 grams produces basically the same result as 2 grams, i think that's where it maxes out for me
You can't and should not use LSD and Shrooms like ket
LSD is a once every few years thing. Shroom maybe once a year. Ket has a more frequent use and has way more introspectiveness and relativity thing that is very nice to experience
yep, here you go lad
Salute. To the fallen /brit/ comrades.
i know, i wish i could do ket on a regular basis but again it's just too expensive here
just had a fair skinned 5'10 Indian model like me on hinge
if it was a natural impulse they wouldn't have to try so hard to condition it
very weird
maybe your shroom guy just sucks and you need a new plug
It's actually good you can't use ket a lot because the tolerance gets up really easily. On my worst binges I ended up taking 3/4gs a day granted I was snorting from morning til night
Genuinely do not see why you're up in arms about this
The idea, at least, of Command strips is they adhere to painted surfaces and can be removed without tearing the paint off with them so you don't have to repaint or pay for the damage
done lsd twice and it didn't work
they were like 500ug tabs as well
done truffles in dam and it was mint
done a hero dose of shrooms a couple of times and it was not that interesting compared to me k holes
nah i've gotten it from like 4 or 5 different sources, it's always the same
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>Michael Clarke Duncan (December 10, 1957 – September 3, 2012) was an American actor.
Why did nobody tell me he died? Is there a celebrity that you found out had died several years ago and you never knew?
Shrooms are relatively tame as far as traditional psychedelics go
LSD can make you really fucking trip out and euphoric
Peyote and other phenethylamines like 2C-B will give you synesthesia so you can see and smell and taste and feel music but you will probably purge when you take them and they last a long time
I only found out the queen died last week
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remember watching The Green Mile for the first after hearing about that, but I fell asleep after an hour
I agree with your sentiment about trannies but just found your comment ridiculous
>500ug tabs
that's extremely strong. 50ug is a good trip for me. maybe you got RCs
How do you not understand the problem?
first time i thought maybe because i got them off a dealer but he was good with everything else,and the second time they were off the dark net with reviews and my friends tripped on the same batch
Snide condescending dickhead
Despite the name, it focusses almost exclusively on medieval European art and on the historical state of European civilisation as he defines it rather than its progress.
It's not Sid Meier's Civilization
That's odd. But I'm pretty thin so maybe if you're heavier it fucks it up for you
isn't it mad how dinosaurs were actually real and went extinct like that. so metal.
this town ain't big enough for the both of us, rorke.
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i am 5 foot 7 and skinny
i'm just immune to LSD it seems
Jurassic Park wasn’t a documentary you mong. It’s make believe. Like Star Wars and the titanic
it ain't me who's gonna leave
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The Matrix was a documentary though
One day I'll snap at zoomer faggots and they'll see the old me
Try ketamine and LSD at once lad
it's a godly mix
No there isn't
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Happy Birthday mate, love you x
he ate the tomate
got the darts on
Lads, time for Canslad to go to sleep
No cans this weekend
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rorke creps
exploring the filmography of cory chase
So no proof you're actually in Ireland then eh?
Fuck of grandpa
good riddance
prefer vicki chase me
what's blud waffling about
you should try ketamine lsd fentanyl and nitazene at once and meet God
>calling time at half 8 on a Friday
you're a fucking lightweigjt
happy birthday lad
haven't had waffles in a dog's age me
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Clarence Claymore
I know this lad from my toil scene who has a line on fentanyl patches for the cancerous stage 4 old ladies and does them recreationally. He told me about it I just said wow man that sounds intense and now I'm ducking him
can't afford to live
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Czech Casting
Bitches Abroad
ATK Hairy
Porn Force
Suicide Girls
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summer streamed yesterday lads wth, well I'll watch rosemi's stream till it's done
Thankyou for supporting the ugly hairy Australian lesbians industry
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Discussion about drugs should be a bannable offence
lov eyou x
where do you buy marijuana
No idea officer
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what about girls do porn?
Man who cares
Oh lighten up you square
Get some 69-FAG-POO up you
did you know It wasn't until about 1975 that the number of homes with telephones rose above 50%.
do like a weird looking zishy girl
Who's Katy?
Would have been shedloads of folk that didn't need a home phone
Any business that needed doing you went down the post office the bank branch the payphone the shops the pub
out shagging
For me its dickdrainers
crossing boundaries etc.
Should I buy a house
But who is she to you? A friend, co-worker, etc?
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so cute x
Is my understanding of british just shit
or is churchill here drunk and whatnot?
I have put on my fucking outside clothes.
We're all going for the cans and the chips
the BIG cans and the some size of chips but the important thing is CANS
Save your money, live in a tent
>is churchill here drunk
lol he is wasted
the belgian bbc poster is actually quite funny even though he's perverted
Reading my book with a nicotine pouch up my bum
know canslad isn't real but believing in him sort of makes him real
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didn't get to the toilet in time
Churchill spent the war mildly pished off champagne and amphetamines
>when one of the brit oldtimers pulls you aside in the discord and praises your gimmicks
no better feeling
how do you make it so they only apply on brit
There's a little of him in all of us.
>nigga is literally called beyblades

:skull: no cap only in ohio blud
>there's a /brit/ discord
state of you freaks
Man also had a speech impediment which he compensated for by delivering speeches at the pace of Rosie Jones
it was a better time. one hand on the bokkle and the other on a quarter of the entire globe.
based desu
want an invite?
phwoar that bum scream i just put out smell awful
Currently smoking
how gay is it? equal to or greater than this place?
sent in dms
Every important worker will report what life there is in him. It makes no odds into what seeming deserts the poet is born. Though all his neighbors pronounce it a Sahara, it will be a paradise to him; for the desert which we see is the result of the barrenness of our experience.
There is no discord. Never was.
in the /po/ - /ps/ discord
…yh (but let me check first with my probation officer)
>In 1902, Churchill stated that the "great barbaric nations" would "menace civilised nations"
vgh...what would he think of britain now
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open the fucking pubs
on the fruit and nut
going bed soon
He meant Russia and Germany
Not much has changed then eh
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what happens in there?
this was grandads favourite cereal
you dont wanna know
is belgium posting bbc stuff at the moment
why are you asking me? i've only just found out it exists
anyone else sit legs crossed and lick their finger when they need to turn a page
mental how working class british culture these days is just binge drinking and gambling
but how's the casio f91w anyway
we post rare bradders in here
rorkes face when you tell him muslims invented numbers and words and that
has it ever been anything else?
rorke taking three attempts to pass his driving test
leftypol passing first time in an automatic
can't afford football now can I
I have no sentiment regarding trannies
the point is a fundamental metaphysical
I'm a realist not just on gender but all of reality
actual fruit and nuts not that kellogg's muck
eating chalk
but your casio watches were a staple gimmick in the 190 persona trip. notably the g shock
Povvos are poor because they are genetically inferior
thanks that's what I had thought
I passed first time in a manual. Leftyrorke they call me
but you are
got a hairy bum
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Britain, Germany and Russia should form a faustian grand alliance against the USA, Poland, France, India, China and Israel.
don't we all?
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why would he wear a hat 24/7
just go to turkey ffs
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Any Donald J. Trump man in?
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>Povvos are poor because they are genetically inferior
the importance with which i was announcing this was in itself ironic, you autist
either way
Did a massive poo earlier and I was so proud of it I left it in the toilet for the gf to see. When she finally went in the bathroom and I heard her say “for fuck’s sake” it was so hard not to burst out laughing

Must have reeked as well because I did it before my shower and the whole bathroom was hot and steamy
i'm a cute little strawberry :3
kidnapping leftypol and rorke and surgically sewing them together in a way that if they were to be divided their guts would immediately fall out
im genetically inferior and poor and I endorse this message
What guts?
Trump is such a cool bloke
Trump for President
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entering the uter-room
I do this in work, haven’t flushed the toilet after a shit in the whole two years I’ve been there. People speculate about who it is constantly
imbibed 4 pints of cask ale at the public house
about to scran a 'za now
done her good and rotten
How are you supposed to git gud at driving just from an hour a week

I barely improved after 20 hours and failed my test miserably. Did so bad I gave up completely
got the IDM on
I'm a communist and passed in a manual with 0 errors
Domnhall Mac Leòd
Now this. This is what I come here for
yeah? bit of idm on a friday night
lorde is an ugly ugly woman
God help her
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edish for 7:50ish PM 13/09/24?
by a guest · 1 hour ago
worm edish
29.41% (5 votes)
acryllic paint edish
23.53% (4 votes)
plaque edish
17.65% (3 votes)
ronald mcdonald
11.76% (2 votes)
fish food pellets edish
11.76% (2 votes)
dairylea edish
5.88% (1 votes)
kia sportage
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 17

thanks lads for all your votes. and here it is, your worm edish OP image!
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love tits me and tumy haha
2 hour lessons every day until you git gud
ffs I know some of them aren’t 10/10 but they could at least make an effort to dress sexy
bitches think they’re about to showcase some ridiculous post-modern wares at the Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
the desperate cope of a downie clown
I used to go out and practise in my mums car for a few hours a few days a week. Just go to an industrial estate where the roads are quiet and drive around, just letting gear changes and stuff feel natural
wormchads we stay winning
women and pakis can drive so it can't be that hard
good lad
normally the first in at toil so i'll have a shite before anyone else has left skiddies or pubes on the seat
dego on the piss again
disgusting creature he is
>worm edish and armadillo edish
I can't stop winning
He’s going downhill mentally so badly lately. All week he’s been so nasty and bitter. Probably won’t be long before he’s suicide posting again
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1st/right Asian- perfect wife phenotype, cute, doe eyed, marry on spot
2nd/left Asian- horseface suited only for yellow fever retards and bald old expat men

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