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3mmc shite
4mmc is the proper muck
Commiemong been done twice by Seamus
I'm an incel freak but blacks are an instant left swipe. Just not attracted to them at all.
3 months away, i'm still on time to get a gf this year
great film
same but I would consider one were I an incel
imagine how fucking mongy most drugs are named
>angel dust
just back from my night out
pished all over the toilet seats lol
What the tennents tap sees when I stagger up to the bar for the 5th time in an hour
Will never have a gf me because I become infatuated with unavailable or uninterested women whilst constantly fumbling women into me
Listening to the Wolfe Tones
That doesn't count. Would you fuck an ACTUAL black.
saw that on twitter
was me earlier lol
>opened bumble
>saw ive had a like
>start swiping
>black girl pops up
>immediately swipe left without looking at her profile
>missed match
ffs why are black girls always trying to match me? don't they know i'm a rorke or does that turn them on
wish more irish people spoke gaelic
Holy fucking shit lads the Tarzan soundtrack is fucking incredible
Threw an Israel date at a Muslim earlier
Take that terrorist scum
can't resist big aryan cock
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Love driving at night me
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you're all going to make it lads
again, I would if I were desperate
Beautiful language with a long rich history, properly ancient
And that's before I get into drunken ancestral larping
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i wish i was a lebian with a fit lesbian gf but also wish i was the fit lesbian with a masc lesbian gf
London is the greatest city on earth
Holy mother of God
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ah yes
good ol tennents
was on train earlier and the intercom guy started speaking in tongues and I thought I was trippin
Turns out I just got on the wrong train
Ended up in Shrewsbury
Fuck sake
They still teach it in Irish schools right?
fucks sake come over lad
thats where i bloody live
used to work night shift, loved the drive home, very serene
Duality of woman
Didn’t give you permission to post this video of me mate
yes but from what i understand it's duolingo tier and they forget it all the second they pass the exam
speak garlic, me
nice one redditlad
Been thinking of past traumas and how it’s shaped who I am (not in like a whole way but just trying to understand myself) and made me think of the time when I was about 9/10 or something and someone at our rugby club was selling helly hansen base layers / thermals whatever people call them these days and I didn’t even want one but my dad was drawn in and after training we went to the changing rooms to try them on and at this point I was already incredibly self conscious of my size and weight, grew up council af so the piss take was incessant, anyway it’s time to try these thermals on and I’m already feeling like I’m going to cry and like my hearts sinking so I take my shirt off and my dad (northern boomer) goes fuckinell he’s got bigger tits than me and everyone in the room laughed there were loads too other people in the team and other parents and shit wonder if it was worth it dad cheers for that I’m 26 now and I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve taken my shirt off in front of another person cheers dad on the rare occasion that I’ve shagged I kept my shirt on nice one dad I hope the laughs were worth it. Literally and figuratively traumatised me and that moment haunts me to this day
u will never ever stop me from sneeding
the watch
True. Is Paris worth a visit? I've been putting it off till I get a gf.
curious what lesbians get up to
who gets to squirt the semen, so to speak
gfberg actually mad for this dick lads
5 hours into my first booze free weekend in about 5 years and I might as well go to fucking bed
Grow a pair you soft cunt
No not there moobzilla
alri fatty
Would be willing to spend about 10K on a log of Barron Trump's poo. I'd display it in a vacuum sealed bag beside a wall pictures of him and I'd sit there staring at it every night and wanking furiously.
Oh you got a gf? Congrats
Paris is alright if you stay in the nice places
Yeah. It's better than London
God speed, lad.

Never stop fighting.
Same as any relationship. One takes it, then over gives it
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5’8 66kg visible abs 1/2/3/4
It really is shite, isn't it. Thinking of getting a THC vape to see if that is a good replacement for the cans.
Shithole mate
Been once for two days so you can trust me and everything I say
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How is the big Shrew this time of year?
Time for a biiiiiiiiig wank
what is there to take and to give in a lesbean relationship
I'm starting to argue with my boss more and more.
Being sobers pretty grim aye
Boring af
Might as well sit in front of the fire reading Shakespeare and sipping on ribena
my gf is nigerian she's very quiet and shy
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On the fucking tinnies mate
Non alcoholic innit
Cockbergs been on a mad one today. 3 wanks and I’ve only just got into bed. Normally have one before I drift off but not sure it’s needed desu
the tune, as it were
Bollocks, post body
they love raceplay
Figure it out mong
No not really. Basically just a worse London.
mad how there's nothing else quite like rage against the machine
Domestic abuse usually
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enjoy having 2 part time jobs, so I can tell my bosses to fuck off and it doesn't matter too much if I get sacked
cold as fuck and looks like the 3rd world only with more trees
wouldnt know because i havent got atuppence so fuck off
Great tune for being eccied out my head at a rave. Not so great to sit here and listen to.
What about the Beastie Boys
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is this true chat?
why are bosses such cunts? does that position just attract assholes who love to control other people?
nah that ain't it chief
i've been a wild rover for manys a year
i've spent all me money on whiskey and beer
Listening to my foul incel music in my festering incel bed located within my disgusting smelly incel bedroom passing through my rotting incel life
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bloody 7.15 in the morning and the missus' mate has popped in
i'm in my dressing gown and in my office /brit/posting bugger off
booking better help appointments and just wanking in them
not for you then quite frankly lad x
Virgin cope
Wow I’m such a failure
oop, nevermind she's gone as quickly as she arrived
Tell the cunt it’s quarter past ten at night and I’m trying to sleep
Yeah its only early days not ready for an overseas trip yet though. And now im thinking maybe id be better off going to Paris as a single man. Do some shagging.
For future reference how do I tell which are the nice parts?

Find that difficult to believe. London is the greatest city in the world.

You have a sarcastic tone and I don't trust /brit/. Mongs on here told me London is hell but its a brilliant city.
keep us updated lad
post man been yet?
brushed your teeth?
Might have a negroni. Might have two.
Stock price of women went up
Stock price of women went down
Women living off dividends from having a very beefy portfolio
fuckin love whisky me
uisge bheatha - the water of life

love getting pissed
maybe it will grow on you if you stay for the weekend
It isn't what?
Why are you calling me chief?
There's no bad parts inside of Paris
the money got different
asked for a negroni in the hotel i was staying in once and they had no idea what i was talking about
let me tell you i got out of there fast
vile place
get the drinks poured
get them necked
beastie boys sound nothing like ratm, chief
Cuz how I’m spending
Don't really know what one is myself
Bit of a disgusting sounding name
another bangre for you lids
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The shivnarine scranderpaul
(Chopped up battered sausage in a pork Chinese curry)
Maaate I was at the bar two days ago for some day drinking with a mate at 2pm at some bar I've never been to and I asked the lad for a negroni and he said he didn't do them
twat can't put three liquors in a glass with ice and a slice of orange
How so
check it
so it doesn't actually have black people in it then
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>London is the greatest city in the world.
Lads, we're all going to make it
We'll have the cans, a nice Sadhbh to bring you the cans and most importantly, we'll have the cans.
>Do some shagging.
NTA but you might reconsider after interacting with french women
slainte mo chara
it's so easy to shag in paris what are you on
it is a very beautiful city in terms of design/architecture
the inhabitants however.......sadly they are french
Imagine going to the bar and asking for some weird fucking culture locked cocktail man grow up and get a vodka coke
Who wants a hug?
*gives you a hug*
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not bad for plane slop desu
nah that ain't it chiefs
they're just different sounds
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Your whole family are to be executed
They do seem to because this has happened more times than I care to count and I dont live in an area with many blacks.
Bumble tries to force a load of woke nonsense on you and I don't have any of that rubbish. In fact my bio says
"I'm not into causes, I follow politics but don't like any of what's on offer and as a general rule I don't trust the government.
No tattoos or children."
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for me it's a pint of tennents
good lad will do
about to brush my teeth momentarily
Explain how
wtf we have two French posters?
What do you mean
like in every big city just go outside
are you from Paris even
Stopped hearing about kursk and the Ukrainian offensive in the news lately huh?
what happened?
Just entered the thread, so I won't be able to get any of the references
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I believe in the looming great Redcar Renaissance
Might buy a property there
I submit to Warlord Kamala
Why don't you mind your own fucking business okay rorke??
Ukrainians looted a supermarket and went back. They enjoyed their time in the first world
Ukraine won years ago
they just keep up the charade for donations and keeping the big bad enemy of russia
Kinda a small area to limit myself. And i'd want to go to Versailles.

I love French women.
>like in every big city
What if I found a girlfriend earlier in the year but lost her
mad how obsessed the 'f is with me
could do anything with her
don't care about asiatic slav mongrels fighting over medieval tier villages on the steppe
russia actually collapsed in 2023 and split into several smaller states but they won't tell you this on the main stream media
You can visit Versailles even that little town where there's Pablo Picasso's house or something but Paris there's enough things to do for a week or more

Tell me how shagging in Paris is any different than London, Berlin
Dressing as an Armitage Shanks and going to an all girl primary school
Whats wrong with having an honest bio?
Pablo PissAsso
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Anyone coming football tomorrow?
But one of them is free and democratic, rorke. Open a history book for once ffs
Oh my Christ mate
You're meant to reveal this thing by degrees
bio only serves to hurt you
best to stay mysterious
Thinking about the time I got kicked out of a club because I kept ordering a Diet Coke and two shots of house whiskey instead of a double whiskey and coke because it was cheaper.
Doesn’t seem fair in hindsight but I was just a young drunk lad and didn’t stand up for myself
the prem is so soulless it's unbelievable
What happened to /eire/
Was that before or after Russia yoinked Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia, disabled All of Ukraines energy infrastructure and completely emptied the entire country of ukranian males
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by the end of next month the sun will be setting by half 4
You can be mysterious while still having something appealing
gonna do a big goon sesh tonight lads
psychiatry has a massive inferiority complex towards the rest of the medical field
Did you stir it with your finger
I don’t trust people with social media me
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>"I'm not into causes, I follow politics but don't like any of what's on offer and as a general rule I don't trust the government.
>No tattoos or children."
they don't like you mixing your own drinks at the bar
Are you saying the sun will set on the British Empire?
Beats going to fucking Yeovil on miserable Tuesday night tbqh
might just troon out desu
No point standing up for yourself in that situation, that's just an unreasonable thing to be kicked out for. Their fault for having a retarded pricing system. Would just go to a different club myself.
We say Lugansk here, chud
Clocks go back this weekend
before I think
>using an app (((algo))) to select your potential mate, wife or even just sexual partner

Might as well paint a giant star of david on your forehead and go volunteer for your local synagogue and maybe run errands for the rabbi on a shabbat.
No just tipped them in left the shot glasses and walked off with my drink
I'm Scottish
Don't care about the lower tiers of the EFL either
When do you go back?
we always have its just rare they post at the same time

Looking forward to visiting. If its anything like London then it would take years to properly explore it.
where are they sending them?
to some absolute filth?
Don't respect anyone who has sex outside of marriage. Men or female. Disgusting imoral and gross
any deadpan voice haver in
poo steaming
Yeah it's called autism mate
No it doesn't. Lower league football Isis based
nice one
- baz, 47, ashford (kent)
noticed a distinct lack of bradleys tonight
I tried to fix it once and I sounded like a newsreader so I just don't bother now
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>Isis based
GCHQ, this one
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>Isis based
If anything don't take accommodation in south paris (13 to 15 arrondissement). There's way less to do there, it's really secluded transportation wise and it's just residential and boring. Aim for center left like the 4th arrondissement, the 11th
I don't have a deadpan voice myself, just to be clear
Send them back where they come from
Breggsit means breggsit
that speed fella freaks me the fuck out proper animalistic mannerisms
won't be going to your shite city mate
you veer into bragging territory which works against you
I mean, oh i enjoy long walks on the beach and heckin doggos, maybe that is okay
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>The Morgan family came to some prominence in Wales during the 17th century. Born in Llandaff, Glamorgan County in 1616, Miles Morgan was the son of lawyer and politician William Morgan, who would be elected a Member of Parliament in 1628. At the age of 20, Miles sailed for America, along with his brothers, John and James, seeking new opportunities in the New World. Arriving in April 1636, he landed in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
>Members of the family amassed an immense fortune over the generations, primarily through the work of Junius Spencer (J.S.) Morgan (1813–1890) and John Pierpont (J. P.) Morgan Sr. (1837–1913).
Wrap your arse arrondissement cock
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There’s a Chinese fella on YouTube that popped up on my recommended once and he does marketing or presenting or something and he actually has some decent advice for not talking like a mong. I’d try and find it and link it but you likely don’t give a shit
Sick of having my time wasted by bints.

I don't bother with a bio on tinder but on bumble my profile looks threadbare without it.
mad how isis pretty much just appeared and completely aligned itself with israeli and american interests
If 18-25 year old caucasian female poo and 18-25 year old caucasian twink poo were monitised it would save this nation's economy.
the 7/7 bombers were nice people apparently

black and brown birds are vile
>aligned itself with israeli and american interests
What by proving that arab muslims are bloodthirsty savages?
Yes my name is maximus autisticus spergamus the emotionally and socially vacant
pretty sure that is 75% of our gdp already
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Love her so fucking much it’s unreal
My heart yearns to be her one time lover on a warm summers eve in 1985
no because as you well know Australia is upside down so its going into summer and longer days
i got a gf this year :)
absolutely right anon, good instincts
no, by mainly limiting themselves to attacking the syrian state
Watching the chaser bloopers on YouTube
so georgian, chechen, ossetian, dagestani, inguish, azeri, abkhazian poo?
Whats wrong with that? Sometimes I can't tell from the pictures if a woman has tattoos or children. And at this point who does trust the government?
business idea: marathon but you only have to run the anogenital distance of your favourite OF creator
Yeah weird how the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria did that
Yes, so long as they are not complete durka durkas.
Never had a girlfriend in my life and it this point it would be too embarrassing so I’ve accepted my fate of dying alone
The government saved your ass during covid
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still giggling at this
business idea: sell the cans to /brit/
The lovely, lovely cans
Imagine being a fucking samurai in like 1580 or some shit and having to completely destroy your own clan because you accidentally didn’t spot an army marching through the edge of your territories in the middle of night or some nonsense
Absolutely mental
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjNpRbNdR7E TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNE
That's not their actual name, npc cunt
yet their ranks were filled with international volunteers. They could have sprung up anywhere.
any real ass chavs that grew up on a chavvy estate in
mad jap bastards
how old are you lad
Wonder what Assad is up to these days
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There is something super Nostalgic about the 80s and 90s
Wish I could take a time machine and go back, people generally seemed happier back then.
Finna straight vibing
having a gf isnt much having a young bird you can shag is everything
thanks, ive taken note of that. what is the best transport? obviously walking but is there an underground like London? and what are the buses like?
>They could have sprung up anywhere.
Any organised state and military would have eliminated them before they could arise
Hence why they arose in the anarchic, fundamentalist border region of Iraq and Syria, both of whom were in civil wars
>it was the welsh all along
cancelling my disney plus account solely because of how much I fucking despise their Kardashian adverts. it's bad enough that those mongs have any wealth or popularity at all, the last thing I need is to have them shoved down my throat while I'm watching Classic Simpsons.
A chubby girl burped in my face when I was 15 and to this day it is the most erotic and exiting experience I have ever experienced in my life.
Killing mossad terrorists, just being based as usual
gfs are just irritating
Of course there's an undergroud lad lol. Check out the map online. Personally I never use the buses because it's slower but they basically cover what's not covered by the metro
watching the David Irving episode of Hardtalk because Youtube kept recommending it to me
>yet their ranks were filled with international volunteers.
In what proportion?
Obviously they made headlines, doesn't necessarily mean the ranks were "filled" with them
Canslad lives in one, lad

What do you want to know?
>Posting on 4chan above 25
isn't paris full of arabs and africans
I can smell your cunt
Mental how they memholed this
Genuinely grim
t. Incel
Hamas and the Papas: Hotel Gaza
Young lads want a gf because they want a young lass they can shag. It's the same thing most of the time.
Not mine. I didn't take the vaccine and I didnt support lock downs or follow the rules.
I hold the keys to /brit/
My street is all white
Going to write the greatest science fiction novel of all time me
It is my destiny
Balkan pickpockets too
Would love Kim Kardashians pooey undies shoved down my throat
surely life in this country cant get any worse
aye it can
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>Reading /brit/
>Browsing houseplants online
>Moss ad
I’m getting targeted ads because of you guys
sick of how easy it is to pull if you go up to the bar and you're tall
considering the rope
Oh fuck off please just fucking kill me
scranulated a cornish pasty just
Least you're not brown and live in india
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What I do to women who refuse to have sex with me.
up against it as a 5'9 lad me
least i am handsome and have good craic landed me a few pulls off decent looking women
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Smoking a swisher
this was a good Banksy
Suck my big White arsehole
remarkable post
Shoot yourself
Not hard to do considering they're all shit
The buses are good in London, they are cheap and efficient and you get to see the city without paying for the tourist buses. I'll have a look at the metro, the Underground is great and very convenient. Would it be a bad idea for me to bring my car to Paris? London is a bit anti-car and I hear European cities are very against cars now.
fucking hell lad i'm 5'11 AND wearing thick shoes but most girls tower over me in their heels in the bar
it's over
i don't know how you can do it
I'm not the caretaker of your faggot useless zoomies, fuck off
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Mate the next 4-5 years are going to be an absolute nanny-state shitfest
where do you live?
most women i meet are up to my eyes or shoulder in heels

love tall women though, genuinely a fetish of mine
Always makes me anxious when I see a young pretty barmaid
Not anxious myself, anxious on her behalf.
Imagine how many creeps they have to deal with per shift
the fabled poowank
Women are people too
Do not bring your car here. Impossible to park and just drive. More convenient to travel around on those lyme electric bikes
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Straight drop
stop it D
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this is in the central london bar scene
tends to be where the put together finance middle aged men linger
I don't even get looked at because everyone is so tall
I also like tall women but I have no chance
lol im 5'6
pissing out me arse
all part of the prank Banksy pulls on us. he knew this would happen
Not sure if that was a regular event but at least you got to shag loads of Jap puss
I dont trust those bikes. Not really confident on bicycles and roads are too dangerous for cycling. Wonder how much the train costs. Don't like flying, me.
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