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Cruise ferries in Finland are built with low bows as per state regulations so that they can be repurposed as landing ships during wartime.

cool. but are they really supposed to do said landings at 80m depth?
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That was sunk by Russia because the Swedes were trying to smuggle advanced soviet military gear with it. Were it not for the greed of the sw*de, and the callousness of the russian the tragedy would not have happened. Probably the Swedes were working with other forces too, such as the Americans, the Brits and the greedy jews of Israel.
>navy ship camouflaged as civilian
Russia have all rights to destroy them if that's the case.
like russia cares about anything being civilian
they follow the brown doctrine of warfare
quite kremlinesque to always be on the lookout for any loophole or excuse to kill civilians
You can repurpose civilians as soldiers too. Russia has all rights to kill them preemptively to avoid a war.
why is it so close to the coastline

(This is what Russians actually believe.)
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Or Israeli/Finnish. Mad you think humans are a million times worse because they are on one side of an artificial border.
what, you mean the wall around it? that's a physical object
There is nothing artificial about genetics. Russians are born evil. If because of nothing else, then because the of all the selective breeding that the commies did across a few generations.
Because its archipelago sea, its normal there
>If because of nothing else, then because the of all the selective breeding that the commies did across a few generations.
If this is your contention, do you believe Ukrainians are the same?
No, not quite. But certainly, such effects can be seen there as well. Though in their case, they were bred more for survival rather than evil.
Delusional. Ukraine is just as much a corrupt mafia state as Russia, oh well I guess you will learn that for yourself one day. Because even if by some miracle they hold on, they will not be pleasant towards you guys.

You know, before the war I heard the way you Europeans talked disparagingly about Ukrainians and nothing has changed. Your 'love' for them is just inverted hatred for Russians.
They beached it to commit insurance fraud
Didn't say they aren't corrupt. Didn't say I love them. Didn't say my opinion of them has changed in the last 10 years or so. You're attacking along the lines of a common talking point among Americans. But I'm not American. Literally everyone here knows Eastern Europe is a corrupt shithole, and that includes Ukraine. They were also our enemies for the longest time, albeit mainly under the Russian yoke. It was up to Swedish technicians to expose their attempted cover-up of Chernobyl after all. We haven't forgotten that. But no, what I said was that their breeding is different. They have been bred with intense hatred towards Russians, as a survival strategy, and are continuing to be bred that way. And that is what makes Europeans more sympathetic towards them in the current conflict. Because Russia is our arch enemy, and has been for many centuries.
Yeah that's not how breading or genetics work. You mentally ill double digit iq chud retard bro-scientist. Kill yourself, delusional brainlet
The fuck are you retards talking about lmao?
Russia has been extremely careful in terms of avoiding civilian casualties (unlike Ukraine).
>Because Russia is our arch enemy, and has been for many centuries.
No they havent
You're just a retarded EU4 chud who's upset your empire got btfo for all eternity by some Russian tsar
I don't think Dutch hands typed these posts.
I don't think that's an argument but I do think it's a good idea to call idiots like you on their malicious bullshit, lest you think you are in good company.
Yeah, you're not Dutch.
Absolute ranjesh meltdown
>sri do not the russi DO NOT REDEEEM YOU CUD BASTARDS
>Chuddie meltdown
newfag detected

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