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onslow edish
i would clench my fists in rorke/leftypol rage throughout the entire time i would be there
This is my favorite 9/11 video
>when she has her insta in her bio
aw hell naw
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I'm incel because I'm not black
yeah cause the ra blowing up an army company in northern ireland or sniping some british soldiers
or trying to assassinate thatcher
was the same as the cia/al qaeda destroying two american landmarks, hitting their military headquaters and killing 3,000 civilians

say that attack on thatcher in 1984 succeeded, it would have been a total crackdown on northern ireland. would have been 1971 all over again but worse, wouldn't have been a good time to be a fenian if the IRA assassinated an elected Prime Minister
>sign in to confirm your age
thanks for nothing, yank
gaza looks like a better tourist site than israel desu purely because they have one of those big place name signs like in amasterdam
/cum/cuck post

go back
Still remember seeing that video of people literally jumping out of windows to their death
Those videos always stuck with me
Also that Ken bigly video with him getting his head cut off with a blunt knife and you could hear the gurgling on blood
Honestly, if I witnessed 9/11 first hand, I'd probably sound like a robotic autist too
>killing 3,000 civilians
you do realise more died in the troubles?
The new 'eitch

Here's a free snippet I could find
But I don't have a bibisea
Israel really estate business be booming dog
wish my dad died then so i could get an easy life as an actor /model and shag women like kim karadashian and rachel sennott
over thirty years
most were security forces or paramilitary men
not comparable to 3,000 civilians dying within 2 hours in americas largest city
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>Mr. Blair, a second plane has hit Skegness pleasure beach
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>Cody...bro...this is it man...the debris *COUGH* punctured my lungs...dude...stay...*HACK*....AWESOME...man...ACK
yeah except one was in a day and the other was over 40 years ya fuckin retard
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Cody having 6 bud lights and having an argument with Brad because he invited Jessica
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Faustian civilisation (Catholic, European, 900 AD - 2400 AD) mogs the Greeks and Romans to fuck and I will die on this hill

They never even discovered electricity and Anglos landed on the moon
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Check out my new mix!
It's so FREAKIN cool!
was it worth it when your expansionism causes clathrate methane to reverse the carbon cycle in 2026
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The Germanics that destroyed Rome were heroes
>wow anon, you're REALLY good at spotting trans women, how do you do it?
oh, you know, just a good eye haha...
>The nights are short (Caesar, Gallic Wars, V.13; Tacitus, XII) and the weather miserable, with frequent rain and mists. "I don't want to be Caesar, stroll about among the Britons" Florus writes to Hadrian, "and endure the Scythian winters" (Historia Augusta: Hadrian, XVI.3). It is a savage (ferox) place (Tacitus, VIII) as are the fierce, inhospitable Britons who live there (Horace, Odes, III.4.33). Those near the coast in Kent may be more civilized, but in the interior they do not cultivate the land but share their wives with family members, live on milk and meat, and wear the skins of animals—behaviors so foreign to the Romans.
Stupid bloody Romans think they could take my country! It is the most miserable place on the planet and we do nothing but eat meat and shag our own mums. Mental that they thought they had a chance
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Man just murdered his wife and child in gangstalkerville
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without the greco-romans and their faith(catholism) we'd still be living in hutts
See the golden sun on your face
Fallen from your brow all sense of peace
In your eyes, the fiercest gaze
Through the morning mist I watch you leave

Bird of time on the wing
How far is she to fly?
Come now love, do not weep
We all must live and die
On the road of destiny
There is shadow and there's light
For as the leaves fall from the tree
so our days will pass us by
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The Romans were horrific people. Genocided half of Europe. Ran a slave economy. Slaughtered people in colosseums for fun. Had regular civil wars and worshipped cows and birds like Hindus.

It was divine duty for the Arian Christian Germanics and Celts (Picts, Scoti) to loot fuck out them and smash their skulls, creating the civilisation that brought the most advancement to mankind and revealed the world to itself
Attack of the TIMMIES yo
Where are /brit/'s trans sisters of colour??? We need representation!!!!!
Germanic barbarians went to the moon and conquered 3 continents
Can communicate with each other over these 3 lands with magic devices at light speed

Romans stangated and died after 4 centuries, their biggest victories being against disunited Gauls and Persians
gonna go for a wee lads
i just logged on a few minutes ago
Alchie neighbour just had more bottles of alchie delivered
didn't the renaissance start in Italy?
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love the booze me
would probably drink myself into a coma if left unattended
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Aye, by northern Italian city states
Celto-Germanic-Latin men under Catholicism and feudalism
Nothing to do with the rotten ancient Romans
Life is best lived in reality mate
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germanics tore down what the romans built to house themselves, they didn't want to live in mudhuts anymore so decided to loot the basilicas for stones instead

barbarians larped as romans for a millennia

yes, after rediscovering greco-roman thought brought by the eastern romans. scholatism that attempted to synthesise greek philosophy with Christianity had existed in the middle ages but with the fall of Constantinople it open the flood gates
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oh, nice
feel like SHIT
Humped time and time again by the savage British tribes to the north
And when Britain had the resources to make its own civilisation it united into the largest and most successful race of all time, populating 2 full continents with its kin and establishing industrial technology, the basis for mankinds modern life, and making its language the global franca

The achievements of those swamp Britons on their misty little island and their later Saxon kin, also considered barbarians to the Romans, utterly BTFO anything their civilisation could do
Keir needs you on his speechwriting team asap
Even in dark age Europe, the legacy of Rome was a point of legitimacy and the masses of abandoned, and now free of Roman tyranny, plebs still spoke Latin so it became the common tongue

Catholic civilisation, that rose out of Charlemagne, the resistance to the Vikings, the reconquista, Lombardy, the English was far removed from the ancient past of Rome. Claiming you are the heir to Rome was just a way to say, I am the king of the world.
do you like onslow too?
I reckon your brain is "onslow" mate
I am the king of the world.
Fucking DONE HIM
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Mental how 1,200 years ago big blond lads thinking they were hard came over from across the sea trying to genocide us and we swept the floor with the bastards. Swords in the throat. Blamo. Dead. Sent packing.

They even lost to the Irish. Embarrasing.
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there's a reason catholic clergy had so much influence, they pretty much ran the germanic states. church structure was tied to roman structure, all the middle age government institutions and land divisions tied to bishoprics. even roman meteoric positions that eventually transformed into hereditarily royal titles eg. dukes(dux)

catholism taught the west too seek truth, greece taught the west how to think, roman taught the west how to run nations
well in this house even kings needs to eat their vegetables so you aren't leaving this table until you do
some real cringe energy in the thread
disbelieve this post
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you're never leaving this table
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Why do southerners get gay arse cancer?
Watched that one with the rolls royce t'other day
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well aye, the catholic church was practically the only roman institution left intact and it functioned as de facto administration for western europe in the dark ages
>catholism taught the west too seek truth, greece taught the west how to think, roman taught the west how to run nations
bollocks. most western thought came from it's universities it established in the 10th and 11th centuries and monastic orders. and modern parliamentary democracy, republicanism and practically every other ideology came out of the traditions of feudal monarchial european states, which Rome did not partake in. It came from Charlemagne more than it did Augustus.
poor people just die of "old age"
rich people die of illnesses with latiny greeky words
was just saying this entire thread down at the pub (including holding up the pictures, printed off and laminated)
are you ok?
yeah, and i'm the king of england
I DON'T care
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burnt the roof of my mouth a little but I'll be fine
I'm recording yeah
Good thing Rome is dead. Morally corrupt people.
yes thanks Holly
i love girls
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hurt my neck
leaning forward to press the spacebar with my nose as the new posts roll in with my hands warming my willy
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check out my new watch
Have done this exact thing after masturbating
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British Islanders are racially superior to Scandinavians
Although they are better looking
love women
want to love and cherish them
british islanders are viking rapebabies
And then the Japanese are racially superior to Britishers
Might take me own life
where to?
Genetically untrue
They are native + Netherlands rapebabies in the south but still majority native (in England)
Hence why Anglos split the atom and dropped it on them twice
Do it dad
gohan rule 34
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universities set up by the roman catholic church, with students taught in latin

> democracy, republicanism

>traditions of feudal monarchial european states
whose institution's are based on roman ones that came before them, germanic culture played a part but to think roman influence is non-factor is ridiculous

again feudal monarchies set their guys in meteoric roman positions and turned them hereditary positions. heck the root of feudalism is arguably Diocletian's reforms. here's his fort too, it's lasted longer than any germanic mudhut
Fucking INSANE how often animals try to bite each other's eyes.
Yeah Japanese would never create a toxic weapon that could destroy our beautiful green Earth
would love to step on those little bastards
Soul Calibur
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not heard good things about there desu mate
/brit/ SMS
my sleep apnea is acting up again
Final Fantasy IX
back from driving lessontoil, absolutely no benzos to calm my nerves today, amazed i didn't crash
White chads had them pointed at each other for 50 years and refused to use them because we are smart
If it were say China and India that got nukes in the late 40s first, you can bet the world would be a wasteland by 1955.
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final fantasy 8 (aka the best one)
>far right wins their first post-WW2 election in your country two weeks ago
>promise migrant crackdowns
>do this instead

what a bizarre nation this is
why is he so happy about exporting 250k of his skilled citizens? most politicians want to prevent brain drain
Feudalism came from the Dark Ages, when warlords taking over land would give some of their lands to their mates (knights) in exchange for loyalty
upon increasing centralisation in the subsequent centuries you had european feudalism backed by the roman church
The Romans never had a system like that
Same thing happened here, the plebs voted for Brexit so we got a million Indians as punishment
Imagine the fucking smell. Unironically, imagine it. Africans smell like fucking dogshit. Why let hundreds of thousands of these "people" into your country? Holy fucking shit. What fucking retards.
Before 2016 people would find 4chan through this /b/ they've heard about and then trickle to other boards. After 2016 it was the deal but for this /pol/ they've heard about. For me it was /b/, and you often hear people say how bad /b/ has got and how it's all just porn now, and I remember the last time I was on /b/ maybe around 2012, I was thinking yeah it's gotten bad, about three or four porn threads any one time. Well I just took a look now on a whim after such a long time. And it's genuinely 99% porn. What's even the point of it anymore?
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I'm more of a richard kind of guy
feeling tense and nervous, might get smashed later
Prefer them to Indians to be honest
Can hardly bring myself to look at them
For me? I found 4chan through /v/.
very relatable post, i basically went through the same process
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yikes lad
Yeah I imagine /v/ is an entryway too to be fair.
Business idea : Start a Chinese invasion of Australia and get all the Aussies back to their ancestral homeland to offset the wog invasion of the past 50 years with ethnically British Aussies
based powolniak enjoyer
It was late 2010 and I was looking for EU3 mods. Such was life back then. Simple times
i think britain is a lost cause, i think you should all just come here to offset the chinese and pajeet influx instead
i own frankston
>DUDE you HAVE to come to le heckin poztralia
No thanks mate I'm not keen on becoming a slave to fucking stinking putrid Abbos for the rest of my life
/mu/ is also a pretty common entryway as well, that's where we get the failed normies from
Smoking a blunt
need to remove video games from my life and find a fulfilling purpose and hobby but the problem indeed is that it has to be a genuine interest and I can think of nothing
Me I'm the neighbour living next door with my sister/girlfriend
as long as we re conquer the home isles in 100 years after civilisation collapses
How do Brits get treated in Australia? Will I get a tanned blonde Australia wife with a bright attitude and a bit of a cheeky flair?
/mu/ was gargantuan circa 2010-2014, but not any year after that
australia is massive and has room for expansion, and plenty of natural resources. we also have a proportionally higher white population, britain has nothing
Rorke staying in his smelly childhood country
I'd get bullied in Australia
the villa/estate system used by germanic lords with a population bound to the land and it's lord with little chance of perusing work other than what their lord hired them for. the people own no property and are dependant on their lord for shelter

diocletian's reforms setting peoples employment for life stratified communities and empowered large land owners with now a guaranteed supply of potential workers. in the east eventually Justinian would remove such stifling laws but they were still in force as the western empire collapsed to germanic migration
You cunts aren't even allowed to celebrate Australia Day anymore because that's "racist"... Don't you say a single word about my country you bogan cunts
how long would it take to walk around britain
we're used to seeing brits so no one would really treat you any differently, you might get the odd bit of banter but i'm sure you can take it
If I had my act together I might move to Australia, reckon life is nicer there
came to 4chan from /a/

Bully a yank in Australia
Play him a prank in Australia
Can't buy a tank in Australia
Fancy a wank in Australia
this the latest industry plant?
>Will I get a tanned blonde Australia wife with a bright attitude and a bit of a cheeky flair?
That doesn't exist, Poztralian women are universally ugly and pig disgusting
you can't walk around it it's an island
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They have Asian Massage Parlors everywhere
Reckon you could find a low cost of living town to do carlife in and get a weekly tugjob no questions asked
For me? /b/
find it fried aussies are genetically us just on the other side of the world
literally just the british and irish working class left in the sun for 200 years and somehow made an advanced society
come to australia and get skin cancer with us
all pop stars are 'industry plants' you dumb cunt
Can get that here (texas)
mad how Australia and New Zealand are over 1000 miiles apart
Giving my bellend papercuts
all aussies get good tans from what i have seen
reckon it only takes 100 or so years in the sun to build up resistance to it
Don't relate at all to Poztralians. Their culture is entirely foreign to me.
Their banter is strange and alien. They pay for things in dollars, not pounds. Their climate is closer to Yanks' than Brits'. Even their accent sounds more American than English. And on top of that, they like pakipaddle (a derivative of baseball) and "Australian football" (basically just NFL) rather than the true Anglo-Saxon sport of football.
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I always assumed they were fucking
made more sense that way
It's about the same distance as Brisbane to Adelaide
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Mental my ancestors had the choice of New York, Canada, Texas, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and chose to stay here
do you think the sun in texas is comparable to australia? we have by far the highest skin cancer rate in the world, and new zealand is second for some reason even though their climate is temperate and not particularly sunny, i think the sun just hates the southern hemisphere or something
Sorry, Thornton...bad dream.
Reckon I could make a fuck ton of money doing a YouTube channel about this
Sans the tugjob
My little secret
Would get drunk and get handles on 2 weeks NoFap
I only ever went on /mu/ once, because someone from the band Anamanaguchi was going to do a Q&A on there. I went as it was happening, and they were only responding to dick sucking posts and just responding ;) to any other sorts of posts or questions. It made me hate them and stop listening to their music because that was all I could think about when I listened to any.
>. Even their accent sounds more American than English

what a silly thing to say
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>/l/ - Lolikon
So do you and you chose to stay
and which one will you choose?
they are us though
may be yankified to high heaven but you can tell the difference between them and yanks
yanks are german, hispanic, central european, black influence

aussies are literally victorian povvos and irish famine refugees that were dumped on the other side of the world
tasmania is the great britain of australia
If Britain sorts itself out, Texas or Australia
If it continues to be a shite declining Muslim shithole, because I refuse to run in my country's hour of need
Closest equivalent yeah
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Imagine being a fucking obnoxious yank YouTuber carlifer in Australia
Fucking KEK
yeah i lived there for a while and it's quite britain-esque even down to the vibe of the towns, they feel very old-fashioned
Are western Australians different from eastern Australians?
Yanks and Aussies will never know the feel of the British countryside
It's what they crave, genetically. They just can't find it in such monstrous creations like "Brisbane" and "Phoenix, Arizona"
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i like drinking beer and smoking cigarettes
do i like to party? the answer is yes!
easier to drive desu
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>no tug job parlors
When did the fire break out?
just lonely
When did you become possessed?
Pretending to be happy is too much
Others are not up to me
Wasted persistence
I shed tears in the middle of the night
Watching the flowers fall alone
Slandered me and never defended me
Bullying me, I would rather remain silent
Insult me, I can hide
don't laugh at me laugh at me
Don't underestimate me, why bother to say anything?
Damn me, just laugh it off
Hate me, I lock my heart
come lie to me lie to me
I'm not wrong
Cause and effect cannot be broken
Already wasted
Cut off Tao and Buddha
Live a new life
Slandered me and never defended me
Bullying me, I would rather remain silent
Insult me, I can hide
don't laugh at me laugh at me
Don't underestimate me, why bother to say anything?
Damn me, just laugh it off
Hate me, I lock my heart
come lie to me lie to me
I'm not wrong
brisbane is great, the whole southeast queensland/northeast nsw region is basically heaven on earth
It's hot
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You can literally live in a cheap house and get wasted and go get a tuggie
No need to fap
tangerine pomegranate red bull
my auntie lived in qld
caboolture and brisbane
was insanely jealous at the time

fuck wish i could move there. you are one lucky cunt. you don't know the grimness of post thatcher british mining towns.
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I didn't enjoy having sex with my ex because I didn't love her. Now with that in mind I cannot possibly understand how anyone could enjoy having sex with a prostitute. Or a one night stand for that matter. The emotional connection and the feeling of intimacy with the person you love is surely what elevates it from a mere physical act.
Our lebensraum
Yeah mate was just bloggin' that one down the pub
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ummm, I think I understand middle easterners now
more of a monster enjoyer myself
>fact cells emanate female hormones even in male body
so this is what happens in western males body
it's not soy at all
i live right next to caboolture and go there often, it has a reputation for being a run-down methhead shithole and that is true but it's not that bad, i've never been mugged there
It...feels good?
People who have one night stands are psychopaths by definition
>'great' britain
A little bit
I reckon they're a bit more dutch/afrikaans in their influence
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ugly SLAG, this is a sabrina board
it looks so paranoid
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Done us honestly
100% of the civilisation that exists on these lands was built by British, Anglo-Saxon people.

Unfortunately Poztralians refuse to accept this, and prefer to worship Abbos jacking-off sticks inside caves instead.
true, i've had a few one night stands and they were pretty miserable, i haven't yet had the privilege of having sex with someone i love
>having sex is psycho
virgin cope
there's an insane leftypol white guilt element active in both our countries, but at least with abos we're pandering to the natives of this land rather than bending over backwards for a bunch of invasive blacks and pajeets who don't belong there
Aussies are 100% Anglos
It is some mad delusion they have that they are not just Brits on some mad desert outpost
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For me, it's Tori Amos
Mike Tyson's description of what it was like when he first visited a prostitute sums it all up to me.
Let's be real digeridoos are FIRE
Rorke dying.

That's it. That's the Rorke post. He just dies.
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head looks pasted on and the arms are masculine
Abbos don't mean shit. They contributed literally zero to your country. They are as foreign to Australia as Nigerians are to Britain. You must kick them out, or prostrate them beneath you, if you are ever to be regarded as a serious and respectable country.
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My superpower? I'm a vibemaster. I put off good vibes just to make you feel comfortable, while I manipulate you. And I pick up on others bad vibes way quicker than most people
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Go on post it then ffs madlad
might play my oblivion save file that i started in like 2014 and haven't finished and have been playing on and off ever since
filling my hovel with hopping nitro crates
My waifu <3
Bitch be wearing a tunic
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Don't mind the Abos me
Should be just left in the desert though, they are clearly not fit for the white mans civilisation

It's literally as if some Victorian age society turned up in Europe in 50,000 BC and then within 200 years all the native Europeans were living in reservations in permanent settlements when a few generations ago they were barely sentient hunters living in the wild.
hmm, a 10-pack of cider and a 2L box of tawny, that should be enough to keep me comfortably pissed for the whole weekend
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Idk what I did to piss you off Mousey. I'm a big fan of your posts actually. Let's sign a pact of peace, yeh?
Done him
He was on holiday somewhere, maybe Thailand or something, he was only a teenager and in a red light district. He was talked into visiting a prostitute and he was all excited to lose his virginity. As he's going into the room, the man who just fucked her passes by him. It's a dirty, bare, dark room, like a prison cell. He just catches her squeezing the cum out of her pussy into a bowl she keeps nearby, before laying down for him. He is completely put off and sickened and disturbed and leaves.
if you have sex with a girl once is there a big chance that she'll have sex with you again?
yeah, unless you were an absolutely terrible fuck
people would pay to be that bowl
"British Islanders" don't exist and most scandi men are goofy looking and their women unattractive
That is fucking CLASSIC Mike!
what are the Isle of Man natives than?
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canadian qveens
I can’t believe russians were unironically paying fucking tim pool 400K (USD!) a month to make videos that generated 1-2k views at the very most.

russians have got to the stupidest motherfuckers alive
cute protruding ears
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For me it's AMERICAN WOMEN <3
british islandes are english, scots, welsh and irish
genetically, culturally and historically one people closer to each other than anyone else
whenever I go out to the shops and pass people by and all that, none of them know that I pick the bogies out of my nose and eat them
whos tim pool
Good choice
I can't believe you typed two whole sentences and failed to insert any semblance of british culture into either of them
fake mousey
we are not british by definition and you're more related to the dutch than us just fax
I licked a woman's arsehole for the first time last night and now my throat is sore.
a popular internet political commentator
tim is british
australians are allowed to post whatever they want, moot said so on /brit/ himself, it was his last post on 4chan before selling it
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what compels someone to lick an arsehole
She has a daughter, too
peng z boss and a mini
peng z boss and a mini
hows about I insert my tallwhacker(British word for cock) into your bum(British word for butt)
> and their women unattractive
unironically feel the same
if you don’t speak another language and live in the uk you’re by definition a british islander
I am obsessed with arse's and always have been.
tell that to the janny who keeps banning me for saying racial slurs
basically what i want is a drug that can put me into a comatose-like state for a day or two but isn't going to fuck my life up like a benzo addiction
just want to sleep for a while if you get me
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people whine about dresden but dont realize how many bombs the jerrys dropped on england
maybe don’t be a racist skip and the janman wouldn’t bully you
The short version is: The majority of them, like most people, didn't really bother with "identifying" who they are. That was the realm of the intelligentsia, which had divided into two camps - those who identified as the Maloross, and those who identified as Ukrainians. The population did speak a language different enough from Russian, at least in the rural regions, but the ideas of nationalism were introduced to most of them, much as in the rest of Russia, in the process of getting them to support a cause for war.

The longer version requires a fair bit of explanation.

At the time, "Malorossiya" was the administrative boundary within the empire. "Ukraine" was a geographic term of a slightly larger area, similar to "Siberia". Both were often used interchangeably, though the former was preferred when talking about cultural matters.

The census used the term "Maloross" or sometimes "Malorus" for the cultural group, which was defined by the language used, and was depicted as being one of three parts of the larger "Russian" identity, alongside "Belarus" and "Velikorus" ("Great Russian").

As a result, within the Russian Empire, most, though not all, of the established intelligentsia that spoke the Maloross language did identify themselves as Maloross. This identity relied on the common cultural and historical ties of the Eastern Slavs going back to ancient Rus', the similarities in language which sometimes seemed as mere dialects of the greater whole, as well as on the Orthodox Christianity as the central pillar of Russian identity - at some periods of Russian history to be Orthodox was to be Russian.
it's not something I've ever done but when I'm doing sixty nine with the missus and all I have to look at is her arse hole right there and it's so perfectly clean I do wonder
For me it's secret product and a trench
i'm an irish catholic mate
the people of the british isles are one people
doesn't invalidate the easter rising, that was about sovereignty not race
could go to the doctor and say you're depressed and get mirtazapine and amitriptyline, i was on both for a while but they didn't really help my depression so i basically just used them as sleeping pills
they do make you gain weight though so watch out for that
just hid that post
fuck off you boring cunt
>you're more related to the dutch than us just fax
The average Brit is 60% Celtic, 40% Anglo-Saxon
The competing idea of a culturally and politically separate "Ukrainian" identity originated in Galicia, then part of the Austrian Empire. The Austrians themselves called the population there "West Russians". This idea did, however, spread through the intelligentsia in Russia as well, even a good while before WWI (when Austria encouraged it through propaganda to rile the locals against the government). It pointed to the difference in language, a distinct literary legacy, and to Ukraine's separate history - that of the Hetmanate.

The specifics are quite complicated, but in short - between the 15th and 17th centuries, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth claimed lordship over pretty much all land west of the Don river, but large parts of it were instead controlled autonomously and often in opposition to the Polish rule by the Cossacks, a military elite, who elected their ruler, called Hetman. They were in constant state of warfare against both the Polish and the Tatars from the south and the east. At times some of them allied with Moscow, at others, with Poland, which once even had a project for an autonomous "Great Russian Principality", ruled by the Hetman.

The Hetmanate was not exactly a state. It was a military structure first and foremost, meant to protect against the Tatar raiders and the Polish overlordship. There was no internal policy as such, no bureaucracy, barely even a system of taxes. It was a collection of warlords - hence their common title, "вoeвoдa".
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My beloved Tori :3
their holes are really close together. the fairer sex, I'm referring to. the fairer sex's holes
in 1984 the part where winston reads the book is so boring
You ever been on minipine?
But the political barriers between Russia and, as this region was known in the wider world at the time, Ruthenia, did lead to a divergence of culture and language. When these lands were brought under Russian control in the late 17th and over the 18th centuries, the political barriers went away, but the cultural ones didn't. The local population spoke a language similar, but recognizably different from that of the lands to the north. Still, the Austrian and Polish examples show that the population there was still considered Russian, at least by the Austrians and the Poles. And despite the Poles' best efforts, they were Orthodox, not Catholic.

For a long time, none of it really mattered. These lands, plagued as they were by constant warfare and slaver raids, didn't develop the same way greater Russia or Poland did. They had few cities, especially east of the Dnieper, and the main trade was grain and livestock. The questions of nationality didn't bother anyone but a tiny minority of politically active elite, most of whom were military leaders, and those of them that aligned against Russia were eliminated over the course of wars with Poland and Sweden.

But by the late 19th century, while the cities were primarily Russian - many of them across Novorossiya and the Don region having been founded under Russian rule, - the rural areas around the cities spoke a different language. And as literacy all across Russia increased, and ideas of nationality began to appear, the question of course arose - wouldn't the difference in language imply that this group of people isn't the same as that other one? Especially since there is a distinct historical and literary legacy present?
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i really dont believe that
i think it's exaggerated greatly
announing you hid a post: also really boring

reminds me of that nietzsche quote. dont look into the monsters eye lest you gain the monsters eyesight
felicity jones was exactly my type back in the day, shame she must be in her 40s and walled to hell by now
The Russian government disliked these ideas, because they reminded it of Polish attempts at regaining independence, and they undermined the stability of the sate. So, perhaps somewhat foolishly, there was initially a lot of pushback against this cultural identity, at times denying its existence in the first place. As it often happens, the harder you try to contain something, the worse it gets, so rather than solving the issue of separatism, it exacerbated it, pushing many of the cultural and political figures of Maloross origin to the Ukrainian idea. And while by the early 20th century this was mostly relaxed, with the term Maloross officially entered into the census, the effect was already there, and a substantial part of the Maloross intelligentsia, though by far not all of them, were antagonistic to the government. This was only made worse by the generally tense situation all across Russia in the early 20th century, where any cause, even one not relation to nationality, proved inflammatory, with the potential to spark a revolution.

After that spark went off thrice and eventually started a civil war, nationality proved to be a major factor - not only were there full scaled attempts at creating a separate state, even if their rulers weren't popular at all, the whole thing was encouraged by the Bolsheviks. They used this narrative against the White movement, and pushed for their idea of internationalism. But because there was no prior Ukrainian nation before, they needed one - hence their creation of the Ukrainian SSR, their subsequent policy of "nativization", which saw the term "Maloross" eradicated while the Soviet government forced people to learn the Ukrainian language. And then there are Stalin's writings on how the Russian cities such as Kiev must and will become more Ukrainian, partially through the influx of the rural population, and partially through the eradication of what the Bolsheviks saw as the imperialist element of Russianness.
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can someone here pls put me in their will
"Will" you shut the fuck up?
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excited for the new, me
Suppose it wouldn't do any harm
alri *my willy slithers towards you, rears up, opens extremely wide at the urethra and swallows you whole* oh sorry you said will not willy aha too late now
There’s an indictment for Tenet Media

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