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Nigga that's

Swiped left : >>202173525
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Good morning sisters. Woke up to the sounds of heavy rain around 2 AM, but overall I slept really well and am well rested rn. Let's hope today will be a nice day.

Cute frog.
gm /med/
Lucky lucky lucky me
I'm a lucky son of a gun
I neet eight hours
I sleep eight hours
That leaves eight hours to goon
Good morning /med/.
Good morning to my fellow Europeans
Good morning, that’s great to hear, I hope you have a nice productive day aswell.
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A chilly, windy morning. It is like someone flipped a switch.
Good morning med, Imma make shakshuka for brunch
I have never enjoyed living in the world
It's been getting colder for the last week in the UK. The nights have been getting colder. And my house has bad insulation so it's pretty cold.

>Shakshouka (Arabic: شكشوكة : šakšūkah, also spelled shakshuka or chakchouka) is a Maghrebi[1][2][3] dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, olive oil, peppers, onion, and garlic, commonly spiced with cumin, paprika and cayenne pepper
Sounds alright

Then you should change things about your life
We have been hit by winds from the north these past few days, which have brought some respite from the heat and humidity that usually characterises this time of the year. It even rained.
>winds from the north
Those damn Italians
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>ywn marry a soft pale anglo qt working at a coffee shop/library and who like to write poetry on the side
o-oooh lads, that one hurts BAD
she cute
They're preferable to southern winds which are very humid, though southern winds are not prone to destruction.
Interesting. Anyway apparently it's 23 C in Malta and 9 C where I am so I'm a bit jealous at the moment
Not even in winter does it normally get down to 9C here.
I am jealous of the warmth of your country
There's nothing to be jealous of.
Warmth is comfortable. Coldness is uncomfortable.
Yes, but we barely get any rain.
Bollocks, I miss when winter was actually cold here
Once while I was a kid I saw a major part of the lake completely frozen, it was quite a sight, but I don't think I'll ever see that again
Wrong, completely and utterly wrong
Where are you from btw, Anglobro?
Personally I like both but I like the "cold" better because the heatwave we had these last years are just harsh while you can always cozy up in cold weather.
Meds like the cold because it's the minority and northerners like the heat for the same reason.
You could desalinate seawater... although I guess that's expensive

Coldness sucks, every winter when I'm at home I stick on tons of clothes and I'm still cold, because I don't want to spend money on heating

>Where are you from btw, Anglobro?
I don't want to be too specific because I'm always paranoid about doxxing and whatever. I'm from England though. So yeah it's not as cold as Scotland I guess, but still.

>the heatwave we had these last years are just harsh
I like them myself. If it's too hot I just turn on a fan and it's fine.
We do that already, but as you said it is expensive. Rain is cheaper, especially for agriculture.
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>Andalucia's pre-workout

I hear you, sister.

>Then you should change things about your life
Normie moment
Desalination is used for tap water, to be exact.
As if this general isn't mostly populated by normies come on now.
Makes sense

Normality is good
And it is probably rather wasteful, but I don't know the technicalities.
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Last week people were shitting themselves over the temperature being too warm outside, and now that it's 11 degrees, some guy already started heating his home. Fucking hell.

>Normality is good
I know and I'm jelly.

Can't name any normie residents other than portubro, galicia, manchego, brescia, and hérault.
No worries, it's a wise move.
>I just turn on a fan and it's fine.
Yeah in the end it just depends where you live. In winter in the southwest France I just have to contend with a mild winter. Lotsa rain, some cold but not biting. So I can stay home all cozy and play video games.
My only issue with heat is the sweating. I don't mind the heat itself. Usually a fan does the trick but now we have an AC so...
Piedini has also always been normie as hell
>Can't name any normie residents other than portubro, galicia, manchego, brescia, and hérault.
That's like half of /med/.
Desalination? It's using an abundant resource, but yeah there's the expense

>>Normality is good
>I know and I'm jelly.
I should stress that I am not normal. But I hope to become more normal.

>In winter in the southwest France I just have to contend with a mild winter. Lotsa rain, some cold but not biting. So I can stay home all cozy and play video games.
That sounds cool, that probably is a good climate. Warm but not hugely hot.
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Yeah, true.
Just coming from the supermarket and it's 11h30.
Lazy morning.
Shakshuka has been eaten, it was delicious
I like lazy saturday mornings, no worries whatsoever
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>that girl ghosted me like i told you
>yesterday i had 3rd date arranged with this other girl, at around 5pm she stopped replying me so in the end nothing happened, today she wrote me she had to go to her parents for whatever and then was trashed and just fell asleep, didn't even write me yesteday to cancel the date
>i say ok, but i will stop writing her now, if she gives it a try and rearrange a date i will consider she is interested, otherwise it's not worth the effort
Reality crashing in front of my very eyes.
Why are women so insensitive ?
>i say ok, but i will stop writing her now, if she gives it a try and rearrange a date i will consider she is interested, otherwise it's not worth the effort
You told her the whole line? Sometimes I wonder how much should be untold. Like just stop sending messages and waiting she does contact you, because it's kind of obvious, but at the same time some people are clueless
Today's training.
Squat 1x1 with 200 kg, 3x3 with 180 kg.
Hip thrust machine 3x6 with 60 kg.
Leg extensions 3x8 with 86 kg.
I don't like it when I have to cook.
>Hip thrust
Sex-haver moment
>You told her the whole line?
No i just told her no worries, it happens
But anyone who isn't a toddler understands the unsaid parts
Yeah but women, man
or they understand but just have too much choice
or they won't because "i'm shy"
>took a zillion dicks though
when i am stressed, i masturbate
Yeah, if i had their options i probably would also do questionable behaviour, it is what it is
I don't take it personally, even if a part of me wishes to see their future despair when time runs out and they actually are left without options
I don't have to be stresed to wank
me neither but i masturbate more than normal when i am stressed
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I'm going to enjoy some French pastries.

What a deal
They are free for me because my mother won't stop giving me money anyway.
>croissant are 1,25€/u at the local bakery
clinically INSANE
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>60 kg
You meant 160, r-right?

Understandable. I already spent like 2 hours cooming today. Guess I'll do something productive in the afternoon (already done with vacuum cleaning), I mean I still have 10 hours until 11 PM.

Based. I literally earn more than my mom and dad combined yet mom still gave me 50 euros before leaving just so that I can order food if I'm not in the mood to cook.
>You meant 160, r-right?
No, this machine is harder than using a bar, there's more ROM and the weight feels different.
Although I'll probably increase the weight fast as I get used to the machine.
I disagree, I don't like being treated like a little baby who can't feed himself.
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Maybe i should start cooking my slop
>No, this machine is harder than using a bar
I have not tried bar thrusts yet, because the underside of our bench is made out of some hard material so pushing my back against that is really uncomfy even without weight. I assumed bar thrusts were harder than machine thrusts desu. I'm currently doing 12 reps with 85 kg because it's been only some sessions since I feel like my ROM is correct and I'm not overextending until the point where my back would be also used. Will try reaching 100-110 kg by the end of the month, but I'm also yet to get used to having a belt around me pulling me down with the weight I use.
>I don't like being treated like a little baby who can't feed himself.
I'm sure your mother doesn't see it that way. Maybe tell her you feel that way so you can talk about it.

Yeah but it's actual bakery quality though. Buying them at the grocery store ain't the same.
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The last bus for today that could have taken me to the gym already passed by, so my only chance of trying their equipments out today is walking 6 kilometres while it's raining outside.
Can't decide if I should just chill or have an ultrachud moment.
If it's harder or easier just depend on the particular machine.
>I'm sure your mother doesn't see it that way.
She thinks it's her duty to provide for her kids even when we are older and thinks that she doesn't need the money anyway.
>Maybe tell her you feel that way so you can talk about it.
I told her, she doesn't care, she even says I'll always be her kid.

All croissants are cute and valid chud.
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We eating good today bros
I'll stick to land animals.
You can have sex with Amber Heard but there's a 50% chance she will sue you, do you take the risk ?
She can sue me I don't have any money for her to get from me.
What if she wants you to be in jail ?
the fuck is that doe?

I will argue that my tiny pecker could not really penetrate and large pussy
Only without protection and if she's ovulating, otherwise don't care
I guess I'd have to do as >>202222859 and do the tiny pecker defense.
>she doesn't need to sue anymore
idk who winning here
>idk who winning here
>that video where she teases johnny depp
prolly wouldn't be able tor resist that succubus desu
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She's living in Spain right now. Knowing how crazy she is and the feminist laws that protect her, she made a wise choice.
apparently she "had a kid" througn another mother, idk how it's called in english
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Surrogate motherhood or something? That's an option for rich hags who don't want to get fat
Let's be real guys, if i was in this lad's position i wouldn't think at all about consequences, it's sad but it is what it is, she's insane but also top quality harlot
I would regret it a thousand times and then a thousand more, but still
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The tap on the ass always crack me up
I would take the risk

Hmmm, I wasn't aware :D
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>finally at the point of no return, can no longer join glowie and chud factions
>pretty awesome quests so far
>members adopt a new name after joining the Round Table
>Arthur is the leader, Merlin is a wise old pre-war ghoul former SAS and the main military advisor, Lancelot is head of security
>don't even recognise the other names present
>realise I don't know dick about Arthurian Legend
>join round table as the new Gaheris
pretty fun guys so far, way better than the minutemen and the brotherhood of steal from the base game
the Quest continues...
What's the probability of her taking a shit on my bed?
I live near there, don't think anyone's ever heard of that meme
chicken slop, pasta, pepper bell, onion, simple as
succubus is applicable, seeing how she sucked the life out of him and he looks like a meth addict now
the nigga that's nuts meme?
doubt much normies ever heard about it
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ate lunch in about 7 minutes

i need to eat slower
Same, I buy food that requires little to no effort. Sandwiches are good because they're easy to make and there's very little stuff to clean
I am an 18 year old 165cm white zoomer, should I give up on women and accept my fate as an incel?I think I look decent but I am way too short for my generation
You're short but manlet are not unable to get gfs.
Just don't expect to fuck easy zoomettes
i think the best would be to not care much about it, if you chase them now you will ruin your mental
idk, i'm virgin
I can take more than 30 minutes, often do
anyway today it's lombo assado, just got the takeaway
Unfortunately I had to cook for my family so I couldn't take the easy route.
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I bring with me a gift
And this one too actually
I hope you enjoy.
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quintessential mexican post
sudacas really are the pope's greatest warriors
Couldn't you just say you were busy with a commitment and then just go for a walk to pretend you're busy
Atheism is good, religion is false
Why don't you go back to Guatemala and rebuild the West from there
I believe in your capabilities Latinxbro
No, I must help out, you know?
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>inexistant records
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I dreamt that I was among many other males and women and we all had to find a mate. For some reason, I was the only one left alone.
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Come on, /med/ders, be a bit more positive than that.
Fucking hell , gman. Sorry to hear you have dreams like that.
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they have very interesting... accents, yeah let's go with that.
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maybe it's your subconscious manifesting your deepest fears
like those dreams about being chased by something in a dark forest, but this time about your social anxieties
i hate the sun so fucking much its unreal

when I become rich, I will change from North to South hemisphere every 6 months just to avoid that yellow nigger on top of our heads
You probably have Slavic ancestors that were enslaved by the Crimeans.
Saw a tamil BVLL with an overweight white woman
It's over
Us blacks can't even get those french papers through their fat ladies
Fair play, you are a better person than me

We live in a society...
Vgh...imagine fucking that ass.
>Us blacks
I didn't know there were blacks in /med/.
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Give me a break subconscious
I probably am not.
All frenchs are black until proven otherwise
nah, my aunt did that dns thing and seems like my family has 75% west Asian 25% Italian blood
Im not black doe
They like testing men.
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Phonephobia is a crippling issue.
When you feel the urge to masturbate try lifting weights.
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Me and the boys on Halloween.

Jerking off is calisthenics with low ROM and high reps tbf.
Whenever I'm eating I just shovel the food in my mouth to get it over with faster.
My deepest fear is that of loneliness and indeed the lack of gf factors quite a bit.
Yeah I dunno if the gf dreams or the lack of gf ones are worse.
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I hate Nordic and Germanic whores Celtic Italic greeko Iberian Levant are all much better
Are Europeans familiar with am/pm or do you guys always use 24 hour clocks?
We can say 1 instead of 13 and so on
I see, thanks
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Always use 24 hours format, but sometimes I use AM/PM when I'm shitposting on 4chan.
Can't get over how retarded it is that 12:01 AM comes before 1:01 AM. I get how that works, but it still annoys me desu.
And yes, we always say 5 o'clock instead of 17 o'clock.
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There's a festival going on near me, and there are some of the gayest homos attending that I've ever seen in my life. I'm talking moustaches and bare chests, men wearing giant high-heeled boots, one guy was even carrying a whip.
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is there a fella with a captain hat and a yellow raincoat?
ah, so there's a Queen concert in town...
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No, and I did not stop to ask if anybody knew him (I don't know what his reputation is in the gay community).
(You) if you asked : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj-wjeHYTwM
True that's a bit weird. Anyway the reason I asked is for a website that I've been half-heartedly making, but I realised that JavaScript can show time in the local format anyway (so European users will see 24 hour time while American users will see am/pm)
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Hehe :D

I prefer 24 hour format simply because it's more precise. I have no idea why some people still use am/pm
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>pfizer had about the heart saying you had your first love at 15
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Je ne l'aime pas moi-meme.
tl;dr : character wants to join complotists, end up there because of le quiproquo
Having rn a homemade beer that an artisan gave us teachers in the school of adults when I was still there some months ago. Then, heading to the "feria" with some friends (pic related, there's nothing but alcohol and tapas in that circle, rollercoasters and a big wheel outside).
Stay away.
>west Asian
Man, that's why I hate those stupid DNA tests, because West Asian sounds like it's an umbrella term to fit all people from this region without specifying who it really was, like for this money I always expected a crazy turn around, but nope.
/brit/ is about a group of adult men typing in their keyboard the first thing that comes out of their mind

Like, i feel like scratching my ass
They go and say:
>Scratching the arse lads, a little sweaty
Without replying to anyone or with any intention of creating a conversation, just empty brainless posts

And it's the same with lal the brits all over 4chan
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i was working so i couldn't answer her
she sent me this
based autists

look, i'm all for blogposting but we don't need to know about each text she sends you, this is private discussion between you two
/brit/ is completely insane, hundreds of short nonsensical posts completely unrelated to each other
I miss the true Turkposter, now we've got this faggot instead
Exactly, i would find it funny doing it one thread, but there's like a dozen of brit threads each day, for years, it's completely insane
fuck you
fuck you too
big fan of their lingo, me
I think am/pm is an Anglo thing (it seems to be the default in the US, unless you're in the military)

But the UK seems to have adopted 24 hour time a fair bit over the last couple decades, probably because we were in the EU and everything (same reason we mostly adopted metric, with some limited exceptions)

When talking, pretty much every Brit will say "5 pm" and practically nobody would say "17 o clock", but 24 hour clocks are still common on the TV, at train stations, etc.
block her or propose a date or install grindr fr
It's almost like the whole country is made by inbreed retards and their metastatic offsprings they sent oversea some hundreds years ago really remind their fathers a lot
I would argue that /brit/ is worse than just being weird. They're vicious. You can say something that is completely normal and they'll insult you for no reason. It's such an angry and bitter thread.
They talk like if they were low class, funny in some ways i guess
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I have no idea how some of you /med/ders can live alone. My parents only left a day ago yet I already dread coming home to an empty house with noone around. 8 more nights alone, VGH.

>this faggot
He cute, c'mon.

Wish I got my butt whipped desu (except by a woman preferably in her last 30s or early 40s and not by a fag). At least is the music at the festival decent?
Nah, there are well spoken intelligent brits here, but they shouldn't call it /brit/, they should call it /dump/ because that's what it is
>He cute, c'mon.
>install grindr
blocked in turkey
>block her
not possible
>propose a date
not possible
You can't see the exceptions and consider them the rule, it's a fact those are deviants
I too engage in safe rayycism.
A me stanno simpatici gli inglesi
I only read time in timestamp
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Any medder played Pizza Tower ?
Sì anche a me, sto provocando un po'
Gli amerigrassi invece sono proprio stupidi
Hai visto sopra? Ieri la tizia mi ha bidonato senza dirmi un cazzo, ho aspettato tutta sera come un pollo
Sorry anonaise, i only play EU4 and ff games
Speaking of brits, I just learnt that Picard is 51% owned by a British company
Thoughts on the upcoming FF1-6 compilation ?
Not interested so far honestly, only played from vii to xii
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Wouldn't that be the perfect opportunity to play games you haven't played ?
Non avevo visto, mi spiace accidenti, mi sembrava che stesse andando tutto bene.
Il problema è sempre la differenza numerica, noi dobbiamo tenere stretto ogni scampolo di opportunità, loro se va male o si stufano hanno il prossimo pretendente già pronto su Tinder
Not in the mood of playing games rn, but i guess they'll be more accessible if they have x2 speed and such
Le do il beneficio del dubbio, una volta può succedere, ma se non si fa avanti lei nel rilanciare semplicemente non le interessa abbastanza e amen, anche a me sembrava andasse tutto bene, certo non da farfalle nello stomaco ma insomma
Come dici tu, loro hanno sempre altre opzioni pronte, paradossalmente mi ha trattato molto meglio il 9/10 che ha 20 anni, mah
D'altronde era anomala questa abbondanza, a posteriori è tutto più compatibile coi dati raccolti fin'ora, si ricomincia a remare
Tonight for dinner we had fish and some Chiaretto to go along with it
The fish was very good, the wine was surprisingly bad
Sì a sto punto tocca a te aspettare, probabilmente è finita ma non si sa mai.
>D'altronde era anomala questa abbondanza, a posteriori è tutto più compatibile coi dati raccolti fin'ora, si ricomincia a remare
Oh beh almeno per un periodo ti è andata benino, non è detto che finisca del tutto
Ma tuglia pastrami piccolo tranctio, io non pensare qui il spachiolo ti glio trempinni, andiamo fratello
Buon contributo
Was it chianti ?
As for me it's gonna be a chicken sandwich and shakshuka leftovers.
>Gli amerigrassi invece sono proprio stupidi
Questo è vero
>Chianti with fish
Are you mad? I told you, Chiaretto, Chiaretto di Bardolino more specifically
Non è detto sì, il dubbio lo concedo perché non era una scemotta qualsiasi ma una con una palpabile quota di autismo sociale e relazionale, quindi posso pensare non fosse impegnata a farsi rinnovare il traforo del monte bianco da altri, ma comunque non ci si fa trattare così a prescindere, ci sta anche il bidone all'ultimo, ma almeno dimmelo
Avevo matchato una strafiga ma non mi ha ancora scritto, speriamo domani perché se no scadono le 24h che hanno su bumble per scriverti per prime
Non sapevo avessimo casertani sul /med/, i miei omaggi
>fosse impegnata a farsi rinnovare il traforo del monte bianco da altri
Hahaha cazzo speriamo di no
>Avevo matchato una strafiga
Ostia sei diventato uno sciupafemmine
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>check own bookstand
>count them
>70% in English 30% in Portuguese
national /lit/erature is dead and I killed it...
I read the vast majority of my books in Italian, the last book in English that I read was Blood Meridian in February, exceedingly rarely I read something in German
thoughts on EU5/Project Caesar being developed in Spain now?
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Here's a pic from underground tunnels where poor bastards lived under Edinburgh back in the middle ages.
Some japanese medium once said a little girl ghost lived in this room and bought a doll for her that she left there. Then tourists got the tradition to leave plushies for Annie the sad ghost girl.
I wasn't supposed to take pics but for 22 quids the ticket, I felt like I was owed that much.
It looks good, i want to see how the combat works, let's hope it's not shit like vic 3
>22 quids
>Please, don't give food to scottoids sign
>22 pounds
Ma penso siano match a caso, ogni tanto capita il figone che ti matcha e non ti scrive mai, probabilmente ha fatto per sbaglio
Questa è proprio thotta, sarei felicissimo, perché ho un debole per le vacche? Non può uscirne niente di buono
I saw the Georgian culture map mode and I have mixed feelings, on one hand, having Megrelian and Svan as separate cultures makes sense within the grander scope they're going for, but also it should be kept in the Kartvelian culture group, I don't want retards thinking that Megrelian or Svan separatism is a thing.
One of us, one of us! I bought 2 books here so far. Shōgun and If on a winter's night a traveller.
It's so fucking expensive here, holy shit. They sell little clay figures for like 30£.
Attempted a calisthenics sesh but quickly gave up
Was supposed to go to the pool instead of that already
It's over
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Ignore the haters.
I like the meme, it's a funny one.
Mr. Fancy Pants reading in more than two languages
not my fault they don't translate anything that isn't super mainstream :/
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St. Gyles looking good.
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absolutely vile those thieves
>Japanese being absolute weirdos
I think that's just cultural
some of the locations in Portugal were just flat out in the wrong place lol, that said if the gameplay is as deep as it looks so far and the armies/diplomacy are fun I'll forgive them
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I injured my shoulderblade somehow and now i can't do chinups and pullups, thankfully i can still do pushups and vertical pushups, plus all the core/legs stuff but it triggers me, not gonna lie

Also i need /med/ intellectuals, i'm not much of a reader (only mangos and graphic novels) but i'd like to read something since i will have some days off
I'm thinking something short, not some 500 pages brick, the topics i'd like are
Fights against the odds
Travel narrative that shows that other cultures aren't always that great
Any suggestion will be appreciated, please and thank you
Why would you want an inferior translated version anyway? It's like hearing a distorted tale vs. from the guy who lived it firsthand.
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Hunger is a novel by the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun. It portrays the irrationality of the human mind in an intriguing and sometimes humorous manner.
Thanks for the suggestion, but i mean anger as in rage, wrath, fury, not hunger
But if you think it's worth it, i'll check
I didn't consider it to be in your criterias but it's the first thing that came to my mind.

btw my previous post is a quote from wikipedia
That's a bit creepy.
Heart of Darkness fits all your points very well.
Maybe Blood Meridian although I haven't read it yet.
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so I can talk about it with people outside the internet
>a distorted tale vs. from the guy who lived it firsthand
that's already the case tho, if I read a book about Ancient Greece for example them using English terms is not "first hand" nor does it have more validity than Portuguese terms

this obviously doesn't apply if it's a fictional work by an English speaking author, I like reading my warhammer books and would never read shit in Portuguese
I shudder at the thought of them translating specific in universe fictional terms
Sì stavo pensando anch'io a Cuore di Tenebra
L'ho letto l'estate scorsa, mi è piaciuto abbastanza ma non mi ha fatto impazzire

Embra is expensive as shit, go to glasgow/falkirk/stirling/linlithgow for a good pub sesh
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That a Monopoly room will be created at 22h10 (in 30 bings)

Riggers are NOT eligible

What takes you to Romania, Angus?
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Do sargus bite feet in your country?
In the /med/ part of Britain (Gibraltar), yes
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It's out !

I had no idea there were beaches there, thought it was all deep water
Starting at 22h10 lads
That's a tiny ass board desu.
I would devour that mid jeeta's pussy
I agree with you, I had the 2nd case in mind.
Thanks for the tip, fren
Maybe you're right, I just looked at that fish's range on Wikipedia and it seems to go around Gibraltar
They’re common all over the med there’s probably some in gibraltar. Here it bites beach bather’s feet in summer they have teeth and it’s painful
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>I wasn't supposed to take pics but for 22 quids the ticket
Scots are the Jews of the United Kingdom. They've long been associated with miserliness and poor hospitality. I'm sorry you had to discover this first-hand, but some lessons are best learnt the hard way.
Too right. Scots invented both the TV and the phone, devices which now distract people with mind-numbing "entertainment" every day. A Scot also pioneered the medical use of penicillin, which has directly led to people living longer, and thus the problem of ageing populations which many countries face today.
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Be mindful of your boasts, there are lurking Americans who would gut you as soon as greet you for claiming that a Scotsman invented the TV. They view Philo T. Farnsworth with a reverence matched only by their love for the Founding Fathers, claiming that he invented the television.

Italians may also object to that bit about the telephone, but that's less important.
It's not a boast, I'm saying Scots are responsible for today's ills

Of course Americans and Italians will claim many things because they're both arrogant people
Still don't know what this is
It's a mini kraken
Who was femdomenjoyer, vida boy and brescianon? I was french hater
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Brescianon was brescianon, which is me. The anon which is from Brescia, hence the name. Brescia's anon, condensed becomes brescianon.
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Some kike
>I was french hater
No idea which spaniard you are desu.
>he doesn't know Brescianon

>I was french hater
I see, so you are from Brescia i suppose? Is that right? Have i got that right?
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Yes! You got it right! Bravo! Also I'm glad you lost, sorry.
>No idea which spaniard you are desu
A new spaniard
I regret nothing
>A new spaniard
Damn, thought you were either manchego or andalucia because of the game requiring low bandwidth.
Btw I was femdomenjoyer.
>Also I'm glad you lost, sorry.
Fuck you, Total Brescia Destruction

Game is unbalanced anyway
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I'm glad you won. What about vital kid? I felt sorry for his early jewification.
>Damn, thought you were either manchego or andalucia because of the game requiring low bandwidth

Are you jewish? I thought you were the israleite anon who was talking here a while ago
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>193 turns
How long were you people playing for?
>Total Brescia Destruction
Alhamdulillah, brother. One day.
40 minutes (well, not me as i left early)
1 hour i think? Dont know
Mashallah be with you
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>I'm glad you won.
Btw I was going to make a trade offer on the electricity service or whatever it was so that you wouldn't have to leave but you forfeited like 5 seconds before I could do that. Wanted to get that just for the lulz because I already gave you like 4 offers by the time we got there kek.
>vital kid
No idea, brune maybe?

>Are you jewish?
No, I'm 50% Italian mistery mutt (aka Ashkenazi).

44 minutes, from 22:10 to 22:54 (central eu time).
>brune maybe?
Of course
fucked up when i created the room so i had a default random name
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It was a lost battle, i survived by luck.
Fate did you dirty.
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From now on I'll refer to you as vital kid.
ingravidamento sul pavimento?
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*kick you of every room i create*
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What a perfect specimen. I would absolutely allow her to have sex with me, physically and/or mentally.
She has socks on doe
Cats are so funny
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>we need more bort loicence plates
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Good night sweethearts.
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They are the most noble and majestic of all creatures.
My mum and sister got to see lions and tigers today, made me a little jealous, not gonna ngl.
You look like this.
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>They are the most noble and majestic of all creatures
To me kots and dogs are on the same level
are we drinking anything good tonight boys?
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Fug on a rug?
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Nothing tonight but lingonberry juice, although last night I had 5 pina coladas and a couple jack daniels & cokes (I'm a lightweight, so that's my limit before I start puking and crying and ranting about the Jews).
I like your cat, he looks sniffable.
>he looks sniffable
She is, kek
hey man you are harder then me i try to avoid hard liquor in any form
I didn't expect that from you Catnigga, I am pleasantly surprised

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