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NO RACISM edition
Irish blood courses through my veins and compelled me to vote labour in the council elections today
oh my fuck I forgot about the election today
Oy vey
i hate niggers
Irish semen courses through my rumpy hole and compelled me to take my HIV prep today
Shane Gillis - obsessed with the bodies of black men
Matt McCusker - married to a black women with two mixed daughters.
Both Irish Diaspora.
Need I say more?
what state? you've got me panicking now, i don't want a fine
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Don't we all...
Don't we all
Mental you posted this, I was just watching funny videos with both of them earlier this morning.
Isn't South Wales bad enough? Why would anyone want a new one? *laugh track*
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ah i see, looks like up here in qld our election isn't until next month
will be voting labor because i'm a big fan of my local labor mp
wait do you get fined for not voting
Went "down the shops", blacks were fighting over chicken, no I'm not joking.
no clue who the first guy was so i looked him up and the first clip was of him talking about how we need blacks to keep uppity whites in check
Good morning yanks, good morning aussies.
voting is compulsory because it’s a nanny state and we all have to participate in the australian community or something. there are pros and cons to this
yes, i know it's bullshit but what are ya gonna do
it's illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet as well
i could go on and on about australia's retarded laws
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On the cans tonight lads.
Do you have to vote for an official candidate or can your write any name down?
all you have to do is show up and get your name crossed off the list, you don't have to write anything on the ballot
morning mate
Good moaning
>Rushes to vote as soon as the booths open like every other guy who wants to "dodge the queue"
>Votes at 4pm because nobody votes then
>it's illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet
what the fuck lmao
>doesn't vote
Never voted once and I'm 34
if i got pulled over by the police for not wearing a helmet i dont know what id do
id genuinely tell them to fuck off and if they persist ill just deal with the consequences, surely it cant be that bad for such a little thing
are you allowed to spoil your ballot or is that verboten as well
it’s ranked choice voting, ie let’s say there’s a list of 10 candidates. You put a number next to each of the names from 1-10 in order of your preference. They eliminate the person who came last and assign their votes to whoever those people’s second choices were, and keep going until one person reaches >50%. it’s another one of those reddit ideas our country loves so much, and actually a pretty good one if I may say so myself
it literally doesn't matter what you write because it's all anonymous, what matters is showing up and getting your name crossed off
No, Australian elections generally do not have write-ins
Which might have been a thing this time around if they were because the NSW Liberal Party HQ fucked up submitting their candidates in time
I like to stroll in to the polling station around 9:30pm while slightly drunk
Does not compute
Do Aussies not know what anonoymous means?
Damn what a dystopian freakshow country
Brits move to America instead
We all know how you want to move away so bad
Mate how are they going to track down your vote
i've done the lot
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they cross your name off a list, then they give you a piece of ballot paper that doesn't have your name or anything on it so it can't be traced back to you, how hard is this to understand? do ballot papers in the US have your name on them?
do aussies not have right-wing parties everywhere seems to just be labour, libs or greens
You're a rank choice heheheh
I go to a prevote centre the week before because I'm in Queensland and we're more advanced up here
Are you retarded?
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The best barbecue place near me retired
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Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with Americans? This is supposed to be a conservative movie.
>right wingers
>racial stereotyping
yeah mad that
Correct, there is not one single right-wing party in the entirety of Australia mmhmm
films with a political message are always going to be poorly-written and full of talentless actors no matter what
Prevoting a poo
aussie labor are right wing
if you're that yank who constantly bitches about how miserable he is then you deserve it
What did they mean by this?
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>aussie labor are right wing
used to live with a lad that didn't separate his whites and his coloureds
literally what was he thinking
uk labour are right wing too
would just write steve irwin on the ballot everytime to avoid a fine
the liberal party are apparently right wing but they're still just as interested in flooding the country with chinks and indians as any leftypol party
is that Brett Cooper?
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didn't think that one through did I
The Liberal Party here are centre-right and have a relatively Rorke-tier conservative faction who make up a fair chunk of the MPs and the leadership especially now the moderates all got replaced by teal independents
They're liberal in the sense of economic liberalism and supporting the values of the liberal-democratic west against the evil commies
If you're in the sticks there's also the Nationals, Katter Australia and One Nation, who are all variations of right wing populism
It's also a comedy, cock sucking liberals don't have a monopoly on that.
well yeah they're liberals mate
strict immigration laws are obviously not liberal
Be honest lads, does anyone here have a cuck fetish? I do, and I don't like it.
People with elevated triglycerides who are having statins with or without ezetimibe would welcome a treatment option
3.1NHS England estimated that between 25% and 35% of people having statin therapy have elevated triglycerides.
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Deserve what?
liberal is just a name, they're not liberal at all, they're the same cunts who confiscated our guns in the 90s
dudes really think that their vote is going to stop immigration...
my kinks are piss and incest roleplay
also big boobs but i don't even know if that's considered a kink
The whole stop the steal thing is based on the fact that your average yank is a retard who doesn't understand how electoral rolls work
I'm in love with the Ben Shapiro lookalike woman
not a fetish, then. its called you being abused
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fuck this im off to greggs
go away
abuse can be a fetish thoughever
I mean that I don't like having the fetish, I've never indulged. Once suggested it to an ex and she cried and left me a few days later.
yank is getting blown the fuck out yet again is he
responding to a post layingn it out for him with "what is it?" again yeah? as he ignores whatever you post at him to keep going with what hes planned out to say
pretty sure every man in the entire world has a big boobs kink
every woman too
big boobs are just great honestly

yank on a proxy
good for her. you were lucky to have her
My first gf did a big bubbly wet fart on me as a joke, and my dick went rock hard and I've had a fart fetish ever since. Had to pretend not to be aroused.
playing forza horizon 3
she's not all that unless she's flat
Fucking grim bro.
might play some The Crew 2 in a bit
currently driving around detroit
its laughable how bad he is at pretending. its almost like its intentional
>im off greggs... yeah, they would say that. fuck this, im off greggs. that makes me sound like them
why does kamala's face look 20 years younger than her neck?
Yeah, I'm a freak and she's better off with someone who hasn't been mindbroken.
might go greggs actually
why not? it's saturday i can do what i want
i wouldn't say that to be honest
off geggs... get som walkers chrips
ever heard of plastic surgery
compare old photos of Biden to him today
reckon it looks older in motion desu

Big fan of ezetemibe me
Doesn't give me a poorly tummy like fenofibrate did
I'm not a yank, I'm genuinely about to drive to greggs
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this is what Canadanon looks like in rael life
heard your immune system is always working to combat the ink from tattoos so it wears out faster
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All the politicians get shot up with botox and fillers like living mummies trying to fool the public into thinking they still have a pulse. Look at Nancy Pelosi that bitch looks like Michael Jackson's corpse.
wonder what her vagoo looks like
just BLACKED the toiletussy with my thick pooBC
you can get greggs from Iceland
they come in packs of 2 bakes or whatever for way cheaper so you can bake 8 of them to eat all and then it actually fills you up
it's probably not too bad desu
all of our politicians above 60 look like monsters
reckon the dolled up zombie look is probably preferable
why do presidents always have to be so... elderly
did you hear about the chemtrails too?
8 steak bakes seems a little excessive
yeah if you pay their prices. thats like £15
heard about them but i don't really understand what's going on with that
mad how every president since clinton has been a literal baby boomer
mm damn right
Just, as the Germans would say, sheisse'd my pants
ching chong chinaman went to milk a cow
ching chong chinaman didn't know how
ching chong chinaman pulled the wrong tit
ching chong chinaman got covered in sh*t
Really, it's the Jews who are to blame
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I want to take my fingernail and scrape it through Emma Watson's ass crack, collecting all the sweat, dead skin cells, and residual poo therein, and tasting the end results.
Emmayank has been doing this for a decade now.
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i'm well pissed now lads
jesus christ
3.6The company provided clinical evidence from REDUCE‑IT, a randomised trial comparing icosapent ethyl with a mineral oil placebo. The trial included people who had statins with or without ezetimibe, fasting triglyceride levels of 1.53 mmol/litre or more and below 5.64 mmol/litre, and LDL-C levels of more than 1.04 mmol/litre to 2.60 mmol/litre. In the trial, 8,179 people were randomised and 29% were in the primary prevention group and 71% were in the secondary prevention group (see section 3.5). The primary endpoint was time from randomisation to the first occurrence of any component of the major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) composite outcome. This comprised cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularisation and unstable angina. The ERG noted that REDUCE-IT did not include any people from the UK, which increases uncertainty around the generalisability of the results to the NHS in England

zip it nigga
obstructive jaundice (as it is the liver - not pancreas!)
dont blaspheme
Gotta respect the dedication
morning emmayank
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Mind explaining this bombshell to the class then, Rorke?
what happened to his hand :(
He's a furry little baby
This was a retrospective study of 183,565 people with or without atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease from The Health Improvement Network database in the UK
piss off mousenonce
Ah, yes, HIND
I know it well
actually i think that diabetes is one of the things they worry about, for with surgery. and medications with impaired renal function. so its fucked that the liver transplant patients have to go through that, if it was caused by diabetes, or some other complication that makes surgery difficult
do you? o.o
blog on
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finna fry some rice
lot of calories there
HIYAAAA old rice for stir fry rice rmembah
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the scrandemic
That's hardly a light snack you ghoul
Donald trump or as I like to call him Hitler
its like 700 if you count the rice as well
This you?
just had my mind blown by those dogshit yank takes
it's my birthday today lads
i'm officially bloody ancient
i like to call him drumpf
zoomers are too young to remember drumpf
The clinical adviser explained that the change in treatment landscape in the NHS in England since the trial began makes the generalisability of REDUCE‑IT to current practice uncertain. The company stated that the use of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists in the trial was consistent with clinical practice at the time of the trial. It also noted that people who do not have diabetes would not necessarily be able to have these treatments. The committee concluded that REDUCE‑IT may not fully represent NHS clinical practice, which increases uncertainty around the generalisability of the results.
happy birthday cunt get on the cans and have a fuckin hectic time
i think about niggers every day
Nobody is reading these posts Toby.
There is uncertainty in the trial results because icosapent ethyl's mechanism of action is not fully understood
3.7The company stated that icosapent ethyl's mechanism of action is not fully understood.
which meltdown do you reckon would be more entertaining, the /pol/tard meltdown if blumpf loses or the normgroid meltdown if kamabla loses
and nobody replies to yours. now, neither will i! now you get 0 replies after this one, LOL
or now you want to have 100 posts back and forth for the attention while also dragging down the thread? nah. kys faggot.
Think national politics aren't a laughing matter, frankly
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kamala will woman her way into an apocalyptic nuclear war, i don't think that will be very entertaining
mate you've got croissants there as well
*pokes your belly sending it into tidal waves*
>and nobody replies to yours. now, neither will i!
kek, it's nice to see the cogs turning in your brain
She was always so hot
Cuckkikan FUCKED up
think I’ve developed what woman would call an eating disorder
I’m not even fat but the little fat I do have disgusts me and makes me not want to eat anything ever
>reeee make it better! make it better MAKE IT BETTER MAKE IT BETTER
Come on tobes be polite today
When someone makes a negative post, count to 10 and say "i cant control what they do, only what i do"
Thats the morning run out the way.
Ankle/Heel/Achillies and the sciatica started hurting like fuck halfway through but still managed under a 6:00/km average pace over 6km so we'll take it
going to see if i can find some support sling thing for my ankle on amazon
lazy day today
Loved pedame me
i've sort of become the same lol
once i go above 70kg i feel disgusting
extremely gay post but at least youre being nice unlike certain other people (everyone)
get the brexit reversal referendum done
time dilation is madness lads

If a rocket ship left Earth at 85% the speed of light, from THEIR perspective they would age at half the speed as us on Earth and cut travel times to other stars at a time of half their light distance from us.

If they travel at 95% the speed of light they'd age at a quarter of the rate as we do and reach other stars at 25% of their light distance away from us.

If they're travelling at 99.999% the speed of light, they'll reach other stars/galaxies in mere seconds from their perspective, whilst thousands of years would pass for us cunts on Earth.

Only annoying thing is the fastest ever human made object (Parker space probe) has a top speed of 0.064% the speed of light so we're quite a distance off it.
But even at the tiny speeds we accomplish we have to correct for the tiny dilations that occur like in GPS satellites orbiting Earth.
The treatment effect of icosapent ethyl is uncertain because of the potential negative effect of mineral oil placebo in REDUCE-IT
3.8The placebo group in REDUCE‑IT had 4 g of light mineral oil per day. Icosapent ethyl significantly reduced the first occurrence of the MACE outcome in the secondary prevention subgroup compared with placebo (HR 0.73, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.81). A professional group and the NHS England clinical adviser expressed concerns about the REDUCE‑IT results, in part because of the use of mineral oil. They commented that mineral oil may not be a true neutral oil and may have increased the risk of cardiovascular events in the placebo group

erm thats a bit bad...
yea yea we all saw interstellar
good lad. did an easy 5km me at about that pace. did legs at the gym last night though and there isn't part of my legs or feet that doesn't ache right now
what's it called when a transgender person uses a time machine?

time dilation
good post
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>erm thats a bit bad...
Happy birthday my beautiful Black King
got drunk and fruited up last night lads
this has been debunked
that's the other half of time dilation though (being next to a big cunting high graviational object)
and they did some bullshitting with the facts, you'd need to be so absurdly close to a black hole's event horizon (literally centimetres) in order to experience a dilation of that magnitude.

thanks lad
go dilate your gash, tranny
these young goons and killers waking up to the smell of pancakes, made by katy
Einstein's theory of special relativity has been debunked?
Big if true given it's what all cosmology is built upon
The ERG highlighted a systematic review by Olshansky et al. 2020 that concluded that it is likely that mineral oil at the quantities used as placebos does not significantly affect the conclusion of REDUCE-IT. However, the ERG noted that this systematic review had some limitations and one of the co-authors was employed by the company.
that sounds retarded


reminder to filter the Belgium flag and that he sits here all day cycling these personalities - all of which are complete dogshit
rorke getting shagged by his mum's futa bbc
Cosmology pre-existed Einstein by several thousand years, pal
Christ is king
this rice is bussin i cant lie
drop the porn lad
Everytime you post you make me put on the bbc cuck porn and milk my little clit lol, you've ruined me mate.
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bluetitberg and goldfinchstein engaging in tweettoil
Thought you said you weren't going to reply to me again.
The company provided a comparison of cardiovascular outcomes trials from 2003 to 2019. The comparison found that 79% of studies reported increases in LDL-C after statin stabilisation, similar to what was observed in the placebo group of REDUCE-IT. In response to consultation the company also highlighted that the drug in STRENGTH was different to icosapent ethyl because of different proportions of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. So, comparing the results from the 2 trials was not appropriate. The experts explained that among cardiovascular disease researchers and clinicians, there is an ongoing debate about mineral oil placebos and the impact on trial outcomes. The committee concluded that the relative effect of icosapent ethyl was uncertain because of the potential negative effect of the mineral oil placebo.
when the bbc gimmick first started it was kind of funny and absurd, then all the funny people stopped posting it and now its just genuine freaks
this is so sad
girls got issues. not my life though
based janny btfoing the schizo drivel
Dip. I don't need to be part of queen snowbunny and her winter soldiers' little fuck party.
>parents coming to visit
really really cba. need to find a park or something that will take hours to walk around so I don't just have to sit in silence with them in my front room
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and based retard bootlicking because hes literally an ant (and doesnt have a problem with the race bait either)
Man liek his wa'er
I would assume she's a drug addict and they both have communicable diseases
don't tell me what to do
Spaino to the side cheering them on
what's your point mousenonce?
you are literally everything that is wrong with this country
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you want to hear another fun part of special relativity?
Terrell Rotation

If something (or we) are moving lightning fast relative to something stationary, the object contracts (appears shorter) due to Lorentz length contraction as the light of the front of the object reaches us faster than the light of the back of the object.
But due to relativity of simultaneity, events that appear at the same time to us, may have "happened" at different points in time.
So for us if we see a planet closer to us first, AND the further away part at hte same time, we're seeing two different periods of time ALBEIT simultaneously, so from our perspective the entire object is rotated as a result of length contraction.

Time Dilation + Length Contraction is Einstein's Special relativity (1905).
General relativity (1915) is the one where you have the bowling ball on a trampoline to describe how massive objects bend the fabric of spacetime.
>NICE/NHS England report is "schizo" drivel
>"based janny" jumping to conclusions and licking his boots like a fag
>ignores the race bait posts and has no problem with them - only my posts and cartoon mice
thats my point and why you are everything that is wrong with the country. fucking retard cuck
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miss the days of covid when you could just take a sniffle to get out of seeing dad and his partner desu
be right back counting to 10 because i got my point across - not that he will read it, nor will he start to report all posts equally, even though my posts dont break the rules

he reports images on the imageboard

he doesnt report race bait porn spam

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>>NICE/NHS England report is "schizo" drivel
>>"based janny" jumping to conclusions and licking his boots like a fag
>>ignores the race bait posts and has no problem with them - only my posts and cartoon mice
>thats my point and why you are everything that is wrong with the country. fucking retard cuck
I'd give anything for this to be my gf
mad how it looks like she’s sucking upon a big slimy poo
corrrrr lads got a good wank lined up, then fresh bread out the bread maker to make a sausage sandwich
afterwards I've got a couple of nice books to read through, this month's copy of viz and a good rimworld save I'm enjoying
catberg will be joining in the comfyfest also
it lush, it proper lush
unironically fuck this im off to greggs
i'm rorke
reckon everyone’s gone a bit mad because we have it too good
I'm white
if you dont report those posts, then im very disappointed in you
im not mad i counted to ten

the quality of this website has deteriorated in recent years
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It's because of the mind control technology they're using on everyone blorke
Get with the program
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It is appropriate to consider scenarios for an estimated possible reduction in treatment effect from 1.5% to 3%
3.9At the first meeting, the NHS England clinical adviser explained they expected to see analyses with the magnitude of treatment effect reduced by 7% to account for the estimated negative effect of mineral oil. This estimate was based on the 2021 paper by Doi et al. comparing the results of REDUCE-IT and STRENGTH. The committee was aware that the company provided the analyses done by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US to the European Medicines Agency based on the 3-point MACE outcome assuming that the potential negative effect of mineral oil on MACE events was between 0.3% and 3%. The committee also noted that the Doi et al. 2021 paper commented that there was an unexplained additional 13% benefit in REDUCE‑IT.
i am a white Greek man.
How come it doesn't work on me then? Is my brain too powerful for it to work?
there are probably jannies in this Discord
4chan got Yahoo!d. MICROSOFTed. they are sheep (these other anons)
wonder what i'd do if 4chan got shut down, probably get a real social life i reckon
just realised my toil laptop doesn't have a usb c port
like literally what were they thinking giving me this depreciated tech
Yeah probably, the weird thing about 4chan is the mods were pretty objective about shit until like 2016 then it seems the mod team got infiltrated with weird ideologists who are only in it to abuse their power
No one cares sadcase
notice darkoids in my daily life more and more because of posting here with you lads
It fucks with you in your sleep.
abuse the website and kill it
i care
how am i supposed to connect all my peripherals?
Are you thinking about their Bantu jungle meat missiles too?
sticking my finger up my bum
you lads looking forward to the first russian towns bombed by storm shadows yeah?
Yeah basically, its the only place any legitimate discussion about anything can be had and not controlled.
No, I'm not jewish
Everyone is affected by the mind control machines, they use psychic driving on you.
They interrogate you in your sleep.
If you're not a TI of course you're not going to feel the full extent.
But the effect is lurking within.
All those dreams you can't remember.
like if I’m in a shop being served by an attractive female it is difficult not to imagine her with a jungle bbc down her throat
cheesecake for breakfast
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Business idea:
Spaino kills himself
I thought they say fush and cheps
i hope you all continue to report rule-breaking posts, and not being biased with it. and that announcing reports is reported and banned for as well - it is the right thing to do, if you bother to report a ny posts at all
Mad how Australia and New Zealand have the Union Jack tattooed on them like dirty branded sluts
Oh simple solution
Go on ebay and get a docking station for usbc and then when that arrives connect all the cables yo that and then shove iy up your butt
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havent seen this image in like 10 years, hello fellow /int/ veteran
>IR porn
>muh USB C
you have
0 personality
usb a docking is terrible and requires additional driver support for things like multiple displays
and i don't have admin rights on this computer obviously so i can't install said drivers
alexa what percentage of the russian oligarchs closest to the putin government are of the jewish faith
eating wank
i need a wee but there's a moth in my toilet bowl
Hawaii as well for some reason.
i have erectile dysfunction from alcoholism
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For that just route around it by downloading the driver from the web, open device manager, right click the device and then shove the device up your butt
(@)(@) ~~~c======3
. ) .(
. ( Y )
cute owl
ignore this and just use viagra for a steel hard wilkins
rum looking bloke
tesco man on his way
second load of washing on its spin cycle
nearly ready to start my weekend proper
the way you hit that other gorilla was good
And Putin keeps them all in line, unlike our spineless group of paedophile politicians and zionists
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our paul
This is what emma does when she tells timmy sr she’ll walk her dog mmhmm LOL
highly doxxable this
he doesnt give a fuck
Well done you've just doxxed yourself, stupid cunt
like malawi's flag
keeps them all in line by allowing them to embezzle billions while the average russian slaves away for like $500 a month?
nah? there's probably ~1000 people who live in that screenshot and >50 who live in my apartment block
what are you gonna do? come and stand in the carpark and look at the building? have at it
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>A 3 year old tadpole that didn't turn into a frog
many of you'm here
Stop reading the Kyiv Independent and CNN. It'll help you for the future
that's cool i wouldn't mind having one of them as a pet, it's like an axlotl where you press b so it doesn't evolve
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get the otters posted
what part of what i said is untrue or pulled from cnn
alri wordsley lad
He literally jailed and exiled all Jewish oligarchs in the 90s. Complete jew peado purge
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do they even make them without a usb c port anymore? my first toil laptop from 2019 even had one
Corbyn needs to rise up and defeat Starmer's regime
post the picture of the racoon twins naked with big cocks
where does abramovich live today
haha tesco switched out a 1.5kg single bag of own brand chips with TWO 1.4kg mccains chips
bare free carbs for me
yeah it must be ancient
File deleted.
my BF this morning bein quirky
next thread OP
You don't need all those chips.
That’s it then. Brit is officially dead. A nonces general like britfeel
Which part of hell is Berezovsky spending eternity now?
the new as it were
yours was made before 310 so bugger off

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