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tom and his dog edition
every poster below me is a certified sick cunt
mad how dogs can have their willies out but we can't
if the Germans won WW2 then our government or the staff on this website - which ever it is - would not be posting race bait at us every single day, even on weekends, beginning at 8AM and going on with that
and its a white person yes

>how does it affect you personally
your grandparents were the cowards who stayed home like faggots
why is starmer telling everyone we're going to suffer, moneys tight, old people will starve, but we're also contemplating war with russia

why is he doing that? why do we need to fight russia? what threat do they actually pose to us
don’t ask question slave
got frasier on
>Farage mentions people going to prison for Facebook posts might be a bit much
>Groans of condemnation from all sides of the House of Commons

Britain 2024 lads. Where did it all go wrong?
an organization or staff member of government or this website started posting race bait at 8AM on a weekend for you to see, and your response to me having a problem with it is "why do you care"

youre disgusting

white people have a lot to be proud about. other races less so
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two bitches like exactlyyyy
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going through my last night's browser history
>why is he doing that? why do we need to fight russia? what threat do they actually pose to us

They've used nerve agents on our territory, killed our people, and now they're invading a European country to prevent that country from allying with us

They're an evil country that hates us, pretending they're not there isn't the answer mate, not is pretending that they're our mates

They've always been against us
more of a curb man me
good taste though mate
yeah ill make sure to forwards this message on to him so you keep talking to him - because he definitely cares - while this place gets spammed by someone whos paid to shit it up for 20 hours a day with whatever garbage will kill the website
he's a washington stooge
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>tfw no gf
used to do careers volunteering at underprivileged schools, giving them advice on jobs in the city etc
stopped doing it because most of them were ungrateful cunts
i wish i had had something like in school - these kids in cities dont know how lucky they are
they're clearly not attacking britain tho. the poisonings are targeted against people who are a threat to their state not on british people because they hate britain. you deluded cunt
Why does this gimp always put on that fake posh accent
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yeah i prefer curb as well but i've watched that through countless times
none of that would have ever happened if it weren’t for jingoistic nato foreign policy towards Russia for no reason other than to ensure American globohomo hegemony
Jews did the holocaust to themselves
Jews did every genocide people did to them all throughout history every time because they are that sneaky
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can’t or won’t
I don’t know if my mom loves me anymore
She says that I am changing, I am not what she bargained for
I set fire to abusers like a war, I am a terror
But I don’t know what it is I fight for
what's the story smornin glory :)
getting high off my cat's poo
The Russians deliberately didn't defeat Napoleon properly in Russia because they wanted him alive because they didn't want us to have any more power, so loads more people died unnecessarily because of their hatred of us

They allied with Hitler and gave Nazi Germany all the resources they needed to survive the same blockade that brought them down in WW1

They sold Alaska to America just to spite Britain

The Russians were thrilled when the Americans revolted and refused to do a single thing that could have aided us

They were constantly trying to push south to India and flooded Africa and Asia with ak47's to cause chaos and further decolonisation

They're invading Ukraine because they think that Britain is occupying Ukraine

The Russians are our enemies and always have been
all of you peoples priorities are super fucked up and thats why you cant bear to look at yourselves in the mirror on a morning. thats why your lives are "so shit". thats why youre either coping or crying all the time. its your fault (and the jews)
>and now they're invading a European country
Feels like a technical edge case. Do Krain Pipo even count as White LOL
mad how spielberg literally told us jews were vicious predators like sharks and dinosaurs
working on a most confounding problem in my program
sitting here thinking for 20 minutes then writing 2 lines of code
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yeah nah thinking tonight's kino is Heat (1995) and I'm gonna watch the shootout scene on max volume over and over till I go deaf
theyre the accountants of the species
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Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists should be brutally and mercilessly eliminated by Russian chekist communists.
>On 30 June 2018, in Amesbury, two British nationals, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, were admitted to Salisbury District Hospital in Wiltshire, England. Police determined that they were poisoned by a Novichok nerve agent of the same kind used in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, 8 miles (13 km) away, almost four months prior. Sturgess died on 8 July, and Rowley regained consciousness two days later.

Wise up you stupid fucking cunt
>Feels like a technical edge case. Do Krain Pipo even count as White LOL
Obviously. I'm assuming you're not remotely white if you said this
janny gives a fuck when its ban evasion for furry porn
probably pointing it out from today, but i will sit here and point it out every time i notice it now - and i bet it goes not solved

and i did regret being so rude earlier

but these people are a disgrace to the white race, which otherwise needs to be proud, because we do lots
17.7% body fat percentage
Mi5 did Salisbury.
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On that raw milk niggga
2 innocents being hurt in the process is fairly low damage

again none of it would have ever happened if it weren’t for jingoistic nato foreign policy towards Russia for no reason other than to ensure American globohomo hegemony
women need to have less rights otherwise theyre just gonna fuck over the men
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just give it some time and you'll be writing an entire operating system in no time mate
Putin keeps fucking with elections.
Spare me the bori.g schizo sealioning response.
He must die.
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What does it mean if you were never picked during heads down thumbs up?
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rorke unmasked
The biggest supporters of Russian imperialists are bourgeois westerners, well off psychopath freaks who hate Ukraine because they've been brainwashed

You were brainwashed by your nonce commie dad. Much like Roger Waters
just beat chatgpt after a 2.5 hour argument
You’re Jewish, I presume?
The US bourgeoisie are intent on dismembering and plundering Russia as the Axis was in 1941 and Entente in 1918.
>hillary lost because a russian guy on twitter said trump good

find it difficult to believe that there are actually people having sex multiple times a week. it’s like they live in a completely different reality
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it's the weekend boys
youve already posted this you poltard twat
KEEKEKEK omg this was the person behind the paki hating
>ask to join defensive alliance because the much larger country next to you might invade
>country invades
how could ukraine fucking do this
sucking last night's disposable cherry ice vape
>and when every day's the weekend... none will be.
mental how Paris Hilton was like 19 when that blowjob video of her came out
>defensive alliance
just got rimmed
might play some video games
i'm something of a gamer you see
>2 innocents being hurt in the process is fairly low damage
British people being murdered by nerve agents deployed by Russia spies and assassins is bad you evil mentally ill traitor scum

>again none of it would have ever happened if it weren’t for jingoistic nato foreign policy towards Russia for no reason other than to ensure American globohomo hegemony
America didn't invade Ukraine. Russia did. Russia is the one desperately trying to maintain its hegemony over its former Soviet empire. You're a pro-russian imperialist who supports Russia invading countries to conserve its hegemony and you're pretending that America is the one doing that

Communists are all ontologically evil pathological liars who like rape and murder of innocent people especially if it means they can expand their borders
post that pol picture of literally Hiroshima vs. Detroit 50 years after it got nuked
Richard B. Spencer is now a Kamala Harris supporter.

It's been very funny watching the inevitable alliance of liberalism and pan-European Spenglerite/Nietzschean jaded posh boys.
>country doesn't invade before you start crying for membership

>country does invade after you start crying for membership

clearly membership is the problem
That's such a bullshit and boring reply. Fucking this boring shit. I'm heading out. Yeah I get it you all are crazy and everyone is crazy these days do you all end up fucking boring
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No. You're definitely brain damaged. You think whoever thinks Ukrainians are white must be Jewish?

Pro Russian "people" are so fucking mentally ill. They're denazifying Ukraine but anyone who's against them is an evil jew? Right okay then
so what
>anon break sout of the matrix
awful morning poo, stuck to my bum cheeks and smeared everywhere
bought some stella unfiltered
not sure i actually like it but the selection of beers in the asda was very poor
Russian fairytales
it’s okay to realize “i do not feel loved here” and leave
*parks weapons all along your border*
*spends years shelling civilians*
wtf why are russia retaliating to our defensive alliance
find hard to comprehend that women find men so attractive that they put loads of effort into dressing up to fucked by a bloke
can't get my head around it
Pacino is so amazing

I'm sorry. This trump Putin vatnik Fox News conservative crazy bullshit is boring
They all act crazy. It's fucking boring.
That’s nothing new. He previously supported Joe over Don. He’s basically an arch-contrarian. Frankly, I’m surprised that he didn’t loop around to post-meta-ironically becoming a MAGA guy again for this cycle, since a lot of the right are souring on Zion Don as of late
i'm alt-rorke
NEWS: dead 3 year old child you didnt know was missing since Feburary is dead now you know youre welcome have a good weekend
>murder of innocent people
Anticommunists are scum who deserve to be stacked up like animal carcasses.
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so this is diego
Communists are the biggest scum ever. Especially modern ones

They're traitors, animal abusers, religious, homophobes, yet they worship foreigners, especially poor violent inbred terrorist ones

All their values are totally wrong and they should be killed
bad things happen welcome to the real world

ukraine is on russia's border. not american border. they have every right to have concerns about whats happening just across the border, in the same way america cares about whats happening in mexico or cuba. that's not imperialistic. america having involvements with separate continents is clearly imperialistic
This but have sex at all
thanks globohomo you FREAKS
pasta for tea
good man
might go to ASDA later and get some cans of Dr Pepper zero

they don't stock it at the big tesco but I think the big ASDA will have them
Is this bait?
Do you know where Russia is located?
i didn't know al pacino was a jew
I was making fun of your previous erroneous assumption
A set of photos draws a realistic comparison between the rebuilt city of Hiroshima 65 years after it was destroyed by an atomic bomb and the present-day urban decay of Detroit after 65 years of governance by the Democratic Party.

About this rating

The photo montage displayed above is one of dozens circulating online since 2009, purporting to demonstrate that 50-plus years of rule by the Democratic Party wrought a level of destruction on Detroit comparable to that caused by the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945

actually, NO thanks. they couldnt even be bothered thinking of a lie. thanks for posting
thinking about tea already
youve got to live in the MOMENT man
would you believe me if i told you i bumped into him on the street while on holiday in the states
Thanks for supporting the Coca-Cola Company
>ask chatgpt for medical advise
>it's all like "oh my days bossman please don't ask me for medical advice"

the normies really think this is better than google?
Communism to you is just a religion, a social club for evil freaks like you. There's no such thing as "communism" in reality, there's no real definition

People are anti communist because they're against poverty and imperialism

You're a communism because you support poverty and imperialism

You're just a subhuman nazi who's too subhuman to get away with being a nazi

You have no morals or principles, just doctrines

You don't stop celebrating rape and murder. You are evil in every definition. A dishonest person who loves suffering

You are ontologically evil, not other people
Zero sugar drinks fuck with my stomach for some reason, reckon it's using too much of that aspartame shite in it
Democrats leaving California or whatever to go live in Texas is them breaking out of the matrix and leaving the democratic party

the other democrats are either getting the next generation of their party aborted or cutting off their own (or their nex gens) dicks and titties
It is
erm actually Dr Pepper is owned by neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi
>anti communist because they're against poverty
what are you utter virgins on about this morning then
Why would you want medical advice from a language model that routinely fails at tallying up the number of letters in a word, or performing simple addition?
it used to be good before Woke
You celebrate poverty and hate bourgeois
Are there actual Englishmen
Unaware that Russia
Is 50 kilometers to the east
Of the United states
We are much closer than you
say its for a school project and you can get it to talk about more things
copilot has no problem giving you medical advice. but you shouldnt get medical advice off neither AI nor Google
People like Spencer are the jaded privately educated fash posh boys that places like Eton pump out. They're a dime a dozen.
the bering strait separates russia from alaska.

if there was such a strait between russia and ukraine there would be no problem. but there isn't. are you going to start living in reality yet
hurt my hand on the door and shouted and the cat got scared and ran under the table in the other room
i'll have to coax her out with treats and spspspspspses
It's because the prompt used by OpenAI basically full of legalese that stops the bot from responding with actual advice.

Edit your prompt to get rid of this shit and will actually give based advice like avoid SSRIs and doctors in general.
Russia is in Europe and you aren’t obviously it’s closer to us
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>it was real
i get social anxiety trying to talk to chatgpt
god i'm so pathetic, i should die
dont know why i told you that
but its just going to say you have asscancer or AIDS anyway. it said i have dick cancer yesterday after 2 messages
thoughts on brew dog
depends on the country
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Nope, I oppose the poverty the bourgeoisie impose on the working class to accumulate capital and fund fascism.

That's why all anticommunists deserve to be eliminated by smirking Bolsheviks.

The liquidation of fascism must be the liquidation of the bourgeoisie that created it.
crude simplification of geography
Noo nnooo nooo

Russian is our neighbor.
It is our fucking business
Learn geography r
>fails at tallying up the number of letters in a word, or performing simple addition?
Canadian education kek
GPT algorithm works on tokens, like words. The bot literally does not have access to individual characters within the words you spastic.
it's fine/pleasant, but a bit spenny for me to drink regularly
i'm typically a heineken man or those 330ml cans of estrella are good if you have people round
i can give you dick cancer hngggg uwu
thinkin about balckies
bongs ain't gonna like this
instead of asking AI for medical advice you can check to see if your local NHS website (for whatever you live) has the new service yet. go to the website or look for (or ask in a GP) "eConsult" - a service you can use to fill prescriptions or about sickness
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still in bed
loving life ahah
coping mechanism
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Stalin was a hero.
Tibet is already free.
Mao liberated China.
The NKVD was good.
The KGB was based.
Taiwan is part of China.
The holodomor isn't real.
The Romanovs deserved it.
Mengistu did nothing wrong.
The Lenin Boys were based.
Ukrainian SBU/CIA did Bucha.
Brexit was a proletarian triumph.
The Red Army defeated fascism.
Euromaidan was a US-EU coup.
The EU is an instrument of fascism.
South Korea started the Korean War.
Katyn was done by the nazis in 1941.
The USA faked chemical attacks in Syria.
Cuba is the best country in Latin America.
Decossackisation was overdue and justified.
No more than 20000 were killed in 1937-1938 in the USSR.
NATO is a fascist military organisation of capital and the modern Axis.
There was no "secret protocol" of the Soviet non-aggression pact with Germany.
The Baltic SSRs voluntarily joined the Union in 1940 by will of the working people.
The "Uyghur Genocide" is a lie constructed by American christian fascists (Zenz).
Hungary 1956 was a fascist insurrection organised by the USA and West Germany.
The Manchurian Offensive of the Red Army was the main factor in Japan's surrender.
Crushing the liberal-nationalist counterrevolution attempt in Czechoslovakia 1968 was good.
The USSR did not invade Poland in 1939, it liberated western regions of the Belarusian/Ukrainian SSRs.
Chinese communists ended hunger and famine in China, and the Great Leap Forward was undermined by drought.
Kronstadt was a petit bourgeois anarchist/peasant insurrection organised by French capitalists and white guards that retreated into white Finland which had just butchered workers in the civil war.
We twice as close to Russia as Scotland to Ireland.
white people are responsible for the world you live in
>hur dur my life is le bad
UK US and a CA flag ITT. your life isnt hard
then you should be happy russia is turning east ukraine into a sparse crater like siberia/alaska and the bering strait
wtf is this true?
I don't want russians to overthrow putin and elect a modern social-liberal president that integrates their country into europe & the entire world

I want them to elect another dictator that starts another pointless war that spirals the country until it collapses in on itself.
Im pretty convinced that the sort of people who are into Communism are either grifters or autistic narcissists
Its like you cant encounter so many observably true and empierically true facts about how obviously retarded communism is just at face value and still be ride or die for it
There definitely is an underlying thing that is wrong with a person who isnt like 15 and supports communism
no wonder kids listen to losers like Andrew Tate
Yes lad. It's 5% and they refuse to stoop to the level of those absolute niggers over at stella and kronenbourg who have WATERED down their beer in the last few years to like 4.6%. Pisses me off.
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fridge and pantry are empty
WHAT ought I purchase for supper lads?
>to the east
This has to be “>American geography” bait…
4 big pink lady apples
it's 10.43am you fat heap of shit
You are a sociopath
if a news event is outside my city I couldn't care less
could murder a Fresca
>calls themselves bad bitches
>all they do is wear makeup and go to clubs
*yawn* do passé, let me know when theyre robbing banks and assaulting the elderly
It’s called the Dnieper lol
My dear British friends,

With regard to language and speaking pattern, would you consider my English as poor or bad? Or as sufficient?
i don't get the joke
poo smells tranny meltdown
better if you even give a shit about one thing once in a blue moon and dont take it too far
if a news event is inside my city I still couldn't care less
i don't really do bottles cos leeds council don't collect glass recycling
following your logic
not comparable widths
You have an odd way of talking. Doesn't sound natural.
i think you can get cans
dogs mimic their owners
German Shepards are the most chill guard dogs
London is Aryan.

Third worlders on bikes slaving away delivering food for tarquin bankers! Based! Landlords screwing the working class to the last penny! Nietzschean! Waffen-SSpilled! Crush the JudeoAsiaticMongolianTatarChineseBolshevikPovvoCattle with ULEZ! Evropean! Aristocratic!

Heil Hitler! Heil Nietzsche! Hail Cameron! Heil Bronze Age Pervert! Hail Iain Duncan Smith! Heil Mosley! Heil Mussolini! Heil Uber!
Yes, but British porn?
We all know about British women and...
youre mentally ill
are you fucking stupid
fuck off you surreptitioius conniving little runtoid
sound great lad
ignore the haters
Got Bane Star on reapeat
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mhmmm... nootka
>Heil Uber
This kek really hit me by surprise. 10/10 post.
Yeah its good, theres only a few small give aways that youre ESL - but to be fair most English people cant even speak English properly anymote. Youre fine, mate.
nuh nuh nuh nigga
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the face she makes when she wants cuddles food or sex
if you could drink piss i would get a boyfriend just to piss in his mouth so i didnt have to get up to go piss. i would pay him back by idk making him food for dinner
>Blue Moon
Orange beer. Don't like it. Strong enough though and the bottle is nice.
size of that fivehead
>You have an odd way of talking. Doesn't sound natural.

While I welcome your valued criticism, I would consider myself lucky if you could explain me how I could improve?
putting my dick in his throat to do it
was out at pub last night and pished all over the toilet seat and floor
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Unreal peng but also laddish at the same time. Androgynous features are best
>explain me
explain to me.

You could improve by listening to and reading more and paying attention to the construction of sentences, and also getting feedback from native speakers. Plenty of websites for language exchange.
prove that you are a human being
Well yeah. The artist is part of the art. Gotta dress nice
by doing what
>america has justified concerns about russia because they're so close!

>russia has unjustified concerns about ukraine despite being so close!

make it make sense
just had a wank to remy lacroix tonguing some lads arsehole then getting pissed on
janny clena that up ! haha
yesterday you said tomorrow
having my morning brain aneurysm
get you willy out wahey
going to try indian food for the first time tonight what should i go for?
>My dear British friends,
sounds like youve never had sex

>With regard to language and speaking pattern,
this isn't right

>would you consider my English as poor or bad?
why give us 2 choices of the same word

Or as sufficient?
not a great way to end that

your written english is sufficient but if you said this in real life id rape you up the arse
People exist who have sex. I do not have sex therefore I do not exist.
walkable curry
>she is fit
>he is not
>haha he must have a massive penis
how would that work then
like assume that it is the case and she somehow can forgive the rest of it for the peen
how does he get past the first hurdle of revealing his secret
doesn't stand up to scrutiny
Do want us to annex Siberia? Your sea lioning is confusing
>i would pay him back by idk making him food for dinner
mousenonce has diabtetes
prove that you live in Ukraine
What small hits show my ESL state?

I hardly even talk to people irl.
Let alone English speaking ones. The most time of the day I spend reading.
It happend, for historical reasons, that a lots of recent scientific literature (and manga) are written in English. So, I read some English.
I feel bad that I'm on such a low level...
>how does he get past the first hurdle of revealing his secret
he told her his secret
>remy mentioned
mike adriano?
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I always imagine people commenting about fiveheads to be missing link proto-humans with no prefrontal cortex
nah and you only made this post because i learned a little bit about diabetes todayf rom copilot (havent started diabetes yet)
horny again
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He shows a male friend. Friend of mine in school was fucking pillows on his desk, another m8 saw him and it got around that his knob was massive.
How do you propose Adam does that?
nope you've said before that you have diabetes
>this isn't right
What is false about it?

>your written english is sufficient but if you said this in real life id rape you up the arse

In this case, you are around 5 years too late. I don't look like a femboy anymore.
butter chicken
yeah it turns out T1 diabetes isnt diabetes insipidus (where you urinate a lot) and T2 isnt mellitus - but T1 and T2 is the former
alri, detective columbo
fuck that degenerate kike
just got an iphone
why the FUCK are the numbers not at the top of the keyboard
r8 becks, stella, heineken
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oh... you touch my tralalala...
Would you say she looks 31?
aha here we are then. the so called "lads"
shrooms q
hope you die of cancer
get the bloody pensioners paid and get the refugees housed

get it all done, every side of it, and get it paid for with taxpayers money
i probably dont. maybe i do
im not a doctor. dont really care if i misdiagnose myself though if i dont go to the NHS saying that i have these things or trying to lecture the doctors. but when i did go talk to them - in two cases - i think they liked teaching me some things and talking to me about it, and sort of treat me as if i was getting the hang of it
Peanut butter and jam porridge down the gullet
no about 45
Private pensions are a waste of money beyond the minimum
hard to judge the age of someone who doesn't look human
didnt ask for your life story
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that's it then
it's all over
corr would love a filthy curry right now
why's that then
butter naan
I put in as much as my company will match :)
How do you come to that conclusion? Seeing as it is at odds with every financial advisor in the country.
>r8 becks, stella, heineken
all piss brewed in the UK
enjoy having to bring up the numbers every time you want to type a 4 in the captcha field

you'd think you'd be able to do a capital A for a 4 like you can with 2-Z or 8-B but no, you will be manually typing a 4 in every time.
only joking you see
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one last suicide mission
yep, c'est fini. what does that have to do with top gear, pic unrelated?
You're a retard
Tell me, what other investment strategy will guarantee you to double your initial investment?
and i do that understanding that people after med school dont know all of it off-by-heart (and there are computers for that). but i mentioned my tingling fingers and she asked if it was bilateral, and i know what that was - so i checked my other side off instinct :)
according to your logic it makes more sense than annexing than you having an interest in ukraine
wonder if nonces unionise in prison and form gangs to protect each other from other inmates who want to kill them
>we're packing it in because we're old and tired

Then the next day each of them announces their "latest project" with Amazon.
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alright then
here ya go
roz feet
they're on their own wings I believe

now and again one still manages to get slashed in the face thoughbeit
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Your geopolitical support of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, does not have anything to do with the interests of the British working class

You would betray the interests and lives of the British working class if it meant furthering the BRICS or communist international cause. You'd betray British people if it would benefit Putin or Xi.

For the communist, the British working class is a means to an end.
For the national socialist, the British people are the end.

Like, Argentina isn't communist. The Faklkand Islands had no pre British indigenous population. Argentina has an oppressed and marginalised pre-Europeqn population. The Argentinians are European colonial imperialists, descended from Spanish imperialists and German Nazis and Italian fascists. Argentina was a literal fascist dictatorship when they invaded the Falklands. Their current government is hyper capitalist to a meme libertarian/anarcho capitalist degree. The British people who've lived in the Falklands are working class people engaged in fishing and farming. They've lived there for something like eleven generations, which is a lot longer than many Argentinians have been in Argentina.

You would still give the Falklands to Argentina, treat the British working class people rightfully living there with contempt and disgust and hatred, and then justify it along some half arsed lines like ummm actually defeating British imperialism and the British state is good for working class British people because uhhhhh it'll make communism happen

like nah mate you're a contemptible liar and traitor and mentally ill freak. you're a shill for foreign dictatorships. you blindly support imperialism as long as it's not euro-american or civilised. you don't stop fantasising about rape and murder. as far as I can tell you're even obsessively homophobic just because the Russians are and don't care about the wellbeing of animals because the Chinese don't

How can one person be so shit, I'll never know
mousey is being really cute and nice today
she's like 5'3
ain't reading all that shit
the original dr. disrespect (although he isn't a nonce as far as i know)
Anon I have no idea what the fuck your original statement was with the questions
I even said it. Stop sealioning. State your fucking point. This isn't monke jeopardy
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genuinely didn't know blacks needed sunscreen
british working class has more in common with the global south than the establishment in their own country
So? Not unusual for women
corr she's fit
they don't need it, they just don't want to get blacker
i saw a man in the NHS waiting room complaining about kidney problems holding one side and one risk was that the doctor would miss him in the waiting room (or outside) squinting. also i found a silver packet of "sodium bicarbonate" - which they use in blocked urethras, but supervised. only in one case of a blocked urethra. the squinting is important as it could be DAs like porphyria - and in the ofxford handbook of clinical medicine it says a piece about taking them to the window to have a talk, and while youre talking to them, look at t hem for things like these squinting
if you were a white woman and you had to choose between getting dropped off in the middle of pakistan or the middle of india which country do you think you'd survive easier?
too short for me. don't like midget women
ugly name
>uses an American phone
>watches American movies and tv series
>drives an American car
>dresses in American fashion
>eats American food
>follows American sports and politics
Why are they like this?
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time to pay the butcher's bill
inb4 some poorfag who fills out 30 captchas a day get mad
how am I dressed?
based king
just wear islamic dress and you'll be fine
in india you are totally fucked
india for sure, could just dress like a bloke keep your mouth closed and most of the locals wouldn't care but mountain pakis would 100% rape you even if they thought you were a white bloke
Absolutely not true at all
you say it's imperialistic when it's russia doing it but just border security when america does it. im simply saying it's imperialistic on both counts
I reckon rural parts of either is guaranteed rape, but cities in either are probably 30-40% chance of rape
you gonna get the 3-year one?
>what is false about it
false is different contextually to incorrect which is what you should have used here

>With regard to language and speaking pattern
"with regards to my" or
"regarding my"
or an actual human might have said something like "in terms or my grammar and speaking pattern, do you think it's obvious that i am a subhuman ESL or could i pass for an englishman"

you're pretty good tbqh a lot better than the average *mmigrant
California a
77-year-old woman asked a 20-year-old
man Robert William white to stop
attempting to hit pigeons with a shovel
upon hearing this he turned to her and
told her I hate you and want to kill you
today before hitting her over the head
with his
shovel Robert then ran over to his

it is a...tempting option
*licks lips*
>yeah some
>best not to sound like a yank
seal - kiss from a rose is a massive choon, it's a shame it got used to advertise some stupid batman film that no one remembers
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you just don't know the establishment because you're not in it
5'3 isn't really a midget woman
Might be worth getting to know some women so you can tell what you really like
thanks for keeping 4channel free!
no chance unless you have a police escort, and even they'd probably try raping you too
Nigga what the fuck drugs are you on
Russia being right next to Ukraine does not give it a right to invade
That was my point
Holy shit get offline
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if someone posted this picture 20 years ago it'd be seen as a sci-fi joke
You're in the Low IQ class
mad how good Top Gun Maverick was
first time i'd been to a cinema since before covid
ye i said it's imperialistic
Did you get any concessions?
$20 popcorn turned me off
do certain concessions...turn you on?
got the proper peng gay poo porn on
ad hom
just want a tall woman, for me 5'7-5'11 would be perfect
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>$20 popcorn
What's the conversion rate between ngubudollars and gbp?
>Russia gets huge by conquering as much land as possible
>Russians are insecure and scared of their neighbours invading them and taking their land
>This gives Russia the right to invade its neighbours and take their land
>this also means Ukraine isn't allowed to join a defensive organisation with its neighbours, because that will be scary to Russia, the largest country on the planet, with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons

Right okay
um ok
And since our next door neighbor is invading other neighboring countries and fucking with our elections

It's our concern.
moneypenny i was wondering if youd like to lick the shit aroundy my crusty arsehole

yes, exactly
Not reading a single one of these 6th-form-tier opinions on geopolitics
I did government and politics, I'm qualified to discuss these matters
>>This gives Russia the right to invade its neighbours and take their land
straw man
yes your imperial concern
The quote un quote
Mysterious Russian soul

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