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>Go to university
>Swedish people are speaking English to each other
bbc and english are best things my country made cool.
same here, rotterdam, amsterdam, all english
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You can thank us later
Nobody does this unless it's a specific requirement for the course. Literally nobody. OP never even graduated high school, btw.
>Nobody does this unless it's a specific requirement for the course
I'm sorry but it really does happen. I know you haven't been in school for a while but times are changing
lmfao. All northern Euros will be monolingual English speakers in by the end of the 21st century.
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Captcha btw.
Same in Germany, tho our universities are flooded to the brim with foreigners with student visas.
Don't believe you if your screenshot doesn't include your post, you fucking newbie.
No, it really doesn't.
are you in a multiethnic university with arabs and blacks?
This would be unthinkable here
Absolute state of Europe
How old are you, Anon? You would kys if you returned to school in this current age.
Oh it's literally over for you kek
There's not a requirement for foreigners on student visas to learn the local language?
i fucking hate her face so much holy fuck
If they're taking a course in English (anything above BSc. level) then what language do you expect them to talk in?
You think I know what a latent space is called in Bulgarian?
This is even more common in middle school and high school. Genuinely what the fuck is happening
Her face is cute you faggot
what makes scandis more prone to anglo submission than other europeans?
I've seen groups of girls do this, but never any men.
I don't know but you forgot the Celts
Lmao english is gonna be the only germanic language left in Europe
I’d love a BJ from her personally but to each their own
The context of the situation is the best
>Big Presidential Debate
>Trump shows up with the woman he's cheating on his wife with
>Is heard screaming about shoes
>Comes out on stage with an insane amount of orange women's Blush on
>Harris immediately kind of giggles
>Trumf gets asked about immigration reform along the border
>Tirade starts normal saying crazy shit
>Randomly veers into Haitians eating cats
>Stays in Haitians eating cats
The reaction of the audience was the best part of the debate. It was the emperor had no clothes moment for trump. He went from crazy like a fox to having dementia in 180 seconds in the eyes of American voters. It was Nixon without make or I know JFK and you are not jfk of this generation.
Lad please just tell those people to speak swedish instead. At least we have the excuse of being invaded. Globalisation is gay and bluepilled.
>At least we have the excuse of being invaded
You don't have an excuse for doing no progress in reviving the language after 100 fucking years
this is just like what happens in MGS5 about the erase of local languages in prone to a global one
Skull Face was right
Latvians talk to each other in english all the time in the street or anywhere
This happens here too but at least we have the excuse that America owns us
No, why should there? Many courses are available in English and even for the ones in German I've seen foreigners come here without any prior knowledge of German who try to just pick enough of it up on the fly. Still many foreigner students actually do know quite a bit of German but are more confident conversing in English and German students don't mind speaking English with them aswell, thus English is the standard in spaces with many foreign students.
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I agree with you that it shouldn't be happening, but fucking brazilians saying >>202242963 , >>202243153 and >>202243232 is just pathetic.
You retards don't even know how to speak PORTUGUESE correctly and want to laugh at first worlders for knowing english.
I think you took a wrong turn buddy, you belong there > reddit.com.
cool projection, but I can speak 3 languages.
I unironically stop talking once a zoomer starts using English words and just ignore them
how disrespectful
>t. went to an english course in high school and can make out some japanese words in anime subtitles
whatever makes you happy, I guess
America is the reason why they decided to speak English
Noticing people being senile is reddit now to magapedes and shills. How very 1984 of them with their Biden senility outrage for 3 years.
but america speaks english because of england
All your singers sing in english. ABBA, Zara Larsson etc. they should sing in swedish.
>Harris immediately kind of giggles
And that's just the obvious. >>202243919
Now hush back to r*ddit, faggot.
You have to use trumf you idiot. Otherwise the shill janny deletes the posts.
Welcome to 4 chan. I don't think you are German.
>they should sing in swedish.
They are. You named one band and an artist.
They have so many good pop songwriters yet no major hits in Swedish. Sad
My Swedish friend who’s a normie said he thinks in English. I didn’t realize yall were this cucked
I went to university in latam, this shit happened too, but they were just trying to flex
Wow I wonder why there are no hits in Swedish in Brazil
I mean globally
It’s because of Micheal Jackson and other American singers being popular in scandi countries
Just started uni, there's a German Erasmus student who barely understands Spanish in my class. My friend group and I have almost exclusively communicated with her in English. She's also a psychology student, but she's in a science class.
Say Tr*mp or whatever. That's literally Drumpf tier cringe what you're tryna pull off. Also your whole writing style reeks of reddit.
>I don't think you are German.
More delusion.
Go back to r/politics
At least they are not speaking arabic
Wanting to be relevant, swedish women crave the dick of the current elite
I like Tjuvjakt
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Wait until somebody tells you where 50% of the words from Spanish come from kek
>Basura, Al pastor, barrio, Azucar, mazmora
>Americans think they invented english
Percentage of the words in a language is missleading.
Take a look at english, 70%~80% of their words are french, but only 5% of them are used in common day to day vocabulary.
Most of the popular slang in English is unironically our doing
Spanish is one of those languages where Arabic influence is very obvious. A lot of the day-to-day words used in common Spanish speech are derived from Arabic.
>wait until
kek based zoomer
Happens here too
Swedish is literally useless
Lmao, give some examples. That's gonna be hilarious.
Yes, I know because Portuguese is far more influenced by Arab than Spanish.
But It's important to note that 50% of the words in a dictionary means fuckall.
And this is good because?
Might as well, yeah.
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Do you think Kamala finds Lund university funny
I want to give Kamala my Lund if you know what I mean bow chicka wow wow
And England speaks English because of the Dutch. It's a full circle.
>Anon says "at least they're not speaking Arabic"
>Clearly point out a European language mostly derived from Arabic
>Well actually that doesn't mean anything
I'm not going to spoon feed you do your own research.
> psychology student doing erasmus in Spain
what's the problem? the scientific world would benefit from a lingua franca. the ancients had greek, the medievals had latin, the jeets had sanskrit.
leave the common tongue to the peasants and the underclass.
>I'm not going to spoon feed you do your own research
Interesting way of saying you pull this claim out of your ass
you're gonna end up like Ireland. why do Swedes hate their language?
Exept this is an example of Swedish people dropping their own language in favor of another for seemingly no reason
Should I shoot my shot?
You would use "pulled" instead of "pull" in the context of your sentence.
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>go to university of applied sciences
>everyone including the teachers in the group chat are writing in Finnish unless directly addressing a foreign student even though foreigners make up 30% of the study group
I'm aware, Ι was just too lazy to make another post correcting it. Now where are the examples of your claim? I'm waiting.
I already told you what to do if you can't follow simple instructions that's your prerogative.
Oooh unlucky lads hahaha
>You suomi perkele the 3 över to da 2
I don't take instructions from lazy mutts who make bogus claims they can't follow up on.
please don't ever reply to me again, you're very gay
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>go to university of applied sciences
>you're very gay
You gag at the sight of attractive women
Most women aren't as attractive as they think they are.
>attractive women
She's almost 60. You simp over old hags when Sweden is known for their attractive young women. Don't project your fetish onto others.
Agreed. I don't even like her policy but she's nice looking and I like her voice
SAMK is a very prestigious institution. my GPA is 4,2
I would say they popularized it simply due to cultural export
We watched different debates then lol, the haitian part was the only sorta true thing
I'm in uni right now. I have no idea what you're talking about
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I'm in uni right now, nobody uses English other than for classes anon.
>why do Swedes hate their language?
We don't.
OP is just lying for attention.
if you heard your language spoken as a non-swedish speaking person you would hate it to no end
Based. Making other people hate us is a hobby of mine.
Not true. Swedish sounds like jolly German.
"they are doing transgender surgeries on illegal aliens that are in prison"
yeah trump saying this is totally the libs'or abc's fault not at all that he's a demented freak
you either didnt watch the debate or you're coping
this is not as bad as how biden lost in that debate against trump but in this debate trump clearly lost against harris and he seemed flustered/struggling mentally due to age unlike the biden debate where he remained calm
i think trump and the people around him know this and he wont debate harris again
>heissan hoppsan fallerallera!
I hate your language so goddamn much
German is good because it's not jolly (aka gay)
I don't give two shits about your debate or about Trump spouting bull all evening, but I can't stand faggots shitting up the place with super long super cringe political posts. Dial down the cringe and make your own thread if you have so much to say about this topic, but don't derail this one.
Do we watched the same debate? Trump came out with 2016 energy pointing out how america is being destroyed by foreigners and harris went kn some feminine tirade with her 2 personal minions on typical political lies.
Germans grows gayer every second with the spread of non-rhotic Standard German and the hyperinflated use of the word "geil". Hearing people use this word in a non-sexual context makes me immediately think they suck dick for a living and take it up the ass in their spare time.
That’s kind of cucked, Arabic is the language of the foreign warlords who drove your language extinct
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När solen lyser klart på himmlen blå, fallera!
Vi på vandring över berg, och backar gå,fallera!
Undersång med lättasteg, vi draga fram, fallera!
Ja, vivandra under glättigt skämt och glam, fallera!

På vägarna skall höras vårat klamp, klamp, klamp
Vårat stamp, stamp, stamp, dagen lång!
Och till solen sen i väster sänker sig, sig, sig
Hörs vårat hej, hej, hej och vår sång!

På himlen seglar lätt en sommarsky, fallera!
Hönsen kacklar, tuppen gal i varje by, fallera!
Blommor vagga lätt för vind i blomrabatt, fallera!
Över vägen leker fjärilar tafatt fallera!

På vägarna skall höras vårat klamp, klamp, klamp
Vårat stamp, stamp, stamp, dagen lång!
Och till solen sen i väster sänker sig, sig, sig
Hörs vårat hej, hej, hej och vår sång!

Fågelsång och ekorrknatter hörs i furn, fallera!
Och i brynet skymtar räven den fillurn, fallera!
Men på vägen vandrar flickan glad och ung, fallera!
Pojken vandrar mera lycklig än en kung, fallera!

På vägarna skall höras vårat klamp, klamp, klamp
Vårat stamp, stamp, stamp, dagen lång!
Och till solen sen i väster sänker sig, sig, sig
Hörs vårat hej, hej, hej och vår sång!
The debate had the same vibe as 2016 trump v hillary 1.
You are just too pussywhiped and have sand in your vagina.
The language. Though arguably the people too.
Not that anon but “okay” is an American invention
Afaik nobody knows for sure what the actual origin of okay is, but it's very possibly American, I give you that. You have more to support his claim or's that it?
I went to visit my family in Latvia and saw this. Usually it wasnt only them speaking in English, they would pepper in random English slang. Especially kids under 12, they have all learned english from youtube I guess.
Uhh it's the Tower of Babel story you pop culture brained monkey.
>The origin of OK is disputed; however, most modern reference works hold that it originated around Boston as part of a fad in the late 1830s of abbreviating misspellings; that it is an initialism of "oll korrect" as a misspelling of "all correct". This origin was first described by linguist Allen Walker Read in the 1960s.
Anyway terms like “cool” “dude” “pussy” are all American besides
>This nigga thinks we aren't riding with biden
Reddit is more your speed
German gay is good. Very masculine. Swedish gay is too gay for even actual gay people. Swedes love crossdressing and cock cages. Germans like leather
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I still remember every word and my blistered feet while howling out this with my company, one of six in our battalion (so around 800 men) during my military service. Good memories.

There's no masculine gay, pekka. Gay is gay. It's all degenerate subversion, no matter how you look at it.
He's very obsessed about gay stuff. Kinda suspicious.
No not at all in 2016 trump was very sharp and he knew how to talk now he's just flustered and keeps repeating "millions of illegals" as a response to every question even if totally unrelated this matters cuz the debates now are basically just a show of charisma otherwise its not about reasoning because of the polarization most people in the U.S dont even agree on the bare basic principles republicans seem to base their reasoning on christian nationalism while the other side doesnt so yeah two people cant really argue if they dont agree on basic principles it'd be like arguing with an isis member and as it comes to charisma basically biden lost against trump and trump lost against harris
nah man, Swedish style homosexuality is at least double worse than regular homosexuality
I don’t give a shit if you’ve experienced it yourself or not. Ask any middle school teacher and they’ll say that they’ve heard it.
to be fair it makes more sense to speak English than Swedish
Fair enough. Okay and cool are big even big ones. Got any more? Cause there's a lot of popular slang out there.
My mom is a middle school teacher.
Stop your blatant fucking lies and larp anon. It's pathetic and sad.

What do you get from it?
what about bbc?
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First it was uni, now it's middle schoolers?
What's next, kindergartners?
Again, gay is gay, man. Every form of it is equally degenerate and I'd argue the "fucking chicks with dicks isn't gay" and the "only the one getting fucked and not the one fucking is gay" kind of gay are the worst because they're the most delusional.
Which English slang words do you hear on a regular basis that you know are of British and not American origin?
Sounds like you've got some growing up to do.
I'm in uni anon, even changed uni last year so two different ones and nobody uses English other than for classes in English..
Depends on where you wanna cut the line between slang. Cool and okay are arguably part of the standard inventory as much as any English term that predates the US that I might tell you.
kek based baiter making their countrymen mad
>What's next, kindergartners?
Probably, actually. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already the case.
>My personal perception is a universal truth and yours never happened b-because it’s an embarrassing reality
Retarded or bait. How are you even breathing without choking to death
This always happens when the schizos break out from their containment thread (Sverigetråden).
Sounds more like you need a deep look into the mirror, buddy. Liking other men, feeling good when being around them, wanting to do them good and such is cool, as long as it's in a brotherly way. Sexual stuff is reserved for the opposite sex. It can never give you the same fulfillment when you do it with the same sex. It's always a delusion. There are no exceptions. For some that's a really hard pill to swallow.
I’m surprised you made it to uni with your nonexistent reading comprehension
What part of OP made you think that it was implied that this happens every day at every uni? Fucking mongoloid
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You're welcome, Lars.
>My personal perception is a universal truth and yours never happened b-because it’s an embarrassing reality

That's ironic isn't it?
You are the one who made an entire thread based upon your personal perception and claim it's the universal truth and now you are seething when people aren't agreeing with you.
At this point, everyone knows the individual candidate doesnt matter, it's more about their administration and the people they will put in charge.

Republicans still somewhat base their reasoning on the Constitution. Some Democrats do but most don't, it's a big tent political party catering to identity politics(LGBT, feminism, abortion, BLM)
You know you can have hardcore gay sex with meth and heroin involved and still have a wife and kids? For some that's a really hard pill to swallow.
>What part of OP made you think that it was implied that this happens every day at every uni?

Well why else make a thread? People tend to speak different languages in school and uni. Seeing how English is often part of the basic curriculum it's to be expected. Isn't it?
>claim it's the universal truth
This literally never happened you schizo
>aren’t agreeing
What the fuck is there to “disagree” with about an observation you actual nigger?
So you're mad people use random English in uni?
Life will be very hard for you anon.
You know just because you can do something doesn't mean you should, right? Like I'm taking to a child....
>Well why else make a thread?
So you were responding to an argument that you speculated in your own fucking head? You seriously need to drop out. I’m sorry.
Why did you make the thread anon?
I'm probably older than you, kid. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Gee I don’t know. Maybe I thought it was fucking cringe? Why did you reply?
A man doesn't have to fuck another tho. That's gay, dude. Degeneracy. Poison for your soul. I'm 25, and you, big boy?
So now it suddenly happens? You folded really fucking quick. What happened to your mom being a teacher or whatever the fuck?
how come swedes on /int/ are always angry.
So. You were in uni. You heard people speaking English. In uni, where students often have classes in English or/and use material written in said language (using a language is the best way to perfect it) and your first thought it "cringe"?

Why are you in uni anon?
Actually, we all know you're just larping so again.
Why make such a shit thread?
It's just the schizos like OP.
The moment people disagree with them. Just look at his posts now. Throwing slurs around like a 13 year old playing COD.
32 and I've fucked more men and women than you ever will. Gay relations are just a fact of life, if you're not a retard you're going to have sex with the same sex at some point.
Don't project your degeneracy onto others, dude. And seek some counselling. Sexual relations with the same sex are never healthy.
Also I hope the meth and heroin talk weren't anecdotal aswell, else you need some serious help asap.
I was doing a German language learning course and my teacher would correct me saying I was pronouncing too many "R"s whenever I spoke, is this what you mean by:
>Non-rhotic Standard German
Since I also speak French and Spanish I can do both the uvular and trilled "R" sound, which would you consider to be the best?
I am genuinely interested in learning more European languages and would like to get back to learning German sometime soon so I'd appreciate the tip!
Also my body count is 12, and I'm not proud of it. Studies show that a lower body count for either sex strongly correlates with happier marriages.
I know it’s embarrassing to you too, which is why you have to assume the only reasonable context where two Swedish people should speak English to each other. Not only is English not used in our curriculum or materials, but I know these students, faggot. They speak English with each other all day about everything outside studies, even when they’re walking home. I’ve seen the same fucking thing in grade school and gymnasiet. It’s tiresome.
>why make such a shit thread?
Why are you loving this thread so much?
You folded after three fucking posts. You cant even defend your own points
>american flag
>bbc poster
So blackcel, pajeet or ricecel? Or simply a tranny?
Why do you keep larping and making stuff up?
What do you gain from it?
Why are you so mad?
>They speak English with each other all day about everything outside studies, even when they’re walking home
>I’ve seen the same fucking thing in grade school and gymnasiet

No you haven't.
You had to lie about your mom being a teacher to win an argument nobody ever made. Why is this so personal to you?
My mom is a teacher anon. Any lies here are your own creations.
Stop digging that whole kid.
You never went to uni. You were always lying. I win.
Why do you keep larping and making stuff up?
What do you gain from it?
Why are you so mad?
Yes, non-rhoticity means dropping the r in certain places. Many dialects don't do this tho, or to a far lesser extent than Standard German. Using either r is fine, as long as you pick one and stick to it, though Franconians are these days the only ones who use the trilled r, so using the uvular r draws less attention. Nobody switches between them.
you are not fooling anyone tranny
this is Trump board
So you are a kid.
Well, I am not surprised. Your posts and reactions when called out have been nothing short of childish.
>called out
You sperged out on a post that wasn’t even directed at you, had to resort to calling it a lie because reality is so embarrassing to you, and made up your own lies with nothing to gain. The retard who can’t even spell “hole” is trying to convince me that he is at uni. Amazing.
I've been to Stockholm recently, I only heard English spoken in interaction with tourists, Swedish speak Swedish, even young people
I literally never said that Swedes don’t speak Swedish. Why the fuck does nobody here have any reading comprehension
>the hyperinflated use of the word "geil". Hearing people use this word in a non-sexual context makes me immediately think they suck dick for a living and take it up the ass in their spare time.
wow that's literally me
can you teach me how to use this "geil" word?
The only one I see "sperging" out here is you anon. Behaving like a child.
I said even young, college age people. Foreign students probably speak English in university
Thank you so much for the tip Germanon! May both sides of your pillow be as fresh as a summer breeze and may tomorrow's breakfast invigorate and strengthen you, have a great night!
Ok and?
Are you the same gay Finn who brags about his degnerate orgies or are there two of you? Just stop yourself before you wanna use any positive adjective and use this one instead. The literal meaning is "horny"/"arousing", so you'll automatically sound degenerate, no matter the context.
You’re a faggot if you think I owe you any politeness. I don’t think a grown man would make up blatant lies with nothing to gain either like you are
Thanks, my brozilian friend. I wish you much success with your language learning endeavors, may you be confident expressing yourself in German and may people understand you with clarity!
Again, like a child...
See >>202249494 if you have any reading comprehension
Nobody does this in my country, try having a culture
Yeah but a lingua franca was something people learned as a second language for academic purposes, not a language that replaced their own native one.
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her voice reminds me of this lady from family guy minus the ascent
All professional women in California talk like that.
Language of Academia my friend.
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>Enter a thread
>Swedish people are typing in English to each other
Lmao. At least this way I could follow the spectacle.
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>go to Uni for a master's degree in physics
>courses are advertised as being done in English, with some non french speaking students eg an iraki
>after 2-3 courses the prof openly says he can't be bothered any more and does all the teachings in French
>iraki guy fails his year
English is a fucking disease
I hate no language more than I hate the English language
I just get so fucking angry thinking about the language
I hope when I master my languages I never have to think in English, never have to hear English and never have to speak English
This prof is pure testosterone.
Reactance is gay and bluepilled, if the point of language is to communicate information why would a country kneecap themselves? The concept of a lingua franca hasn't been around long, if you want traditionalism the Irish language should be broken up into no less than 200 subgroups. Patrick Pearse mindfucked your country with decolonialism, this is a textbook scam to impose a national identity over what should be organic communities.

Wait, so you AREN'T supposed to pronounce r in German? WTF my Oppa lied to me!
As far as Standard German goes in regular speech you don't pronounce most r's when they're at the end of a word or directly before a consonant. However when putting emphasis on a word, like repeating it to someone who's hard of hearing, then you should pronounce all r's. Personally I think non-rhoticity is uber-whack. It's wide spread is a rather recent development that came with the fast decline of dialects everywhere and it sounds bad to my ears. I live in a more or less remote area and my dialect is one of the half-dozend or so around the country that still manages just fine but I've lived in other places and it's at times just unbearable. Like little kids talk who drop their r's because it's among the more difficult sounds but spoken by grown adults. Watching TV is bad too and I avoid it completely but it's at the very least a bit less bad since for clarity's sake voice actors do tend to pronounce more r's than the average Standard German speaker and reality TV is quite big in Germany and usually filled with people speaking dialect - guess because them speaking dialect makes them appear less bland.
Only Swedish women?
I had a Brazilian gf that was at FioCruz, where she was named in an English-language journal article (or something like that).
Brazilians know that nobody will ever read it outside Mundo Lusófono if it is published in Portuguese.
you say ass instead of arse
Common america W
Globalization is inevitable in due time everyone in the world will just speak a bunch of English accents. The only languages that'll keep existing to some level are Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic, Russian and Tibetan. Even they use a lot of English loanwords but are the second wave. For now everyone else is fucked in the face of the American menace
Which accents are they inclined to speak mutts or fish chips?
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Why are these Sneedish niggas fighting each other in English?
I mean Norwegian and Dutch are supposed to be kinda similar to English from what I heard
America won, unironically. Even at their peak, the British Empire couldn't have imagined having the soft power that America has.
I am pleased that these are all words used by Americans, not the slang Zoomers learn on TikTok, like "bussin" and "cap" and "rizz".
I like their page on American customs and cultures
" Natural body odors are considered unpleasant and offensive" Is in bold

The British Broadcasting Corporation?
när jag plugga var det vissa föreläsningar och seminarier som var på engelska pga utländska studenter men inte en chans att vi svenskar talade engelska med varandra...
Swedish is too goofy for any real people to speak.

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