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If you were not born with XX chromosomes, it is utterly impossible for you to have a good life. Your only role in life is to work like a dog so women can live for free doing whatever they want in exchange for sex once a week.
Even if you get a good job and make it to the top 10% of men, the best you can hope for is that your women doesn't cheat on you while she takes her 10th trip to Dubai on your dime. (Until she divorce rapes you and steals everything you've ever worked for)
>"I-I'll just transition!!!"
Nobody will pay for your tranny hole and you'll never pass. It's unironically over if you have XY chromosomes.
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>left video
Thank god I dropped out of college to become a neet, saved myself some time.
Its men who start wars and kill each other since the dawn of time
you will never be a woman
just work remotely so you can travel anywhere and anytime you want breh
Why do they do it? So they can plunder enemy land and give their riches to their wives.
>just work remotely
>travel anywhere anytime
Its not that simple, you need a quiet space, power and good internet.
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i feel bad for ukrainians now
which arent hard to obtain
I would never want to be a women, that my highest quality in life is my looks,and looks fade, thats terrible
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Same one?
I cant watch this webm. Its too painful
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I get the point but lets not act like 99% of the dudes bitching about how easy women have it are working in some miserable, male-dominated profession like soldiering or plumbing.

Almost everyone here works some office or retail job where you're under an air conditioner all day.
You do the same to yemen
>i feel bad for ukrainians now
For Ukranian men*
The young women just go enjoy life elsewhere carefree.
you brought it upon yourselves for being pathetic simps. Now go and cry in the corner cuz nobody cares
wtf is hotgirl summer? is it just wearing skimpy clothes and opening their legs for negros? god i hate women
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Truthnuke that killed everyone in 6 gorillion km radius
I hate women so much it's unreal
Losers treat life like a checklist .

>Yep, school. Check
>Yep, university. Check
>Yep, masters degree. Check
>I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I must silence the voices by following this check list guide
>Yep, work, check.

They are ultimately delaying the inevitable. That they feel their life is unfulfilling. Once the manual is over, they realize it's over.
It means travelling and having men treat you to a summer full of good times
Hey, at least you're white. I'm everything webm related and + brown, I suffer.
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At least you can enjoy quality time Norwegian frozen pizzas
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i'm so sick of it all i hope billions die, including women, i hope women experience some suffering too for once

billions must die
Part 2
This is why school shootings are completely justified
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Men pay for onlyfans
If you try to build your happiness from what you see others do than of course you'll be fucking miserable.
>He should be standing at the electric stove with a smile on his face
All the WHORES from my school who used to fuck like 5 times a week with multiple men and who traveled the world (probably fucking trillions of men in their path) are ALL now 'tradwives'.

It's so funny to see their 'cute' little pics with their new boyfriends knowing I have pics of them naked because they were such hoes they all leaked back in the day.
Those guys thinks they hit the jackpot lmao
send them to their husbands if true
Its over so what is the point of me living if all the love i would get for a woman would be just based on how much i earn and how much power i have...
this is a men's world and always has been
men are ultimately guilty, they enable whores and their whorish behavior
they can solve women question in a day and put them in their place, but they rather simp for a bit of pussy
women are children
you've never left your favela and it shows
on top of what the burger said, timezones are also important
It's not the best feeling going to an euro country and having to stay until late because online meetings/calls are still based on your local timezone
>it's totally you guys
>me? I have nothing to do with it
reddit momento
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"I'm in charge here!"
-Says the expendable variant of a species which has twice the number of female ancestors compared to male ones.
Even powerful men are in on the women's game, and will happily destroy you to keep it that way. It's not your world.
I've never complimented any woman other than my mom, can you say the same?
it's simp men world unfortunately
Women SHOULD NOT be able to vote
this is why im rude to attractive people
>do everything you can to set the stage for a boring wageslave life
>whine when you have a boring wageslave life
I don't get it, why is the dude on the left whining? How did the wageslave life sneak up on him?
>i'm a faggot who wished he could suck and get fucked by dicks

Thanks for the blogpost, OP
>imagine wifeing up a western roastie
betabucks/plapjak/etc memes are real, I mean you cant completely blame women though either. fucking simps are so desperate for pussy also ruining society.
That Andrew Tate guy doesn't seem so bad
thanks you guys, i've been trying to build up my incel rage for a good time and this should do the trick. thanks again
no one cares about your blog post with reddit spacing







why we accept only ugly ukrainians? can't we just accept hot refugee
>b-but she's hot
no she's a barely 2 in ukraine, a 5 at max in italy
You can literally be like right as well. Just stop caring so much about female attention and live your own life.
Most women are entirely empty and already a nutcase by 25
men are unironically to blame for this
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Being born a man is a curse. I don't think men were born for happiness, especially in a society of domesticated last men like ours.
he looks like a guy who got all those things to compensate for being a lanklet who is probably also socially awkward, in hopes of those things getting him what he really wants. he's even so desperate to wear what looks like..the BMW M series shirt? sad.
hot ukrainian girls can take shelter in my apartment, refugees welcome i love you
that's why men should never treat non virgin women seriously
this is victim mentality, you're pleading to the masters to fix things for you instead of just taking what you want which is what each of us should be doing
nobody will ever give it to you, you have to take it
i will never give money to any woman
i will never give gifts to any woman
i will never get married
fuck em
i will track down simp faggots like you and rob you, i will pretend to be a woman online using AI and you will give me your money
you deserve to lose everything, when i rob you take comfort in knowing that a whore w*man didn't get your money
based department
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Just end it
Le stoic man
Just don't deal with women.
Jack off and be free, it's not that hard.
The moment you stop valuing women things get easier, if you abandon the idea of a legacy it's even easier.
You do what you like, eat what you like, go where you like. Nobody to keep tabs on you, nobody to tell you yes this and no that. Ironically even women will like you more, since they are far more attracted to men that dismiss them than desperate ones.
The winning move is not to play, even if you want to end up married with kids or whatever.
When you don't play, they come to you. I haven't needed to argue or bicker in any of my relationships and I haven't had to make any sacrifices. If you don't like something about a woman, you just leave. Problem solved! No hassle.
None of the men dying started the war.
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What is a "good life"? The guy on the left sounds like massive faggot he should transition.
ngl op you're coping just have something to be proud about in your life
yes women have things handed to them but you cant compare yourself because you were blessed with having a smarter brain, more physically strong body etc
make use of it or waste your only chance at life

>t. gonna quit my job today
I don't want to be a misogynist, but women are making it really fucking difficult.
these women are nowhere as happy as you think they are, they're just covering up their depression and the fact is that just after making this video she started crying in her pillow because she knows she'll never start a normal family and have many children which is what every woman unconsciously desires
Girl on the left is an onlyfans whore as well called Maligoshik
guys purposely pick the most boring and soulless careers where they just sit alone in front of a desk all day because they "don't want to deal with other people" and wonder why they're depressed.
>Our country is at WAR, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN - DEAD, demographics predict that we're going BY THE WAY OF THE DINOSAURS, but ME, ME ME ME, I can get the chance to ESCAPE that shithole to get fucked by arabs and blacks in EVROPA, yuppie!
work is not real life anyways, meet others in some outdoors activities or something
but latinas were supposed to be different...
uh what did she mean by this
Sharty troon.
>This thread
Hope all caucasoid kill each again
4chan basement niggas can't understand that girl on the right is probably just as unhappy as dude on the left
in fact it is a statistical fact that women suffer from anxiety and depression about 4x as much as men
>oh no a guy on the street looked at me wrong
kys foid
Women don't actually have fun though.
They travel and take a bunch of selfies and go home.
Men universally have higher suicide rates.
you zoomers are really stupid and easily influenced by social media, there are billions of ugly women who have to work alongside the rest of us. but you could only find that out by putting your phone down so you'll never find that out, ever.
How would a favela be quiet in your mind?
Most of them would stop being ugly if they stopped being lardassses.
And even then they can still easily find a cuckold to sponsor them.
Fucking Russia, and they wonder why we hate them
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yes life is unfair and will never be fair grow up buddy
You know there are a lot of women who just work working class jobs and no one bats an eye? What is this meme that women don't work or don't study
why do you hate them? i dont get it, just because they started a war? i dont get the mentality, do you also hate your ancestors because they started a war in the past? i dont, i hate russia because of my encounters with russian people in cs2 lobbies not because they invaded ukraine
preaching pearls before swine
>i don't get it russia is a piece of shit who attacks its neighbors, i don't get how you, one of their neighbors would be upset about that
It's a real conundrum. Probably have to ponder that a while
>noo i'm sad at work
>this is literally like fighting in a war
Kek faget
you can hate them when they invade you, do you have relatives or something in ukraine? why do you care about them? maybe because media tells you to care about them? stupid NPC
>you can hate them when
Look at this nigga trying to tell others when they can hate something and when not lmao
>Lost her home
>Sold her body
only because men are much higher in certain traits that makes men more prone to take extreme, violent action. This is why women cut themselves way more or develop anorexia (no nourishment = no emotion)
women are programmed ot be more responsive to emotional distress, they suffer from it more than men. It's literally just science.
no i meant i would understand if you hate them when they invade your country, i dont get the reasoning when you hate someone just because they started a war that doesnt affect your own people
>i don't get the reasoning
I noticed
>This is why women cut themselves way more or develop anorexia (no nourishment = no emotion)
they do that to seek attention and if men kill themselves from violent tendencies then that's a form of emotional distress women aren't capable of.
Literally cry and bitch thread, lol!
all right you cant explain why you hate russia other than "war is le bad" so youre replying just to tease me, i think this is a good place to end this conversation
left dude is literally me
I could, I did, you just didn't get it as you said
>off topic incel woe is me thread still up after 14 hours
Why can't the jannies do their jobs?
>russia invaded its neighbouring country(ukraine)
>finland is next to russia
>so i hate them
well it doesnt make sense, like for example if iran(our neighbour) invades pakistan i couldnt care less, but maybe youre an emotional person and feel bad for lost human lives idk
>well it doesnt make sense
Man I thought you were joking but you really are struggling with this huh
menstruating is so bad that being a man is automatically better
*elites, that includes some women
Men be simping
>Anons defending wamen ITT
most women aren't that bad, they'd like you more if you weren't such a self-pitying whiny loser
Look everyone, look at this sex haver. You will never be a real incel.
Nordoids can’t grasp that we work to live not the other way around
not me, i'm a welfare NEET
I'm doing my part by not fucking Ukranian girls on tinder, it's not much, but it's something.
Now let's see how much credit card debt she's in
0, because some simp will pay it all for her during hot girl summer
I hate women
aryan fact
I just thinl wallowing in self pity, especially people who make fucking TikTok videos about oh noes my life is so hard. Fage behaviour
>she could be unhappy too chud!!!

How about they trades places, she goes to the shitty apartment alone, he goes on travels and parties and outside activities.
Then we hand them a questionnaire about satisfaction in life and happiness.
In the opposite order
So glad I'm a gay man lmao
>i hope women experience some suffering too for once
They do too but often later in their lives
I can do all of those things on the right thoughever
She’s in her 20s, thus she’s still human, and the guy is like 40 with a wife and kids. Any guy in his 20s who has enough money is doing the same. Any girl who is her 20s and doesn’t have money is struggling like guys who are in their 20s, and they all do coke together to cope
Most countries don't let you leave the country even when working remote
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Men are meant for more, and are capeable of more.
All a woman can do is follow rules, made by men, and get fucked, by men, and get paid, by men.
Even the richest, smartest and most succesful women, aren't even close to what I would consider sentient.
Do I get jealous when I see a dog being happier than me? No.
>Any girl who is her 20s and doesn’t have money is struggling like guys who are in their 20s
lmao even
>Do I get jealous when I see a dog being happier than me? No.
I do.
I get jealous because cockroaches have a better life than me.
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why do most white women love to be a whore?
i really don't get their wild period bullshit
white guys must beat and correct them
korean women also do it
I've met a lot of women through dating apps who have traveled all over the world and lived in many different countries.
At first I thought it was a little intimidating, but I quickly realized that most of them never actually experienced or DID anything.
I met a woman who lived in Hawaii for 5 years, so I thought we could talk about surfing and it turns out she couldn't even swim...
they do not like to be a known whore
there's a culture of humiliation here
there is no culture in south korea that boasts of sleeping with 50 different men like western european women do
they still pretend to be innocent in front of men
i think white guys are too gentle with their women
white women are entitled because white guys gave them too much freedom
korean women get fucked by pvt gomez and jamal
stop pretending otherwise kim
he never said they don't
Yep they only really do it to impress their friends not because they geniuely like traveling or other stupid shit they do like psuedo activism.
To be fair, what do you expect foids to do? Go get themselves raped and killed on the frontline? It's not like they can fight.
i don't know why white guys put white women through this
i think a lot of white women should be beaten up by their fathers and elder siblings
white men made this modern world miserably feminized
>if you abandon the idea of a legacy it's even easier.
Disgusting, pathetic and subversive anti-advice. Sick and contagious.
He is capping 80% of our views while despite being a nigger
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I don't want to die a lonely bitter old man but there is literally nothing I can do.
Grind away friend, mediocre white women need someone's riches to plunder.
The people who believe this are the most likely to become trannies
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>still tries to mock me
pic rel is literally you, cant explain his feelings because theyre coded lol
Seriously though, can't you just arrange a wife?
or stop caring about meatholes and be happy alone, have you tried getting a job on nuclear power instead of shitposting ?
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corny ahh mf
Friend, sometimes it's fine to just move on
70,000,000 roubles ($2) have been deposited into your account thank you comrade
nuclear cope
you're such a victim little man. You are special. You alone suffer, women can't do the same.
incel nigger
>what do you expect foids to do? Go get themselves raped and killed on the frontline?
yes, they can drive logistics trucks
if they're so sad and miserable they can always just act like those retarded ass women and go to nightclubs, travel abroad or get hyper excited because you're eating the most disgustingly sweetest and diabetic dessert.
women are amused by almost anything, they're like children so a compliment or giving them any symbol of any kind is the best shit ever for them. Men aren't like this and if you're a shitty wagie with no time to himself then get another job and stop crying.
>do you have to work to live and have no time left for you? Just get yourself a sugar daddy like the rest of the whores lmao
Maybe support war effort by helping the wounded and manufacture equipment like they did in every war?
Is expecting your women not to flee the country and fuck niggers really too much?
Lol. This war gettting me hardly blackpilling, i personally know a guy which mother is snitching on him to voenkom, and he was living in my flat about a month. Women, even mothers see man as work androids.
She's salivating over the compensation she'd get if he dies no doubt. Gonna 'travel' and ride the cock carousel.
love your mom bro, stop being an incel
I can hear a rat eating and swallowing something.
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I work as an aircraft electrician and do lots of soldering (idk why you listed that like it’s an entire job) and women 100% live life on easy mode, a hard job to a woman is sending emails and making spreadsheets 40hrs a week

My wife is an engineer and complains about how hard her job is when all she does is operate a machine that stress tests different materials
It's not women's fault if your life is pathetic THOUGH
what aircraft is that? looks a bit like a Gripen
I have time to enjoy myself and I'm not some minimum wage earning slave who's always there to defend amlo's retarded rants and delusions.
And I'm not some leech that lives off other people expenses neither.
If you're a wagie or a faggot that's on you pal, not my fault, not others' fault, not women's fault.
I met my wife while working in Starbucks as a Joe Shmo. Now I work in a Mergers & Acquisitions role and she's a corporate accountant. Sometimes women help a man.

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