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Gibraltar edition

Previous: >>202214769
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Good morning /med/.
gm /med/
One of the last pieces of family lore that my late grandfather recounted to me was that he had an uncle - who was a sailor - who emigrated to Gibraltar, married there, and had children; 5 of them, if I recall correctly.

Perhaps you now have British relatives somewhere
My dogs enjoyed the croissants.
I wonder if their descendants are still in Gibraltar.
my great-grandfather was in Malta during the war
he got really bad PTSD from the bombing and ended up living under the care of a family there for a few years
he sucked Maltese penises and became pretty prominent when the question came to Malta joining the UK
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>he sucked Maltese penises
Literally or figuratively?
I'm assuming he was somehow involved with Labour then?
I like how the dinosaur looks like it's reacting to the flying shark.
Yeah, doesn't look good for trexsisters.
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Won't goon.
I found out only few days ago that it's still under british control
Spanish are so cucked loool
malta is also basically ours too
we cuck you both
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>I found out only few days ago that it's still under british control
sisters please stop trying to start fights we are all mevd
we own the channel islands lol
Best day ever.
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Spain has no leg to stand on regarding Gibraltar, given that they have Ceuta and Melilla in north Africa
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I know that, it's more about someone learning about it just recently.
1. oh yeah? then take the migrants
2. it's an island so it's different
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Brit influx with quite a lot of medless behavior, I must say
The only righteous Brits are Catnigga and Blakeposter (and you for the time being, I suppose)
Catnigga is the British diplomat to /med/
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Summer dresses are going away for almost a year again and I’m NOT okay with it.
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>goes to bongistan
>does not appear at catnigga’s porch with smoked salmon and spiced hot wine
I really hope you're joking
I'm okay with it
Yes <3
Yeah and new Britposter is nice.
>implying I didn't try to meet him last time I was in London
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Very tight.

>gironde when catnigga sent the squirrel army after him
Good day med, I made cookies but they ended up too crumbly and falling apart, also kinda bland and dry. To sum it up I failed.
Dogs can properly digest large amounts of sugar and you can give them diabetes quite easily, and some of the chocolate compounds found in chocolate are toxic to dogs, as in they can die if you give them a couple on ounzes of dark chocolate
Imagine how sweaty she becomes, this thing doesn't breathe at all.

She's so pale.
I only gave them a tiny pinch of croissant without the filling.
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Very nordic smile. I can see the humour on her lips, and the glint of malice in her eyes. One hand reaches out towards you, as if to take what you have.
Her boobs are enormous so she can't be a bad person.
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An artful counterpoint, and one to which I have no rebuttal.
I don't trust females with large breasts. Don't like em
Patata l-forn bil-majjal for lunch on a Sunday as God intended.
Flawless reasoning, but not if fake. If they're fake, she is super untrustworthy.
sad to see medders fall for the oldest trick in the book. Large booba will only bring sorrow.
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Imagine her all sweaty, the horror…

I’m sorry catnigga, but I didn’t notice her smile at all.

Good morning, fellow Romans.
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Good day sisters. Yet to go to the gym, but had a gamer moment and compared hdr (hdr 1000, not 400) gaming to sdr gayming. Lads, hdr 1000 is goated, let me tell you.
Frieren sex
Salve, João.
>She's so pale.
Let's balance it out with a woman who isn't pale
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Big is beautiful (in this context).
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I would give up my right testicle to be one of those blueberries that slips from between her fingers and lands directly in her breastal crevasse.
That's a big price to pay.
I don't think that's a good trade
Would you maintain social distancing.
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Was coming home and the BBQ aroma invaded my nostrils.
Ehm sesso
That depends

Good post
Where have you been? To another date, you goddamn fakecel?
i forgot to say it was from my climbing sesh
For all the new british posters, there's an italian anon extremely racist to brits, i think he goes by the name of "brescianon", everytime he sees a british flag he breaks into a british racism rampage, so please be aware
He's also one of the coolest guys itt by the way
Should have the same warning with asians for Piedini.
we only have twinko
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Currently walking in a botanical park.
Soft plain girls, well dressed in cottagecore woolking with their parents. Makes me want to die.
Based and true
Saw a documentary on gibraltar and its becoming increasingly brown and spanish speaking

Always has been
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You need to also warn them about the dunmer (level 2 anglophobe) and booma (level 3 anglophobe)
I alternate between thinking that women should have sex with me, and that it should be illegal for women to be beautiful.
I bet the flowers are not the best smelling thing in that garden.
Brits are pretty lame to be fair
>half an hour with no posts
It's over, /med/ has fallen
I'm busy being busy
To hell with the women God damn it, you're in a botanical park!
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It's 2pm on a Sunday afternoon, all the resident thread normies are taking a promenade in the local botanical garden with that fine young filly they've been courting for the past six months, discussing marriage and local politics as they try not to stare at her lily white hands
I'm watching videogame essays while I have lunch.
Later, I'll play videogames while having the videogame essays in the background.
We live in a society

Nice, have you come across any good video game essays recently?
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yeah, pain all around.
Classic duality... I usually maintain the same outlook of self hatred over my busted, grotesque face clashing by my undying love for women.
It is quite absurd, I look at them and when they look back, I fear to see a hint of disgust and confusion in their eyes.
Gymgoers give it to me straight, so with progressive weight overload, i should be able to lift all the plates of any machine in my gym after 4 months or so?
I liked this one.
No, because it becomes harder to progress as you get stronger.
A page says you should lift a 10% more or less after every week, but that means 5 more kilos every week, which sounds insane
I know but I haven't found flowers as sweet smelling or any tree better looking than the female form haunting these paths.
It's insane, you won't be able to increase 10% each week for a long time, only the first few weeks of training basically.
day 22 of nofap
That makes more sense
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The gooning sesh will be so wild you'll no clip into a wall.
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i am like a bomb ready to explode
according to my estimations gooning session will take 10 seconds
Interesting. I sometimes watch videos about Halo. I skipped to a bit in your video that mentions the lighting in Doom 3 (around the 22 minute mark). Which is funny because I watched a video about Halo 2 the other day which also mentioned the lighting in Doom 3. The video is about Halo 2's lighting and graphics being too ambitious for the original Xbox to handle:

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fookin soft lad with his fookin cats can't handle the banter

I'm not an anglophobe, right? I luv English Roses too much for that

you're gonna tell me I can't banter a man just cuz of where he comes from? you're the real lusophobe if you ask me!

so fuck off back ta /brit/ if you don't loike it

simple as.
What if i increase reps by 10%?
Basically all consoles up to the PS5/Xbox series had games too ambitious for them, hardware has always been limiting software, the current AI craze for example is all based in software that existed long ago as a concept but was simply too slow and expensive to do with old hardware.
For current consoles, I don't think there's any game that is too ambitious for them, but maybe one will come.
That video also features The Order 1886, which when it came out I didn't appreciate because I wasn't into graphics, but in retrospect it was great that a studio was willing to push technology that much.
The progress will slow down and eventually stall out, and at some point the focus in only increasing reps will result in a resistance training more than a strength training.
>Basically all consoles up to the PS5/Xbox series had games too ambitious for them
True. I still like Halo 2 a lot though and it runs well even though the graphics look a bit rubbish
Thousands of Spaniards died trying to take this rock from the Eternal Anglo. So many lineages ended here. Imagine how many Castilian shitposters there would be if the Anglos just returned it.
I get you, the games we played as kids/teenagers always leave a mark.
*take Minorca from the bongs and give it back to Spain*
Is your country lawful good?
>Join two expensive and crippling wars only to cripple France against the Brits, let the Brits get very good trade deals with Spain; and get nothing in return.

Such is the benevolent French government
Today's training.
Barbell row 4x10 with 80 kg.
Pull ups 3x10 with bodyweight.
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5x11 squats
4x8+1x50 leg curls
4x11 leg extensions
Couldn't decide if I should have done hip thrusts and calves on top of those because I need energy for tomorrow's bench session but tbf by the time I woolked home I came to the conclusion that if I had just woolked around the gym for 10 mins so as to rest a bit, I could have also done those two exercises.
And btw increased squat weight by 5 kgs and leg curl weight by 2,5.
I could still increase squat weight further because my legs would let me, but my back doesn't really like it, so I'll have to wait for my back to get a bit stronger.
Nah, this one was us. We fought you in two wars, 21 years in total and all we got was a lousy town called Venlo. The Brits got the best deal out of it.
Today's training

3x1h geology
2x1h biology
1x1h chemistry
Maybe Spain should return Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco

Yeah, er... played as a kid. Sure.
Good luck
You lowered the volume.
If you need 10 minutes rest between sets you are either doing 1RMs or you should just go home.
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Did you know that "kiwi berries" are a thing? Me neither until just now.
Mock me all you want, but just so you know, I log every anglophobic post and back them up onto an external harddrive, wrapped in a layer of aluminium foil, wrapped in another layer of wood shavings.

When Britain retakes its rightful place at the head of the world, with America our chair and Europe our footstool, there will be consequences for everything you have said.
Everything is going perfectly fine except the chemistry because I have the maths skills of a (non-Chinese) 12 years old
I'm honestly fine with that
I even have glasses
You gonna shoot me ?
Khmer rouge scum
>Did you know that "kiwi berries" are a thing? Me neither until just now

Why yes I did and have eaten them multiple times but having lived in NZ for several years certainly helps

They taste like gold kiwis and have no hairy skin so you just eat them like grapes, however they were like 6 times more expensive than regular kiwis
>If you need 10 minutes rest between sets
Tbf, I only rest 3 mins between sets, but what I meant was that if I would have let myself rest 10 mins before doing a total of 6 sets (3 sets of calves and 3 sets of hip thrusts), I could have probably done those too with only 3 mins of rest between the sets.
Btw, thoughts on drop sets? Is it good that I did 50 reps of leg curls in a single set with 50% of my final weight, or is it pretty much useless except for burning some calories / cardio?

Good luck with your exams. How do Réunion girls compare to mainland French girls? I'm sure you've seen some cuties in these past few weeks.
At first i thought it was you, but then i thought you mean our king asking for literally nothing while he saved prussniggers
My uni is full of cute exotic mixed girls it's unreal
First time I've seen blasians IRL too
Fuck you (just kidding), you literally can't suffer there.
>Tbf, I only rest 3 mins between sets, but what I meant was that if I would have let myself rest 10 mins before doing a total of 6 sets (3 sets of calves and 3 sets of hip thrusts), I could have probably done those too with only 3 mins of rest between the sets.
I understood you, I still think if you needed the extra 10 minutes you should go home instead.
>Btw, thoughts on drop sets? Is it good that I did 50 reps of leg curls in a single set with 50% of my final weight, or is it pretty much useless except for burning some calories / cardio?
Drop sets are done right after you finish a harder set, not without rest.
If you did that 50 reps set without resting after your last set I don't know how you managed to get 50 reps.
I prefer to do drop sets with smaller jumps in weight, but a few jumps not a single drop set.
>If you did that 50 reps set without resting after your last set I don't know how you managed to get 50 reps.
Right, that's because I rested 3 mins. Anyways, I have no idea why I called it a drop set, because I know drop set means lowering weight and not stopping. Had a retard moment there, my bad bruh.
So far I've only done proper drop sets when doing triceps extensions but maybe I'll try the same tomorrow on my last set of dumbbell bench, that is if I won't forget.
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today's training:
ate bacalhau com batatas a murro
going to have my sesta now
will play video games later today
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Based training, I recommend
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>>They taste like gold kiwis and have no hairy skin so you just eat them like grapes, however they were like 6 times more expensive than regular kiwis
Is that so? I just bought a 125g packet for 40p.
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good plan, too bad the world will be ruled by China for the foreseeable future
>bacalhau com batatas a murro
Ahhhh presunto obrigado kkkkkkkk
Production is probably ramping up they were kind of an experimental thing when I was still in NZ, I had jobs in many different kiwi orchards and I never saw kiwiberry crops because they were pretty rare
Also I might have bought them off season or something

There are also red kiwis if you didn't know
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morning gentlemen
>extremely racist to brits
>booma (level 3 anglophobe)
how does the scale works?
good training, was there any wine with it
>batatas a murro
always kek at this name
Just goon already.
Ceuta and Melilla were never part of Morocco because it didn't exist back then. It was under Muslim control during years until it was conquered by Portugal and then Spain (Ceuta at least).
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Here are my favorite trees from the garden.
Mmmm <3
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And this one too
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>good plan, too bad the world will be ruled by China for the foreseeable future
This is the future neoliberals want.
>There are also red kiwis if you didn't know
Your knowledge of this world supercedes mine by an order of magnitude. You have seen fruits that don't even exist within the boundless limits of my dreams.
>how does the scale works?

Anglophobia Level 0
>no strong feelings towards anglos, likely historically ignorant and low IQ
>famous examples: myriad
Anglophobia Level 1
>mildly critical of historical british foreign policy and some slight negative feelings about certain aspects of the Empire
>famous examples: george orwell
Anglophobia Level 2
>moderate dislike of britain, british people and/or british culture
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I don't understand what just happened, but half my post got cut off for some reason and I'm not typing it all up again. Use your imagination.
>wondered for a few seconds who the hell was called myriad
But I'd like to know where I stand on the scale and it sure isn't on 0-2... :(
Well they were Muslim, now they're not, and Gibraltar was Spanish, and now it's not. Who knows what the future holds.
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Enjoying butts at the riverside.
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Enjoying the scenery at the riverside.
You don't suffer in Portugal
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Enjoying the water at the riverside.
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Enjoying Spanish pisswater at the riverside.
now I'm curious to see what level 3 is, but I can already imagine what it will be
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Based and cheers lad! Enjoying a wee beer in the darkness of an old scottish docking bay.
How’s the trip been, from 1-10?
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My famous person example was Charles de Gaulle, if that gives you a hint.
What about Joan? Surely above de Gaulle.
De Gaulle was more of an Americanophobe than Anglophobe
Not an Anglophile either but he had more beef with the burgers than the Brits both during and after the war
'ate Mers-El-Kebir
but 'ate AMGOT even more

simple as
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Charles de Gaulle was our most anglophile leader doe?
A good 8 so far. Love the city and the region but travelling with parents can be a bit annoying. Would have been more fun with friends.
Idk he kept making comments about the "Anglo-Saxons" as a whole (including USA) and he vetoed the UK entering the EU

But it's nothing compared to Roosevelt refusing to recognize him for years, wanting to occupy and administrer France, and planning to give away parts of Alsace-Lorraine and Nord to Belgium
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>vetoed the Anglos
Truly a visionary and Anglophile. He was just doing what he thought Anglos would really want.
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Joan the Maid was not an anglophobe, she was a confused schoolgirl who the French callously pushed the front of their army because they knew it would demoralise the English to have to kill a woman.

If she had been blessed with the good fortune to be born in the early 21st century, she'd be showing videos of her healing crystals to her 600 subscribers on YouTube and have an OnlyFans account.
De Gaulle vetoed our application to join the EEC, he hated the Anglo-American alliance, and he made disparaging comments about Britain's role in Europe.

Don't get me wrong, he's no Michael Collins, but he's certainly no friend of the British people either.
I don't think de Gaulle actually hated you guys
also I'm just a realist, lad
>he vetoed the UK entering the EU
timed proved him right
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Peculiar take
And how’s the accent? Do you understand the scots? Did you train a bit with Trainspotting?
>Michael Collins
which level would that be?
Accent is alright, had no problems there and I find it quite charming. Scots are pretty cool and open too, had quite a bit of nice interactions.
Never saw Trainspotting but now it got bumped up my watchlist.
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Just saw the most angelical being at the river.
Brunette with long hair, green eyes, tall, ample bosom and chest, wasp waist. She was accompanied by a fit guy (smaller than Andaluzanon, though not in height) with a huge scar in his belly, like he was almost sliced in half by a huge scimitar or claymore. Truly gruesome.
Girls really seem to love the dangerous warrior type of guy.
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>push your hips forward to unrack the bar, and don't make the common mistake of squatting the bar up with your knees
Niggas I'm retarded.
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>If she had been blessed with the good fortune to be born in the early 21st century, she'd be showing videos of her healing crystals to her 600 subscribers on YouTube and have an OnlyFans account.
well nevermind >>202273070
here I go, mr. Collins
Tiocfaidh ár lá
>/med/ resident film aficionado
>never saw Trainspotting
Wew, lad, better bump it to first position on the backlog.
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IIRC, he went to Edinburgh, so the accent should be fine. Of all the different type of Scotsmen, they speak the most clearly.
Michael Collins is a Level 5 Anglophobe, the highest known classification of anglophobia according to British racial scientists.
maybe he fighted for her
I'd recommend Trainspotting but I'm English, I dunno what Scots think about it. I think they like it.

It's shite being Scottish.
fought*, fuck
I've never watched that film but I read the book twice, once in Italian and once in English
That's dedication. Also the English version of the book has lots of Scots spellings and slang right? Making it harder to read unless you're familiar with the Scots language
Well, I got a lot on my plate with all the horror movies.
Yeah honestly didn't have any trouble so far.
Yeah I need to check it out
it was well worth it
funny name
delicious af
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based neoliberals
>>moderate dislike of britain, british people and/or british culture
I don't dislike British culture
in fact I adore British culture, so much so I have embraced the British custom of banter
tally ho! quit being a poof and learn to handle the banter ya git! God save the King!
(not offensive because it's British culture)
Some of you would've appreciated the nubian doctor that attended to my grandma. I'm more interested in the nurse.
Search harder.
>Asian gymnastics .webm
wow nice feet, Mrs. Saeko...
Bathing at the Tagus or drinking Cruzcampo?
Anal fisting would be painless in comparision?
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Btw Gman (Sman now?) Magic is releasing a Horror themed set, I think you might like some of the art.
I was talking about the second option
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A team of professional joke inspectors with fully updated licences will be reviewing all of your posts to clarify these claims of "banter".
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staying in shape is important to Asian females.
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>mfw 0 german in said team
After 10/15 pages you get the hang of it
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>catnigga's GPU minutes before he bought it

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