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Olše, Těšín
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it's time to bring in the sightseeing train
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all those drowned cars will be for sale soon on bazos
presented as new without any issues ofc
My city's flood protection has been overrun.
And they turned off the power (I can confirm).
So, I'm gonna finish my lunch, and I'm gonna hit the town.
that's just pickling cars for polish consumption
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So anons, what do you want to see? I think the Olše is a good choice, we are inches away from an extreme flood.
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picrel is 19:00 and 227m3/s, now we have 866 m3/s
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I just have to figure out how to get there. I'm expecting 3 roadblocks, so I'll use the Polish highway straight away, and get there from the Polish side on an "invisible" road.
Poles are also blocking the roads :///////
New plan,
outdoor wear, and I'm walking on foot.
Estimating 6km each way.
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Hilly parking
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Lovely day, sun and 21C
>Poles are also blocking the roads
drive around them
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Ok, so, it all starts behind that forest. I can hear the sirens now.
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A healthy forest has no problems. Literally the driest place in the county.
Confederate bros, I want to live in 1840s Florida with a plantation full of Kweenz.
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It's so close. Can you feel it? I can.
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Wait for it...
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They've breached the channel
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Samsung wants to build a gigafactory here
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A flooded field. Boring.
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A house destroyed by Czechs, not by water.
I honestly think I fucking know you
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Why. It's nothinburger happening.
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I can't take a picture at yesterday's spot.
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I hate the Brazilian so much
I'm going to track him down and skullfuck him as soon as he doxes himself
watch out man there's a wolf following you
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It's just water
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I am sad bros
What do you mean it's just water
You've been waiting for water
there's clearly silt in it, retard
But water was supposed to be everywhere.
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Autobahn to Polska
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So all I have is this gay lake.
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At this spot the gay lake under the highway flows back into the river.
File deleted.
Did you know that Washington DC's (incredibly small and almost completely unknown) tram system is CZECH BVILT?
Actually, a company from Ostrava too
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original pic was an american one, this is one of the Czech ones
I thought that only Škoda Plzeň produced trams.
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On my way home. Coal power plant, unflooded.
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At least it was a nice walk.
death to coalfags
Agree. But thx to green deal this power plant is done. They will only produce heat for the nearest towns using gas generators, kekekeke.
But it's also the site for a new small modular nuclear reactor.
Back home. No electricity, but that's okay.
It's a company that partners with Škoda and they were using their factory in Plzen at least in the early 2000s
The American-built ones are still peripherally Czech it seems, since they're built on a pattern licensed from Škoda
I walked along the river a bit, it's risen but 1.5-2 meters below the maximum level where it would flood the surrounding areas

>the site for a new small modular nuclear reactor
your grandkids' grandkids will be dead before that site sees a nuclear reactor of any kind
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Very interesting. This is the first I've heard of this company. I don't think we even have those trams in Ostrava.

OK, my bad, we have 9 Inekons too.
>your grandkids' grandkids will be dead before that site sees a nuclear reactor of any kind
this is something I don't know - I have no idea how the market for small modular reactors will develop
it's not about the market. The applicable regulation is going to be as strict as for traditional reactors, and site selection criteria are going to be prohibitive for placement into just any pick-a-place.
>regulation is going to be as strict as for traditional reactors
And we know that for sure?
>selection criteria are going to be prohibitive for placement into just any pick-a-place
But the site is intended for that, ČEZ and official documents count on it. Just as the land around Blahutovice is strategically blocked for a third nuclear power plant.
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So according to TV news, I'm officially a retard.
I went for a walk to the wrong river - they are just showing that the center of my city is underwater.
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bcs the new flood barriers have failed
>for sure
I'm pretty sure. Atomova baba won't be making any exceptions.
>the site is intended for that
I'm sure it is, and maybe it will even get a modular reactor one day. I just don't think that our grandkids will live to see it. The technology is far from being ready and produced at an acceptable price point at scale. And those things (design + ramp up production capability) are measured in decades. JETE has a spot reserved for a modular reactor as a technology demonstration but it's nowhere near having one. Until it gets one + 5-10 years all debate about placing reactors into decommissioned coal power plants is just a hypothetical thought exercise.

heckin' based
>I have no idea how the market for small modular reactors will develop
it won't outside of remote mining towns and military bases because NIMBYs are a scourge
>heckin' based
Fortunately, the water is supposed to rise for another six hours, so tomorrow I'm going to correct my mistake from today - and this time I'm going in the right direction.
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picrel is the same bridge, yesterday
But I'm sorry about this, it's a really beautiful museum.
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I love retards on facebook, this gem is from city group.
>please where exactly is Bohumín flooded thank you
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Hi are you good? Do you consider yourself Germanic? Fuck man beautiful blonde girls everywhere with braids. They all hate me they want to get fucked by chad holy fuck, fuck you
Coldhand Luke on TV tonight
Heard it was proper /dixie/ kino
do you consider yourself a fucking faggot (the answer is yes)
kill yourself
Are you good? How are you?
kill yourself retard
Post the /dixie/ iceberg please
Yes it's completely unrelated to your post
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ask and ye shall receive
Thank you very nice
Johnny Cash is top tier
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you have to eat all the eggs
He is
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desu I prefer Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
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I'm a fan of Kirk Douglas
I've only seen Spartacus bcs I like Kubrick, but man, I was suffering for 184 minutes.
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It's been a while I don't have much interest in watching movies, it seems I don't have the attention span anymore
>I don't have much interest in watching movies
The last time I enjoyed a movie was 5 or 6 years ago. Since then, I've only been able to handle shorter shows.
I like Yellowstone, but I watch it mostly for the scenery and nature, when I miss the plot I don't care.
kill yourself retard nigger
try drinking bleach, maybe you'll be white then
fuck off and die
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"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

Proverbs 29:2
shoot yourself you faggot monkey nigger
no one wants you
no one will ever want you
no one will miss you when you are gone
fucking gas yourself
you are a swarthy subhuman and the world would be a better place without you in it
slit your wrists, stab yourself, I hope you fucking die
you should jump off a bridge and spare humanity the travesty that would occur if you ever happened to breed
you don't deserve a girlfriend
you don't deserve to even exist in the same reality as a woman because you're fucking pathetic
hang yourself with the nearest rope
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faggot retard nigger monkey
kill yourself
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just ate some biscuits
suffocate yourself
cut your fucking throat
how many girls have you kissed in your life?
He's gonna get banned again by the Czech yeah
buy a shotgun and blow your incel nigger monkey brains out
it's fucking over for you, give up
I've never kissed a girl
Hitler would have thrown you in the gas chamber, and unlike the Jews, no one would have mourned you
no German woman will ever even look at you because you're disgusting and it makes them want to claw their eyes out
fucking end it nigger
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>it's fucking over for you, give up
Is this some kind of reverse psychology?
>bad news, you're a fag.jpg
blimey what is this verbal diarrhea?
/dixie/ has fallen
I think Conway's autism clashed with the Brazilian incel's autism.
drown yourself
jump into a thresher
stick your head under a hydraulic press
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>no German woman will ever even look at you because you're disgusting and it makes them want to claw their eyes out
Holy fuck this one was brutal
Anyway, how are you today?
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Best Greetings from Germany,

How is the life to you?

I would like to visit our contry. I have heared about this "Hooters" thing. Is it worth visiting?
Greetings, /dixie/.
RIP /icy/ - Tråden kan være væk, men legenden består.
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>village Troubky
>at the confluence of the Morava and Bečva rivers
>the last floods were a total massacre (9KIA, 300 houses down)
>there's a huge flood wave coming in, hits after midnight
>only 30 people voluntarily evacuated
>the local pub is open and it's full of drunks
the local pub is to Troubky what Waffle House is to the US
Literally this:
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rescue teams will be very happy when fishing the local drunks out of the water
I don't understand this obsession of some people to save and rescue others against their will. People should be free to live their life as they please, including putting themselves in danger if they so choose. But Rakusan, the police and others see people as subordinate pawns who they can move as they want, ignoring what the people would want.
This is not about Rakušan or the current government. It's about legislation. They have a legal obligation to rescue you.

So, today in Opava people were sending lifeguards away, and a few hours later a helicopter had to pick them up.

They should be obliged to offer you help, but if you refuse, then you are no longer covered by them.
I think it stems from the notion that we can undo things we regret doing whilst alive, but if we kill ourselves we can't undo it.
Still, I'm planning on killing myself the second I show signs of alzheimer, because seeing my grandma reduced to a shell of her former self was a traumatizing experience.
>I'm planning on killing myself the second I show signs of alzheimer
Do you think you can recognize that?
No, but other people can.
Plus, late XXI century medicine will hopefully be able to cure it.
>Plus, late XXI century medicine will hopefully be able to cure it.
Unfortunately, I don't think so.
Then cyanide is the way to go.
As long as I've married an euro woman and had children with her, I'll die satisfied.
holy shit, the Opava river has just plateaued and stopped rising; in 3 days the flow rate increased more than 300-fold
Opava provided nice kino.
My sexfren's parents are waiting for the wave in Děhylov. Their neighbors are already underwater, they've got it by the fence.
No electricity.
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More interesting is Poland now. Klodzko is a cluster fuck.
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>Nysa Kłodzka
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>alarm 240 cm
>currently 794 cm
= 2040m3/s
(Odra, much bigger river, in Bohumín peaked +/- 1200m3/s)
the Dehylov measuring station is now offline. RIP
> Gasoline prices could dip below $3 a gallon before the election, boosting Democrats
*sticker of Biden on your gas pump*: I did that!
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or this fucker (normal is +/- 5m3/s, now more than 600m3/s)
here it is 5.29 $, and we have the cheapest gasoline in the region
not for long, though. Another artificial price hike caused by imposing yet another green tax is already in the pipeline. Fuck I hate the EU like you would not believe.
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how do you like the movie
Hey guys
feeling sleepy
There's like 20 million people in the Houston metropolitan area and I never hear a thing about that city unless there's a hurricane
they cheated in baseball
it's just a big parking lot from what i've seen on this board
oh right the space shit
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Space is gay and going there is a waste of time
Geocentrists rise up
espresso time
Nice me too
p 9
I'm cooking
Eggplant, tomato, carrots, green beans, garlic, ginger, chilli, spices and chicken dumplings
bonus: red brickers are fuckeeeeed
It's good but the eggplant is mushy I should have added it later
Did you boat on the flood ?
There's only about 20-30cm of water, so been there by car, to help my cousin with her vetclinic.
Ah I see it looked pretty high from your pic
Basically, it's impossible to use a boat - the boat would scrub the ground.
OK, I'm tired again, so going to take a nap.
I just had a phone call with my dickhead father. That retard just drowned his car.
These floods can't get any better.
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kek good morning
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bumpity bump
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Ostrava main train station in comfy mode too
good morning
it is 3:15pm
Test, phonefagging, updated app
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haha ha lole
Please don't laugh at me
from Polska
Nachmelená opice, really good brewery
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>RIP /icy/
they didn't kick out czech mod?
>they didn't kick out czech mod?
We did, but most of the locals abandoned ship.
is this real?
Yeah it's my everyday struggle
Thoughts and prayers
thots and slayers
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Polska anon, gimme link to some Polish news TV (livestream). Thank you
Dunno if you can watch outside Polan
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>if you can watch outside Polan
I can, thank you
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A Polish priest. Is that a silk shirt?
I personally believe that the 2023 romantic comedy "Anyone but You" was a collaboration between the intelligence community and Hollywood to test whether movie audiences would be able to tell if an entire movie script was generated with AI.
Who voluntarily watches romantic comedies these days?
The only acceptable romantic comedy is
>music by Bregovic
one of the best musicians in that region
this one is epic, I think you should understand without translation
It's nice, I only know Bregovic because of his collabs with Polish artists
>of his collabs with Polish artists
I know that, because I'm BIG fan of Balkan music and movies.
I don't know if I've ever seen a Balkan movie, can't recall.
I exist
>I don't know if I've ever seen a Balkan movie, can't recall.
I envy you, you can have a great ride. They've got dozens of very good movies starting in the 90s.
What's your favourite
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Now I'll have to find subs hah
opensubtitles, 100%
k, I saved them for later
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I'm watching ALL episodes of MASH. Finally an episode I haven't seen before.
based, recently I started doing the same but I've stopped and need to get back to it. I've already seen all episodes, with my roommate in university we'd watch an episode or two every night while smoking shisha. Watching it again, but this time with the original audio track, is a very different experience, though. The Czech overdub is an absolute masterpiece that exceeds the quality of the original.
>I've already seen all episodes
That's what I thought too, but obviously I missed maybe 2-3 episodes.
>with my roommate in university
I started as a little kid. TV Nova and Prima aired it every night for several years.
>Watching it again, but this time with the original audio track
I'll never do that, I've tried 2 episodes, and the Czech dub is excellent (and I prefer original audio in most cases).
>TV Nova and Prima aired it every night for several years
I was a couple of years too young to understand the show when it aired. I remember watching it back then but many things were lost on me
>the Czech dub is excellent (and I prefer original audio in most cases).
The original is a challenging listening exercise as they recorded the whole scene using boom mics while the overdub actors had perfect audio conditions and spoke directly into quality mics. Anyway, I'm determined to watch it all in English.
wtf i am seeingyoutube ads
Hierarchy... real fuckin' NATO... the dominican republic... common fuckin' sense
GOD BLESS AMERICA... George Washington... The great plan... Washington... real fuckin' NATO
the border... Gaul... Juan Pablo Duarte... the birds... the intellect... Juan Pablo Duarte
Juan Pablo Duarte
dios mio
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sup mr Polo
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what's up, too much water there? or are you able to live "normally", let's say?!
>too much water there?
city under water, been there today, keke >>202301353
but I live on a hill, so I have electricity and internet
that's crazy
God blessed you for living in a hill in a time like this.
I hope this water get down fastly.

How long will your food supply last?
>How long will your food supply last?
I always have about 2 months worth of supplies at home.
All the supermarkets in my town are under water, but it doesn't matter - 5 minutes drive the other way I have another big town.
noice, it's a good light in the horizon
I have no reason to complain. Tomorrow I just have to go to grandma's house, plug in the pumps.
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And finally we have something like a small Brazilian river.
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shit, this looks dicey
thanks for comparing with our rivers

I'm lowkey smelling like piss because of the alcohol + coffee too.
today I'm drinkin' my brandy with pepsi. I didn't find coke. but it got really nice too
>today I'm drinkin' my brandy with pepsi
pepsi > coca cola
at least here in Czechia, pepsi is with real sugar, coca cola is with glucose-fructose syrup
I only drink sugarless soda, otherwise I balloon up like 5 kilos a month or more.
Recently I've eatin' many chocolate, but not uncontrollably.

soda here is made with sugar kane. but I remember the time they started to mix stevia with soda, it was so shit. I'm glad they wuit this abhorrent idea
*glad they quit
>stevia with soda
Fuckers are doing the same here, and it is so disgusting,
I'm a grown man, huge corporations don't have to pretend they care about my health. I suppose those artificial sweeteners cost less money than real sugar.
yes, it's the "woke-mind" process
In brazil there's many people who survive with few internet, few money, few food, and this people is not easily fooled by these "woke" people, luckily
Im smelling terrible, god damn
and they probably don't have the money for these unnecessary things
no shower today? kek
>no shower today? kek
In fact I had my default shower in the morning, but I was wearing clothes I had left in the corner of my dressing room for like 15 days. Today we had a cold day suddenly then I just wore that abandoned clothes.
But just now I had a brief shower.
>wearing clothes I had left in the corner of my dressing room for like 15 days
that's a very non-Brazilian thing to do
yes, we take like 3 showers a day, but it's just the humid weather, it's not like we have a choice

Otherwise you get to bed all sticky

By the way, there's a funny story about a Brazilian metal band that went to record in Germany and stayed in a guesthouse.
The owner of the guesthouse couldn't accept the number of baths the Brazilians took.
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>The owner of the guesthouse couldn't accept the number of baths the Brazilians took.
kekekekeke, that's a very German thing to do

when I was as kid in Germany for the first time, I couldn't understand that I couldn't walk on the grass in my shoes...
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Im going to rest now, then sleep
have a good night, you and the frens here
gn anon

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