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Africa mogs edition
chaos posting
it really do toh
Do you guys think employed woman smells nice?
I imagine she smells like lavender. :3
Wish I hadn't fallen for the poo monster scare.
Quite naive of me
Ate a fat bubble butt and then fucked it whilst the guy moaned like a little bitch.

What did you do today?
The way pigs, one of the most intelligent and curious of mammals, are treated by humans worldwide really is unconscionable.
ah, okay
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boomers at work love me for some reason
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Africans colonised Ireland
how many times could i chuckle and say works sets you free! in the break room before HR tells me off
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long oiled up african batons with high s curvature slapping into tiny tight pale blonde clapmeats
Begin with your family
Economics isn't a useless degree.
You're simply a useless person.
Doing engineering would not have changed that, not to mention the fact that engineering is a shite career path in this country anyway.
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they pushed me too far... I may end up doing something... something radical... something rebellious... antisocial, even
have elaborate fantasies about a girl in college as my gf but ive never spoken to her
you're probably a very polite and pleasant young man
Who dat
Since we know modern humans have been around for 200k+ years, this is what you have to believe in order to believe in Judaism and Christianity
>modern humans are around 200,000+ years ago
>expectation of life is around 25 years
>infinity mortality rife
>microorganism disease is terrifying
>earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters
>fights over land, territory, food, women, and triblalism
>for 195,000+ years, God watches this with folded arms, indifference, and coldness
>skip to around around 3-4 thousand years ago
>but only in really barbaric, illiterate parts of the middle east
>not in china or india where people can read and think and do science
>God decides he can't let this go on and he must intervene
>and what better way than by human sacrifices, plagues, and mass murder?
>and if that doesn't make them behave morally, I just don't know what does
If there is a single person in /brit/ who can bring themselves to believe anything remotely like that, then they convict themselves of being
>first: very stupid
>second: very immoral
All the best Esports casters are British.
horny for boomerette pussy me, trying to link this divorced oldie who works in finance at toil
Daughter of conan obrian
it's carnage x
thought this was cat bin woman

Tonights kino
going to start reading all literature in chronological order, just not sure where to start...
Incel Timmy cope
You start with a
This except the bottom is a white man
I am but that's no reason for every boomer man at the toil to want to go have a pint with me and boomer women joining me at lunch constantly

if they were my age I'd assume they're hitting on me
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Someone who died for saying the nword
bds getting pumped
hey bongs, is the smartschoolboy shit some kind of arg or what?
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He thinks he's a stud now
I'm an atheist but you're a limited minded yankoid fool if you think a god would for some reason make it easy, it demands a leap of faith, belief via rationality is not faith
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Mrs Browns Boys D'Movie on BBC1 NOW

What manner of madness drives men like this?
Should get on 4chan x tbqh hiding large buggers of text walls
You must have a firm handshake and a winning smile
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one of the gayest looking men i've ever seen. was so sure he was gay when i first saw him on youtube like a decade ago.
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he feel like he won the euromillions
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ban them all asap it's only teenagers and crackheads riding on them for free click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click
imprison teenagers
Ask her out. Shyness is not an Irish trait.
Hate both teams, not sure which more but BDS have been around for a few years now and i think i stopped following it all when they rose to the top, it just isnt the same anymore
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Irish girl
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Seen my cat do the same thing bugger is losing against an impulse
good lad, get the pints drank
watching townsends while drunk

remote toil on the morrow but my nearest meeting is on Tuesday afternoon and my plan is to nothing until then if I'm honest
Is she mixed-race?
might watch some ltt now. thanks anon
pov: you’re a young abo or sudo male at an all white company
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Giving this another read
Brilliant book
This esport is fucking shite now.
Everything is too efficient and streamlined, old pros have been replaced by the same broccoli hair zoomer cunts who use the same cars and all play the exact same way because why wouldnt they. So you get either a 0-0 slurper or 5-0 every match.
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legs tomorrow morning ;)
reading a yaoi
why is she too shy to ask me out then?

no she's a goddess
protip don't go to cliffsides or other high places with people like this
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Is she mixed race?
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you hear a sudden, violent knock on your door
women don't ask out men, in any country
Mental that this grotesque fat cunt had a public-facing role in the first place
reckon white women who fuck blacks are the same type who fuck dogs
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>young love. lovely
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wouldn't mind a proper tribal african lady if I'm honest
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Thinking the women arent into me but use me to upset the balance or as joker card to irritate the other guys who are into them.
They lack a soul
less blacks irish dogs penis talk
more school girls legs talk
what did you use to make that
struggle to comprehend women

A stable loving relationship is boring whilst a chaotic drama-fuelled one lights their pussies on fire.
I don't get it.
Are you Irish diaspora?
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just want them back...
My lovely wife Candice
Are you Irish diaspora
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it's funny because he was usually the only one that ever knew what the fuck he was talking about
he's still retarded, unfortunately
Men never have to worry about what women want
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Women want violent guy to put a kid in them and the meek guy to take care of it. Brain wise. Think there was a study to prove it.
Laptop chargers fucking packed in
Will be phoneposting for a few days
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Well team I've had a bit of a depression day. Not done much. Excessively slept again. Tomorrow will be a better day.
My eternal soulmate
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This Irish diaspora guy would be happy if his daughter brought home a black guy
Love seeing NA retards go dead quiet

can't believe the brits left white rhodesians to die
Comet suicide
nothing to do with me
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Irish boys are attracted to black boys (friendship)
We saw it the first time today mate.

Seen her hairy growler
My heart cries out for her
Seen kids write heil hitler on walls with better spelling than you
She was very transphobic and looked like Quasimodo.
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British monarchy and elites are not white and do not have the interests of whites at heart when they make decisions.
humans are all cousins and our birthplace is africa
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you look like Ross noble
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Irish diaspora moment
No I don't.
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Its like the same 2 chants over and over fucking hate fat stupid yanks
couldnt finish it when i tried about 10 years back
Where is this?
don't watch esports, why should I hate either team?
absolutely insane how many american blacks had an irish grandfather or grandmother

what did they put inside the water over there
The onus is on you to prove it, not us.
It's been the least enjoyable RLCS I've ever watched. The words soulless and robotic come to mind.
One match yesterday was like 1-0 or 2-1 OT for 7 games. All solo plays have been completely killed too it really doesn't matter how skillful your mechanics are anymore. They've studied it can all do them and just kill it before you can even get it started. Matches are won off of a rare mistakes and nothing else.
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G2 are like the arsenal or something of North America.
BDS are frog cunts and introduced the aggressive cancer meta that destroyed this whole esport
might get into audiobooks
not a very good reader, me, just don't have the patience for it anymore
some proper mental illness on display here tonight
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Technology has made nature shows soulless
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Irish people have always been more prone to racemixing, especially with blacks
Some say it's because they share a similar IQ and temperament
post Candice nudes i need a wank
need an anime succubus gf
Begin with your family
Tnd is a science
Wasn't even funny and didn't make sense either.
sleep on it
from about 1066-1300 these french women held harems of anglo-saxon boys
just wish we could go back
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If you do 20mm max hangs
You will live forever
>Wasn't even funny and didn't make sense either.
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lt. dan and forrest gump's friendship was the best relationship in that movie
jenny was a trifiling whore
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got called not american in the last thread
weird contrast considering I see foy all the time
need a tiny girlfriend
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Forrest gimp
This moroccan lad is decent inee
Is your such a Yank then tell me about San Diego?
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Irish perspective
did the leftymong deploy cartoon memetics to mock and ridicule real and tangible concepts as a means to demoralise people again
Emmys commence in 1 hour
I must insist that you all watch
Right send the bombs
me on the bottom left
all shite

Why are they like this?
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Bedberg pull the temple bell in one hour
I watched that bear show and it wasn't funny
haven't heard of any of these outside of fallout because of the video game and fargo because of the movie
Think i saw this in the last thread Heathermeister
Youre getting sloppy
Is the fucking crown still fucking going
ya m8 they still own you
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Irish faces gleaming
final season wrapped up last december

These emmys are for everything on TV from June 23 - May 24
it finished and it was awful last season was just fanfiction
MN outwitting Google Gemini so he can feel smug
rorke unveiled
You're saying Tony Blair wasn't crowned King?

>Butler, who was of Irish origin,
>was an indentured servant to Charles Calvert,
>3rd Baron Baltimore.[1]
>At around 16 years of age she announced her intention
> to marry a man referred to only as "Negro Charles".[2
nice place with fantastic weather with horrible homeless problems and housing
california has amazing weather and i'm so annoyed it's been destroyed politically
I've realised I spend more time watching people talk about sports than actually watching any of it
It's just weird now I think it's because I have no friends you just end up watching all these podcasts and commentary on stuff instead of actually doing it
its not a comedy. its a drama. no idea why the emmy idiots would put it as a comedy. they must not have seen it. baby reindeer was funnier.
what's it like to work in a yank office? is it filled with the woke, monkey-dance bullshit we have to put up with too?
Hasnt evolved much since office space
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They love being around blacks, don't they?
house looks far too nice
what do you think based on this
My birthday today de lads, 32 years young
always wanted to play sports when I was kid but Dadberg would never take me
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G2 are the england of RLCS
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Irish mural
the homeless are all rounded up and kept away from the nice parts yeah? my gf wants to go to San Diego
Some people were shagging the new year in back in 1992
watching the sopranos
might start acting like an italian american
already catholic
File deleted.
Derry girl
ive been 32 for 6 months. is alri
What could have been...
Irish diaspora worshiping wops
*guns you down*
Mental how things can, and will, get worse
they move around quite a bit so it's hard to say
you will see a lot no doubt
Anyone else able to rub their arsehole but not actually stick their finger in out of fear
>Tony? What you doing here?
>I wanted to show you this fish I bought!
watch ya fuckin mouth cocksucka
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Yeh, i'm thinking we're back
just updating my filters the whole time i'm here now
what's the point
Yes I am capable of rubbing my own anus
my life is like a video game
gabagool? ova here…
Been rubbing my arse hole for over 30 years bud
Arsehole is the smelliest part of my body
I itched my arsehole through my boxers and my finger funking stank
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bing bing 1UP Woohoooo!
Trying hard to beat the stage?
M0nkey M00n is the GOAT !!!
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Why do Irish diaspora women often have this unattractive phenotype?
no because im going to kill my boss
you thumped a monkey?
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all paid for by irish diaspora
yh if i try to do the latter i'll moan like an animal
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Incel Rorke trying to leverage his race
this happens consistently regardless of how thoroughly my bum has been cleaned
You threw a monkey in the sea?
BDS 1 - 1 G2
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A dynamic duo
Is Rorke pro-Russia or pro-Ukraine?
She’s the Eve to all blacks in Maryland btw.
BDS are bottling it
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there’s rorkes on both sides
rorke isn’t a real person btw

honestly think heathermong is having a crisis over discovering he's part irish
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Yeah typical Irish diaspora girl then
>rorke isn’t a real person btw
Yes I am.
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k... kino

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It's all love yano
Taking mushrooms and meeting Rorke in the hyperborean astral realm
what happened to the rate my takeaway guy? do you have rate my takeaway guy in your country, /brit/?
Just mongo spamming tonight then?
Will be going to sleep
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cheeky game with the missus
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>G2 choked
>the player who lost against BDS in a final in the same venue 2 years ago made the mistake that cost them
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Just did a quick bit of Russian learning. I think I need to start writing texts in russian. Just short pieces about my day or something as a way to improve my vocab and apply grammar.

Eaten a rhubarb yoghurt and now about to sleep.
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trump has released this statement
>so much for the tolerant left
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you look like laura loomer
pizza for tea
Fuck are you on about
The good guys won desu
Strongmind vs Weakmind performance
Rorke in British paganism was the god of anger, war, the land and history
pls respond
maybe i should start a Sopranos rewatch. finished Mad Men rewatch this morning. have time to watch the pilot before bed.
harem of super model gfbergs are so bloody needy, just want to post on /brit/ with the lads
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Irish diaspora parade
Look at the elder Shelaghs and Aidans clapping with pride for their mixed-race grandkids
spe nt all day cleaning the flat now my body is frail and broken
NA is just mindbroken. G2 need to move to EU already.
Sopranos is Reddit shit. Watch Evangelion or Gintama instead.
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>3 finals
>lose them all to frenchmen
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>the bear
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Irish diaspora moment
>Believe in yourself
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*enters the thread*
how? have 5 gfs me but they’re all just average people
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M0nkey M00n = GOAT
Allez BDS !!!
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just strangled myself until i nearly went unconscious
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Irish diaspora northerners
Got the wilbert out, just flopping around between my legs the silly sod
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wish I had a life
no peters
Glad i watched that desu
Nah pajeeta pussy good
gotta get that destiny deville pussy at least once
m0nkey G0AT
Irish diaspora spotted
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>You know what really bothers me about /brit/ is the constant posting of irish diaspora.

>You could almost argue whether or not creativity comes from hyperactive spontaneity or pure genius.
Mad how much better the World would have been if Hitler didn't chimp out in 1939
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pump it up!
until you can feel it
pump it up!
when you don't even need it
much to think about
tired of this genre of man
mongs will tell you it's wrong to shag this
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wassup lil niggas
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Irish esports pro
my man
His Irish mother got blacked like so many do
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Like Belle Delphine but 1000000x better
toil in 7 hours
Big juicy arse
might take up knitting
Thunder and lightning in East Anglia
New week new me
Can't believe Liverpool lost lads

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