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Irish and Jamaican diaspora edition
Trans humanism
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Irish joy
you really need to fucking get off this obsession mate, it's not healthy and it's very annoying
It's 4 in the morning and Heathermong is still spamming his cuckshit.

Can someone conduct a psychological study into this cunt and why he does this? Because it's genuinely fucking pathetic. What the actual fuck made him become like this?
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Diego posts his Friday best
Toilmong's tired, he needs a rest
The cucks are playing up downstairs
Janny's sighing in her sleep
Rapelad's got a date to keep, he can't hang around

Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our

Our thread, it has a crowd
There's always something happening and it's usually quite loud
Our janny, she's so mouse-proud
Nothing ever slows her down and a tantrum is not allowed

Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our
Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
(Something tells you that you've got to move away from it)
Our mouse, in the middle of our

Wagie gets up late for toil
Toby has to post the mice, then he scurries off to /cum/
Sees them off with a small ban
He's the one they're going to miss in lots of ways

[Instrumental Break]

Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our

I remember way back then, when everything was true and when
We would have such a very good time, such a fine time, such a happy time
And I remember how we'd post, simply waste the day away
Then we'd say nothing would come between us, two shitposters

Diego posts his Friday best
Toilmong's tired, he needs a rest
The cucks are playing up downstairs
Janny's sighing in her sleep
Rapelads got a date to keep, he can't hang around

Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our

Our mouse, was our schizo and our creep
Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, that was plaguing this shitheap
Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse, in the middle of our thread
Our mouse
I disagree with so called "bottom surgery".
The results are awful and full of complications. They technology isn't there for it yet.
I feel for trannies truly but that is not the solution.
Guess saying that makes me a transphobe but then what do I know
why were there so many wiggers in the 00s? what started it? eminem? gta san andreas?
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Night in Dublin
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A man who helped the Ukrainian military recruit foreign volunteers just tried to kill Donald Trump today
Harden up mate, you gonna let some pictures rattle you?
dunno but i think eminem and gta are definitely big factors
What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Do you have some kind of humiliation fetish? Explain it to me.
thoughts and prayers
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All wiggers are Irish diaspora
get them wanked
get them on hormone blockers
get them some human rights
get them fast tracked for bottom surgery
more concerned for the lad's mental state than i am being annoyed about his posts (although that is a fairly strong factor in its own right)
this place is a lightning rod for schizos
>Exactly 1 minute apart
If you've ever seen the cosmetic results of NHS bottom surgery you would not be saying that
mental every cunt was just having a good time in the 90s then one day the jews blew up new york and the world just became shite

was born in october 2003 me never seen 9/11
>BEST WRITING (Limited/Anthology)
>BEST LEAD ACTOR (Limited/Anthology)
>BEST DRAMA (Limited/Anthology)

IT'S A NEAR CLEAN SWEEP OF 4/6 (only exceptions were best directing and best supporting actor who was the RAPIST not getting an award but he was only in 2 eps so he didn'tdeserveittbh)

Let's fucking GO lads
business idea: give free tranny surgeries and abortions to non-whites but make whites have to pay for it
Meds... irish cunt fuck OFF
>then one day the jews blew up new york
Think you're a bit confused desu mate
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hannah uk
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My parents were not strictly against all violent video games per se; they let me play games like Halo and Medal of Honor. However, they drew the line at games like Grand Theft Auto, objecting to its, shall we say, urban themes, if you catch my drift.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. City people voted for Hillary.
Based non urbanites
every actor who played a major role in office space (1999) is still alive
quite surprising tbf, that's 25 years, would've thought at least one of them would have carked it by now
Alri Catyank hows it going?
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bendick poomar
bush mate
worked for the jews
>watching silent hill retrospective
>look outside
>it is all foggy

wish this poo would just come out
it's been churning in my stomach all day
I wouldn't post about THAT topic if I were you. The last time I posted about THAT topic, I got a 3 day ban from all boards.
fuggin ell

medal of honor is a blast from the past

remember that d-day shidd vividly
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what topic
try chilli sauce enema
got a job interview at the jews in the morning
>Heathermong is still spamming his cuckshit.
Heathermong stopped hours ago, this is Spainpaedo or some other shitposting thread ghoul.
love 'lent 'ill
well i say that but i only really like the second one
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I'm Jewish and I confirm we were behind every bad thing that's happened in your life and to the world
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i bloody KNEW IT
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I am half Jewish and i think the rest of the world owes us alot more than we owe them, for the most part. Europe first of all.
never played any of them but vidya retrospectives are comfy, i might get the remake of 2 if people like it
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european maids serving their jewish ladys
>we will endeavour to instill a guilt complex in whites
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>PC not powerful enough to play the Silent Hill 2 Remake
>No PS5
Nothing gets past you
THAT topic.
The most topical of all topics.
The topic that refers to the goings-on in November.
If you get me.
Love how clearly photoshopped that image is kek
racists will believe anything
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Sad news I am out of weed and the shop is closed
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oh no!
mental how I can spend literally every waking moment of the day here (/brit/) for weeks on end and other times it'll be months before I come back. I call those my normie days.
actually it was a false flag psyop inside job
this is the gay police and you are under arrest for being gay
was just about to post something along these lines, i've got an xbox series x and a rinky dink laptop, looks like no silent hill 2 remake for me, here's hoping it turns out to be shit and/or pozzed when it comes out so i don't have to suffer FOMO
What is this taken from
SHOGUN wins the best drama series of 2023-24.
Would you rec?
desperately need nuclear armageddon by the end of the century
a random youtube short, i thought they were pretty and maid uniforms are cute so i took a screenshot
Is SH2 Remake not coming out on Xbox? Lmao another massive fucking fail for Shitbox.
genetically engineering mosquitoes so they die off and don't go around spreading HIV and malaria in africa was a mistake
reckon the police monitor this general?
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This is what's awaiting the cronem at the office tomorrow LOL
*points at your chest*
something on your shirt lad.
haven't watch a film or tv series in years desu
I was allowed to post THAT topic, though.
SH2 remake is PC and PS5 only.
violent goon thugs clocking in at their job in accounts
born 12 october 2003
9/11 must have been mental
asked my sister about it, she was born in 1996 and she just said every time she tried to walk into the living room mum and dad would literally force her out and just sat there in a catatonic state watching the news
I don't know but /brit/ used to unironically have it's dedicated own janny in it's hayday.
only reason i have a series x is because of the vast library of original xbox and 360 games, sony are shooting themselves in the foot by not making their console backwards compatible with old games
also they've gone really arrogant again thinking they can charge so much for the ps5 pro, hope it backfires on them hard
I was born in 96 and I don't remember a fucking thing about it.
Heathermong posts.
oh come on mate dont like to me
wheres the softcore lesbian porn

>born 12 october 2003
Bet she could clear a room with one parp.
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hey you were born on the exact same day as my ex gf
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"Hey /brit/ you wanna play a zombie game?"
I was 14 in 2001, I had just finished school and my mum was watching it on the TV. I couldn't personally give a shit so went out to play football but it ended up with us all chasing cars out of their parking spaces in the local Asda whilst making airplane noises.
what’s the chances of that
Not heathermong. Nuh uh.
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RE7 is scarier than RE8 but I preferred RE8. Don't get why RE8 gets called mid so much.
>also they've gone really arrogant again thinking they can charge so much for the ps5 pro, hope it backfires on them hard
True, but Microsoft would do the exact same thing, the only reason they don't is because they don't care about their console division anymore so they don't even care to rinse people for a premium console. Xbox will die out before next gen.
95chad here, i remember it being really fucking annoying because we only had about 5 tv channels at the time and they all wanted to do 24/7 coverage of it for a couple of weeks, i was mad that i couldn't just come home and watch cartoons after school
*looks down at my chest*
no way you’re 37 mate
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The notion of 9/11 being an inside job has become so obvious and even relatively somewhat mainstream at this point that 4chan contrarians have come full circle and are shilling for the establishment narrative now.
This is the problem with contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism. It makes you go full retard when normies are actually right about something for once.
alot of us here are in our thirties. Are you new here?
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Why do you post the same images about 10 times over each day
for fucks sake i replied to the wrong post and i can't be arsed to take the necessary measures to reclarify it
every image in this thread is fake
funny thing is aussie lad
i was actually meant to move to australia when i was 10 (2013/14) cause my auntie lived in bribie island and could get us property there, my uncle moved over as a big surgeon

but we couldn’t afford it cause dadberg works with dwp kek
mental anyways
i have never seen anyone here unironically believing the official story
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Unironically how do you get raped? Just say you don’t consent ffs
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i dont play faggot games made by faggot japs and faggot americans
9/11 was not an inside job, it was done by radical extremist Muslims who are so fucking psychotic that they actually believe murdering 1000s of innocent people for no reason is "honouring the glory of God". It's not hard to understand, this is unironically what these ""people"" believe.
been here since 2021 mate
been a regular staple of brit since
i’m midnight scrambler and the celtic fan/ ira poster
non-whites dont believe in consent
my mum lives on bribie island and i spent my teenage years there, the whole place is a retirement village except for the odd eshay zoomer you see loitering around sometimes
I've been posting on and off here since 2015. You'll be my age one day posting here.

this you bruv?
feel like Americans dont need an elaborate conspiracy involving killing its own civilians to justify going to war
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Might become Jewish
hopefully not but you’re probably right
fucking /brit/‘s like craic man
honestly apart from bans have posted here every day for 3 years
>i’m midnight scrambler and the celtic fan/ ira poster
irish diaspora zoomy loves his wog footballers
Router off at the wall for 5 minutes, Delete cookies on browser. You've just evaded your ban. Static IPs are a myth.
to be sure saladin, you can kill our families, but you'll never kill the craic
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you don't even need to turn the router off at the wall or wait 5 minutes to turn it back on
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Got the kino on
Feeling cute, might swim out to the continental shelf later.
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i didnt actually every get banned loads until last year when i became a full time shitposting neet freak
Got a static IP mate that reset router stuff doesn’t work tried it
you lads playing any interesting games then?
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Mate why are you so insistent thats heathermong? It doesnt look like its the same poster at all, and the cuck shit getting posted is very out of character for him too.
the british government starved my ancestors
but they never beat the craic
was playing hogwarts legacy a few weeks ago but it got so boring i gave up and can't bring myself to get back into it
why are ALL open world games exactly like this nowadays?
Yukiko was the fucking best. In my top 5 waifus for sure
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no fuck off next question
had a bad thought there about getting up for toil
but i’m off to thursday!
another drink for me!
you unironically shouldn't have a static IP unless you are hosting web servers. Every home in this country will have a dynamic IP.
granddadberg was a freemason in his youth but he quit and didn't like to talk about it, reckon he was getting bummed by old men
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dadberg pays for it not me
got an apprenticeship in telecoms and fiber optics though so soon janny will be fucking finished
let me guess
irish? irish diaspora?
Freemasons control the world
I don't play anything, video games are for children.
do women expect you to shave your pubes
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I'm Irish diaspora
based can this yank manchild please get out of our thread, the adults are talking

hate the faggy video game discussion posting style. nobody cares, take it to /v/
find that a bit hard to believe to be honest, surely any secretive group that actually runs the world would be completely unknown about, whereas everyone is aware that the freemasons at least exist, if not what goes on in their lodges
Only 20 me and already feel 100
Lived for ages like. Can remember 2007 clearly like it was yesterday.
Still got 70 more years of this living patter.
Do you fancy black women?
hope nobody goes looking through irish diaspora birth records for that IRA poster now hes posted his birth date
mental to think I'll be dead a good twenty to thirty years before you
peed myself in a drunken stupor
depends on the woman, i think generally most of them prefer a neatly-trimmed bush than a completely bald prepubsecent-looking wilberforce
Yes. And everybody fucking does. Every normal man wants to fuck hot black women. Except from you, Heathermong. Because you're a pathetic little fucking virgin with a cuckold fetish. And you deserve to be killed. As violently as possible.
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Referrals in Israel to pregnancy termination committees, from which approval is required before undergoing the procedure, have been trending downward since 1988, as has the number of abortions performed, according to new data from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).
In 2019, the most recent year for which data is available, 17,688 females turned to the committees.
That same year, there were 8.4 requests to the termination committees per 1,000 females between the ages of 15 and 49, a rate that has continuously declined since 1988, when there were 18.6 requests per 1,000 females.
“In Israel, it’s much less of a political dispute,” Michal Gera Margaliot, former executive director of the Israel Women’s Network, told The Media Line. Abortion is a controversial topic in the US “but not here; part of it is due to different perspectives in Christianity and Judaism about abortion.”
Orshalimy agrees. “We don’t have pharmacists or doctors here who would say: ‘This is against my beliefs, I’m not going to give you this.’ Women might not access it because they are religious, but the providers would never do that,” she said.
Under Jewish religious law, abortion is permitted if the mother’s life is at risk, since the fetus is not considered a separate being.
Another distinction is that in Israel, the abortion can only be legally performed under certain circumstances and with the approval of a termination committee.
There are usually three people on an abortion committee. Israeli law stipulates that at least one of the three panelists has to be female.
The group is only allowed to approve the medical procedure in the following circumstances: the patient is under 18 or over 40; the pregnancy is out of wedlock; the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; the mother’s life is at risk; carrying the pregnancy to term would result in mental or physical distress; or the child would have severe medical problems.
Don't think most people realize the difference between schizophrenic and schizoid
>Can remember 2007 clearly like it was yesterday.
Ah, so what was your favourite quest?
Your favourite quest and the weekday it was released on, yes, please tell me.
nah mate i’m sound
grandads 4 cousins had to flee from
country armagh to america for “activities”

but my family ourselves did nothing wrong (not that the provos did nothing wrong either)
believe me if MI5 were after me i’d know
for me it's schizotypal
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Wish mousey were here.
mental to think that American that tried to kill Trump flew in from Hawaii, walked into the first gun shop he saw and bought an AK47 and body armour.

Americans think this is normal.
>And you deserve to be killed. As violently as possible.
Least insane irish diaspora activist freak.
America is GTA
You are a literal fucking cuckold. You deserve to be castrated and tortured in front of the largest crowd possible. Kill yourself, you unironic fucking faggot.
was on mushrooms the other day and the world looked like a scanner darkly (2006), mad how well they managed to capture the visuals of a shroom trip
See yourself out of this thread.
when anglos kill people
when irish kill people
I don't know anything about guns but I don't think it works like that. You definitely need a background check plus a mandatory waiting period, no way the dude just walked in and bought a gun like a bag of chips.
Arsed it all up
Mental how he was openly a rabid pro-Ukraine extremist but uhhh yeah let's move on, nothing to see there
Not him. Stop samefagging and trying to make Heatherlad look bad with the cuck posting and false flagging crap
Its embarassing desu, just look at the time.
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Americans call crisps, chips OMDZ
Putting a bomb in heathermongs gaff and blowing him to smithereens
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Mad how Irish act just like the islamist extremists they want to flood in. Crazy how these "people" evolved just across the sea from us to be like this
It's going down, plus a very large proportion of that is Arabians
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a cum slurpin' fucken whore is I.
Get out of Ireland
Simple as
The IRA had no issue with British civilians but only the government and military
And were famously compotent at putting British soldiers in the ground and making British women widows
The irish diaspora cuck loves the idea of Israel becoming arabfied and brown and all their women raped and etc etc all that awful shit

They hide this vile hatred under these social justice warrior movements. Despicable. Tired of pretending Israel are the bad guys.
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Heatherlad exposing the Irish every day
irish people were ultra conservative up until the 90s when all the irish immigrants came back to ireland and brought with them all the insane anglo-american LGBT liberal values
that's all it took to permanently change the country for the worst
If British soldiers held out irish and british babies infront of them the IRA would still fire on them such is their vile hatred of anything that isnt gay and irish.
2016mong is so boring
Mental how we still have parents these days dishing out corporal punishment to their kids. I'm not a parent myself but I can't even fathom the idea of deliberately inflicting pain on my own flesh and blood. The fuck is wrong with people?
got evidence to back that up or just a normal unionist schizo episode again
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Going to draw all this outside my house and see how people react.
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Irish lad loves his sheboongresses
No one is making you "pretend" anything retard just say your opinion and move on instead of being a whiny girl
ooh ah up the ra
2016mong is right about Muslims though but aside from that I wish he would shut the fuck up I'm so tired of him
the schizo was cucked by an irish guy wasn't he
"Israel are brown"
"Most of them are brown just like arabs"

"Also wouldnt it be funny if these wh*te israel whores got captured and raped by Hamas and brown arabs replaced israelis"
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The Boston Irish
Dire thread
mm cummie wummies taste so good, fill up my mouth and bussy!!!!
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On the same wavelength
Lmao its reached the point where Irish diaspora dont even want to racemix, just bring up black children and make sure they inherit everything and not their own children.
shall i finish off the rest of my booze while i'm on opioids? seems like a recipe for an early grave but i really need to get this stuff finished because i don't want it going on the turn
That Irish Brenda is in love with Shaniqua
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children

God bless the IRA
Let's talk about Irish and black people.
Then most of the world were cucked by English diaspora which explains how that works. Especially the Irish.
Heathermongs been at it for hours, what a mentally ill individual
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just smashed 5 eggs and might go for 5 more
hahahaha that's so true
dogshit thread
>i will blow up your children if you dont let my children grow up in a world where

"Heathermong" has been outed as someone pretending to be him which explains all the cuckoldry shit which other people are usually responsible for.
Strolling down the falls road with riot guns and gas
Terrorising women as they’re coming out of mass
A shower of Scottish traitors, we never shall forget
Thank God we know the IRA will shoot the bastards dead
Well that's perfectly alright I suppose but just know I'm not like that okay? I'm fine with your kind but I'm not one of yous. Yous can like me, you can find me cute but I'm not like that.
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Look at Lennon's body language
One of the worst threads I've seen in a while, and that's saying something.
says it all
volumes so to speak
Mentally broken individual. Heathermeister really has done a number on you mate.
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Is it supposed to be funny? Is the anti-Irish schizo sort of like Belgium nonce, one of those people who think they're funny but literally no one besides him is laughing
It does doesn't it
>Belgium nonce
Dont know if youre knew here but that Spaedo
no nigger ever rused me into looking at gay porn (to the best of my knowledge)
what does going on turn mean?
Get the British soldiers shot
Get the Canary Wharf bombed
means going bad, expiring, so forth
OBSESSED with One Piece on the iPlayer

HATE Luffy
HATE the storyline
HATE that 95% of every episode is an unrealistic fight scene
HATE how ugly so many characters are

and yet I keep coming back for more
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Always shouting about something
Always the victim mentality
is one piece like dragon ball z where every scene lasts at least 5 episodes?
No gripe with the average irish cunt but appreciate heathermong riling up that one runt who spends all day pretending to be Irish when he was born in chester
Are they really airing One Piece on BBC Three? Seems so bizarre
i'm a member of the australian labor party
yes, we do spell labour without a u in this context
Modern Irish family. Deal with it Nigel.
nh the fights in one piece are much shorter/to-the-point and a lot of them have joke-y resolutions
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animer is proper shite

not trying to rile the runts up its just a fact
they've just thrown it all on the iplayer
206 episodes
Meaning episodes from 1999-2004 and noting of the past 20 years.
Makes one question what exactly the point is.

it seems quite dragged out
plot is there's a piece of treasure some dead guy left and they're pirates and looking for the treasure
25 years and 1119 episodes later and they still release one episode every single week
can't sleep, clown will eat me
>unending japanimation shows
all trash
>25 years and 1119 episodes later and they still release one episode every single week
because its mass produced crap for adolescents and children you mong

get a clue
im a victim
if we were "wrestling" and you guys "took me to the mat" would you then "finish me off"?
The IRA won
1P (one piece)
NOT true I know a lot of people in their 20s who gorge it and have been watching it since they were 5.
It's the one constant in their life.
booze doesnt go bad

ive had beer years past the sell by date or whatever and tasted fine
>i dont watch that pokemon show anymore, im too old for it
Michael Levin is one of the based Jews. He's actually really based.
He doesn't even look particularly Jewish anyway. He just looks like a Slav.
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Those dopey Irish diaspora eyes
cut it out spaedo its almost your bedtime
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>gets off by watching your character get beaten by some pain goddess worshipper
shadowfart is a sick bitch
it's boxed wine AKA goon, i can tell you from experience it goes bad after a week or so once you've opened it
mental how they're still going but they're basically just the Irish mafia now
The Fable
Good anime that
Like watching an early 00s TV show
William Shatner was like that.
degenerate 2020s game

we will look back on this as a dark time in our worlds history
Her father Brendan is very happy that his daughter is dating a brown fellow. He will scream in your face in Irish if you disagree
happens in your country?
it looks like that star wars MMO

and that came out 12 years ago
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Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile,
Óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda,
Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill ná Spáinnigh...
Is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh!
chubby bastard
oh OH?
Game of the Year 2023
sit down
size of those nips
you have one half irish grandparent
you were born in chester
youre middle class

cowboys and indians playtime is over
grow up
bro ate
1998 - 2008 was the peak of humanity.
i’m not spaino mate
i’m from glasgow
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What zoomette Katie sees on her way to work
is that a fucking MG42

Your mornings kino
>actually thinking gaming awards mean anything
might be
wasn’t in the ra personally mate so can’t confirm
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Is being emotional genetic
My whole family isn't very emotional
My mom is more emotional than men but still not that emotional by woman standards
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Why do they pull that face
They look ugly enough dont they, bloody wokes
IRA freedom fighters fought and died for this btw.

Think about that the next time you see a post like >>202295862
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So it’s pull down the watchtowers
You’re going home at last
Say farewell to Bellaghy
Carrickmore and West Belfast
With your kit bag on your shoulder and
A tear all in your eye
But pardon me for smiling while
I’m waving you goodbye!
I know, that gurning they do is foul
why are there no white kids present?
Northern European = calm, logical, stoic
Southern European = emotional, loud, neurotic
simple as
the ira lost
ulster wears a crown
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Gets her emotional that
I'm just surprised the 'RA is packing 80 year old German machineguns that's all
The huns are fucking deed
a lot of people in my family have died (including my father) but i've never been to a funeral
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They sound like blacks
It's grim
Better to stay home and play videogames
nibba just drink normal wine like everyone else

holy shidd
her facial structure shows high mutational load
for how long?
most of the “protestant” youth don’t care anymore and england has forgot about the unionists
your precious crown just sees you as a bizzare tribe of irishmen
it’s not a matter of if, but when, ireland is one again
you will be forgotten
an embarrassment
the fenian lives on
bit early that
insultingly early
rare irish diaspora truth nuke
yes it is genetic
why can't early new makers get it through their thick fucking skulls?
nice birthing hips
doesn't matter what the issue is, this crazy slag will find a reason to get naked over it

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