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Which parts or Brazil are relevant and which are flyover?
the rest
Where is rio
Also isn't there some city full of immigrants with like 10M people? Saw Pablo or something?
Very violent name for a city
maybe 60 years ago
t. Seething hue flyover
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Everything happens inside this half circle, everything else is farmland, jungle and african-like areas
>Seenoooooooorrr we are white and relevant senoooooor
I never said it's white, just said it's the area where 90% of stuff happens
What about Espírito Santo?
A Brazilian friend from Sao Paulo told me that place is pretty nice.
No it isn't
take your meds
How most remote countries from east asian diasporas exist in BRAsil
Nothing happens there, the capital is poor and irrelevant, but the countryside is nice in a few areas
comfy place, nothing really happens there
Why are you so insecure about race
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he didn't ask what is the most developed area. The deep south isn't considered flyover in the U.S. even though they are the poorest region
They are mostly in São Paulo(the city and the state), but it's mainly Japs and Chinese people
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>where 90% of stuff happens
this is not true
Can't read this lad
>The deep south isn't considered flyover in the U.S
Yes they are retard
you don't need to read anything chikaner saar, it's a map answering OP
oh I totally forgot about the mass killings, favelas and shit music of the northeast, they are totally relevant for sure
Isn't Vitoria the capital with the highest GDP per Capita?
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I meant the coastal part of the south isn't "flyover"
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Fuck off, violence only rose there in the 2010s and it's going down, stop being so fucking obsessed
Florida and Texas aren't deep south or even true South
>it's going down
Yeah because they killed everyone so there is no one left
Flyover doesn't mean flyover it means white
it's why ethnics on /ck/ use it so much
>Colorado and Texas
kek, but whatever a lot of people live there

>inb4 but their presence isn't relevant to the rest of Brazil
nothing outside of Rio and São Paulo is relevant nationwide. Do you really think the encircled areas in Minas and the South are any relevant to the rest of the country?
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are southron coners trying to larp that they get credit for Rio?
Minas is a shithole, I just included it to form a semi-circle, but how isn't the south relevant? They have WEG, Gerdau, Marcopolo, Tramontina, several museums, universities and other stuff
this guy is from Rio, he's obsessed about the Northeast and he that tries very hard to associate with the south for some reason. He's a descendant of Portuguese immigrants, probably vascaíno too, lives in a condo. Already posted pictures of himself
Take your meds, I am paulistano
Reminder this is a SAAAR thread
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>we have companies n shieet
like the rest of eastern Brazil? Like I said, nobody outside of the south think about that region when they buy silverware. The only states that are influential to the rest of the country are SP and RJ
>Senoooooor he is saaaar senoooooooor
Brazilians truly are the dalits of /int/
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spamming threads about LATAM won't change how people see your country and your people. Face it, everyone associate you guys with poo and rape, even brazilian normies are making fun of you guys these days
you just replied to a pajeet thread
I know and I don't care
>senoooooor he must be latinx like us
>noooo senoooooor he is indian
why do brown people project their brown and self hate
your brown is beautiful senooor
turn on CC and enjoy how brazilian normies view your country these days.
If you're saying "culturally influential" then SP is not relevant at all. There is not one single great paulista artist or intellectual. All great Brazilian poets are either nordestinos or cariocas -- Carlos Drummond being the exception.
>saaaar we should spam threads about latam them maybe 4chan will stop making fun of us eating cow shit
Why are you faggotloids obsessed with brazil?
The last three states are ok for the 3rd World
The rest is a massive monkey shit hole
Real Brazilians are just as bad as a Veneco or Colombian
Come to the south German man
it's literally a pajeet discord spamming this shit
their brand of funk, spamming about their shithole mayor election, SBT, gamers... uh and some things
SP got an NFL game so it is relevant
And every player said it was a massive shithole and they hated every second of it. They couldn't even get a stadium with decent grass, São Paulo is a joke.
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São Paulo, that's it, and I'm not even Paulista.
>replying to a pajeet thread
kys retarded
And I'll keep bumping his thread, seethe faggot.
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It depends on what you like to see, every state and region has interesting areas. But checking every single one of them in one go is probably not viable or smart, so I separated them in little areas.
>wanna see nature, cool animals and indigenous tribes? yellow
>wanna see beaches, flooded deserts, a piece of netherlands, portugal and africa in brazil? orange
>wanna see nature, nature, nature, maybe cool farms and more cool nature? green
>you just want the average tourist experience (são paulo and rio), maybe see a little of the most unique parts of brazil (south), with nature, different cultures, and mostly safe? blue
Also, many of the unmarked areas also have interesting spots and aspects, but I didn't think they fit with the rest or were a bit too similar to something else.

Anyway, if you do plan on ever coming to Brazil, find a guide, it's not as dangerous as most people think it is, but walking in the wrong time or going to the wrong place as a tourist will get you robbed for sure. To avoid ruining your experience, get a fucking guide. It doesn't need to be a pro either, you can probably become friends with someone that knows the area online and just agree to meetup.

Brazil is bigger than the Europe Union, Rio is just the tip of the iceberg that for some reason foreigners love too much.
The white parts are the only good parts
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Red are core states
Yellow are all flyovers
the rest
Pernambuco, Alagoas and north of Bahia
the rest
Remove Pernambuco and it's accurate.
A question to first worlders: why do you go vacation in Rio? You take one wrong turn and get mag dumped by Gangbangers. Seriously, dozens of tourists died from being mag dumped, because they took a wrong turn and entered a favela.
Pic rel: "Over three thousand tourists were victims of violence in Rio during 2022"

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