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it has no umami flavor like japanese foods
You just say that because Japan invent umami
Savoury* flavours* are quite common
what is savoury? it is called umami idiot
are you feeling insecurity because japanese invent it?
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Never heard of that meme word until a few years ago. Nobody calls anything umami here. It's savoury here.
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hello kim tranny
you have to pay reparations for this war crime
you never heard because you are low educated idiot
It's savoury Takumi. What do the chinese runes うま味 have to do with savoury?
hey japanzee, jap "food" is all ajinomoto and soy sauce as the base. absolutely no flavor unlike Corean food
No, because no one uses your meme word that doesn't describe the taste at all. Literally just some marketing word to get hipsters to try a new burger or some shit.
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chinese? うま味 is japanese writing you idiot
is british all low iq like this?
japan has lowest university graduate rate of G7
respect your intellectual masters
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hello kim get back to your work
they didn't eat like that in the 19th/20th century
the nobility would eat some kind of french-british cuisine or even indian-british

but it's true that some puritan families would eat frugally, so some visiting non-british would misunderstand the plain food as representing british cuisine in general
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nobody use? are you idiot?
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you idiot kims was living like african until we civilize you
respect your intellectual masters



retard again.
All of those foods are S A V O U R Y
No one is ever gonna utter the word "umami" when describing the taste of something here. This must be some jap only thing or for pretentious snobs. Either way, you're wrong and gay for trying to force some new and unique special snowflake taste.
Jap royal family is Corean and recognizes you monkies were civilized thanks to Corea HAHA
Another bait thread from retarded
so when there is tsunami you will say big wave instead? you must be really low iq
it is clear you are feeling inferiority complex because japanese invent umami and not white
read retard kim

>As for the Japanese emperor

Korean media misinterpreted and distorted his words to suggest that the first Japanese emperor is a descendant of the Baekje Korean royal family

The Japanese emperor did not claim that the first emperor was from Baekje at all

>Emperor Akihito mentioned that Emperor Kanmu's mother was one of the CONCBINE of a Japanese emperor and that she was descended from the Baekje royal family.

However, there is no primary evidence indicating a direct blood connection between the Japanese imperial family and ancient Korean kingdoms.

Why would it imply that the Japanese emperor is Korean just because he had relations with one of the concubines of the Baekje princess?

The Baekje royal family are distant ancestors of Emperor Kanmu's mother . However, his father is Emperor Konin and all of his ancestors are Japanese. The Baekje royal family are not direct ancestors of the Japanese imperial family. The direct ancestor of the Japanese emperor is the 27th Emperor Keitai, whose existence is considered certain.

He was Japanese from today's Shiga Prefecture. The imperial family is from the Wa (Yayoi) Japonic race and not Koreanic speakers. It is unclear why some Koreans take pride in this fact, considering all emperors are Japanese.

However, there is strong evidence that several members of the Baekje royal family fled to Japan after Baekje was destroyed in the war with Silla, becoming one of the clan under the Japanese emperor and forming the Kudara no Konikishi clan.

>They were treated as low-ranking "barbarian guests" (蕃客).

>This single fact suggests that the Yamato Japanese were not from Baekje. Do you believe that the Japanese would treat their own direct imperial family line as "barbarian guests"?

The Kudara no Konikishi (百済王) was a Japanese clan founded by Zenkō (善光 or 禅広), a son of King Uija, the last king of Baekje in southwestern Korea.
Source: Kudara no Konikishi clan
Kek, big wave is both simpler and straight to the point. Even a child would understand. Nobody cares about your good for nothing word. You're free to use it, just don't expect anyone to take you seriously. You sound like a pretentious wine snob.
I believe so too, but netouyo is schizo and extremely retarded, so this OP might be Japanese.
I've heard the rumors about British food being bad for ages and always thought it was just a bunch of people exaggerating.
But after visiting England, Australia, and Canada, I've changed my mind. The food they actually make is terrible.
tsunami is simple universal word like umami, retard
What food did you eat gaijin?
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British food is not food for human
Am I really going to notice the difference between true mirin and sugar+sake in a finished dish
4chan is English board retard
You say that because it is japan
The Brits are on the right path by embracing the homely and peasant nature of some of their dishes, in Catalonia our national dish is basically a type of sausage with beans cooked with garlic, olive oil and some herbs, plus white bread with a type of watery tomato rubbed on top. Healthy, hearty, savoury and easy.
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>tsunami is simple universal word UNLIKE umami, retard
ftfy. umamitard.
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japanese food is rank number 2 of world
your shit disgusting foods is rank 39
this is truth loser idiot
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kim, go eat your soup with dog umami flavor
>falling for the same nipponese posters bait again and again
Embarrasing, couldn't be me
umami isnt real retard
japanese "food" has no flavors
everything is soy sauce base and ajinomoto
all other civilizations have spicy food, variety in flavor, etc.
>pajeet thread
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>fish n chips
>english breakfasts
>fried chicken
>sausage rolls
>pasties, pies, puddings
>scones, biscuits, jams, trifles
>chicken tikka masala
and of course
>the sandwich

Not a bad list, yet British-invented foods are widely mocked as if any of those things are anything but beautiful and delicious and soulful and wholesome.

And then you've got Japan, pretentiously celebrated by halfwits for their "cuisine", which consists largely of raw fish in various arrangements. Totally Gollum-like. Imagine a squinty eyed gollum with a kasa hat. World quality chef? In his cave? I don't think so.

This is your reminder that our food is better than yours. Ours is warm and has soul. Yours is cold and has worms.

>but look at this Croatian food blog!
Nobody gives a shit about tasteatlas. Its a Croatian food blog. You keep posting it because they're the only people who think your food is good, because they're literally as far away from it as possible

You ignorant uppity subhuman. Stop making threads about your superiors your worthless cunt
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British food is disgusting, and we are healthier and live longer than the British.

I encourage you to accept this fact.
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cry more idiot loser of rank 39
that picture never happen in japan
it is clear he eat in korean owned fake japanese restaurant
superior? you brikasu? do not make me laugh
Is it autism?
This jap is seething 24/7
You are just a retarded weeb. Something like kidney pie has ten times the umami than fish or plain rice has.
come on john posting under a japanese ip will make them look bad
see this idiot >>202382549
your shit food is not even top 50 rank
just a retard who doesn't even understand what umami is and has stupid taste enough to believe our food is nice.
Yes. I know. Our traditional dishes are mostly stews.
But that is a completely retarded meme picture you are trying to prove some point with. Netherlands above Morocco? Croatia and Serbia that high? The fuck is this shit?
Do you know a single Serbian or Croatian dish without googling? That being said do you know any Brazilian or Peruvian dishes?
I like British food
English breakfast looks delicious
I was in croatia a month ago and the food is quite good
I don't doubt that that but who in these meme polls have even tasted them?
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and its honestly funny
That chart is fucking nonsense
What's umami
Kek based
Meanwhile in Japan:
>here is unseasoned rice, sticky beans, raw egg and curry with no flavour nor spice. ITADAKIMASUU!!
fishy flavour
Japanese invented it
Japs have been scared to cook their food ever since the yanks turned Hiroshima into the world’s biggest rice bowl back in 1945
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your women is all cry when eating first time food in japan idiot
it is because your home country food is so disgusting they are very delighted to eat real delicious foods with umami

Posted it again award
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another of your countrymen is crying and moved with eating real food with umami and not disgusting british food

I guess our fish don't have flavour
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polish food is objectively better than japanese slop
>clickbait overreaction youtube videos represent reality
typical of an asian to think this
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cry more rank 39 loser
look disgusting
Looks disgussting
>Norway nowhere to be seen
British food is bad because brits are categorically lesser beings
All our food is literally packed with umami wtf are you talking about
Japan is such a sorry excuse for a country. Just a country of limp wrist bugs chowing down on raw fish and offing themselves en masse.
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you british is bugs
>Make an effort to speak Japanese in Japan. If you can't, bring an interpreter.
>sorry excuse for a country Just a country of limp wrist bugs chowing down on raw fish and offing themselves en masse.
Are you sure you're not talking about the UK? Your people are exactly the same and often worse. Muslims are now replacing your people and (You) seem to like it.
>egg, sausage and marmite
>no umami flavour
Good bait. I nearly got upset.
We're not taking your stupid loanword for the word savoury. We already had a word for this.
Post the edit.
Tbf you could say the same about Spain, except you're already descended from muslims so it's retvrning to tradition
>raw fish and offing themselves en masse
Yes, two very common staples of British culture. Hope all Spaniards aren't this fucking slow or I'll have to reconsider my trips to Gibraltar. Hilarious how cucked your nation is to give us full reign over what happens there.
>8. France
That calls the entire list into question. So much of French cooking is the basis of everything else. So many things that originate in France, are just thought of as the default now.
There's no fucking way that soy sauce fish fucker are #2, while France is #8.
Also #1 being Italy, their food gets hard carried by tomatoes, which isn't even from Italy. They had to get it from the New World, where they weren't even trusting of tomatoes for a long fucking time, because it looked like Nightshade.
Buttblasted Quebecer detected
>what is savoury? it is called umami idiot
are you feeling insecurity because japanese invent it?
>Make an effort to speak Japanese in Japan. If you can't, bring an interpreter.

yeah-nah, hold my beer...
>semimasen m8, ya mami's fairdinkum oishee day su, Okaeri onegai I want a second round of ya mami
Not even close. I'm a western Canadian chad. I'm a trained chef. France is easily the #1, and it's not even close. That's why nips emulate French cooking.
Posted it again award
This one? >>202382476
Your entire country is going to be propped up by tourism and western investment. I look forward to Black Rock flooding your country with jeets and nigs.
>I look forward to Black Rock flooding your country with jeets and nigs.
I for one don't, what's the next palatable soft power?
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Straya cunts, ngmi...
Your country has everything, all it's missing is sunlight and optimism.
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>sunlight and optimism
Heavily overrated
The fact that you go to spain on vacations to get melanoma doesn't mean your foggy island is sunny
Smartest Kazakh
take care of your pink skin
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The map shows low rates of melanoma and therefore lack of sunlight in Britain
You brainlet
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>Post map that shows that majority of the world doesn't possess melanoma
>Make a face like you are superior and post garbage study
China india and middle east have objectively more sunlight but England has more melanoma. Take care of your pink skin
Savory :|
Savory, Japan :O
Africans have more skin cancer, than lighter browns. You want to make me a fool, but in the end you are the low iq idiot, and many your people are stupid to get a skin cancer while living in foggy island. And I know that you probably even didn't read a study you are posting because you are pretentious faggot
the best thing about british food is how many people it pisses off
>are categorically lesser beings
inventors of everything in the world, whose language you speak, whose world wide web you use to speak it on

while your people were still prehistoric after we'd gone through several different eras

I don't understand how genuinely backwards foreigners like you can be so deluded. We are the superior beings. You are the inferior beings
Who cares? You're still a retard and your original post assumed my post implied Britain was sunny. Hence you're a fucking brainlet and a sensitive one it seems lmao. Pussy boy
>Africans have more skin cancer, than lighter browns.
Yeah because they have more sun but who cares. You're still a double digit IQ little ESL bitch boy with zero reading comprehension skills
pic related
>He doesn't know that Equatorial Africa isn't the sunniest place
Again brainlet who tries to act smart. You are most likely double digit because people who are retarded talk about iq too much like you.
And I also guarantee you that if there would be any intelligence related tasks I would easily mog you completely
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There's this trend online that British food is considered fine cuisine compared to Dutch food.
looks nice but I need a way bigger portion
looks interesting, what is it in there ?
its a soup made from soured flour, usually rye

Hiroshima level trvth nvke
Have you tried New England clam chowder?
To be honest english pastries are pretty good.
This meme has to end.
it looks appetizing but i'm not a big fan of fish, seafood and seafood-derived dishes.
there's something about the fishy aftertaste that always bothered me
you say that because is japanese

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