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I think most racial hate crimes against Indians go unnoticed. If it were Black students being killed like this some BLM organisation would've caused riots. The amount of Indian students dying is weird to say the least.
Why can't white people calm tf down and coexist like normal human beings?
What group is targeting indians? Pakistanis?
Trump 2024.
This have to be suicides. Jeet parents are asian tier.
A lot of them are suiciding. Tons of retarded country grandpas heard some bullshit from scam artists and pressured their grandchildren to go to Canada on student visa believing that the entire extended family can get soon permanent residency and free advanced health care. Those kids come here, realize that was all bullshit, yet the entire extended family's net worth was liquidated to pay the visa brokers, and the future they're facing is being Tim Hortons slave forever. Some can't even call home to say what's really happening, others do call but are told they're just being lazy, grandpa is really counting on his favourite grandson to go milk the Canadian hospitals for every procedure he heard some other Indian grandpa he once knew brag about getting in a firstie country. So, feeling completely hopeless, they commit suicide like failed samurais.
Chat is this real
google indian international student suicide in Canada
That's fucked up.

And I thought the Japanese were bad.
Weak thirdies can’t even last a couple years in a dark frozen firstie hellhole. That’s how tough we are.
Pretty sure it is, on the news there was this hindu funeral home owner complaining that he was getting mad business from all the student suicides.
SAAR getting ACK-
i thought thirdies were supposed to be tough compared to pussy ass timmies. even though the average timmy would probably survive in india just fine.
Timmy gets everything handed to them they are pampered domesticated creatures and yet they still kill themselfs
Yes they know that so they go for Indians because it's inconsequential
Average scammer in the US could probably scam his way to parliament if he was dropped in India tomorrow morning
You're not a streamer, dumb zoomie. Also the dumb retards your watch don't even know you exist, go get a friend
>noo why do they get to build societies no fair!
you can't even survive in canada IMAO
India is amid the most ancient civilizated culture in the world's history. Neck to neck against China.
Brazilian anonymous says "You're not a streamer, dumb zoomie. Also the dumb retards your watch don't even know you exist, go get a friend" well that's an insightful comment Brazilian anonymous I will keep that in mind and thank you for watching.
made me reply/10
indian students be like
>hello I work at Timmies may I take your ord-ACK
T.P.D is happening.
Don't a lot of the degree mill universities in Canada have high suicide rates? Probably that. Going from a near equator country surrounded by your own culture to a snowy hellscape probably wrecks them.
It's probably mostly suicide or assisted suicide. The Asians I know abroad view Canadian universities as depression traps.
This. Most of them pay good money to go there, thinking they will get permanent visas and all
I dont feel bad.

That just proves further why we shouldnt allow any Indians into our country. This is low IQ Jew tier shit right here.
The saaaaarification
Completely accurate but I can’t feel sympathy towards them. Literally their fault for being retarded enough to come to this crappy frozen dystopian country.
We white people are normal human beings. You're the one who's not human, brownboi.

>Low IQ Jew
Lmao the cope is unreal.

YOU are in majority low IQs white trash rednecks retards. It's the jews who are in majority high IQs and on average much more smart than you. This is why they control absolutely everything in your countries and they literally made you worship a jew on a stick.

HOW the fuck do you explain that jews control absolutely everything in your countries and control you so easily like fucking puppets whether you are libtards or rightards?? HOW do you explain that if they are not LARGELY more intelligent than you?? HOW do you explain that they have managed to control you extremely easily for centuries?? It's because they are much more intelligent than you, cope.

One day or another you will have to swallow this final blackpill, fucking retard.

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