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Why are brown women like this?
What do brown women in france like?
The entire world yearns for BWC
Social media is unironically turning people sexless. A pan faced jeet gook hybrid like this unironically believes that she has a chance with a guy who's people make up less than 1% of the worlds population.
Nords are gods
tall handsome men of any ethnicity
Fake posts made by chuds btw
Girls HATE blond dudes irl
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Brown women are feminine goddesses
Shes pretty
imagine his pink glossy uncut cock and hole
Cope, seethe and dilate.
In the slums of Mumbai maybe. Anyway, I legit uglier women begging for a white boyfriend. This effect isn't exclusive to women though. You're average third worlder loses all desire to impregnate his fat ugly wife the second he sees a blonde titcow on TikTok. Everybody knows just how good it gets and they're getting greedy. The result will be nobody having sex or dating.
Post eyes my 'Canadian' friend.
She's objectively ugly and there are probably at least 20 million girls that look exactly like her. All I'm saying is there aren't enough nordic men to go around. Some of these girls are going to have to settle or spend the rest of their life single.
Non white women love blond men
>She's objectively ugly and there are probably at least 20 million girls that look exactly like her
Yeah but there aren’t many in Europe so they’re exotic
The thing is that ricecels are so undesirable they're going to go with the later.
True. They even find gingers attractive. Amongst white women. Men with dark hair reign supreme.
Yes but mostly it is asian and latin america women the most.
I don't know I avoid them like the plague
You fking pajeet claims anything on something can't checked directly.
What's bizzare is that these women are probably incapable of producing blue eyed children. They're children will inevitably come out with dark hair and mud coloured eyes. Not so much a problem for the girls, but I feel for the boys who's own mothers despise them.
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>Not white enough for brown women
>Not brown enough for white women
It's over
Brown women love blond hair
Did you seriously just open the post to look for a woman you can humiliate by posting here you degenerate
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>incapable of producing blue eyed children
skill issue
cherrypicking and you know it, the kids are also most likely to not look white in the slightest
Honestly? This. Children often have blond hair or blue eyes that darken with age. Those childrens hair will darken, and their eyes will become a darker shade of blue or stop being blue completely.
this. pale skin with brown hair and T50 eyes
hes gonna be bald soon

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