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Edición No entiendo nada, esto es una jaula de locos.

Destronada : >>202382086
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my mood after 3 days of the sun being blocked by smoke
Good morning /med/.

Average Italian after one [uno (1)] day of Spanish politics.
Non capisco
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Had a full night of fever dreams. Nonsensical scenes, one after the other. At least I feel better now.

I tried to escape a forever looping Edinburgh until I just accepted my fate and learnt to like the place and stay there.

I had a gf who told me I had dementia. I kept telling her that's not true but my words became a jumbled mess as I uttered them, so I tried to write it down and all I wrote were scribbly squigglies, effectively proving her right.

I was at the whims of a schizoid time travelling gangster who blackmailed my future self.

I got into a victorian secret society who had learnt to trigger multiple ends of the world but mastered some secret words that allowed them to no clip into the next world and mold it to their desire. We did like 5 iterances before settling on the exact same world we started with anyway.
gm /med/
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Hello /med/ the sun is red from the blood of the portuguese
There's a girl in front of me in the bus reading manhwa and playing kingdom maganement gachashit.
Shit taste but cute!
Good morning to the /med/ thread

This is what happens when you spend too much time in Scotland
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Does this happen in your country, /med/?
Only if you say something completely deranged
i am tired
I'm tired of being a NEET.
neetdom is a heavenly trade
NEETdom is terrible. At first it's freeing but then it's soul-destroying.
I don't think I would enjoy being a NEET, after a few days of doing nothing I already feel like a worthless nagger
Today's training.
Deadlift 3x1 with 270 kg.
Pull ups 3x10 with bodyweight.
Low row 3x8 with 100 kg.

The deadlift is feeling strong but maybe it's just that the plates in this gym weight less.
Today a dude in the gym mired me hard and also told me I look younger than 26 (we talked about my age because he was wondering if I was still a junior powerlifter or already in the open division).
The girl that was training with him ignored me completely.
>"Fuck, my appointment is in the morning and I have to travel through roads prone to traffic. I'll take a bus 1h30m before the appointment to be safe."
>no traffic, almost no stops, and buses arrived in time.
>I was at the location in 30 minutes.
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Any Italian here? Heading towards Bari this sunday for 2 weeks. How is the flooding situation right now? Am I going to be okay?
Befriended a (assumed) Jewish girl with Israeli and Russian passport at uni
Why don't you fuck off back to your shitty swamp
I want to have sex with Israeli women.
Specially if they killed people when in the army I find that shit extra hot.
Many such cases.
>this time, I will go less in advance
>arrive late

>my number? Here take this burner phone
Least racist Italian.

Ignore the racist scum Italian, Italians love tourists.
Sheit I forgot about conscription maybe that's why she's 23 in first year of uni
I was radicalised further against Malta's car-centricity. Travelling would be so blissful had we relied less on cars. Anyway, I walked around town for about a half an hour to pass time.
how can I be racist towards white folxs
Based, fuck D*tch "people"
...and saw a lot of trash thrown in a green area. Fucking troglodytes. To make things worse there was a (rather sad) chicken colony so they probably eat from the trash.
Planned by the vampires to block the sunlight so they can emerge from the shadows.
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Good morning sisters. Invited uncle to a Italian restaurant now that he's back in Hungary. Will enact TSD or eat some pizza, still yet to decide.
5x8 lat pulldowns
4x10 rows
3x12 hammer curls
3x8(+4 drop set) low rows
Rowing machine gave me calluses through fucking lifting gloves kek.

>I look younger than 2
Maybe that's because of your height KEK. (Sorry, that was rude)
Good amount of volume.
Should have done 3x15 back extensions with a 20 kgs plate to be honest with you because that literally won't tire me out, but my back was feeling kinda cringe (not painful, but absolutely not perfect either) so I skipped.
That's fine no worries.
I think that what's happening is that you have improved your neuromuscular efficiency, so now you can use more of your muscle when training so you are tiring out faster.
So naturally you end up doing less volume.
I want to fuck Italian girls and pay as little as possible when ordering stuff
Don't we all?
I hope you get robbed and beaten up.
I hope gypsies steal your organs
Thats incel talk anon. Just let it happen. My 192cm body on top of your tiny females.
If God is real why did he make me a manlet
Ate an original and good 'bab, 10€ doe.

Just a little trolling.
I can no longer see the sun due to the smoke and I'm 300km away from the fire, are the portuguese anons still alive?
How tall are you? I have one friend that is like less than 160 cm and i can't compete with his degree of suffering, even if i'm 172 cm king of manlets. At least in winter i have boots with thicker soles so i look taller.
>girls next to me talking about slop needed when you go the gym or something
Italian racism is against all central europe i see, wew
>Brapzilian incel
Another night of poor sleep, fuck my luck
>are the portuguese anons still alive
They are portudead
Im 165cm
Its fine normally but its fucking hell in uni among the other zoomers, I’m shorter than a lot of women there, why does everyone else get a single hell while I get fucked with two?
>172 cm
Rather average
Are you the Réunion anon (aka Herault)?
Because I remember you being a sex haver.

That's a standard deviation below average in my country, probably more in Poland.
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Thankfully i'm relatively old, for the zoomer generation i would probably be below average, they seem tall as fuck.
I understand your pain. A hug.
Portudad is portualive.
>Portudad is portualive.
>they seem tall as fuck.
Same here. I wonder what the fuck happened to this generation's DNA
Im not
Thanks fren
Nice face, nice ass, nice legs, nice heels
The worst thing about this is if I was in a manlet family I wouldn’t be seething but in fact all my siblings(males) are 180cm+ and my parents are average height
Height is not that crucial
How many siblings do you have?
My sister is 168 cm, so if she had XY instead of XX she would be taller than me.
my older brother is 178cm while my younger brother is 181cm
Are you the Lebanese anon?
No, I rarely visit this general or the board
big masquerade violation if true
>Are you the Réunion anon (aka Herault)?

That's me and yeah I'm 167cm and sexhaver
My gf is shorter than me though
>My gf is shorter than me though
Is your gf a barrell?
Good afternoon /med/, nice cloudy day with the kiddos.
I get joining the war, getting the gf and taking the jesuspill
awakening from the stupor of depression due to a renewed sense of purpose and having comrades in arms/significant other/brothers in faith to support you

but do gymcels really feel less depressed than before? is it really an effective route?
There are many studies on exercise helping with depression.
Here's a meta analysis on the topic.
>depressed? just go to war haha
Said no one ever, are you retarded? Only a literal psyco would enjoy himself at war.
Nah short women aren't exactly rare
The tricky part is finding one that does not lust after 180+ dudes
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I think all the ash has gone to his brain. Perhaps he is imagining the homecoming parades, where girls throw flower rings around his neck and kiss him on the cheek.
test to see if I'm shadowbanned
Great success
I didn't ask you that, I asked if being a gym rat helped you in particular
not only didn't I author that meme, that wasn't my question at all you imbecile
sorry if I wasn't clear, I am now aware that yoga helps tho so thanks I guess
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tried to post something earlier, but my post simply vanished for some reason
I reported it for being too good
This is a low quality board please stay coherent
>I didn't ask you that, I asked if being a gym rat helped you in particular
Irrelevant but it did.
very relevant gymrat
I care more about my fellow /med/ders than with rando test subjects

I know it may not be politically correct, but may a thousand curses befall the normies outside this here general
It's not relevant because for an experiment n=1 is not enough, if you want to know whether exercise is good for depression then you have to test many people and find how it affects a population not individuals.
>I get joining the war
I really really don't get that, it sounds retarded as fuck
It's not like people who create wojak memes are known for their ingenuity, so you should probably avoid to try and understand those
I don't want to know that, I want to know if it was good for you and Magyaranon
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I only shitpost, so our friends can justify their salaries
As someone who's always done sport/exercised in various fashions, I can tell from my perspective that it doesn't help, or it does in a very minor way

I hate those people who tell you that all you need to be happy is eating healthy, sleeping, exercising and shit
I do all of those things and yet I constantly feel bad
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Had prosciutto 'za with 3 different kids of really tasty cheese, some kind of cream cheese as the 4th kind, and onions . It was delicious.
Talked for almost an hour and a half with uncle, was nice meeting him after not seeing him for 2 years.
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request from goran
stop referring to him as a rusynoid since it kinda doxxes him and ruins his trolling schemes of passing as pure croatian blood
Are you using a captcha solver, this might be the reason.
Since I couldn't do it in the morning, I went for my walk now in the afternoon. Surprisingly, I did see some other people walking but it was mostly tourists, which I don't encounter in the morning. I think that I have identified the French language as I passed by them. Something funny happened. As I was walking, I passed by an unattended bicycle. As I was wondering about it, I saw a guy walking with a fast pace towards me; holding a bag in his left hand and some tool in his right. "Prickly pears! Prickly pears!" He said enthusiastically with what sounded like a British accent while holding the bag up. "They're everywhere!". I replied with a simple "nice", with the enthusiasm of a half of an exclamation mark. I wish I had the enthusiasm of that little old guy.
Personally i find exercise to be very helpful, but there are a few precisations to make: i've been a lazy one along all my early years, i started doing sports only around 20 yo. Maybe then my brain was already structured so that now doing phisical activity has more impact on me. Also, it's not like i start singing and get on a high like some pretend, i only get in a status where i can function properly, which for me is perfectly fine, and only rarely i get that pure energy boost, that lasts very little anyway.
Eating well, sleep well, all that stuff seems to just allow you to function properly. It doesn't cancel your problems. If you aren't satisfied with how your life is going, it's not some pushups and a salad that will fix it.
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Good day med am back from the cagie wagie.
Would yet let this gentleman enter your house if he asked nicely ?
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It was a warning - one you would be wise to heed.
He seemed very happy with what he had foraged.
Okily Dokily!

Catnigga's Nemesis

I think people refer to stuff like esprit de corps, you feel part of something and you have a goal, which help.
Getting chased by a drone won't solve your depression. Being with the lads in a communal lifestyle with a common goal might. War is part of what makes this esprit de corps, even if you don't like some dude, the things you endure together create strong links.
Just join a football team or something ffs.
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catnigga will see this and say
>stupid scottish whore! celtic tart! disgusting! she doesn't even have a moustache like muh portuguese ladies!
Would create Anglo-Normans with
War doesn't solve depression? Would you have depression if you're blown up into several parts and scattered across a field? I think not.
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Would you?
Personally I would.
Do you think she hates French people ?
I don't like tattooes
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Hello lads, the signal at the office is fucked so I wasn't able to slack and had to be productive.
What did I miss?

Also bosswoman brought me some plums and a cake she got in a reunion to make me feel better since I am sick and she told me not to share with the coworkers. I love my bosses.

Is that new ?
You can't call yourself an incel after this post, only volcel.
Social media posturing bothers me more than any tattoo would. Just the fact that they take these pics looking retarded pisses me off. But otherwise I obviously would, yeah.

There's a brown qt in my bus with edgy face tattoos, pretty hot too.
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She would look much better without them, that's all I'm saying
I got a bossman and a bosswoman. Both are pretty cool.
Of course, she wouldn't do me even at gunpoint though
brothers out here trying to revive the Auld Alliance
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are you plusdotato in your cunt?
No, I'm sadly average.
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Cute, right? Now imagine what she would look like if she were half-Portuguese.
I would sit down gently on her bed and calmy and rationally explain (for 45 minutes) why tattoos are bad, and the necessity of having them removed at her earliest convenience.
Volcel moment.
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My opinions on women are completely irrelevant, these are all just thought exercises for me.
The only reason I'm not an incel anymore is that I got lower standards than /med/
Fuck off sex doer
Just go for a fat girl, volcel
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it was the first post of the day, maybe there was a bug in the cooldown
>Good day med am back from the cagie wagie.
lucky bastard
>Would yet let this gentleman enter your house if he asked nicely ?
I don't think so
yes, but never in my home.... I wouldn't trust this bitch knowing my address
NEVER! Fatties are disgusting, even tho some young girls slightly fat would be passable for some plap i have to admit
Fick dich
Perhaps you mistyped the captcha?
Tried to post 10 mins ago, but after I clicked the post button, I noticed that I didn't type in the captcha properly. Was waiting to get the "mistyped captcha, try again" message, but the windows just disappeared as if I had succeeded in posting it (even though my post was not there) and I had to wait 60 seconds to try again.
Sin ti no soy nada una gota de agua una gota de lluvia mojando mi cara

Anything prepared for Halloween ? What should we do on /med/ for this occasion ?
Btw niggas I forgot to tell you that some lady in her 40s touched my hand today (even though it was by accident)
Basically I just had sex. See you later virgins.
australian kino
Thank you for laughing at my late post of yesterday Booma. I felt hecking valid.
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Did you sniff her hand? What did it smell like?
I just did a brofist to my neighbor just now, does it mean we had sex? Am I gay?
I have a spooky book club on that day as well as a spooky horror movie night with friends and I will dress up at work.
Yeah there's always a right balance to strike for sure. But I'm fine with stretching my physical tastes a bit for a nice personality.
I'm sorry for this, I just had to underline Andalusianon's fatphobia.
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I expect all the resident thread normies to be attending costume parties, where they'll be kissing slutty girls dressed up as mummies and vampires. Personally, I will probably rewatch The Thing while eating a kebab wrap.
Me gusta Amaral.
I like some songs too, spanish music was so much better in the 00's
Fat women wouldn't want to have sex with me anyway.
kek, that one really caught me offguard
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do you think amistan will ever come back
Why would you want amistan back when there's Extremely masculine spanish anon (me) who is much better
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i'm flying to valencia this weekend!!!!!
Bring Deutschland with you please
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i will leave Schland behind me, i am not going to sully my beloved Spain with traces of Schland
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me right now
Pump and dump
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I would sacrifice 83 million Schlanders just to save a single Spaniards fingernail
You are literally insane, i'm sure you have a word in german to specify your kind of illness
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The days shorten and soon enough, the shadows will grow long. Are you ready for a new autumn and the sacrifices it requires?
I wonder how many people saw it live
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that word is "soul"
i have a soul
I bet you are b*v*r*n
>a word in german to specify your kind of illness
It's the gay.
And schwul
My plan of going to the gym today has been ruined: it rained. I could have brought an umbrella but I made up my mind for not going plus, I'm a SLACKER so I'll go tomorrow. Lessons for tomorrow and part of next week are already planned at least. I ate lots of rice too for lunch.
But how low?
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ur the best
this has never been proved in a court of law
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Feeling quite melancholic this evening. In a cozy way
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in german, we have a word for that
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Let's hear it, fren
i think i found a project for myself. it's not that good nor interesting but it will do. now will look whether if anyone did it before
I think it's Schlössenhausenfruhbeitgeldbürger
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I hope you'll share with us when you're done, I'm curious.
I've also got a project in mind, I want to write another novella.
I will share this interesting bit of trivia to my friends and to cute girls during parties to impress them.
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Another day of NEETdom.
Will we ever be happy, brother?
Out of curiosity, what's with rice obsession and fitizens? Can't it be bread, potatoes or pasta? Why the damn bowl of unseasoned rice?
Like my compatriota said, she wouldn't touch me. I never appealed to this type of girl, at all. I disgust them. I would breed her in theory, but i would be kinda worried about stds.
Mental préparation for the Asian missus' cooking
wait are you an author? what did you wrote?
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I'm going to the Italian fast food tomorrow after jogging, what do I get lads ?

Nice, what is the spooky book club about ? Reading spooky books and telling what's happening in it to other people ?
There's always a reason to eat a good kebab desu
I'm not an author but I like to write stories sometimes. I wrote a horror story in 2 nights last year, it was pretty fun.
is there a way i can read it?
I think we'll never be able to achieve happiness but in a few fickle moments.

The hashish one.
Panzeroti sounds quite PANZERoti
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Based fellow wrooter. Maybe one day I'll randomly come across your story on AO3.
Where is the pizza? I barely recognise anything on this menu. I'm going to suggest that you ask for pizza and refuse to leave until they bring it to you.
I like panzerotti, they taste good
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focaccia jambon, petite salade et tiramisu
>nos viandes sont certifiées halal
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Panzerotti are basically pizza in a dough
Yeah I was thinking maybe a focaccia and a panzerotti with a tiramisu.
Also halal thing is in most small owned fast foods in France
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Some zoomer asked me if I was taking steroids and then told me he was taking some SARMS, he was like 60kg, the fuck's wrong with teens these days
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What did he say once you warned him about the dangers of heart attacks and erectile dysfunction?
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Yeah I can dump it there, it's only 5 pages so it shouldn't hog too much space.
I got inspired by the murder of Tim McLean and how fucked up that situation was and I wanted to write a twist on that.
Damn, I'd love to read your stories one day. In writing, you're the most witty and creative person I know. I never wrote fanfiction but must be fun, I'm sure you wrote some Judy romance story heheh. Now that I think about it, it wouldn't surprise me if you were famous on that website.
Vgh the based trinity twink dyel zoomer wanting to make it
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Unironically jambon focaccia like booma said.

>ur the best
T-that would be y-you.

My short and down to the point answer is: smartphones (and tablets).
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3 fromages!
Yesterday was the first time i did leg press and i really want to do it again, feels good
Andalucia, just out of curiousity, how impressive is a 2RM 160 kg squat? Is it around top 5% in your opinion?
It depends on gender, weight and training age as to wether it's impressive or not.
Also top 5% among general population, lifters, serious lifters?
Male, mid 30s, serious lifter but not powershitter.
though i don't understand much about fiction, i find it very nice. keep writing anon
Thanks fren, I will! ;)
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Alright by popular vote of the med food council it will be jambon focaccia with a panzerotti, tiramisu for dessert.
Are you preparing yourself for a famine?
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I need YOU to rate the food on a scale of 1-10 tomorrow.
I think it's fine, not very impressive because it isn't that hard to find someone like that, almost every man can get that with two years of regularly going to the gym.
Probably top 1% for general population, because general population standards are really low.
I would be shaking my head in disapproval whilst ramming her like a bronze cannon.
I wish.
If I was in your place, I'd stop looking at the menu as soon as I spot Arrabbiata.

I see, thanks.
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I don't get it
Of course, will post pic if I can
Does that mean you love or hate arrabbiata ?
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Getting a bit of déja vu. I think you posted this before, because I remember reading it. Or perhaps I had a premonition that you would one day write it.

Did you submit it to a website for peer review?
It seems you are storing all the energy you can before a famine breaks out
Literally me.
Love. I'd just go for it and ignore the rest.
I posted it here last year when I first wrote it.
>Did you submit it to a website for peer review?
No but I should because I want to improve. I thought about dropping it on /lit/'s dedicated thread but I felt a bit intimidated kek
Well it's always nice to eat good food after an intense effort of running
I could go for pasta but that would be too much desu
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Would be a waste if you dumped it on /lit/. Better to put it up on some website where you can collect reviews and brownie points from other visitors. Let their words feed your ego.
He couldn't say anything when I asked why he was taking them
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Good night med
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Good morning /med/, couldn’t really read the thread or post today.
As an apology, please accept these two gifts.
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Boobas sex
gonna pull an all-nighter. Allah will give me the STRENGTH i require İNŞALLAH
Half shitalian half poojeta, the epitome of poopy.
I’d pp in her poopy though.
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Little update, neither of the 2 girls wrote me again, so i guess it's back to square 0. One relatively good news is that i wrote to the girl that went away to study (plan to do so every 3-4 weeks, it's pointless to do more given the situation) and she replied, so that's good in my book.
Don't be picky mkay
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She looks like one of those women who's at that age where she wants to have sex all the time (I wish this was every age for women btw).
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>The first pink and the black dresses

The magical 30-40 years when their brains brainwash them and make them NEED a baby inside them.
They MUST get pregnant and they’ll get all the PLAPPLAPPLAP they can get to get there.
>What's your favourite erotic movie?
I almost cried the first time i watched titanic
Surprisingly, Spaniards are good at making erotic full feature films with good stories and lots of SEXO.
Seeing all that fine crystal and such going down was a shame, yeah.
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List some of them. Possibly, the best ones.
Only one option - breed.
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That scene in From Dusk Till Dawn.

You know the one.
Do maltese niggas have feelings? I swear
Questionable age aside, Leon.
People die all the time. I don't have enough tears to mourn them all.
Not bad
I agree
>List some of them. Possibly, the best ones.
Please, do it!
I understand you perfectly. If I were the director, I would do the same thing :D
We are talking bout titanic, wonderful movie
Yeah, Natalie Portman was as nice back then as she is now :D
Yes, that film. Lots of death and disaster.
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good idea, know where to start?
Blind Beast, where horror, guro and erotism meet.
Ok, I kind of want to be on a ship now.
Lucia y el Sexo
Mentiras y Gordas
La Pasión Turca

These are good films. The second one even has Ana de Armas doing kinky things.
Noted. Obrigado!
Hmmm, I should watch it
Have you seen Love (2015)?
It's basically the story of a guy that has two women. The sex is real. Kind of a mixed bag, but the sex itself is very good.
I have not, but I'm adding it to my list
Amadeo I es literalmente yo, solo que yo soy nativo y plebeyo...

It was rice with fish.
Shitty tattoos that diminish her attractive, but if she's hot that's what matters after all: just wanna fuqq.
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Ok, but still rice. Why that specific carb?
I will now proceed to legally download them for free.
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>good idea, know where to start?
I mostly used AO3, writing.com and a niche fetish website when I used to upload my writing, however, none of those seem applicable to your story except the middle one, and I hear it's gotten a bit shit in recent years. Maybe you could put it up their anyway, it's still one of the bigger sites for writing. Probably will give you the most viewership.
fuccccccccccccccccccccccck i hate chinese people so fucking much it's unreal
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